23 research outputs found

    Water Management in UGM for Resilient and Healthy Campus

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    Water management is one of the most challenging aspects of campus management. With a large number on campus population and limited water resources, water management is essential for achieving a resilient and healthy campus. In this paper, we explain two targets in UGM water management: water efficiency and water conservation. Both objectives are significantly related; however, each goal has a different approach to the method for the design approach and strategies in the implementations. Water efficiency is included in building new buildings and retrofitting the existing ones. Meanwhile, water conservation is implemented to calculate potential alternative water resources in UGM, including water treatment, to produce freshwater as an additional water supply. We also explain how water management is implemented in UGM from the highest Directorate to the lowest units. Through our method and best practices in UGM, we hope our paper could be a reference for other universities who want to implement a water management program

    Analisis Kualitas Pencahayaan Menggunakan Pemodelan Numeris Sesuai SNI Pencahayaan, Data Pengukuran Langsung (On-Site) dan Simulasi

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    Sektor bangunan berperan secara signifikan pada konsumsi energi nasional. Pada bidang pencahayaan, umumnya sebuah bangunan komersial biasanya menghasilkan beban 20% - 45% dari konsumsi energi total yang dibutuhkan dari gedung tersebut (UNEP, 2006). Untuk memaksimalkan pemanfaatan beban energi yang sebesar itu, sistem pencahayaan harus memperhatikan faktor performansi dan kenyamanan visual yang dihasilkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kualitas sistem pencahayaan pada dengan studi kasus Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta pada ruang pertemuan dan lobi dengan tiga metode, yaitu dengan perhitungan numeris dengan dasar acuan studi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) tentang pencahayaan, metode pengukuran langsung, dan simulasi komputer dengan menggunakan DIALux. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, nilai iluminansi rata-rata ruang pertemuan dengan perhitungan numeris 78,1 lux, pengukuran langsung 72,33 lux, dan simulasi 89 lux dengan nilai baku mutu SNI 300 lux. Nilai iluminansi rata-rata lobi pada malam hari dengan perhitungan numeris yaitu 49,05 lux, pengukuran langsung 48,02 lux, dan simulasi 70 lux dengan nilai baku mutu SNI 100 lux. Berdasarkan data tersebut diketahui bahwa nilai iluminansi rata-rata ruang pertemuan dan lobi pada malam hari belum berhasil memenuhi standar kenyamanan SNI. Nilai iluminansi rata-rata lobi pada siang hari yaitu dengan perhitungan numeris 151,3 lux, pengukuran langsung 91,37 lux, dan simulasi 222 lux. Hal ini berarti lobi pada siang hari berhasil mendekati standar kenyamanan SNI. Analisis perbandingan ketiga metode tersebut menunjukkan bahwa perhitungan numeris dengan dasar SNI dilakukan sebagai dasar dari perancangan sistem pencahayaan, simulasi dilakukan untuk memperoleh perhitungan yang optimal, dan evaluasi sistem pencahayaan dilakukan dengan pengukuran langsung di lapangan


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    Abstract: The density of major cities in Indonesia is the impact of the rapid development of the population. Increasing the population as well as their welfare make the residential and traffic environment in urban areas less healthy. Noisy, and air quality as the main indicators that can be felt to be very disturbing to the human environment. The sound quality perspective is one that is overlooked. Even though the government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued standard noise levels in Kep-48 / MENLH / 11/1996, evaluation and control of reality in the field is still lacking. The soundscape approach that is very concerned about the environment as a resource will be the most effective when applied in urban and regional planning. This paper aims to explore how sound impacts in providing an auditory experience in open space through a soundscape approach with case studies of open space or the court of the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta. This case can be an example of implementing a strategy to create peace of space in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the city. On the other hand soundscaping techniques become the needs of every city to do, and in particular there must be a spatial pattern that unites and adapts to each other between buildings, open spaces, vegetation, water elements and activities, so that the sustainability of a comfortable and calm space will last long. Keywords: space sustainability; noise; auditory experience; soundscapeAbstrak: Kepadatan kota-kota besar di Indonesia merupakan dampak perkembangan penduduk yang begitu cepat meningkat. Peningkatan jumlah penduduk sekaligus kesejahteraan mereka membuat lingkungan pemukiman dan lalu lintas di perkotaan semakin kurang sehat. Bising, dan kualitas udara sebagai indikator utama yang dapat dirasakan sangat mengganggu lingkungan hidup manusia. Perspektif kualitas suara adalah salah satu yang terabaikan. Sekalipun pemerintah Republik Indonesa sudah mengeluarkan baku tingkat kebisingan dalam Kep-48/MENLH/11/1996, namun evaluasi dan kontrol terhadap kenyataan di lapangan masih kurang dilakukan. Pendekatan soundscape yang sangat memperhatikan lingkungan sebagai sumber daya akan menjadi yang paling efektif bila diterapkan dalam perencanaan kota dan kawasan. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi bagaimana dampak suara dalam memberikan pengalaman auditory dalam ruang terbuka melalui pendekatan soundscape dengan studi kasus kawasan ruang terbuka atau pelataran Masjid Agung Yogyakarta. Kasus ini dapat menjadi contoh penerapan strategi menciptakan ketenangan ruang di tengah hiruk pikuk kota. Di sisi lain teknik soundscaping menjadi kebutuhan setiap kota untuk dilakukan, dan secara khusus harus ada pola spasial yang menyatukan dan saling menyesuaikan antara bangunan, ruang terbuka, vegetasi, unsur air dan aktifitas, sehingga keberlanjutan ruang kawasan yang terkondisi nyaman dan tenang akan bisa bertahan lama.Kata Kunci: keberlanjutan ruang; kebisingan; pengalaman auditory; soundscap

