29 research outputs found


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    Tema ovoga rada je zagonetnost opstanka filozofije i filozofa u našem vremenu. Autor se poziva na sumnjama ispunjena razmišljanja ostarelog Edmunda Husserla, ukazujući na njegov stav da su filozofi funkcioneri čovečanstva, čija se filozofija bori za istinsku čovečnost, u ovim našim zlosrećnim vremenima. U radu se ističu promene koje su se desile tokom vremena koje nas deli od prvih decenija XX stoleća kada je nastajala fenomenologija, ukazuje se na iskušenja i stranputice pred kojima se sve vreme nalazi savremeno mišljenje, ali i na njegovu neophodnost na tragu iskustva fenomenologije koja je i danas živa, a što potvrđuje neprestajanjem da bude izvor pitanja o svetu i ljudskom opstanku u njemu.The subject of this article is the enigma concerning the subsistence of philosophy and philosophers in our time. The author invokes the doubt-filled reflections of aged Edmund Husserl, stressing the latter’s view that philosophers are functionaries of mankind, whose philosophy fights for true humanity in our star-crossed times. The article then points out the changes which occurred since the first decades of the 20th century, when the development of phenomenology began. Furthermore, it draws attention to the challenges and divergences with which contemporary thought is constantly faced, but also to the necessity of following the trail marked by the experiences of phenomenology which is still alive today, as confirmed by the fact that it never ceased to be a source of questions about the world and human subsistence in it

    Ewige Fragen am neuen Scheideweg. Perspektiven des zweiten Anfangs der Philosophie

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    Nakon veličanstvenoga početka u staroj Grčkoj, filozofija je u više navrata pokušavala ponoviti svoj početak. Stoga nije neobično što je tijekom svoje duge povijesti, kad god bi se našla u nekoj aporijskoj situaciji, proglašavala i svoj kraj, s manjom ili većom uvjerenošću, s manjom ili većom pompoznošću. Moglo bi se čak tvrditi i da je sa svakim velikim filozofom filozofija dolazila i do svoga kraja u smislu cjeline, no svi ti »krajevi« obično su se pokazivali kao plodonosni nastavci, a ne tragični, definitivni završeci. Ako se stoga filozofija promatra kao potraga za novim, drugim početkom, onda je stanje filozofije danas (u vrijeme za nju najnepogodnije, u vrijeme kada se ona svima čini nepotrebnom i spekulativnim balastom) najplodnije za promišljanje njene moguće perspektive i pitanja zalazimo li i mi s njom u posljednju njenu hebdomadu ili otvaramo još jedan drugi, no sasvim drugačiji početak. Ovo je tema moga priloga.Nach dem grandiosen Anfang im antiken Griechenland versuchte die Philosophie mehrmals ihre Anfänge zu wiederholen und daher ist es auch nicht verwunderlich, dass sie während ihrer langen Geschichte jedes Mal, wenn sie sich in einer Situation der Aporie befand, mit geringerer oder größerer Gewissheit, bzw. mit geringerer oder größerer Pomposität auch ihr Ende verkündete. Man könnte sogar behaupten, dass mit jedem größeren Philosophen die Philosophie an ihr Ende im Sinne ihres Ganzen gelangte, doch all diese „Enden“ haben sich gewöhnlich als fruchtbare Fortsetzungen und nicht als tragische und definitive Abschlüsse erwiesen. Wenn man daher die Philosophie als Suche nach einem neuen und zweiten Anfang betrachtet, dann ist der Stand der Philosophie heute (in einer für sie ungünstigsten Zeit, in einer Zeit, in der sie allseits als ein unnötiger und spekulativer Ballast angesehen wird) am fruchtbarsten für das Denken ihrer möglichen Perspektive und der Frage, ob wir mit ihr in ihre letzte Hebdomade treten, oder ob wir einen anderen, dafür jedoch gänzlich andersartigen Anfang machen. Dies ist das Thema meines Beitrags

    Philosophie der Lebenswelt vs. transzendentale Egologie. Zum 80. Geburtstag Ante Pažanins

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    U radu posvećenom osamdesetogodišnjici rođenja filozofa Ante Pažanina, učenika Joachima Rittera i Ludwiga Landgrebea, autor raspravlja o jednom od najdiskutiranijih pitanja kasne faze fenomenologije Edmunda Husserla – o odnosu svijeta života i transcendentalnog ega kao temeljima fenomenologije. Uzelac posebnu pažnju posvećuje formiranju Pažaninovih filozofskih stavova pod utjecajem Landgrebeove teze iz šezdesetih godina XX. stoljeća o Husserlovom napuštanju kartezijanskog puta, kao i potonjem Ritterovom utjecaju na Pažaninovo učešće u rehabilitiranje filozofije politike. U završnom djelu autor se, pozivanjem na Eugena Finka i Hansa-Georga Gadamera, vraća razmatranju problema formuliranog već u naslovu i ističe kontinuitet Husserlovog mišljenja zastupajući tezu da naglašavanje problematike svijeta života ne znači ni napuštanje kartezijanske tradicije, ni metafizike (koja se ne smije shvatiti skolastički reducirano).In seiner Arbeit, die dem 80-jährigen Geburtstag des Philosophen Ante Pažanin, dem Schüler von Joachim Ritter und Ludwig Landgrebe gewidmet ist, behandelt der Autor eine der meistdiskutierten Fragen der späten Phänomenologiephase von Edmund Husserl, nämlich das Verhältnis zwischen der Lebenswelt und des transzendentalen Ego als Grundlagen der Phänomenologie. Uzelac widmet besondere Aufmerksamkeit der Gestaltung von Pažanins philosophischen Standpunkten unter dem Einfluss von Landgrebes These aus den 60er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts über Husserls Abkehr vom kartesianischen Weg sowie Ritters späterem Einfluss auf Pažanins Beteiligung an der Rehabilitation der politischen Philosophie. Sich auf Eigen Fink und Hans- Georg Gadamer berufend, kehrt der Autor im Schlussteil zu der Erörterung des bereits im Titel formulierten Problems zurück und hebt die Kontinuität von Husserls Denken hervor, wobei er die These vertritt, dass die Betonung der Problematik der Lebenswelt nicht gleichbedeutend ist mit der Abkehr sowohl von der kartesianischen Tradition, als auch von der Metaphysik (die nicht scholastisch reduziert verstanden werden darf)

