43 research outputs found

    Factorii de risc în dezvoltarea tuberculozei pulmonare primar depistată care necesită spitalizare

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    Background. The elucidation and updating of risk factors allows the establishment of an efficient and targeted policy in the fight against tuberculosis, allowing the much more efficient management of the limited resources available to the Republic of Moldova. Objective of the study. The aim of the paper is to study the impact of risk factors in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis treated inpatient and outpatient, and the effectiveness of treatment. Material and Methods. A case-control analytical, crosssectional, retrospective study was performed. A total of 243 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were included - new cases, with negative and positive microbiological results sensitive to treatment. They were divided into two groups: the study group (190), the inpatients and the control group (53) were those treated in the outpatient setting. Results. Risk factors in the development of TB that require hospitalization are: demographics: men (OR = 3.29, CI 95% 1.75-6.17), passive detection (OR = 3.25, CI 95% 1.72-6.11 ) epidemiological - contact (OR = 3.66, 95% 1.63-8.21); socio-economic: unfavorable living conditions (OR = 7.4, 95% CI 3.63-15.09), unemployed (OR = 4.77, 95% CI 2.27-10.06), primary education (OR = 4, 59, 95% 1.05-19.91), secondary education (OR = 5.02, 95% 1.49-16.89), smoking (OR = 13.86, 95% 1.86-103.4 ), alcohol and smoking (OR = 3.47, 95% CI 1.18-10.18); medicobilogical: two chronic pathologies (OR = 13.86, 95% CI 1.86-103.41), hepatopathies (OR = 3.06, 95% CI 1.04- 9.01). Conclusion. Inpatients have more risk factors than outpatients, which leads to the development of TB processes with more serious evolution, and efficient sorting of patients according to hospitalization criteria has contributed to a high success rate of treatment. Introducere. Elucidarea și actualizarea factorilor de risc, permite stabilirea unei politici eficiente și țintite în lupta cu tuberculoza, permițând gestionarea mult mai eficientă a resurselor limitate de care dispune Republica Moldova. Scopul lucrării. Studierea impactului factorilor de risc la bolnavii de tuberculoză pulmonară tratați în staționar, în ambulatoriu și eficacitatea tratamentului. Material și Metode. A fost efectuat un studiu analitic, transversal, retrospectiv de tip caz-control. În total au fost incluse 243 de cazuri de tuberculoză pulmonară - cazuri noi, cu rezultate microbiologice negative și pozitiv sensibile la tratament. Aceștia au fost repartizați în două loturi: lotul de studiu (190), au constituit bolnavii tratați în staționar și lotul control (53), cei tratați în ambulatoriu. Rezultate. Factori de risc în dezvoltarea TB, care necesită spitalizare sunt: demografici: bărbații (OR=3,29, IÎ95% 1,75-6,17), depistarea pasivă (OR=3,25, IÎ95% 1,72-6,11); epidemiologici - contactul (OR=3,66, IÎ95% 1,63-8,21); socioeconomici: condițiile nefavorabile de trai (OR=7,4, IÎ95% 3,63-15,09), neangajații (OR=4,77, IÎ95% 2,27-10,06), studiile primare (OR=4,59, IÎ95% 1,05-19,91), studiile gimnaziale (OR=5,02, IÎ95% 1,49-16,89), fumatul (OR=13,86, IÎ95% 1,86-103,4), alcoolul și fumatyl (OR=3,47, IÎ95% 1,18-10,18); medicobilogici: două patologii cronice (OR=13,86, IÎ95% 1,86-103,41), hepatopatiile (OR=3,06, IÎ95% 1,04-9,01). Concluzii. Bolnavii din staționar au mai mulți factori de risc, decât cei din ambulatoriu, ceea ce duce la dezvoltarea proceselor TB cu evoluţie mai gravă, iar trierea eficientă a bolnavilor conform criteriilor de spitalizare a contribuit la obținerea unei rate înalte de succes al tratamentului

    Assessment of demographic and diagnostic features of TB in patients with HIV infection in the Republic of Moldova

