59 research outputs found

    Cyber Media Analysis: How to Read Cyber Bullying Messages Among Children

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    In this paper, we focused on a novel method to explain cyberbullying experience among children in the Facebook. The method is Cyber Media Analysis (CMA). It is a mixed-method of analysing the stages of text and context.  The text level discusses the form of messagesrelated to cyberbullying produced and received by children. They are sentences, photos or other visual representation in the Facebook that examine cyberbullying phenomenon. To obtain cyberbullying text, we conducted a content analysis of Facebook posts by children aged 8 to 12 (N=250) in the elementary schools in Solo areas. In the context level, we conducted in-depth interviews and group discussion to find out why children produced cyberbullying messages and how they reacted when receiving cyberbullying messages. Merging these two methods gives a comprehensive explanation of cyber bullying phenomenon among children

    Information Technology as Tools of Public Relations Inform in Health Services

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    Internet usage in Indonesia has jumped from just 2 million in 2000 to 45 million in 2011. The use of communication technology has impacted on all aspects of life in Indonesia, including the marketing of medical services by public and private hospitals. This paper reports on a survey ofthree private hospitals in Surakarta, Indonesia, that have usedfive types of marketing communications including: advertising, personal selling, sales promotions, public relations and direct marketing. One of direct marketing methods used is internet marketing with the development of hospital website. This paper describes ICT used by RSU PKU Muhammadiyah Delanggu in informing the public of its health services

    Auditor's Communication Identity in Carrying Out Audit Tasks

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    The purpose of this research is to find out how the identity of the auditor's communication when carrying out an examination task. The research was conducted with qualitative method using a case study  and interviews for for collecting the data. The research samples were five auditors at BPK RI Representatives of DIY Province. The research concluded using four layers, which are the personal layer, enacted layer, relational layer, and communal layer cited from the in the Theory of Communication of Identity by Michael Hecht. The theory stated that participants' personal identity is formed by several factors i.e. self-character, code of ethics, and environmental factors. Participants demonstrate their code of ethics through the communication process between the auditor and the audite, which is then manifested in the form of behavior when carrying out the audit tasks. By understanding each other's identity, it can create a harmonious relationship between the auditor and the audite through mutual support between the auditor and the audite. The attitudes and behaviors shown by the auditors when conducting the audit tasks reflect the identity of the BPK institution in the community as a free and independent audit institution, so that the negative stereotypes of auditors are minimized. There is also an identity gap in: (1) the personal layer and the personal layer, the personal and enacted layers, and the relational and enacted layers

    Government Communication in Implementing Inclusive Education for Working Towards the Sustainable Development Goals

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    Inclusive education is provided by the state for students with disabilities and other students also obtain learning opportunities in the same environment. Government policies need to get support from policy implementers. The implementation of this inclusive education policy must be supported by good and targeted policy communication in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out: (1) communication strategies used for inclusive education policies in various regions of the world; (2) conditions of inclusive education in various regions of the world; and (3) inclusive education challenges faced by people with disabilities. A systematic literature review was conducted. The review process began by entering keywords into the Google Scholar search engine to search for articles. The results indicated that countries’ communications about inclusive education policies need to be improved so that policy implementers can understand the implementation processes. Keywords: policy communication, inclusive education, persons with disabilitiesInclusive education is provided by the state for students with disabilities and other students also obtain learning opportunities in the same environment. Government policies need to get support from policy implementers. The implementation of this inclusive education policy must be supported by good and targeted policy communication in order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of this research was to find out: (1) communication strategies used for inclusive education policies in various regions of the world; (2) conditions of inclusive education in various regions of the world; and (3) inclusive education challenges faced by people with disabilities. A systematic literature review was conducted. The review process began by entering keywords into the Google Scholar search engine to search for articles. The results indicated that countries’ communications about inclusive education policies need to be improved so that policy implementers can understand the implementation processes. Keywords: policy communication, inclusive education, persons with disabilitie

