9 research outputs found

    Análisis retrospectivo de la adopción de semillas de maíz híbrido en el estado de Tlaxcala

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    The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural, SADER) continues the search for increased yields and profitability of corn. To achieve this, among other actions, it bets on the adoption and sowing of hybrid corn. In the market, there are transnational and national companies, and producer groups that produce these seeds. Transnational companies have taken theirs to different states. To Tlaxcala among others, where seeds were marketed since 1984 from these companies and others obtained by INIFAP. In 2011 with the MasAgro Program, work was done to obtain new seeds in the entity. However, the level of adoption is low. The objective of this study was to identify the characteristics of the farmers who show a willingness to sow them. The focus of this sociological study was fieldwork to obtain direct information from farmers in 17 municipalities in the state of Tlaxcala. The information was analyzed with the Chi-square statistic and a logistic regression. The results and conclusions show that farmers who know hybrid seeds and whose objective is to sell are willing to plant them. All of them (100%) prefer native seeds for family and animal consumption. Native corn today continues to be in demand in the Tlaxcala market.La Secretaría de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural (SADER) da continuidad a la búsqueda del aumento de los rendimientos y la rentabilidad del maíz. Para lograrlo, entre otras acciones, apuesta a la adopción de maíz híbrido. El mercado de semilla se conforma de empresas trasnacionales, nacionales y grupos de productores. Las empresas transnacionales han llevado las suyas a diferentes estados. A Tlaxcala entre otros, en donde desde 1984 comercializaban semillas de estas empresas y otras obtenidas por Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Forestales Agrícolas y Pecuarias (INIFAP). En 2011 con el Programa MasAgro, se trabajó para obtener nuevas semillas en la entidad. No obstante, el nivel de adopción es bajo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue identificar las características de los agricultores que muestran disposición a sembrarlas. Este estudio tuvo como eje, trabajo de campo para obtener información de agricultores de 17 municipios del estado. La información se analizó con el estadístico Chi-cuadrada y una regresión logística. Los resultados y conclusiones apuntan que, los agricul­tores que conocen las semillas híbridas y cuya intención es vender, tienen disposición a sembrarlas. El 100% prefieren semillas nativas para consumo familiar y de sus animales

    Strategy to strengthen the traditional milpa family production systems

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    Objective: To characterize family production units (FPUs) to identify critical points for their activities and propose intervention strategies for them. Design/methodology/approach: The research took place at Yaxcabá municipality, state of Yucatán, Mexico. It is descriptive and its information obtained through 1) a questionnaire in a mobile application compatible with the Android operating system, structured by modules: producer data, FPU characteristics, crops, infrastructure, machinery, equipment, and marketing. The sample size was randomized with replacement, under the maximum variance condition, 2) assessment visits to the farmer’s plots and 3) participatory community diagnosis workshops. Results: The traditional milpa system was oriented to the cultivation of corn, beans and squash of creole origin, for consumption by the FPUs with minimum technologies usage. Through apiculture, producers obtain an economic resource to finance other activities, including those of the milpa. It is, therefore, necessary to strengthen their productive capacities of this activity with a chain approach, for the diversification of their products and derivatives of their hives that allow their income to increase. Limitations on study/implications: The proposals and intervention strategies may only be applied to the production system in the evaluated area. Findings/conclusions: The strategies for the traditional milpa production should be oriented to food security, biodiversity preservation and the nutritional health of their related population. Apuculture strategies should aim to include producers in the value chain

