87 research outputs found

    Determining the Activation Energy of Glucose Syrup Using the Arrhenius Equation

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    This experiment finds the activation energy of corn syrup using the Arrhenius equation. This was done through a simple experiment of dropping a ball into corn syrup and measuring its terminal velocity. From this, the viscosity could be derived, through the use of rearrangement of Newton’s First Law. The temperature of the corn syrup was also varied through the use of a microwave by raising it to 50 degrees Celsius. It is known that the more viscous a liquid is, the greater the activation energy for the liquid, which is essentially the energy barrier that a molecule has to overcome to travel, and thus the slower the liquid travel. Through linearization of the equation, it can be seen that graphing the inverse of temperature against the natural log of the viscosity, the equation of the slope would be equivalent to the activation energy over the universal gas constant. After conducting the experiment, it was proven that corn syrup has a very high activation energy, and thus is a very viscous liquid

    Finding Activation Energy of Corn Syrup

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    This experiment finds the activation energy of corn syrup using the Arrhenius equation. This was done through a simple experiment of dropping a ball into corn syrup and measuring its terminal velocity. From this, the viscosity could be derived, through the use of rearrangement of Newton’s First Law. The temperature of the corn syrup was also varied through the use of a microwave by raising it to 50 degrees Celsius. It is known that the more viscous a liquid is, the greater the activation energy for the liquid, which is essentially the energy barrier that a molecule has to overcome to travel, and thus the slower the liquid travel. Through linearization of the equation, it can be seen that graphing the inverse of temperature against the natural log of the viscosity, the equation of the slope would be equivalent to the activation energy over the universal gas constant. After conducting the experiment, it was proven that corn syrup has a very high activation energy, and thus is a very viscous liquid

    Study of correlation of gestational age estimation by new ballard score with inter mammary distance in new born

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    Background: It is important to recognise preterm babies as they have a different set of problems than term babies.Methods: Study was done over a period of 2 years.254 new-borns ranging in gestational age from 27 to 42 weeks were studied in MYH Hospital, Indore.Results: Intermammary distance and gestational age showed a positive correlation with a correlation coefficient of 0.9. SGA and AGA babies had correlation coefficient of 0.95 and 0.89 respectively.Conclusions: Intermammary distance of 69.60mm can be used to differentiate preterm and term babies. This simple measurement can be easily used by peripheral health workers at remote places to differentiate between term and preterm babies


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    The presence of universal phenomena both hints towards deep underlying principles and can also serve as a tool to uncover them. Often, the scaling behavior of systems shows such universality. An example of this is artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are ubiquitously employed in artificial intelligence (AI) technology today. The performance of an ANN, measured by the loss LL, scales with the size of the network NN and with the quantity of training data DD as simple power laws in NN or DD. We explain these laws theoretically. Additionally, our theory also explains the persistence over many orders of magnitude of the scaling with model size. When both the amount of data DD and the model size NN are finite, the loss scales as LD1L\propto D^{-1} and LN1/2L\propto N^{-1/2}. The scaling in the regime where either NN or DD is effectively infinite is more non-trivial, being tied to the intrinsic dimension dd of the training dataset by the simple relations LN4/dL\propto N^{-4/d} and LD4/dL\propto D^{-4/d}. We test our theoretical predictions in a teacher/student framework, and on several datasets and with GPT-type language models. These measurements yield intrinsic dimensions for several image datasets and set bounds on the dimension of the English language that these were trained on. Scaling behaviors also act as a tool to probe fundamental phenomena in nature---in this case the theory of quantum gravity. We use holography to probe spacetime by using the physics on its boundary. Specifically, previous work has employed the scaling properties of operators on the boundary to construct a scalar field in the bulk. Our construction extends this procedure to allow for arbitrary choice of gravitational dressing of the field. Apart from yielding a more comprehensive understanding of the quantum properties of gravity, our construction is suitable to test the non-locality of quantum gravity

    Proof of Efficient Liquidity: A Staking Mechanism for Capital Efficient Liquidity

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    The Proof of Efficient Liquidity (PoEL) protocol, designed for specialised Proof of Stake (PoS) consensus-based blockchains that incorporate intrinsic DeFi applications, aims to support sustainable liquidity bootstrapping and network security. This concept seeks to efficiently utilise budgeted staking rewards to attract and sustain liquidity through a risk-structuring engine and incentive allocation strategy, both of which are designed to maximise capital efficiency. The proposed protocol serves the dual objective of: (i) capital creation by attracting risk capital efficiently and maximising its operational utility for intrinsic DeFi applications, thereby asserting sustainability; and (ii) enhancing the adopting blockchain network's economic security by augmenting their staking (PoS) mechanism with a harmonious layer seeking to attract a diversity of digital assets. Finally, the protocol's conceptual framework, as detailed in the appendix, is extended to encompass service fee credits. This extension capitalises on the network's auxiliary services to disperse incentives and attract liquidity, ensuring the network achieves and maintains the critical usage threshold essential for its sustained operational viability and progressive growth

    Prevalence of goitre among school going children in urban area of Dehradun

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    Background:Iodine is an important micro-nutrient required for human nutrition. Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDDs) are one of the major world-wide public health problems of today which causes wide spectrum of disabilities. It includes impairment of reproductive functions, lowering of IQ levels in school age children, goiter, deaf mutism, mental defects, weakness and paralysis of muscles as well as lesser degree of physical dysfunction.Methods:Selection of population: The school children in age group of 6-18 years from both the sexes were screened from SGRR Schools of different locations at Dehradun, after taking approval from principal and the parents.Results:The prevalence of goitre among school going children was 5%. Prevalence of goitre among female was 6.4% compare to male were 4.1%. There was significant association found between prevalence of goitre and vegetarian diet. In pre pubertal age (11-14 years) maximum (7.6%) cases of goitre were seen. A significant association of goitre with pallor was also observedConclusion:The sustained efforts in implementing the guidelines of National Iodine Deficiency Disorders Control Programme (NIDDCP) have been able to reduce the prevalence of goitre in Uttrakhand state. In spite of reduction in prevalence over years, goitre continues to be a major public health problem in the state.

    A prospective study of immediate postpartum intra uterine device insertion in a tertiary level hospital

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    Background:In India there is an unmet need for contraception. Intrauterine device is a long acting reversible method. This study was done to determine the efficacy and safety of immediate Post-Partum Intrauterine Device (PPIUD) and to compare the outcome of PPIUD insertion after vaginal delivery and caesarean section.  Methods:A total of 113 women who underwent PPIUD insertion were followed up at 6 weeks and 6 months post-partum. Outcome in term of side effects, removal and expulsion was compared in vaginal delivery and caesarean section insertions.Results:In 61.45% women there was no complaint. Menstrual disturbances were found in 16.66% women and pelvic pain in 13.54% women. The expulsion rate was 5.20% and IUD removal was done in 13.54% women. Incidence of removal was more in vaginal insertions than in caesarean insertions and this difference was statistically significant. Continuation rate at 6 months was 81.25%.  Conclusion:Immediate postpartum IUD insertion is a safe, convenient and effective method