13 research outputs found


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    Sapi Katingan merupakan sapi lokal Kalimantan Tengah yangdipelihara oleh masyarakat Dayak. Ciri umum sapi katingan ialahbergelambir, berpunuk, bertanduk, dan mempunyai warna bulu yangbervariasi. Penciri utama dapat dilihat pada sapi betina, yaknimemiliki enam variasi pertumbuhan tanduk, namun yang dominanialah melengkung ke depan (78,4%). Pada sapi jantan, tanduk padaumumnya tumbuh normal ke samping atas (98,3%). Sapi betina jugamemiliki tonjolan di antara tanduk (92,6%). Ada sembilankombinasi warna pada sapi betina, namun yang dominan ialahcokelat kemerahan (27%). Sapi jantan memiliki delapan kombinasiwarna dan yang dominan adalah cokelat keputihan (14,8%). Sapikatingan memiliki ukuran tubuh lebih besar dibanding sapi pesisirdan sapi aceh, namun lebih kecil daripada sapi bali dan sapi madura.Sapi lokal Kalimantan Tengah mempunyai keragaman genetik yangtinggi dan berada satu klaster dengan sapi PO. Untuk meningkatkanpopulasi, produktivitas, dan reproduksi sapi lokal KalimantanTengah perlu dilakukan perbaikan mutu genetik melalui seleksi danpeningkatan kualitas pakan. Upaya pelestarian dilakukan melaluipenetapan wilayah konservasi yakni Desa Buntut Bali. Penetapanrumpun juga diperlukan agar sapi lokal Kalimantan Tengah mendapatperhatian yang lebih baik pada level daerah maupun nasional


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    Industri perkebunan kelapa sawit menyimpan potensi sumber dayapakan yang besar untuk pengembangan ternak ruminansia khususnyasapi. Integrasi sapi dengan kelapa sawit memunculkan tigakegiatan terpadu sekaligus, yaitu 1) industri pakan ternak berbasishasil samping perkebunan kelapa sawit, 2) usaha perkembangbiakansapi (cow calf operation), dan 3) penggemukan sapi potong.Potensi sumber daya pakan dari industri kelapa sawit meliputi daundan pelepah kelapa sawit sebagai sumber serat dan hasil sampingpabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit (PKS) seperti solid sawit/lumpursawit dan bungkil inti sawit sebagai sumber protein. Inovasiteknologi Badan Litbang Pertanian pemanfaatan bahan pakan dariindustri sawit telah tersedia dan dapat diterapkan pengguna dilapangan. Usaha sapi potong dengan pola integrasi sawit-sapimenguntungkan dan berpeluang dikembangkan. Demikian pulapenggemukan sapi potong di dekat PKS memiliki prospek yangbaik sehingga dapat diterapkan di lokasi lain. Kegiatan ini dapatmembuka peluang usaha bagi karyawan kebun dan pabrik kelapasawit melalui koperasi. Pengembangan ternak berbasis industrikelapa sawit meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas ternakmaupun tanaman kelapa sawit. Namun, penerapannya masih terbatassehingga memerlukan dukungan dan komitmen dari berbagaipihak, yaitu petani, pengusaha/investor, perbankan, peneliti, sertapemerintah daerah dan pusat. Sosialisasi kepada pelaku usahaperkebunan kelapa sawit harus dilakukan pada level pengambilkeputusan agar ada pemahaman yang benar tentang integrasi sawitsapidan model pengembangannya