    Strategy to strengthen the traditional milpa family production systems

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    The work carried out in the municipality of Yaxcabá, Yuc. milpera population of the State. The research was descriptive and the information collected through: 1) questionnaire for a mobile application compatible with the Android operating system structured by modules (producer data, characteristics of the production unit, characterization of crops, infrastructure, machinery and equipment and, marketing). The sample size was obtained by random drawing with replacement, under the condition of maximum variance, 2) visits to the farmer's plots for validation of the information and, 3) participatory workshops. The objective of this research was to characterize the family production units to generate knowledge about the critical points of their activities to propose intervention strategies in the territory. For the milpa system, seven problems identified: technical (2), social (2), economic (1) and environmental (2). The scale of production is 2.6 ha and yields of 0.5 t / ha. For the beekeeping activity, eight problems were identified: technical (2), social (2) and economic (4) and as this activity is a provider of economic resources to solve others, it is necessary to strengthen the productive capacities of beekeepers with a focus on chains, for the diversification of products and derivatives of the colemena that allow them to increase their income.Objective: To characterize family production units (FPUs) to identify critical points for their activities and propose intervention strategies for them.Design/methodology/approach: The research took place at Yaxcabá municipality, state of Yucatán, Mexico. It is descriptive and its information obtained through 1) a questionnaire in a mobile application compatible with the Android operating system, structured by modules: producer data, FPU characteristics, crops, infrastructure, machinery, equipment, and marketing. The sample size was randomized with replacement, under the maximum variance condition, 2) assessment visits to the farmer’s plots and 3) participatory community diagnosis workshops.Results: The traditional milpa system was oriented to the cultivation of corn, beans and squash of creole origin, for consumption by the FPUs with minimum technologies usage. Through apiculture, producers obtain an economic resource to finance other activities, including those of the milpa. It is, therefore, necessary to strengthen their productivecapacities of this activity with a chain approach, for the diversification of their products and derivatives of their hives that allow their income to increase.Limitations on study/implications: The proposals and intervention strategies may only be applied to the production system in the evaluated area.Findings/conclusions: The strategies for the traditional milpa production should be oriented to food security, biodiversity preservation and the nutritional health of their related population. Apuculture strategies should aim to include producers in the value chain

    Sustentabilidad socioeconómica y ambiental de los sistemas de producción de maíz de temporal

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    The work was carried out in the state of Campeche through surveys with rainfedmaize producers to describe the technological, management, socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of the production systems. Two multivariate analysis techniques were used to reduce and classify the information. For the environmental analysis, a sustainable agricultural aptitude index was generated with information on the physical-chemical characteristics of the soil. The results indicated that 65.5% of the producers that were interviewed used the conventional system for the production of rainfedmaize, and although they were located in areas with an agricultural vocation, differences in technification and socioeconomic differences were identified. The other 34.5% of producersuse minimal tillage and were located in areas with a livestock vocation. Despite the fact that the sustainable agricultural aptitude index placed 71% of the producers within the moderate category, it is necessary to implement strategies to minimize the extraction of nutrients in the soil since the producers pay very little when applying doses below the recommended.Negative values were obtained in the indicator of anaerobic potential mineralization of nitrogen associated with soil fertility in the two predominant soil groups Leptosols with -14.7 and Vertisols with -27.9.El trabajo se realizó en el estado de Campeche a través de encuestas con productores de maíz de temporal para describir las características tecnológicas y de manejo, socioeconómicas y culturales de los sistemas de producción. Se utilizaron dos técnicas de análisis multivariado para la reducción y clasificación de la información. Para el análisis ambiental se generó un índice de aptitud agrícola sustentable con información de las características físico-químicas del suelo. Los resultados indicaron que 65.5% de los productores que se entrevistaron utilizaron el sistema convencional para la producción de maíz de temporal y aunque se ubicaron en zonas de vocación agrícola, se identificaron diferencias en tecnificación y socioeconómicas. El otro 34.5% de productores utilizan labranza mínima y se ubicaron en zonas de vocación pecuaria. A pesar que el índice de aptitud agrícola sustentable ubicó 71% de los productores dentro de la categoría moderada, es necesario implementar estrategias para minimizar la extracción de los nutrientes en el suelo ya que los productores retribuyen muy poco al aplicar dosis por debajo de lo recomendado. En el indicador de mineralización potencial anaerobia del nitrógeno asociado con la fertilidad del suelo se obtuvo valores negativos en los dos grupos de suelo predominantes Leptosoles con -14.7 y Vertisoles con -27.9

    Diagnóstico socioeconómico del cultivo de sandía en el estado de Campeche, México

