165 research outputs found

    Studi Pengaruh Bahan Aditif Multi Walled Carbonnanotube (MWCNT) dan Acetylene Black (AB) pada Komposit LTO sebagai Bahan Elektroda untuk Baterai Li-ion

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    Li4Ti5O12 atau LTO merupakan salah satu material alternatif untuk menggantikan graphite sebagai komponen anoda pada baterai Li-ion. Hal ini juga didukung dengan adanya struktur material LTO yang ti-dak mengalami Perubahan bentuk selama terjadi interkalasi ion Li+. Penelitian ini fokus terhadap masalah pe-milihan material komposit aditif Acetylene Black (AB) dan Multi Walled Carbon Nanotube (MWCNT), sementa-ra LTO sebagai filler yang digunakan. Pembahasan utama dalam penelitian ini yaitu menganalisa efek dari kedua bahan aditif dan juga efek penambahan massa bahan aditif MWCNT dengan variasi massa sebesar 2%wt, 4%wt dan 8%wt. Dari hasil pengujian XRD menunjukkan terbentuknya fasa LTO pada semua sampel dengan parameter kisi 8.35 A. Untuk hasil pengujian SEM, terjadi aglomerasi pada MWCNT. Untuk mengeta-hui sifat elektrokimia LTO komposit dilakukan pengujian baterai full cell yang terdiri dari pengujian EIS, cyclic voltammetry dan pengujian kapasitas charging discharging.Berdasarkan penelitian ini didapatkan hasil bahwa penggunaan AB memiliki perfoma baterai yang lebih baik dari pada MWCNT. Sedangkan untuk hasil pengu-jian konduktivitas lembaran LTO komposit didapatkan bahwa dengan penambahan massa aditif MWCNT se-banyak 4%wt dapat meningkatkan konduktivitas listrik hingga mencapai 1.56 x 10-2 S/m

    Pemanfaatan Web Cam Dengan Metoda Principal Components Untuk Sistem Presensi Karyawan Pada Komputer

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    This paper discuss about the applied of webcam on a presention system to verified an image of human face based on his/herself training images. This system was the biometric system because the system used some of human bodies as an object to verified. The method that used in this system was Principal Components Analysis (PCA) which can reduce the complexity of an face image into a simple set of weight. PCA used only a few of training images to verified an unknown image so it can reduce the time that waste to train the training images. The concept that used in this verification method is to compared the weight of training images with the weight of test image

    Digitalisasi Desa Berbasis Aplikasi “Simpeldesa”: Inovasi Dalam Mewujudkan Ketahanan Pangan Berkelanjutan Di Desa Cibiru Wetan

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    Digitalisasi desa dapat berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional, khususnya dalam konteks ketahanan pangan. Melalui pendekatan observasi lapangan dan wawancara dengan berbagai pihak di Desa Cibiru Wetan, Kabupaten Bandung. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami bagaimana digitalisasi desa dapat berkontribusi terhadap pembangunan nasional, khususnya dalam konteks ketahanan pangan, sehingga dapat memberikan jawaban bahwa digitalisasi bukan hanya konsep abstrak tetapi dapat diwujudkan dan memberikan manfaat nyata. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa digitalisasi desa berpotensi dalam mendukung pembangunan nasional khususnya mengenai ketahanan pangan melalui peningkatan ketersediaan, akses, pemanfaatan, dan stabilitas pangan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan referensi bagi desa-desa lain di Indonesia dalam mengimplementasikan digitalisasi sebagai salah satu strategi pembangunan, serta memberikan wawasan baru bagi pemerintah daerah dan stakeholder terkait dalam merumuskan kebijakan pembangunan desa yang berorientasi pada ketahanan pangan

    Menyederhanakan Waktu Penyelenggaraan Pemilu: Pemilu Nasional dan Pemilu Daerah

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    Pemilihan umum anggota legislatif di Indonesia tidak hanya dikenal sebagai pemilu paling banyak melibatkan pemilih, tetapi juga dikenal sebagai pemilu paling kompleks di dunia. Kompleksitas ini terjadi karena penggunaan dua sistem pemilu yang berbeda dalam satu hari pemilihan. Pemilu untuk memilih anggota DPR, DPRD Provinsi, dan DPRD Kabupaten/Kota menggunakan sistem proporsional dengan daftar terbuka; sedang pemilu untuk memilih anggota DPD menggunakan sistem mayoritarian dengan wakil banyak. Sementara itu, pemilu presiden dan pemilu kepala daerah yang diselenggarakan berlainan waktu, merupakan pemilu yang sederhana. Meskipun menggunakan sistem dua putaran (majority-runoff), jarang sekali terjadi putaran kedua. Dua kali pemilu presiden, sekali terjadi putaran kedua; sedang dalam pilkada yang digelar di hampir 500 daerah, hanya beberapa daerah yang sempat melakukan putaran kedua

