95 research outputs found


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    Penyelengara pemilu yang berkualitas, mandiri, akuntabel dan berintegritas dapat diwujudkan, apabila komisioner yang terlibat di dalamnya memiliki kemampuan diri yang profesional dalam bidangnya, dengan kata lain “pakar” atau “ahli”. Nilai ke“pakar”an seseorang ditinjau dari kemampuannya secara benar-benar menguasai bidang ilmu atau pekerjaannya. Apabila suatu pekerjaan dikerjakan oleh ahlinya, maka hasilnyapun akan baik, apabila pekerjaan itu dikerjakan oleh orang yang bukan ahlinya, maka tunggulah kehancurannya. Dalam hal ini saya ingin menyampaikan bahwa, hasil kerja bermutu dimulai dari tiap-tiap individu bekerja secara sehat dan profesional sesuai dengan kapasitasnya


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    Buku ini fokus mengulas pada polimorfisme genetika PfMSP-1 mengacu pada kajian segi tiga epidemiologi yang meliputi Host, Agent dan Environment. Model epidemiologi klasik tentang kesehatan dan penyakit yang menyebutkan adanya hubungan yang dinamik berdasarkan waktu, orang dengan lingkungan serta tempat dengan agent yang saling mempengaruhi, selengkapnya dapat dikembangkan model interaksi yang dinamik antara tekanan proses evolusi, ekologi terhadap hospes (manusia) yang saling berhubungan Dalam penelitian ini dipelajari hubungan antara hospes dan parasit pada masyarakat tertutup dan terbuka dari sisi parasit berdasarkan polimorfisme PfMSP-1. Interaksi antara hospes dan agen dapat sangat berlainan pada keadaan yang berbeda. Perbedaan ini dapat dipengaruhi oleh tekanan ekologi, perlakuan medis (pengobatan), dan juga tekanan evolusi dan perilaku hospes. Pengaruh tekanan ekologi misalnya pembukaan lahan pertanian, pembangunan jalan dan penggundulan hutan (deforestation). Mobilitas penduduk ke daerah endemis malaria menyebabkan manusia mengalami paparan parasit secara berulang dari berbagai parasit dengan genetika yang berbeda. Paparan patogen yang semakin besar, mengakibatkan patogen akan berusaha menghindar dari sistem imun

    Pengaruh Pelatihan Bencana dan Keselamatan Kerja Terhadap Respons Persepsi Mahaiswa Prodi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat

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    Disasters are categorized as 2, namely natural disasters and non-natural disasters. Natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, fires. Non-natural disasters such as accidents at work, accidents at home, schools, boarding schools, campuses, shopping, roads and so forth. The aim of the study: to analyze the effect of disaster and work safety training on students' perceptions of knowledge and attitudes toward disaster risk The sample is a student of the public health study program at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra Medan. Data analysis with t-test. The results of the study: there was a significant effect of disaster and safety training on perceptual responses of student knowledge p-value of 0.0001 <0.05. There is a significant effect of disaster and occupational safety training on the perceptual responses of students' attitudes of p-value of 0.0001 <0.05. Knowledge and attitude cannot be separated. These two things are interconnected, with the knowledge of earthquake disaster preparedness it will affect one's attitude when a disaster occurs. The training stimulus builds a positive perception response. Disaster training is more effective and acceptable when combined with work safety and health material in the campus environment so that respondents are more easily accepted. Conclusion: Modification of disaster management and occupational health safety training is more easily understood by respondents. So that it effectively changes the respondents' knowledge and attitudes. The success of training as a means of changing knowledge and attitudes is determined by internal and external factors. Suggestion: implementation of safety and health at the university level needs to be done, to minimize the risk of accidents

    HAKI Buku Membangun Paradigma Penelitian BSPB

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    Haki Buku Membangun Paradigma Peelitian dimaksudkan bahwa peneliti dalam melakukan penelitian harus memahami paradigma yang dogunakan dalam penelitian. Buku ini membantu peneliti membangun interelasi budaya, sosial, dan pengobatan