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    Watermelon in Campeche, Mexico is a crop of outstanding importance because of its potential market, as it is demanded throughout the year by local consumers. The State-wide average watermelon acreage from 2007 to 2012 was 1613 ha; of it, 80.93% concentrated in the municipalities ofCampeche and Hopelchén whose production was approximately together 33 267 t of a State total of39 955 t, the latter valued at 117 338 thousand pesos. Therefore, a socioeconomic diagnosis of the watermelon crop was held in Campeche to identify the main features of the producer, the market and relevant aspects of the production system to facilitate decision-making. A six-year statistical information from official sources in the calculation of basic agricultural indicators was collected. The characteristics of the producer and relevant technical aspects were obtained directly through a structured questionnaire. The method used to determine the sample size was proportional stratified random distribution with a pressure of 5% and confidence level of 95%. The data were analysed with the Statistical Package Software and Predictive Analytical Solut (PASS) version 21. Levene test homogeneity of variance contrasting the hypothesis (H0: σ21 = σ22 = σ23) ANOVA was used of one factor, maintaining the hypothesis (H0: μ1= μ2= μ3) to compare means and identify significant differences by stratum (K1 and K2). The most relevant results indicated differences between groups for entry (K1= 4578.81)vs(K2=4 578.81) vs (K2= 7 958.33), plantings (K1=5.45 ha) vs (K2= 14.13 ha) but not for the amount of the fertilizer used (K1= 119.68 kg ha of 18-46-00), (K1=46.84 kg ha of 12-00-46), (K1=41.30 kg ha of 12-61-00) vs (132.94 kg ha K2= 18- 46-00), (K2= 80.64 kg ha of 12-00-46), (K2= 55.06 kg ha of 12-61-00) and yield (K1= 27.67 t ha-1) vs (K2= 31.09 t ha¹).La sandía en Campeche, México es un cultivo de relevante importancia debido a su potencial de mercado, ya que es demandada durante todo el año por los consumidores locales. La superficie estatal promedio sembrada de sandía de 2007 a 2012 fue de 1 613 ha; de ella, 80.93% se concentró en los municipios de Hopelchén y Campeche cuya producción en conjunto fue de aproximadamente 33 267 t de un total estatal de 39 955 t, estas últimas valoradas en 117 338 miles de pesos. Por tal motivo, se realizó un diagnóstico socioeconómico del cultivo de sandía en Campeche para identificar las principales características del productor, el mercado y aspectos relevantes del sistema de producción para facilitar la toma de decisiones. Se recopiló información estadística de seis años en fuentes oficiales para el cálculo de indicadores agropecuarios básicos. Las características del productor y aspectos técnicos relevantes se obtuvieron de manera directa a través de un cuestionario estructurado. El método utilizado para determinar el tamaño de muestra fue aleatorio estratificado con distribución proporcional con una presión de 5% y nivel de confianza de 95%. La información fue analizada con el paquete estadístico Predictive Analytical Software and Solut (PASS) versión 21. Se realizó el test de Levene sobre homogeneidad de varianzas contrastando la hipótesis (H0: σ²1 = σ²2 = σ²3) Se usó el Anova de un factor, manteniendo la hipótesis (H0: μ1= μ2= μ3), para la comparación de medias e identificar diferencias significativas por estrato (K1 y K2). Los resultados más relevantes indicaron que existen diferencias entre grupos para el ingreso (K1= 4578.81)vs(K2=4 578.81) vs (K2= 7 958.33), superficie sembrada (K1= 5.45ha) vs (K2=14.13 ha) pero no para cantidad de fertilizante utilizado (K1=119.68 kg ha de 18-46-00), (K1= 46.84 kg ha de 12-00-46), (K1= 41.30 kg ha de 12-61-00) vs (K2=132.94 kg ha de 18-46-00), (K2= 80.64 kg ha de 12-00-46), (K2= 55.06 kg ha de 12-61-00) y rendimiento obtenido (K1=27.67t ha-1) vs (K2= 31.09 t ha-1)

    Preferencias de consumo por productos derivados del cocotero en la Península de Yucatán, México