    Patient-Centered Communication in the Era of National Health Insurance at Surakarta City, Indonesia

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    This study discusses patient-centered communication in the era of national health insurance. The next study aims to determine the supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and the doctor's communication process that is patient-centered in the JKN system in the city of Surakarta , Indonesia. This study uses a case study method with qualitative analysis that emphasizes certain cases that occur in the object of analysis. This method uses descriptive analysis with an inductive approach in analyzing data. The research subjects were BPJS primary health facilities, located in Surakarta City. The results showed that there was a patient-centered communication process in building good and effective relationships between primary health facility physicians and patients. Patient-centered communication has a very important role, as stated by Debra Roter and Judith Hall who have described a patient-centered communication model that includes four key elements and is supported by a focus on remote communication. High context communication that emphasizes the main focus on implicit, unspoken, and nonverbal messages is not explicit and verbal messages, as written in the Handbook of health communication, that the quality of interaction between patients and providers is very important for health outcomes in patients. The interaction between the service provider in the patient and the outcome of the patient determines the step of selecting the patient in the next primary health facility. At the end of the achievement, it will further determine the success of patient-centered communication, so that the relationships that occur will influence the outcome of the primary goal of primary health care services to the health of patients.Keywords: patient-centered communication, national health insurance

    Health Information Seeking Among Woman with Breast Cancer

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    World Health Organization (WHO) states that the incidence of cancer in the world increased to 18.1 million new cases with a mortality rate of 9.6 million in 2018. In Indonesia, the most common type of cancer is breast cancer with a percentage of 16.7 %. Diagnosis of breast cancer in general can cause stress and depression in women. Lack of information about cancer is an obstacle for cancer patients to take further steps about treating their disease. Though information search is the most important step in getting the best treatment to achieve healing. This study aims to find out how the process of finding health information carried out by women with breast cancer to get a cure. Through a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, in-depth interviews are used as a data collection technique involving four women with breast cancer selected through purposive sampling. The validity of this study uses trustworthiness with data analysis in the form of data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that the search for health information about breast cancer will only occur if there is a physical stimulus felt by cancer sufferers, which has several goals in the form of getting the best solution. The desire to recover requires them to be active in communicating with doctors and community friends who are supported by information seeking in other media such as the internet, books, seminars and workshops. However, every information they get is always accompanied by a subjective evaluation of themselves, by confirming information both to the doctor and fellow cancer sufferers in the community. Cancer sufferers in this study have greater control in determining the best choice as a solution to get a cure

    The Motivation of Hoax Message Recipients in the Process of Disseminating Hoax Information on Facebook Group

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    The background of this research is that social media brings new changes in people's lives in the field of communication. This new change sometimes has a negative impact. An example of the negative impact is the spread of uncontrolled hoax information. The purpose of this study was to find out how the motivation for public participation in disseminating hoax information. The method used in this study was an in-depth interview with a group of respondents who redistributed the hoax messages they got from the Group on Facebook. The results of the research show that there are 3 people's motivations in spreading hoaxes, 1) Dissatisfaction with the ruling leader 2) Intolerance towards minorities 3) Do not want non-Muslims to become leaders


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    The abundance of data on social media has a pragmatic impact on marketing communication practices. A digital analyst is essential in processing and analyzing big data on social media. Digital analysts must be competent communicators in processing data so that it can become a helpful message or information. The theories used in this research are Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Spitzberg & Cupach Communication Competency Theory, and Data, Information, Knowledge, and Wisdom (DIKW)’s Model. The interview involved a digital analyst of an agency that has monitored the social media performance of several companies for marketing performance. This study found that the data analysis process carried out by digital analysts could reduce uncertainty in planning company strategies. Then, three factors determine the competence of a digital analyst. The frst, motivation is always to present the most relevant information. Second, knowledge related to computer science and basic statistics, marketing concepts, market trends, and information on competing companies. Third, “sense
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