33 research outputs found

    Determination of GSM Signal Strength Level in Some Selected Location in EKPOMA

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    In this work, the empirical method was adopted because it involves the measurement of large data, with the help of software called RF signal tracker which was installed in a mobile phone called Samsung galaxy pocket, this software gave us the distance to site (base station) and the signal strength level of the network provider at a particular distance. From my data, it was observed that the calculation of path loss with log – distance model which is deterministic is not as accurate as the empirical model (generated model), the generated model gave a better and more accurate result than the existing ones, and that the path loss exponents of the tested locations was fully known. Model was developed to calculate the power received of GSM signal in Ekpoma and the model was named “Generated model”

    Implementation of a Community Emergency Security Alert System

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    Emergency alert and response is carried out in different ways around the world. Governments, corporate bodies and individuals take emergencies very seriously and continue to develop ingenious ways of responding to emergencies very swiftly. Most Urban areas have well-developed emergency response systems but this is not true of rural and sub-urban settlements. Security risk keeps increasing by the day due to rapid population growth. This is particularly true at the grassroots or community level. This paper proposes a very effective and economical way of alerting a community to all kinds of security emergencies. It incorporates the use of a mobile application that was codenamed “CEMAS” (Community Emergency Alarm System). The mobile application with a “Panic button” on it provides all inhabitants of the community with the means of triggering two SMS-activated central alarms. The first alarm is located at the community center and the second at the community police station. The central alarm system is activated by pressing the “Panic Button” whenever there is a security threat. The designed and implemented system worked satisfactorily well

    Determination and Analysis of Signal/Path-Loss Exponent

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    In wireless communication, the path loss exponent has a strong impact on the quality of links or signal, and hence, there are needs to accurately estimate the efficient design and operation of wireless network. Many research efforts have been devoted to modeling the path loss propagation effects for narrowband communication systems by using different methods ranging from analytical models, semi-empirical models, to empirical models. Telecommunication industries today have a major problem which is losses that occur during transmission of signals from the transmitter to the receiver. In this thesis, the empirical method was adopted though it is so stressful because it involves the measurement of large data, with the help of a software called RF signal tracker which was installed in a mobile phone called Samsung galaxy pocket, this software gave us the distance to site (base station) and the signal strength level of the network provider at a particular distance. A fixed distance was taken from the base station to the receiver and in this research work a particular fixed distance was taken as 100m from the base station which was represented as d0 and a variable distance which was represented as di. From result than the existing ones, and that the path loss exponents of the tested locations was fully known. A mathematical model was developed to calculate the power received of GSM signal in Ekpoma and the model was named Anyasi’s model”. From calculations the path loss exponent values were 1.48, 1.34, 1.11 and 1.48 dBm respectively for the tested locations namely; College of medicine, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Ujoelen Ekpoma, Eguare Ekpoma and Emaudo Campus, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. Comparing the signal strength obtained from the generated model and the measured signal strength obtained from RF signal tracker, it was observed that they are almost of the same values my data, it was observed that the calculation of path loss with log – distance model which is deterministic is not as accurate as the empirical model (generated model), the generated model gave a better and more accurat

    Implementation of an RF based wireless automated energy metering and billing system

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    There are certain electrical power losses which have been affecting the availability of electrical power in developing countries. The rate of non-technical losses in developing countries is quite high which ranges from electricity theft and non-payment of bills. Therefore, this paper is aimed at the design and implementation of a Radio Frequency (RF) based wireless automatic energy meter reading system. This system uses a digital energy meter consisting of current and voltage sensors, analog to digital converters, a microcontroller and a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) unit. The Base Station Wireless interfaced device was able to perform the desired interfacing function between the energy meter and the base station. Bills and reports were generated by the PC software and the outputs were found to be accurate. This system does not only reduce the cost of labour but also increases meter reading accuracy

    A Review: Evolution of 5G, Security and Multiple Access schemes in Mobile Communication