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    AliSTRAK Penyakit. mata pada ayam bras.sexing ditemukan di Kalimantan, Nrutarna menyerang pada anak ayam clan, berakibat fatal:-Sebanyak ,44 ekor,ayam menderita kebengkakan pada matanyadiperiksa terhadap agen penyebab. DistribuSi sampel ditemukan-di lapangan tersebut adalah 22 ekor anak ayarit 21 ekor ayam muda, dan 1 ekor ayam dewasa. Disamping itu diperiksa Pula.39 sampel lirigkungan berupa litter, dedak, pakan.dan sisa **Yang dipiroleh dad sekitar lokasi kandang. KeselUrtihan tersebut diambil di 4 Kabupaten pada 2 propinsi yaitu : Kabupateri Tanah Laut dan Tapin (Kalimantan Selatan)-serta Kabupaten Pasir dan Kutai (Kalimantan Tiimur). Dari keseluruhan ayam yang diperilcSa\u27ditemUkan 33 ekor (75%) terinfeksi Aspergillus pada .kebengkalcan matanya dan pada 1 ekor ditemukan pula adanya .infestasi racing. Adapun jenis Aspergillus yang ditemukan adalah Aspergillus fimugatus (42,4%),Aspergillus flavus (42,4%), Aspetgilus niger (27,3%) dan Aspergillus sp. (27,3%). Sedangkan hasil pemeriksaan sampel lingkungan ditemukan 20 sampel (51,3%) terkontaminasi Aspergillus dan ada 15 sample (75,0%) yang jumlah jamurnya sama atau melebihi 105. Denis jamurnya sama dengan yang ditemukan pada keberigkakan mata yaitu Aspergillus fumigatus (70,0%), Aspergillus flavus (35,0%), Aspergillus. niger (30,0%) dan Asppergillus sp. (30,0%)

    Palm oil by-product as an alternative feedstuff in Central Kalimantan: 2. The effect of feeding palm oil mill effluent on cholesterol, fatty acid and vitamin A of broilers

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    Solid heavy paste, a byproduct of crude palm oil processing, is found in an excessive amount in Central Kalimantan. It is estimated that 400 tons of this material were produced per day by crude palm oil (CPO) factories in this region. This material contains 12.63-17.41% crude protein, 9.98-25.79% crude fiber, 7.12-15.15% crude fat, 3217-3454 kcal/kg (gross energy) and 1.5% CPO. Considering its composition, this material can be used as an ingridient in broiler’s diet. This study was conducted on broiler chickens of Hubbard strain in Kapuas district. The objectives of the experiment were to study the cholesterol, fatty acid and vitamin A retained in meat and liver of broilers as a result of feeding ration containing solid heavy paste. This experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design. The treatments were levels of solid in the diet, i.e., 0.0, 12.5, 25 and 37.5%. Four hundred broilers were divided into 4 treatmen groups with 5 replications, consisted of 20 chickens in each replication. Data was analyzed based on statistical and descriptive analyses. The results of this experiment indicated that 25% solid in the diet decreased the total fat and cholesterol in the meat and liver, but increased polyunsaturated fatty acid contained in meat. The highest contain of vitamin A in meat and liver was found in the group that received diet containing 12.5% solid. Key Words: Solid, Broiler Chickens, Cholesterol, Fatty Acid, Vitamin

    Level Adoption Of Feed And Organic Fertilizer Technology Based on By Products of Oil Palm Plantation Industry In Lamandau District, Central Kalimantan

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    The main problem of livestock raising is feed, for that reason, the government issued an policy about integrated livestock farming with plants/plantations especially oil palm which has the potential to produce feed resources which was abundant, inexpensive, continuous, and does not compete with human needs. The activity was carried out in Lamandau District, Central Kalimantan Province. The objective of the research is to look at the level of adoption of complete feed technology from the by-products of the oil palm plantation industry and organic fertilizer in order to initiate the activities of palm oil - cattle integration. A total of 10 farmer groups, 3 individuals and 1 Livestock Breeding Center of Agriculture services were became cooperators. The business activities of cooperator were include animal husbandry, horticultural crop farming and oil palm plantations. The assessment of the level of adoption is done through interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and field monitoring, which are classified into 3 criteria, namely low (0.0 - 33.3%), moderate (33.4 - 66.7%) and high (66.8 - 100%). Introduction of technology and accompaniment activities were carried out for 3 years. The FGD activities involved various stakeholders such as the Regional Government, PBS of Palm Oil, Banking, and Farmer Groups. Direct practice is done for farmer group learning. The results of this study showed that in the first year only 1 farmer group adopted feed and organic fertilizer technology. The second-year the level of adoption of cattle feed was 33.33% with the range production of 5-20 tons/month, solid organic fertilizer 33.33% with the ring production of 3-20 tons/month and liquid organic fertilizer (biourine) 33.33% with the range production of 1,000-4,000 liters/month. The third-year the adoption level of cattle feed is 100% with the range production of 1-20 tons/month, 100% solid organic fertilizer with the range production of 1-20 tons/month, and 33.33% liquid organic fertilizer with the range production of 1,000-4,000 liters/month. The conclusion is the adoption of feed technology was greater, followed by organic fertilizer and finally liquid fertilizer technology. This is related to how important is its use in the field. Commitment of local government and PBS of palm oil is needed to help easily and continuously obtain feed and fertilizers materials of palm oil mill byproduct and facilitating marketing of their products