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    The coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) is native from Asia and is one of the most iconic tropical crops. Its importance has driven the development of various industries such as fiber substrates, bottling, oil, machines, candy and wood, among others. In Mexico the commercial cultivation of coconut is over a hundred years and for decades was the engine of the economy in coastal regions of both the Pacific (Guerrero, Colima, Oaxaca, Michoacan, Sinaloa, Jalisco and Chiapas) as the Gulf and Caribbean (Tabasco, Veracruz, Campeche, Yucatán and Quintana Roo). However, from 1999 it planted area was reduced, a situation that led the activity to a point of instability and decline. In this context, the search for new options that add value to products and derivatives from coconut is a need to increase the competitiveness of producers. Hence, the objective of this research is to analyze consumer preferences towards three alternatives derived from coconut: tuba, oil and coconut water. To do so, a study of organoleptic tests was supplemented by structured interviews during 2010 and 2011 in three towns in southeastern Mexico. For tuba coconut was identified that flavor is the attribute that scored highest with 5.97, ranking in the taste of 93.9% of respondents in the three towns. Other attributes such as appearance and color, both qualified with 5.95. In the case of food made with coconut oil, was rated as tasty and identified as a potential consumption of three bottles of coconut oil per month of 500 ml, being plastic container the top choice. Coconut water is mainly seen as seasonal, although most consumers would be willing to consume bottled coconut water in 500 ml presentation if the packaging process ensures preservation of flavor and nutritional propertiesEl cocotero Cocos nucifera es originario de Asia y constituye uno de los cultivos más emblemáticos de los trópicos. Su importancia ha impulsado el desarrollo de diversas industrias como: fibra y sustratos, embotelladoras, aceiteras, procesadoras, dulces, madera, entre otros. En México el cultivo comercial de cocotero tiene más de cien años y durante décadas fue motor de la economía de las regiones costeras tanto del Pacífico (Guerrero, Colima, Oaxaca, Michoacán, Sinaloa, Jalisco y Chiapas) como del Golfo y Caribe (Tabasco, Veracruz, Campeche, Yucatán y Quintana Roo). No obstante, a partir de 1999 se fue reduciendo la superficie cultivada, situación que llevó a la actividad a un punto de inestabilidad y decadencia. En este contexto, la búsqueda de nuevas opciones que agreguen un valor a los productos y derivados del coco es una necesidad para incrementar la competitividad de los productores. De ahí, que el objetivo de esta investigación sea analizar las preferencias de los consumidores hacia tres derivados alternativos del cocotero: tuba, aceite y agua de coco. Para ello se realizó un estudio de pruebas organolépticas que fueron complementadas con entrevistas estructuradas durante 2010 y 2011, en tres ciudades del sureste de México. Para la tuba de coco se identificó que el sabor fue el atributo que obtuvo mayor puntaje con 5.97, ubicándose en el gusto del 93.9% de los entrevistados en las tres entidades. Le siguen otros atributos como la apariencia y color, ambos calificados con 5.95. En el caso de la comida elaborada con aceite de coco fue calificada como sabrosa y se identificó un consumo potencial de tres botellas de aceite de coco al mes de 500 ml, siendo el envase de plástico el más elegido. En el agua de coco se trata principalmente de consumidores estacionales, aunque la mayoría estarían dispuestos a consumir agua de coco embotellada en presentación de 500ml si el proceso del envasado garantiza una conservación del sabor y propiedades nutricionales


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    The maize with 154,480 ha, covers 74.41% of the total area sown to cyclic crops, this proportion is 99.4% making it a priority crop because of its economic impact on the sector. In recent years INIFAP has made various efforts for the technology transfer oriented to increased productivity of corn. In 2011 INIFAP estimated corn yield and identified key characteristics of farmer. Taking a population of 13,185 corn farmers who benefited with seed in 2010. It was estimated a sample size of 388 farmers with simple random sampling, with a confidence level of 95% and accuracy of Z α / 2 = 0.05. Questionnaires were administered and applied in ten of the eleven municipalities of the state, which were interwied in his plot corn yields measure their in the field. The most relevant results derived from the study indicate that 75.48% (9,952 farmers) planted with machinery and the remaining 24.52% (3,233 farmers) manually or spar. Most producers are adults aged 50 to 54 years, all literate with on average five years of studies and more than 27 years of experience in the production of corn. In terms of ethnic composition over half 57.87% were of Mayan descent, mestizos 23.37%, 13.50% of foreign origin (Guatemala) and 5.30% Mennonites. At planting prevailed in 62.50% of the farmers using hybrid seed, who obtained 4.6 ton ha-1, 18.99% planted some kind of variety and get 2.9 ton ha-1 and finally 26.68% used local varieties and get 2.4 ton ha-1 yield. The average farm size differed by region and type of tillage. The average area planted per farmer was higher in the northern and central region up to 10 hectares versus southern region with areas up to 3 hectares. In the northern and central sowing machinery was made in contrast to southern planting is usually done manually or spar. The activities usually performed by farmers for soil preparation are slashing and agricultural harrow, control applications made before the germination of corn and most fertilized with planting, it was made by a majority of farmers during the period June 11 to July 30, 2011


