674 research outputs found

    Jenis Korosi Dan Penanggulangannya

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    Dewasa ini banyak sekali kerusakan yang diakibatkan oleh korosi terutama dibidang inndustri khususnya industri perkapalan. Banyak sekali kerugian yang diakibatkan oleh korosi sehingga Perusahaan perlu mengeluarkan biaya extra untuk memperbaki peralatan yang mengalami kerusakan akibat korosi. Biasanya korosi terjadi pada pipa, paku, penyangga – pengangga tanki, tanki dll. Jenis korosi yang biasa terjadi pada bidang industri : uniform attack ( korosi merata), galvanic corrosion (korosi galvanis), crevice corrosion (korosi celah), pitting corrosion ( korosi sumur), intergaranular corrosion ( korosi antar butir ), selective corrosion ( korosi pisah ), erosion corrosion ( korosi erosi ), stress corrosion ( korosi tekanan ), fatique corrosion ( korosi lelah ), biological corrosion

    Pengeboran Lepas Pantai

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    Budi Utomo, in this paper explain that offshore drilling carried out to obtain crude oil through the oil wells. The means that must exist in the operation of offshore drilling is a bridge structure (plate form) as a place to put the drilling equipment. Known two kinds of platforms, that is platforms permanent (fixed) which stands on the feet of reinforced concrete, and the bridge is not fixed like swamp barges, drilling ship (floaters) and jack-up rig. Jack up rig is one of the offshore rigs that have the ability to elevation in accordance with a sea depth of drilling. Drilling equipment is a range of equipment that is prepared in such a way, so that such a drill rod, and all this equipment has a hole inside that allows for fluid or mud circulation

    Peran Celah Antar Tajuk Tegakan dan Seed Bank Tanah terhadap Regenerasi Hutan

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    . This research aimed to estimated seed composition in seed bank and detected ability of growing at some gaps measures between strightened coronets in fields. Seed emergence energy in seed bank in field only 49 % from all the viable seed. Viable wedge staying in topsoil ( 0- 5 cm) have growing ability of compared by more emergence is deeper coat below its. Subterranean wedge domineered by exotic type wedge having the character of invasif and plant under, only a few type and amount of trees seeds in seed banks available for emergences. In consequence to take care of forest regeneration take place balance hence exotic types especially having the character of invasif have to be controlled by the population

    Laser zat padat tertala titanium: sapphire

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    INTISARI Salah sate jenis laser zat padat yang dapat divariasi panjang gelombangnya, dan berguna untuk riset-riset Umiak adalah laser titanium sapphire. Bahan sapphire untuk aplikasi pada daerah spektrum yang lebar telah dapat dicapai dengan adanya teknik perbaikan pada cara penumbuhan kristal, pengemasan dan perkembangan kristal tak linear. Jenis laser ini dapat digunakan pada teknik spektroskopi bebas Doppler dan mampu untuk membentuk pulsa ber orde femto detik di daerah cakupan panjang gelombang yang lebar

    Optimizing the development of teachers' motivation to teach in disadvantaged areas in Indonesia

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    The concept of teaching motivation is very important for individual development and refers to the teacher's thoughts and feelings about himself to engage in teaching activities. Previous studies have reported a significant role of teachers’motivation to teach who can improve a variety of positive outcomes. Teacher's motivation to teach depends on the fulfillment or non-fulfillment of basic psychological needs, namely basic psychological needs satisfaction for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Furthermore, basic psychological needs satisfaction can be met if there is support from the social environment, such as a positive school climate. Positive school climate as one source of motivation can motivate teachers to improve teaching competence in schools. This paper is a literature review of several school climate research findings and basic psychological needs satisfactionon teaching motivation. It aims to explore the role of the school climate and basic psychological needs satisfaction, which can serve as the basis for further research in optimizing the development of teacher motivation to teach in disadvantaged areas.The empirical information can be used as a basis in determining the form of guidance for teachers in disadvantaged areas especially in East Java in order to have a high work motivation

    Sirkuit Hamilton Dalam Permainan Congklak

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menyelidiki adanya kemungkinan sirkuit Hamilton pada permainan congklak 14 dan 16 lubang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mendeskripsikan terlebih dahulu mengenai permainan congklak, aturan-aturan dalam permainan congklak, istilah-istilah dalam permainan congklak dan cara memainkannya. Setelah memahami aturan, istilah dan cara memainkan permainan congklak, selanjutnya dilakukan penyelidikan untuk menemukan kemungkinan adanya siklus Hamilton pada permainan congklak 14 dan 16 lubang tersebut. Sirkuit Hamilton dalam permainan congklak diartikan sebagai perjalanan menyebarkan biji congklak pada suatu lubang dan habis pada lubang yang sama pada suatu kesempatan permainan. Dalam penelitian ini, disajikan contoh perjalanan biji congklak yang menghasilkan siklus Hamilton untuk congklak dengan 14 lubang, dan bentuk umum permainan congklak yang menghasilkan sirkuit Hamilton untuk congklak dengan 16 lubang
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