    The Attitude Changes Of Local Farmers Toward The Introduction Of Artificial Insemination In The Extensive Of Cattle Raising In The Seram Bagian Barat District, Maluku Province, Indonesia

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    Special efforts for cow must be pregnant  (Upsus Siwab)  is a program for the achievement of meat adequacy in 2022 through the optimization strategy of implementing Artificial Insemination (AI) in 34 provinces including Maluku Province. One of them is Seram Bagian Barat District. The type of cattle that are kept are Bali with extensive management. Maluku Province is The AI introduction area, so there are many challenges to meet the targets set. The purpose of this paper is to know the performance of AI introductions and the effect toward farmer attitudes in the SBB District during the 3 years of assistance. The method of this research was a survey, interviews with farmers, field officers, and district officers. Data with the Ishiknas format for 3 years was collected from the Agriculture services of SBB District. Data was tabulated and analyzed descriptively. The basic problems related to the application of AI are (1) it is difficult to detect the oestrus because all cattle are released, (2) the habits of mating cattle naturally, (3) there is no interest in participating of AI, and (4) the knowledge of oestrus is very minimal. The strategy to solved the problem was introduction the hormone of Oestrus Synchronization (SE). The strategy was quite successful, in 2017, the realization of AI was 85%. Realization in 2018 and 2019 were more than 100%. The S/C score was 1.13 times indicates that the cows have very good reproductive performance. There were 15 variations in gestational age with the range of 8 months 4 days - 9 months 17 days. The most average were 9 months 10 days (16.6%) and 9 months 11 days (16.6%). The pregnancy rates of AI was 10 -311 cows/month with an average of 108.8 cows, while in natural marriages 0 - 32 cows/month with an average of 12.5 cows. The birth weights of AI with Bali bulls straw ranged from 17 to 23 kg (an average of 19.6 kg), while the natural mating was an average of 16 kg. Another results, the birth weight of AI with Ongole bulls straw on male was an average of 32.2 kg and 30 kg on female. In 2017, the implementation of the AI was all done in combination with the SE because no farmers wanted to report the oestrus of cows. In 2018 there were reports from farmers and in 2019, all AI implementations were based on normal oestrus reports. The change in attitudes of farmers regarding adoption of AI was caused by the calves had a higher birth weight and a higher selling price. Implementation of AI in the District of SBB has good prospects for increasing the quantity and quality of cattle and also increasing the income of farmer

    Sample of eggs, feed, rice grains and DOD taken from center for traditional hatcheries of Alabio ducks in Mamar Village District of Hulu Sungai Utara South Kalirnantan were examined for Aspergillus contamination. The result showed that @40% of hatched eggs, 25-50% of feed, 0% of rice grair\s and 032.86% of DOD was contamined The species of Aspergillus found in those materials were Aspergillus flavus (18 isolates), Aspergillus fumigatus (12 isolates), Aspergillus niger (9 isolates) and AspergiUus sp. (9 isolates). Aspergillus content in feed sample examined was in the range between 2.0 X 103 - 2.3 X 103 colonies/gram.