    Design of an Acoustic-Based Nondestructive Test (NDT) Instrument to Predict the Modulus of Elasticity of Wood

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    Modulus of elasticity (E) can predict the mechanical characteristics, as well as grade the quality of wood. The Destructive Test (DT) method is the more commonly used, where the wood sample is split up when being tested. This research used the NDT method based on the longitudinal stress wave method (LSWM) whilst utilizing handheld instruments. The calculated E-dynamic (Ed) from the NDT method was compared with the E-static (Es) from the DT method to validate the technique. Six different wood types were tested with ten samples of each kind. An average R-value of 0.898 was obtained, indicating a high correlation between the Ed values and Es values. The LSWM method requires reliable hardware and software to record the impulse response. It starts by hitting the wood with a hammer to create an impulse, finding the resonance frequency (f0), and later calculating the Ed. A more practical and easy-to-use handheld mobile instrument was developed using a Raspberry Pi-2 microcomputer as the signal processor, an LCD touchscreen, a USB soundcard, and a dynamic microphone that covers 0.1-5kHz and -64 ± 3dB. An internal telecommunication system is provided to support measurements conducted at lumber mills. The software includes band-pass filtering of the recorded spectrum where the f0 is depicted. A time-domain envelope fitting is then applied to the filtered spectrum to obtain the R2envelope. A low R2envelope value indicates an inadequate impulse response, and therefore, the test should be redon

    Characterizing the Audibility of Sound Field with Diffusion in Architectural Spaces.

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    The significance of diffusion control in room acoustics is that it attempts to avoid echoes by dispersing reflections while removing less valuable sound energy. Some applications place emphasis on the enhancement of late reflections to promote a sense of envelopment, and on methods required to measure the performance of diffusers. What still remains unclear is the impact of diffusion on the audibility quality due to the geometric arrangement of architectural elements. The objective of this research is to characterize the audibility of the sound field with diffusion in architectural space. In order to address this objective, an approach utilizing various methods and new techniques relevant to room acoustics standards was applied. An array of microphones based on beam forming (i.e., an Acoustic Camera) was utilized for field measurements in a recording studio, classrooms, auditoriums, concert halls and sport arenas. Given the ability to combine a visual image with acoustical data, the impulse responses measured were analyzed to identify the impact of diffusive surfaces on the early, late, and reverberant sound fields. The effects of the room geometry and the proportions of the diffusive surfaces were observed by utilizing computer simulations. The diffuseness in each space was measured by coherences from different measurement positions along with the acoustical conditions predicted by objective parameters such as T30, EDT, C80, and C50. Noticeable differences of the auditory experience were investigated by utilizing computer-based survey techniques, given the current software auralization capabilities. The results based on statistical analysis demonstrate the users’ ability to localize the sound, and to distinguish the intensity, clarity, and reverberation created within the virtual environment. The impact of architectural elements in diffusion control is evaluated by the design variable interaction, objectively and subjectively. The effectiveness of the diffusive surfaces is determined by the echo reduction and the sense of complete immersion in a given room acoustics volume. The application of such methodology at various stages of design provides the ability to create a better auditory experience by the users. The results based on the cases studied have contributed to the development of new acoustical treatment based on the diffusion characteristics.PHDArchitectureUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/93826/1/sentagi_1.pd

    Activity Based Smart Lighting Control For Energy Efficient Building By Neural Network Model

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    The goal of this research is to attain a smart control algorithm that can be used in a lighting system based on the activities of a building's occupants, using the neutral network model method. The study case of this research is the activities inside the Asrama Mahasiswa Kinanti UGM building. Control algorithm was built based on qualitative data from the occupants of the building, which were more or less the daily activities of the occupants. The results of the qualitative data will be essential in choosing a sensor and its placement. Several scenarios of activities represented by the combination of sensors' outputs are used as the control system input. The optimum illumination of the lighting system for these scenarios was produced through simulation using DIALux. An artificial neural network model was then developed and used as the smart control algorithm. Input for the neural network is the combination of sensor output and illumination output for each scenarios, given the simulation results. Based on the qualitative data acquired through a survey of the occupants' activities, the design of the lighting control system requires a system that uses occupancy sensors, weight sensors, photoelectric sensors, and photo sensors. The various positions and activities being done by the occupants are represented by the sensors output. A manual remote will be used to adjust the sensors regarding details that cannot be specifically detected. Ongoing specific activities inside the inhabited room gives off a system output. This scenario portrays the lighting conditions of the room, which includes the number of lights that are turned on or turned off. A smart control algorithm was developed using the backpropagation neural network model with 10 neuron inputs, the first hidden layer with 20 neurons, second hidden layer with 20 neurons, whilst the output layer has 5 neurons. The activated function for the first hidden layer is tan-sigmoid, for the second hidden layer is log-sigmoid, and the output layer is using pure linear. The training function uses trainlm. The MSE system's value is 2.72 x 10-8 with a larger R total value, which is 0.99892


