114 research outputs found


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    Penelitian  ini dilakukan  untuk mengetahui apakah Fisher effect berlaku di lndonesia. Menggunakan data inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode 2006 sampai 2010, ditemukan bahwa  terdapat hubungan antara tingkat  inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode  per tahun dan bukan periode per bulan. Dari hasil  ini diketahui bahwa harapan inflasi yang ditentukan pengalaman  inflasi beberapa periode  sebelumnya  menentukan pembentukan  suku bunga nominal. Selain  itu penelitian ini menemukan adanya  suku bunga riel yang negatif saat inflasi  tinggi. Hasil  ini menunjukkan  bahwa  inflasi yang  tinggi ternyata  tidak sepenuhnya diantisipasi  oleh pasar. Tidak ada hubungan antara  inflasi dan suku bunga periode  per bulan dan adanya suku bunga  negatif menuniukkan bahwa harapan inflasi, yang mempengaruhi bunga nominal, dibentuk  dari pengalaman inflasi yang panjang


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    Penelitian  ini dilakukan  untuk mengetahui apakah Fisher effect berlaku di lndonesia. Menggunakan data inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode 2006 sampai 2010, ditemukan bahwa  terdapat hubungan antara tingkat  inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode  per tahun dan bukan periode per bulan. Dari hasil  ini diketahui bahwa harapan inflasi yang ditentukan pengalaman  inflasi beberapa periode  sebelumnya  menentukan pembentukan  suku bunga nominal. Selain  itu penelitian ini menemukan adanya  suku bunga riel yang negatif saat inflasi  tinggi. Hasil  ini menunjukkan  bahwa  inflasi yang  tinggi ternyata  tidak sepenuhnya diantisipasi  oleh pasar. Tidak ada hubungan antara  inflasi dan suku bunga periode  per bulan dan adanya suku bunga  negatif menuniukkan bahwa harapan inflasi, yang mempengaruhi bunga nominal, dibentuk  dari pengalaman inflasi yang panjang

    Mengukur Tingkat Kesehatan Bank di Indonesia

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    Bank plays an important role in economy. Allocation of fund an circulation of money become more efficient with the existence of bank. It one factor that promotes stable economic growth.Only healthy bank can maximize its role in economic activities. The Question is what criteria of healthy bank in Indonesia. There are 5 criteria in measuring the health of bank. The criteria are Capital, Asset quality, management, earning, and liquidity (CAMEL). This paper describes and explains how these 5 criteria work

    Peluang Membangun Perekonomian Nasional dengan Perbaikan Sistem Pembiayaan Bagi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM)

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    Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in economy; not only they employ a lot of workers but also contribute to Gross Domestic products (GDP). The SMEs contribute more than 60 percent of GDP (40 percent from small enterprises (SEs)). More than 99 percent of interprises in Indonesia are SMEs and more than 96 percent of worker are employed by them (more than 91 percent work in SEs). Although SMEs are very important for the Indonesian economy, they still have problem to have accessing fund. The SEs invest only 1.5 million rupiahs in average (only 0.0078 and 0.00005 times the average investment of medium (MEs) and big enterprises (BEs) each year) and the MEs invest 855.88 million rupiahs in average (nearly 0.03 times the average investment of BE each year). The data shows that investment for each SE is too small than investment of MEs and BEs. On the other hand the return of investment in SE are more than twice than ME and BE. Although the SMEs contribute 60 percent of total GDP, they only invest 43 percent of total investment every year. The Kredit Usaha Kecil (KUK) that served by commercial Banks for SMEs only contribute 37 percent to total investment of SMEs or 16 percent to total investment. It is proper SMEs invest more than current their investment because they contribute to GDP more than BEs. The intermediation institution (bank) should improve they role in SMEs funding. The development of intermediary system that serve easy funding for SMEs especially SEs is a potential way to increase the economic growth and better distribution of income

    Fisher Effect in Indonesia (for Period 2006-2010)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah Fisher effect berlaku di lndonesia. Menggunakan data inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode 2006 sampai 2010, ditemukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara tingkat inflasi dan suku bunga untuk periode per tahun dan bukan periode per bulan. Dari hasil ini diketahui bahwa harapan inflasi yang ditentukan pengalaman inflasi beberapa periode sebelumnya menentukan pembentukan suku bunga nominal. Selain itu penelitian ini menemukan adanya suku bunga riel yang negatif saat inflasi tinggi. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa inflasi yang tinggi ternyata tidak sepenuhnya diantisipasi oleh pasar. Tidak ada hubungan antara inflasi dan suku bunga periode per bulan dan adanya suku bunga negatif menuniukkan bahwa harapan inflasi, yang mempengaruhi bunga nominal, dibentuk dari pengalaman inflasi yang panjang

    Menjalankan Rangkaian Strategis Samudera Biru (suatu Lde Penerapan di Perguruan Tinggi)

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    To have its own blue ocean, university must be managed not in ordinary way. For example,,it should not only focus on its current customers but also on potential customers and change them to customers. Kim dan Mauborgne (2005) introduce four processes thaf university must do to have its own blue ocean. The processes include developing benefits for customers (why consumers buy), building strategic price, finding strategic cost, and adopting the strategy in organization. This paper introduces simple idea to build blue ocean strategy in university

    Pengenalan Produk dan Akad dalam Perbankan Syariah

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    There are so many products that can be offered by Islamic banking. They must not be done with the ways or procedures that break the Islamic law (Syaria) for example interest (riba) which is always done in conventional banking system. The application of syaria in the banking operation makes the Islamic Bank different than conventional one. In this paper, the products and the transaction (akad) in Islamic banking will be described in simple way. The example of products and akad in the real operating of Islamic Banking also is given to make the explanation more clearly. The Examples are come from Bank Syariah Mandiri Indonesia. It is hope that all simple description about product and akad in Islamic Banking make reader more familiar to the Islamic Banking

    Dengan Pendekatan Matriks dalam Regresi

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    Regression is a model that is usually used in many field of study, include economics and business, in a purpose to find causal relation of independent variable to dependent variable. It is described the relation of one or more independent variables to one dependent variable. In many cases, the regression with more than two independent variables is estimated by wrong formula or equation. The fallacy usually exist because statistical or econometrics tax book, which is used as reference, often show only the regression formula for maximum two independent variables. On the other side, it is not much explanation how the formula can be employed to find the coefficient of regression. There are many cases that researchers used formula to calculate coefficient for two independent variables in calculation of more than two independent variables. This paper uses matrix analysis to find formula of regression as well as calculate it by using matrix approach because the development of formula of coefficient in regression can be explained clearly by matrix approach. The different formula and equation must be used in different number of independent variable is concluded by this paper. All variables that used in the model are always calculated in every formula of coefficient

    Rumah, Layakkah Menjadi Aset Untuk Investasi?

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    Having own house is part of all families' dream. Generally house consumes the largest proportion of households' income. It is not all families can afford to buy them. Furthermore, a house also becomes their most profitable investment. The rise of price of house, in long period of time, can make household more wealthy than before. Housing investment is worth because several reason. First, it is low risk investment. Second, the return will come from the rent and the rises of price, that believed always increase, could be relatively hight. Third, If is also differ than other portfolio investment, many institutions are willing to give loans to financing the house. As consequency, it gives the owner of houses opportunity to get higher real of return from the investment. House become profitable investment if it done for long period of time. It is also good investment if the price of house always rises. This paper shows the simple rasioning of housing investment. The example is introduced to make clearly explanation