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    Sample of eggs, feed, rice grains and DOD taken from center for traditional hatcheries of Alabio ducks in Mamar Village District of Hulu Sungai Utara South Kalirnantan were examined for Aspergillus contamination. The result showed that @40% of hatched eggs, 25-50% of feed, 0% of rice grair\s and 032.86% of DOD was contamined The species of Aspergillus found in those materials were Aspergillus flavus (18 isolates), Aspergillus fumigatus (12 isolates), Aspergillus niger (9 isolates) and AspergiUus sp. (9 isolates). Aspergillus content in feed sample examined was in the range between 2.0 X 103 - 2.3 X 103 colonies/gram

    Solid palm oil as poultry feed and growth media of Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae

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    The poultry industry in Indonesia has big challenges due to the high price of feed. It is important to use local feed resources as an alternative to reduce production costs. The local feed that has big potential is solid palm oil. The objective of this study was to determine the potential of solid palm oil as a source of protein for poultry feed, and as the growth media of Black Soldier Fly larvae (BSF). The research was conducted to grow BSF solid palm oil as a growth media for 20 days. Solid palm oil was analyzed its nutrient content before and after it was used as the growth media of BSF. The BSF was also analyzed its nutrient content. The results showed hat the content of fresh solid, BSF, and solid used for BSF growth media ware energy 3336.6 kcal/kg, 4773.2 kcal/kg, 1201,8 kcal/kg, crude protein 13.55%, 29.05%, 8.03%, crude fat 12.46%, 33.72%, 2.62%, and crude fiber 15.47%, 11.49%, 6.68%. The research results showed that solid palm oil contains nutrients that are good for poultry feed and for the growth of BSF larvae

    Palm oil by-product as an alternative feedstuff in Central Kalimantan: 2. The effect of feeding palm oil mill effluent on cholesterol, fatty acid and vitamin A of broilers

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    Solid heavy paste, a byproduct of crude palm oil processing, is found in an excessive amount in Central Kalimantan. It is estimated that 400 tons of this material were produced per day by crude palm oil (CPO) factories in this region. This material contains 12.63-17.41% crude protein, 9.98-25.79% crude fiber, 7.12-15.15% crude fat, 3217-3454 kcal/kg (gross energy) and 1.5% CPO. Considering its composition, this material can be used as an ingridient in broiler’s diet. This study was conducted on broiler chickens of Hubbard strain in Kapuas district. The objectives of the experiment were to study the cholesterol, fatty acid and vitamin A retained in meat and liver of broilers as a result of feeding ration containing solid heavy paste. This experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design. The treatments were levels of solid in the diet, i.e., 0.0, 12.5, 25 and 37.5%. Four hundred broilers were divided into 4 treatmen groups with 5 replications, consisted of 20 chickens in each replication. Data was analyzed based on statistical and descriptive analyses. The results of this experiment indicated that 25% solid in the diet decreased the total fat and cholesterol in the meat and liver, but increased polyunsaturated fatty acid contained in meat. The highest contain of vitamin A in meat and liver was found in the group that received diet containing 12.5% solid

    Oil palm by product as an alternative feedstuff in Central Kalimantan: 1. The effect of feeding palm oil mill effluent on broiler’s performance

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    Palm oil mill effluent, a by product of crude palm oil processing, is found in an exessive amount in Central Kalimantan. It is estimated that 400 ton of this material is produced per day by crude palm oil (CPO) factory in this region. This material contains 12.63-17.41% crude protein, 9.98-25.79% crude fiber, 7.12-15.15% crude fat and 3217-3454 kcal/kg (gross energy). An experiment was conducted on broiler chickens of Hubbard strain in Kapuas District. The objectives of the experiment was to study the performance of broilers fed solid in the diet. The experiment was arranged in a completely randomized design. The treatments were levels of solid in the diet, i.e., 0.0, 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5%. Four hundred broilers were devided into 4 treatment groups with 5 replications, consisted of 20 chickens in each replicate. The results of this experiment showed that diet containing 0.0, 12.5, 25.0 and 37.5% of solid respectively produced final live weight of broilers 2508, 2229 and 1880 g respectively, whereas control (0.0% of solid) was 2712 g. Feed conversion of the treatments were 2.39, 2.76, 3.24 respectively and without solid as control was 2.36. It is concluded that diet containing as much as 12.5% of solid can be used in broiler ration