    Bioindicative values of microfungi in starch and possible deficiencies of the new Serbian regulation on food hygiene

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    The results of tests on the presence of yeasts and molds in cornstarch [AD ‘IPOK’ Zrenjanin, 2007-2008, made at the time when previous Regulations were valid] were analyzed in terms of bioindicative values of microfungi as indicators of quality and safety of raw material or final food products. Microbiological analysis was used to detect the presence of a number of microorganisms MMI-0001, and a questionnaire was designed at the Department of Public Health in Zrenjanin town (Republic of Serbia), where the anal­yses were done, regarding the microbiological tests on starch. In order to rationalize the analyses and make them more economical, several areas of product quality control (water, food, raw materials, space) were recommended either to be excluded or regarded as optional. Thus, analysis of presence of microfungi as indicators of product quality was categorized as optional. The results obtained from this research suggest a different conclusion because the bacteria in the samples indicated ˮmicrobiologically“, namely bacteriologically, safe samples of food, while, on the contrary, the presence of some microfungi as distinct xerophilous or xerotolerant microorganisms, indicated that the food was mycologically non-safe. The obtained data are crucial for questioning the decision to exclude the earlier required (mycological) analysis of the samples (in the production of starch, or end products, etc.) and categorize such analyses in new Regulations as optional, depending on the manufacturer’s preference. Bioindicative values of microfungi as indicators of the quality of starch, clearly point to the shortsightedness of the new Regulations on food hygiene and safety, where tests on certain microorganisms (in this case, yeasts and molds) are not legally defined as mandatory, but the Law leaves manufacturers a possibility to choose (or not to choose) the testing and frequency of testing on the presence (absence) of microorganisms, which can be risky, both in the production and marketing of the finial products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-179079

    Expression of bacteriocin LsbB is dependent on a transcription terminator

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    The production of LsbB, leaderless class II bacteriocin, is encoded by genes (lsbB and lmrB) located on plasmid pMN5 in Lactococcus lactis BGMN1-5. Heterologous expression of the lsbB gene using the pAZIL vector (pAZIL-lsbB) in L. lactis subsp. cremoris MG7284 resulted in a significant reduction (more than 30 times) of bacteriocin LsbB expression. Subcloning and deletion experiments with plasmid pMN5 revealed that full expression of LsbB requires the presence of a complete transcription terminator located downstream of the lsbB gene. RNA stability analysis revealed that the presence of a transcription terminator increased the RNA stability by three times and the expression of LsbB by 30 times. The study of the influence of transcription terminator on the expression of other bacteriocin genes (lcnB, for lactococcin B production) indicated that this translational terminator likely functions in a lsbB-specific manner rather than in a general manner

    Expression of bacteriocin LsbB is dependent on a transcription terminator

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    The production of LsbB, leaderless class II bacteriocin, is encoded by genes (lsbB and lmrB) located on plasmid pMN5 in Lactococcus lactis BGMN1-5. Heterologous expression of the lsbB gene using the pAZIL vector (pAZIL-lsbB) in L. lactis subsp. cremoris MG7284 resulted in a significant reduction (more than 30 times) of bacteriocin LsbB expression. Subcloning and deletion experiments with plasmid pMN5 revealed that full expression of LsbB requires the presence of a complete transcription terminator located downstream of the lsbB gene. RNA stability analysis revealed that the presence of a transcription terminator increased the RNA stability by three times and the expression of LsbB by 30 times. The study of the influence of transcription terminator on the expression of other bacteriocin genes (lcnB, for lactococcin B production) indicated that this translational terminator likely functions in a lsbB-specific manner rather than in a general manner


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    Augmented and mixed reality is already considered as needful technology of the modern production systems. It is primarily employed to virtualize proper digital content, mainly related to 3D objects, into the human visual field allowing people to visualize and understand complex spatial shapes, their mutual relations, and positioning. Yet, the huge potential of the technology is waiting to be revealed in its usage for collecting and recording human observations and inferences about the context of the production environment. Its bi-directional interface makes it the most direct and the most efficient knowledge capturing means to date. The paper presents the challenges and benefits that come from the usage of a conceptual interface of an mixed reality application that is designed to collect data, semantics and knowledge about the production context directly from the man-in-process. As a production environment for the development, implementation, and testing of mixed reality applications for this purpose, various processes for the assembly and maintenance of medium-voltage equipment were used