    Standalone Avr Programmer

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    Article clarifies a research having goals to make AVR programming system that is portable, by makingsystem modul based on AVR AT8535 as AVR Programmer/Master and AT8515 asAVR Socket. The module instructionat first is hex file was sending from PC to AVR Programmer/Master that later will be saved to external memory. Afterthe hex file saved, programming process will not need help from PC anymore. The saved hex file that saved toexternal memory can be choosen that later will be written to AVR Socket. So, the AVR program can be donerepeatedly as long as data on external memory still saved. The standalone that was made can only programed AVRATMega 8515L. From the research ita can be conluded that on case of repeated program, Stand Alone AVR able tosave time 20% more faster that programming using AVR codevision

    Associations of Education, Knowledge, and Attitude with Antenatal Care Visit in Medan, North Sumatera

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    Background: It has been estimated that 25 percent of maternal deaths occur during pregnancy. Therefore, good care during pregnancy is important for the health of the mother and the development of the unborn baby.This study aimed to determine the associations of education, knowledge, and attitude with antenatal care (ANC) visit in Medan, North Sumatera. Subjects and Method: This was a case control study conducted at Ridos General Hospital, Medan, North Sumatera. A sample of 89 pregnant women was selected for this study. The dependent variable was completeness of ANC. The independent variables were education, knowledge, and attitude. The data were collected by questionnaire. The data were analyzed by a multiple linear regression. Results: Knowledge about pregnancy and birth delivery (b= 048; p= 0.045) was associated with completeness of ANC visit, after controlling for the effects for other variables. Conclusion: Knowledge about pregnancy and birth delivery is associated with completeness of ANC visit. Keywords: antenatal care, education, knowledge, attitude, pregnant women

    Utilization of Viable Bone Marrow Derivat Stem Cells Through an Adaption in Low Oxigen Tension as an Attempt to Increase Cellular Transplantation Efficacy for Spermatogenesis Process

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    Cellular transplantation using stem cells provides very promising solutions in the regeneration and repairment of cells that have experienced degeneration where recovery through medical or surgical intervension is impossible. However, the very low viability of transplanted stem cells limits the transplantation efficacy. The aim of this research was to obtain viable bone marrow derived stem cells by an adaptation treatment in a low oxygen tensioned in vitro culture. Low oxygen tension adaptation was adjusted to the niche of the stem cells in vivo. In this study, in vitro culture of stem cells in 1% oxygen was compared to those of the conventional culture in 21 % oxygen.Results showed that under 1% oxygentension cell proliferation was slower with larger or rounded triangle shaped cells, and senescence or dead cells was low. Meanwhile under 21 % oxygen tension cell proliferation was two fold faster with flattened and slender cells, and senescence or dead cells was higher. In conclusion, conventional in vitro culture under 21% oxygen caused cell aging (senescence) and rapid cell death, therefore the transplanted cells were not viable

    Atomic scale strain relaxation in axial semiconductor III-V nanowire heterostructures

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    Combination of mismatched materials in semiconductor nanowire heterostructures offers a freedom of bandstructure engineering that is impossible in standard planar epitaxy. Nevertheless, the presence of strain and structural defects directly control the optoelectronic properties of these nanomaterials. Understanding with atomic accuracy how mismatched heterostructures release or accommodate strain, therefore, is highly desirable. By using atomic resolution high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy combined with geometrical phase analyses and computer simulations, we are able to establish the relaxation mechanisms (including both elastic and plastic deformations) to release the mismatch strain in axial nanowire heterostructures. Formation of misfit dislocations, diffusion of atomic species, polarity transfer, and induced structural transformations are studied with atomic resolution at the intermediate ternary interfaces. Two nanowire heterostructure systems with promising applications (InAs/InSb and GaAs/GaSb) have been selected as key examples
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