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    The HIRA (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment) method is a process of identifying hazards that occur in all company activities, then conducting a risk assessment of the hazards that occur. Introduction: Based on the initial survey conducted at PT. X, it was found that there were work accidents such as pinched hands, cuts, entanglement in processing machines which caused the risk of accidents. This research was conducted at PT.X in February-August 2021. Methods: This study used a descriptive qualitative method. This study analyzes the risk of work accidents using the HIRA (Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment) method which aims to identify hazards and conduct a risk assessment of these hazards. The research informants were 6 people consisting of 2 key informants and 4 main informants. Results: The results showed that there were 44 types of hazards from 8 work stations at PT. X. Among them, 16% have a small risk of harm (trivial), 38.6% have a tolerable risk, 34.1% have a moderate risk of harm, 4.5% have a substantial risk of harm, 6, 8% have an intolerable risk of harm. Conclusion: Risk analysis is a process by which hazards are identified and risks are estimated to assess the damage caused with the likelihood of damage occurring


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    Etnik Dayak Paramasan yang menetap di Pegunungan Meratus Kabupaten Banjar memiliki sistem pengobatan tradisional disebut dengan nama etnomedisin babalian. Etnomedisin ini mengandung dua elemen pokok yaitu: ramuan herbal dan ritual penyembuhan. Ritual penyembuhan olehs masyarakat Dayak Parasaman disebut sebagai ritual baharagu. Menurut keyakinan Etnik Dayak Paramasan, etnomedisin yang mereka miliki telah digunakan untuk proses penyembuhan dari berbagai gangguan penyakit dan masih dianggap efektif sehingga mereka melestarikan ritual baharu secara turun temurun. Ritual penyembuhan dengan segala bentuk variasi yang dimiliki ragam budaya nusantara, sebenarnya telah memberikan manfaat secara empiris dan telah berhasil dilestarikan hingga kini melalui kurun waktu yang sangat lama. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa ritual penyembuhan tersebut memang bagi masyarakat pemiliknya terbukti mampu memberikan solusi bagi permasalah kesehatan merek

    Identifikasi Perilaku Pencarian Pengobatan Transfer Energi Ziki

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    Hasil Turnitin cek plagiarsm artikel terbit pada jurnal MIQOT Sinta


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    The level of comfort in performing ablution movements is very dependent on the shape of the ablution position, especially the height of the faucet and the movement position of the person standing or sitting for ablution, as well as the type of person who performs ablution. Purpose: to describe and describe the design of an ergonomic ablution place for the elderly in Panyabungan, Mandailing-Natal. Methods this study uses a qualitative method. The research approach used is a case study. Research informants were determined by purposive sampling consisting of key informants 3 elderly people, and 1 person from the mosque BKM. Supporting informants consist of 1 community leader, so the total informants are 5 people. Data analysis was collected by free-guided interviews using the Miles and Huberman technique. Processing using ATLAS.ti9 software. Result analysis of the data obtained that comfort affects the need for ablution facilities can be seen based on the value of the co-occurrence correlation coefficient (0.30). Based on ATLAS.ti9 analysis, 5 themes were obtained, namely: comfort, complaints, ablution time, frequency of use, and facility needs. Conclusion From the analysis it was found that the ablution place with a sitting position had the best value in this study, the need for facilities affected the comfort of ablution in the elderly, the floor in the ablution place was made flush with the roa


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    ABSTRACT Health is an optimum (balanced) condition for the individual, physically, mentally, socially and spiritually and free of disease, disability and weakness. Unstable physical and mental conditions can cause physiological changes in the body. The instability of the level of perception or consciousness causes emotional distress such as: anger, sadness, depression, anxiety and so on. The purpose of this literature review is to explain the mechanism of zikr on health through an immune response. The method used in the study literature collects literature in the form of journals, books, reports and research documents.The relationship between the brain and the immune system occurs through the HPA axis, which involves hormones - cytokines, through cells contained in the ANS (automic nerve system) pathways. The balance will be responded by a body system such as a hormone. A balanced body system affects hormonal balance, is in a physiological state. The immune system or immune system is affected by physical, mental and social stressors. Severe stressors activate the HPA axis and sympatho adrenal medullary system (SAM), affecting metabolic changes and affecting the body's immune system against disease.Conclusion: zikrah improves spiritually and at a high level of consciousness, acts as a filter against emotional instability. Spiritual awareness can be activated internally and externally. Internal comes from within the individual such as: experience and externally activated by others through motivation. Key Words: zikr, immune system, health, body balance, physiological hormones, spiritual awareness
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