17 research outputs found

    Thermodynamics of Mixtures Containing Amines. XV. Liquid–Liquid Equilibria for Benzylamine + CH3(CH2)nCH3 (n = 8, 9, 10, 12, 14)

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    Coexistence curves for the liquid−liquid equilibria (LLE) of 1-phenylmethanamine (benzylamine) + CH3(CH2)nCH3 (n = 8, 9, 10, 12, 14) have been determined using the critical opalescence method by means of a laser scattering technique. All of the LLE curves show an upper critical solution temperature (UCST), which increases with increasing n. For systems including a given n-alkane, the UCST decreases in the sequence aniline > 2-methylaniline (o-toluidine) > benzylamine > N-methylaniline > pyridine. This means that amine−amine interactions become weaker in the same order. Most of the DISQUAC interaction parameters for the aliphatic/amine (a,n) and aromatic/ amine (b,n) contacts previously determined for solutions with aniline, o-toluidine, or N-methylaniline have been used for the representation of the LLE data. Only the first dispersive interaction parameter of the (a,n) contact has been modified. The coordinates of the critical points are correctly represented by the model

    Environmentally Benign Bifunctional Solid Acid and Base Catalysts

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    Solid bifunctional acid–base catalysts were prepared in two ways on an amorphous silica support: (1) by grafting mercaptopropyl units (followed by oxidation to propylsulfonic acid) and aminopropyl groups to the silica surface (NH2–SiO2–SO3H), and (2) by grafting only aminopropyl groups and then partially neutralizing with phosphotungstic acid, relying on the H2PW12O40– ion for surface acidity (NH2–SiO2–NH3+[H2PW12O40–], denoted as NH2–SiO2–PTA). Surface acidity and basicity were characterized by adsorption calorimetry, using SO2 as a probe for surface basicity and NH3 for surface acidity. Catalytic activities were compared in a two-stage cascade: an acid-catalyzed deacetalization followed directly by a base-catalyzed Henry reaction. Overall, the NH2–SiO2–SO3H catalysts showed higher concentrations and strengths of both acid and base sites, and higher activities than NH2–SiO2–PTA. Both catalysts showed evidence of cooperative acid–base catalysis. Importantly, the bifunctional catalysts exhibited catalytic advantage over physical mixtures of singly functionalized catalyst

    Tree integration in homestead farms in southeast Nigeria: propositions and evidence.

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    This paper contributes to wider debates on the dominant factors determining the emergence and sustainability of intermediate systems of forest management in developing countries. The theoretical framework and propositions for analysing tree integration in homestead farms are presented, with reference to southeast Nigeria. The paper argues that, first, at the household level, livelihood strategies constitute the main determinant of the decision to integrate trees in homestead farms. Secondly, induced innovation has a wider and more significant role at the community level than at the household level in encouraging the integration of trees in farms. Thirdly, the sustainability of observed patterns of tree integration is influenced by the interaction of environmental, ecological, political, economic and social factors. Based on these propositions, the paper analyses the internal (household) and external (wider community) factors influencing tree integration in homestead farms in southeast Nigeria

    Trust as a decision under ambiguity

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    International audienceDecisions to trust in strategic situations involve ambiguity (unknown probabilities). Despite many theoretical studies on ambiguity in game theory, empirical studies have lagged behind due to a lack of measurement methods, where separating ambiguity attitudes from beliefs is crucial. Baillon et al. (Econometrica, 2018b) introduced a method that allows for such a separation for individual choice. We extend this method to strategic situations and apply it to the trust game, providing new insights. People’s ambiguity attitudes and beliefs both matter for their trust decisions. People who are more ambiguity averse decide to trust less, and people with more optimistic beliefs about others’ trustworthiness decide to trust more. However, people who are more a-insensitive (insufficient discrimination between different likelihood levels) are less likely to act upon their beliefs. Our measurement of beliefs, free from contamination by ambiguity attitudes, shows that traditional introspective trust survey measures capture trust in the commonly accepted sense of belief in trustworthiness of others. Further, trustworthy people also decide to trust more due to their beliefs that others are similar to themselves. This paper shows that applications of ambiguity theories to game theory can bring useful new empirical insights

    Towards Commercial Scale Postcombustion Capture of CO 2

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    Chemical absorption with aqueous amine solvents is the most advanced technology for postcombustion capture (PCC) of CO2 from coal-fired power stations and a number of pilot scale programs are evaluating novel solvents, optimizing energy efficiency, and validating engineering models. This review demonstrates that the development of commercial scale PCC also requires effective solvent management guidelines to ensure minimization of potential technical and environmental risks. Furthermore, the review reveals that while solvent degradation has been identified as a key source of solvent consumption in laboratory scale studies, it has not been validated at pilot scale. Yet this is crucial as solvent degradation products, such as organic acids, can increase corrosivity and reduce the CO2 absorption capacity of the solvent. It also highlights the need for the development of corrosion and solvent reclamation technologies, as well as strategies to minimize emissions of solvent and degradation products, such as ammonia, aldehydes, nitrosamines and nitramines, to the atmosphere from commercial scale PCC. Inevitably, responsible management of aqueous and solid waste will require more serious consideration. This will ultimately require effective waste management practices validated at pilot scale to minimize the likelihood of adverse human and environmental impacts from commercial scale PCC