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    5G wireless communication is a next generation technology that is set to beat 4G LTE and provide maximum internet speed (Gbps) and high base station capacity. The need for 5G is due to the multiplying increase of smart phones and instantaneous data, introduction of fresh evolving multimedia applications. Security has also been and will be a vital issue in mobile communication systems, especially in key production processes and mobile users’ authentication. In this paper, I intend to make a review of the evolution of wireless communication towards 5G networks alongside key production solutions and authentications and also discuss the different types of multiple access schemes and comparisons used in mobile communication

    An Analytics Enabled Wireless Anti-Intruder Monitoring and Alarm System

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    Home intruder detection and alarm system rely on a number of factors to determine if an alarm should be triggered. These factors depend greatly on the type of sensors used and the amount of analytical capability built into the alarm system. Presently, most home intruder detection and alarm systems in the market are highly prone to false alarms because they do not have any analytical capability. In this paper, an analytics enabled wireless anti-intruder monitoring and alarm system that is simple and low in cost is proposed. The proposed alarm system uses still images and the location of sensed motion within the premises of the home to help home owners make informed alarm triggering decisions. The designed security system offers the option of allowing multiple key holders receive security alerts via the cellular network‟s Short Message Service (SMS). The system also gives the option of sending distress messages to the police or trusted neighbours

    Design and Simulation of a Smart Traffic System in a Campus Community.

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    Road traffic within campus communities has increased tremendously. More persons are now moving around campuses with vehicles than previously recorded. This development will pose a major traffic challenge if it is not addressed urgently. Standard technologies for traffic management in campus communities do not have a computerized framework that can control traffic based on detected level of congestion. The main purpose of this research is to propose a more efficient and effective system for road traffic management in a campus community. The system is completely automated and can manage the ever mounting traffic in campus communities. The proposed campus traffic management system was simulated using Proteus®. Tests carried out on the simulated reallife campus traffic scenario confirmed that the proposed campus traffic management system was better than conventional traffic control systems in existence on campuses

    The telecom value chain, opportunities and revenues created by the nigerian telecom boom

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    In Nigeria today, we face a serious economic challenge which is as a result of our swindling primary source of revenue (oil), there is fear amongst our economists which is can Nigeria bounce back to what she once was? Can there be an alternative source to serve as a buffer to what we already have. This study aims to bring to prime focus, an industry which has begun blooming in the background. Despite the publicity and popularity enjoyed by today’s telecom giants in the country, there is very little knowledge pertaining to the tremendous impact that it has had directly or indirectly on our economy over the years. Since the liberalization of the telecom industry that brought about the involvement of private investors into the sector, the opportunities and revenues generated has brought about a tremendous effect on the economy. The telecom sector is only second after the oil and gas industry in the amount of finance it contributes to the federal account. This paper discusses some of the value chains, opportunities, revenue that the telecom industry has brought to Nigeria. It uses data obtained from relevant authorities

    Wireless Intelligent Electricity Metering and Billing System (WIMBIS)

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    This paper presents a novel smart meter design with a focus on the peculiarities of energy metering and billing challenges in Nigeria. The smart meter can be remotely configured at the control centre to work in either pre-paid or post-paid mode which allows for flexibility for various types of customers. The microcontroller based meter communicates with the energy company control centre via SMS using the embedded GSM Module. Using an LCD display or the globally accessible web based portal, the customer can track and manage their energy usage according to their financial means

    Analysis and Implementation of Fiber to the Home Network Using Peace Estate Lagos as a Case Study

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    Fibre based access networks can deliver performance that can support the increasing demand for high speed connections. The conventional copper-based and coax solutions can no longer meet the increasing demand for high speed internet, hence the introduction of Fibre to the Home network. Fibre to the Home (FTTH) provides an excellent platform for ultra-high speed access technologies. This study takes a look at the design and implementation of a FTTH network using the point-to-point (P2P) architecture. Point-to-point architecture is one of the easiest methods of deploying fibre to the home. This paper also looks at the advantages of P2P architecture, the process involved in designing, selecting the equipment and deploying FTTH. The possible challenges that might be faced when deploying the network are also highlighted