30 research outputs found

    Genetic, Genomic Science in Nursing

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    İnsan genomu haritasının 2003 yılında tamamlanması ile sağlığı geliştirme, sürdürme ve tedavi alanlarında birçok yeni yaklaşımın kapısıaçılmıştır. Genetik araştırmalar ile elde edilen bilgiler bugün kanser, diyabet, inme gibi sık görülen hastalıkların genetik öğelerini daha iyianlamamızı, yaygın ya da nadir olarak görülen hastalıkların taranmasını, önlenmesini, tanı ve tedavisini kolaylaştıran yeni teknolojileringeliştirilmesini olanaklı kılmaktadır. Hemşireler sağlık bakım hizmetlerinin ön sıralarında yer alan sağlık personelidir ve bu konumlarındandolayı aile öyküsü alma, genetik testler için aydınlatılmış onam alma, gene dayalı tedavileri uygulama, genetik danışmanlık sağlama gibigenetik ve genomik temelli aktivitelerde yer alabilmektedirler. Sağlık bakımı alanındaki bu yeni gelişmeler bir taraftan toplumdaki sağlıkbakım gereksinimlerini, diğer taraftan da hemşirelerin uygulamalarını ve toplumun hemşirelerden beklentilerini etkilemektedir. Bu makaledehemşirelerin hasta, aile ve toplumun gereksinimlerini tam olarak karşılayabilmeleri için genetik ve genomik alanda hemşirelikuygulamalarına entegre edilebilecek güncel bilgi sunulmuş, hemşirelik eğitimi ve uygulamalarında genetik biliminin yeri ve önemi, genetikve genomik uygulamalar ile ilgili etik konular tartışılmıştır. After being completed Human Genome Map in 2003, many new approaches started in the fields of genetic researches and treatment. Today,the information which are provided with genetic researches, makes possible to understand more about the genetic elements of illnesses ascancer, diabetes, stroke; to developed new technologies for the illness which are seen common or rare and simplifies screening, preventing,diagnosis and treatment. Nurses are the medical staff which is in the first rank of medical care services. Because of this position place, theyparticipate in the genetic and genomic activities as getting family history, obtain an informed consent for genetic tests, administering genetictreatment and providing genetic consultancy. These new developments about medical care effect medical care needs in the community. Onthe other hand these developments effect nursing practices and community's expectations from nurses. In this article, contemporaryinformation which would be integrated to nursing applications, provided for nurses to meet their patient's, family's and community's needs.Also it is discussed that the place and importance of genetic science on nursing education and practices

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine by Pediatric Oncology Patients: A Literature Review

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    Giriş: Pediatrik popülasyonda, yaygın görülen hastalıkların tedavisi ve semptomların azaltılması amacıyla tamamlayıcı vealternatif tıp kullanımı giderek artmaktadır.Amaç: Bu literatür derlemesinde, konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalarda pediatrik onkolojide Tamamlayıcı ve Alternatif Tedavi(TAT) yöntemlerinin kullanım prevalansı, türü ve yöntemlerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.Yöntem: "Medline/PubMed" veri tabanları taranarak 1998-2008 yılları arasında elde edilen 12 çalışma incelenmiştir.Sonuç: İncelenen çalışmalarda TAT kullanım sıklığının %31 ve %74.3 arasında değiştiği belirlenmiştir. Araştırmalarda en sıkkullanılan TAT yönteminin biyolojik bazlı tedaviler (bitkiler, diyet tamamlayıcıları, vitamin ve mineraller gibi) olduğusaptanmıştır. TAT kullanımını hastalık süresi/durumunun, eğitim düzeyinin ve aile öyküsünde TAT kullanımının etkilediğibelirlenmiştir. Ailelerin ilk sırada hastalığı iyileştirmek, tedavi etmek ya da durdurmak için TAT kullandıklarını belirttiklerisaptanmıştır. Hastaların büyük çoğunluğunun bu yöntemlere aile, akraba ya da arkadaş önerisiyle başvurdukları ve TATkullanan ailelerin çoğunluğunun sağlık personeline bilgi vermediği saptanmıştır.Tartışma: Pediatrik onkoloji hastalarının tedavileri sırasında TAT kullanım oranlarının yüksek olduğu (%51.4), sıklıkla bitkiselürünlerin kullanıldığı ve kullanım konusunda sağlık personelini bilgilendirmenin sınırlı olduğu belirlenmiştir. Background: The usage of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is increased to treat and decrease the symptoms ofthe common childhood diseases in pediatric population.Objectives: In this literature review, it is aimed to determine the frequency, type and method of usage of complementary andalternative medicine (CAM) practices in pediatric oncology patients.Methods: "Medline/PubMed" data bases were searched and investigated 12 articles relevant to the subject which werepublished from 1998 to 2008.Results: Frequency of CAM use was between 31% and 74.3 %. Mostly used type of CAM was biological base therapies(herbal, diet supplementary, vitamin and minerals); factors affecting use of CAM was duration/situation of disease, educationallevel and history of CAM usage in family. In the studies, primarily reason for using CAM by parents was to heal, treat orprevent the disease. Most of the patients have used these therapies due to the recommendation of family members, relatives andfriends. Most of the families have not given information about usage of CAM to their health care staff.Conclusion: Using of CAM percentage was high in pediatric oncology patients during their therapy (51.4 %). Herbal therapieswere mostly used and families have given limited information to their health care staff

    Umbilical Cord Care and Infection Rates in Turkey.

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    Objective: To compare the efficacy of umbilical cord sponging with 70% alcohol, sponging with 10% povidone-iodine, and dry care on the time to umbilical cord separation and bacterial colonization

    Examination of Care Burden and Stress Coping Styles of Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

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    Objective: The study was conducted to examine the caregiver burden and stress coping styles of parents of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

    Knowledge and opinions of parents of children hospitalized in hematology/oncology units regarding complementary and alternative medicine

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    The current study aimed to determine the knowledge and opinions of parents who had children with cancer regarding complementary and alternative medicine. This descriptive study was performed with 145 parents. Data collection was implemented by means of a literature-based questionnaire. Of the parents who were enrolled into the study, 42.1% were aged 36 years or older and 57.2% had primary school education only. A total of 86.9% of the information was gathered from the mothers of the children. All parents preferred CAM therapies for their children's treatment; more than half used herbs as CAM, and 81.4% of the parents who used CAM with held this information from healthcare professionals. All parents had insufficient knowledge about complementary and alternative treatments, including those who had opted out of conventional medicine, but wanted to learn more about them. Therefore, healthcare professionals should improve their knowledge of CAM methods and be able to appropriately enlighten parents while providing an environment in which families can freely discuss information

    Knowledge and opinions of parents of children hospitalized in hematology/ oncology units regarding complementary and alternative medicine

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    The current study aimed to determine the knowledge and opinions of parents who had children with cancer regarding complementary and alternative medicine. This descriptive study was performed with 145 parents. Data collection was implemented by means of a literature-based questionnaire. Of the parents who were enrolled into the study, 42.1% were aged 36 years or older and 57.2% had primary school education only. A total of 86.9% of the information was gathered from the mothers of the children. All parents preferred CAM therapies for their children’s treatment; more than half used herbs as CAM, and 81.4% of the parents who used CAM with held this information from healthcare professionals. All parents had insufficient knowledge about complementary and alternative treatments, including those who had opted out of conventional medicine, but wanted to learn more about them. Therefore, healthcare professionals should improve their knowledge of CAM methods and be able to appropriately enlighten parents while providing an environment in which families can freely discuss information