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    Building sector has been a part of the huge national energy load in order to improve the conservation and energy efficiency. In lighting sector, generally a commercial building produces energy load 20% - 45% of total energy consumption needed (UNEP, 2006). With that huge energy load, lighting system must consider its performance factor and visual comfort produced. This research is to analyze the quality of lighting system at Hotel Novotel Yogyakarta in function room and lobby with three methods which are numerical modelling based on SNI of lighting, on-site measurement, and computer simulation using DiaLux. From the results of this research,it is concluded that the average illuminance in function room by numerical calculation is 78.1 lux, by on-site measurement is 72.33 lux, and by simulation is 89 lux, while the SNI�s value quality is 300 lux. Results of averege illuminance in lobby at night by numerical calculation is 49.05 lux, by on-site measurement 48.02 lux, and by simulation is 70 lux. Based on these results, we know that the average illuminance of function room and lobby at night have not managed to meet the visual comfort�s standards of SNI. Average illuminance in lobby during the day by numerical calculation is 151.3 lux, by onsite measurement is 91.37 lux, and by simulation is 222 lux. With these results, it�s known that lobby during the day have managed to meet the visual comfort�s standards of SNI. Comparative analysis of the three methods shows that numerical calculation based on SNI performed as the basis of a lighting system design while computer simulation performed to obtain an optimal calculation and evaluation is done by on-site measurement


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    Audibility characterize the diffusion field is to identify geometric formations and room elements which influence the diffusion properties of the sound field is significantly based on the relationship between objective and subjective parameters. In this study the differences in the characteristics of auditory perception from several workstations with different diffuse nature, which resulted in the conclusion that the geometry and layout of the elements of the room will determine the nature of the distribution of sound in space. In an open office space footprint needed conversation spread evenly to all parts of the room, so that information that is important for all employees can be conveyed properly. The level and nature of the diffusion chamber can be seen from changes in the value of coherence spaces. The space has a higher diffusion properties of the value even higher spatial coherence or similarity of the spread of sound in the higher chamber. Coherence value can be determined by using the Matlab calculations. Coherence value was on every workstation shows that no significant differences from comparison of coherence at all workstations, the highest value of artifacts on workstations 1-4, in the position of the upper left to the lower left on wrokstation 2, with a value of 0.3789, but this value can not be said to be diffuse, because the value of coherence that can be said to have a diffuse condition that is of value 0.5-1, but this condition is spread evenly in the space 9, in other words have a sound spread equally on each workstation. Changes in the diffusion properties of the parameter space is also seen that the acoustic effect, such as C50, T30, and Rasti


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    An open-plan Offices is a type of office with no wall or full partition that separates between the workstations or work desks. Acoustical problems that are often found are related with the ability to communicate among co-workers without any noise interference and noise disturbances as well as lack of speech privacy. Therefore, further research is requiered to find the optimal speech privacy distance. The Research methods that are used refers to ISO 3382-3 (2012), Besides that, it also used privacy index method and % ALcons is also used to analyze the speech privacy in every workstation. Results of the analyzed data based on ISO 3382-3:2012 method show that the value of D 2 ,S 50 dB , and rD > 10 m. Therefore, the office rooms observed can be concluded as rooms with poor speech privacy. All of the workstation falls in the category of confidential privacy with the PI value in the range of 98- 99%. Utilizing the % ALcons method, some optimum privacy distance are noticeable occuring within these rooms


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    As a commercial entity that operates 24 hours, energy efficiency is required in hotels in order to minimize the building energy consumption. One of the strategies is by modifying the building air conditioning system, given the fact that it consumes the largest amount of electricity. Modification on the air conditioning system that has been done in this research is by replacing the current Constant Air Volume (CAV) system with the Variable Air Volume (VAV) system. It consists of a VAV terminal unit which functionalizes to control the air volume being distributed into the spaces known thermal zones. The building observed is Novotel Hotel in Yogyakarta. This research is based on computer simulation using EnergyPlus software compute the energy efficiency obtained by the use of VAV system. The data input required are the building geometry, weather data, and the building cooling loads. First stage of the simulation is creating the computer model using Google SketchUp 8 with an Open Studio 1.0.10 module. The next stage is the energy simulation utilizing EnergyPlus, followed with the analysis. Results have shown that the total energy consumption of the first floor Novotel Hotel Yogyakarta is 2508.33 GJ per year with 45.22% allocated for AC, 44.76% for lighting, and 10.02% for other utilities. Furthermore, the Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is 433.012 kWh/m 2 per year. By comparing the energy consumption of both system, CAV and VAV, it can be concluded that applying VAV to the AC system has gained energy efficiency up to 4.58%