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    The average maize area produced under rainfed conditions, between 2007 and 2013, in the Yucatan Peninsula was 372,293 hectares. 41.94% was planted in the state of Campeche and 39.34% and 18.72% in Yucatán and Quintana Roo states respectively (SIAP, 2013). However, studies by the National Research System (INIFAP) with satellite images and field verification (from 2010 to 2013), identified just 197,108 hectares devoted to growing corn in the same region where the state of Campeche covered 63.42% of the total identified surface (Cano et al., 2013). Despite the importance of maize to the farmers there is no enough information related to the conventional farming systems to be analyzed in terms, not only, on yield but on production costs and net income. Therefore this work aimed to technically and economically evaluate the maize production systems located in the Yucatan Peninsula where 43 sites were selected and a direct interview to farmers were applied. The yield was estimated on field, considering agronomic variables using INIFAP methodology and the total cost of technology, total income, profitability, cost-benefit, cost-effectiveness and private efficiency was calculated. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package Software and Predictive Analytical Solut (PASS) version 21. Levene test for homogeneity of variance was conducted contrasting the hypothesis (H0: and the ANOVA test, maintaining the hypothesis (H0:μ1 = μ2 = μ3), was used to compare means and identify significant differences by state and type of farmer. No significant differences between the age and education of producers were found, but differences were found among the experience of producers; the farmers of Campeche being more experienced, with 32 years, than the others. Statistical analysis concluded no significant difference between total production costs among states and, therefore, the production costs of technology in the whole Yucatan Peninsula were set at 6,448.93perhectare.Thetotalincomeperhectarewassimilarinthethreestates( 6,448.93 per hectare. The total income per hectare was similar in the three states ( 9,149.95); however the net income per hectare was higher in the state of Yucatán ($ 3,172.15) due to better price of grain rather than yield increases. Economic indicators (profitability, cost-benefit and economic efficiency) drove to the conclusion that corn farmers of the Yucatan Peninsula are cost effectives and economically efficient

    Preferencias y percepciones asociadas con semilla mejorada de maíz según productores de Veracruz Central, México

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    Con objeto de conocer las variables que motivan la decisión de siembra de semillas mejoradas de origen INIFAP, se aplicaron 100 cuestionarios a productores de maíz en ocho municipios de Veracruz Central durante 2015.Las variables socioeconómicas asociadas con las decisiones de siembra fueron:cercanía del punto de venta (r=0.9451) y conoce las semillas del INIFAP (r=0.9199). La variable técnica más importante fue:reconocer ventajas sobre las semillas criollas (r=0.6162). Las características perceptuales más importantes (p<0.0001) que motivan la siembra de semilla INIFAP, fueron: sabor de tortilla (r=0.558), y aptitud para nixtamalización (r=0.4369).El INIFAP se posicionó(78%) en el mercado regional con H-520 y VS-536, cuya ventaja es el rendimiento en grano,comparada con materiales criollos.Las características perceptuales que los entrevistados perciben del H-520son, buen sabor de tortilla(r=0.4117), apto para nixtamalización(r=0.4115), buena consistencia (r=0.2583) y rendimiento/masa y tortilla (r=0.2366). La variedad VS-536, es percibida con buen aroma (r=0.3315), buen tiempo de cocción(r=0.2124), y rendimiento/masa y tortilla(r=0.2311). Los datos indican que las características perceptuales no favorecen a los materiales INIFAP, tampoco las formas de difusión actuales motivan la siembra de sus semillas,la recomendación de amigos y familiares es la influencia más importante (r=0.5336). Palabras clave: híbridos, variables perceptuales, variables socioeconómicas,variedadesIn order to know the variables that motivate the decision to plant improved seeds of INIFAP origin, 100 questionnaires were applied to corn producers in eight municipalities of Central Veracruz during 2015. The socioeconomic variables associated with planting decisions were: closeness of the point of sale (r= 0.9451) and knows (r) the seeds of the INIFAP (r= 0.9199). The most important technical variable was: to recognize advantages over creole seeds (r= 0.6162).The most important perceptual characteristics (p< 0.0001) that motivate the seed of INIFAP seed were: tortilla flavor (r= 0.558), and aptitude for nixtamalization (r= 0.4369). The INIFAP was positioned (78%) in the regional market with materials H-520 andVS-536, whose technical advantage is the grain yield, compared with native materials. The perceptual characteristics that the interviewees perceive in the H-520 and that favor their sowing are, good taste of tortilla (r= 0.4117), apt for nixtamalization (r= 0.4115), good consistency (r= 0.2583) and yield/mass and tortilla (r= 0.2366). The variety VS-536, is perceived with good aroma (r= 0.3315), good cooking time (r= 0.2124), and yiel /mass and tortilla (r= 0.2311). The data indicate that the perceptual characteristics do not favor the INIFAP materials, nor do the current forms of dissemination motivate the sowing of their seeds, and it has been the recommendation of friends and family the most important influence (r= 0.5336). Keywords:hybrids, perceptual variables, socioeconomic variables,varieties