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Persoanele infectate cu HIV (PIH) dezvoltă tuberculoza de 19 (15-22) ori mai des decât cei neinfectați. La nivel global în anul 2021 au decedat 1,6 mln. bolnavi de tuberculoză, inclusiv 187.000 persoane care trăiesc cu HIV. În Republica Moldova cazurile noi de tuberculoză la PIH constituie aproximativ 10 %. Scopul lucrării. Studierea depistării tuberculozei pulmonare (cazuri noi) la persoanele care trăiesc cu HIV. Material și metode. A fost realizat un studiu retrospectiv, selectiv care a inclus 160 bolnavi de tuberculoză pulmonară, cazuri noi la persoanele care trăiesc cu HIV (PIH) pe parcursul anului 2021 în Republica Moldova. Rezultate. Pe malul drept al Nistrului au fost depistați 112 (70 %), iar pe malul stâng – 48(30 %) bolnavi. S-a constatat predominarea pacienților de sex masculin 121 (75,6%), iar sexul feminin - 39(24,4%). Majoritatea pacienților depistați s-au încadrat în grupa de vârstă între 25-54 (95,6%) ani. HIV infecția a fost depistată concomitent cu tuberculoza pe parcursul screening-ului TB la 101 (63,1%), pe când la ceilalți bolnavi au dezvoltat tuberculoza pe fondalul HIV infecției. Metoda de depistare a tuberculozei a fost activă la 86(53,8%) și pasivă la 74(46,2%). Peste o jumătate din bolnavii depistați au fost baciliferi: microscopia și Xpert MTB/ RIF pozitiv - la 55(34,4%), Xpert MTB/RIF pozitiv, microscopia negativă - la 32 (20,0%) și microscopia pozitivă, Xpert MTB/RIF negativ – la 5 (3,1%). Concluzii. Rata bolnavilor TB/HIV cazuri noi, pe malul stâng al Nistrului a constituit 1/3 din lotul studiat. În perioada sreening-ului bolnavilor de tuberculoză, HIV infecția a fost constatată concomitent la peste ½ din cei examinați. Metoda molecular-genetică Xpert MTB/RIF a fost prioritară în depistarea bolnavilor baciliferi.Background. People living with HIV (PLHIV) are 19 (1522) times more likely to develop tuberculosis than non-infected individuals. Globally, in 2021, 1.6 million tuberculosis-related deaths were reported, including 187,000 deaths among people living with HIV. In the Republic of Moldova, new tuberculosis cases among PLHIV account for approximately 10% of all cases. Objective of the study. To investigate the detection of new pulmonary tuberculosis cases in people living with HIV. Material and methods. A retrospective, selective study was conducted, including 160 newly diagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis patients among PLHIV in the Republic of Moldova during the year 2021. Results. On the right bank of the Nistru River, 112 cases (70%) were detected, while on the left bank, 48 cases (30%) were identified. A predominance of male patients was observed, with 121 (75.6%) males and 39 (24.4%) females. The majority of detected patients belonged to the age group between 25-54 years (95.6%). HIV infection was detected simultaneously with tuberculosis during TB screening in 101 patients (63.1%), while in the remaining patients, tuberculosis developed on the background of HIV infection. The method of tuberculosis detection was active in 86 cases (53.8%) and passive in 74 cases (46.2%). Over half of the detected patients were smear-positive: positive by microscopy and Xpert MTB/RIF in 55 cases (34.4%), positive by Xpert MTB/ RIF with negative microscopy in 32 cases (20.0%), and positive by microscopy with negative Xpert MTB/RIF in 5 cases (3.1%). Conclusion. The rate of new TB/HIV cases on the left bank of the Nistru River constituted one-third of the studied population. During TB screening, HIV infection was concurrently identified in over half of the examined individuals. The molecular-genetic method Xpert MTB/RIF was prioritized for the detection of smear-positive patients

    The risk factors for developing primarily detected pulmonary tuberculosis requiring hospitalization

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    Department of Pneumophthisiology, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu", Chișinău, Republic of Moldova, Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemițanu” din Republica Moldova, Ziua internațională a științei pentru pace și dezvoltarePurpose: studying the impact of risk factors and the effectiveness of treatment in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, primarily screened, treated inpatient and outpatient. Conclusions: 1. Most inpatient cases included men of working age, detected by the passive method, 1/3 of which having a contact with a TB-infected person, 1/4 being migrants, and every tenth was homeless or freed from the jail. The outpatient clinic revealed a predominant number of women and people detected by the active method 2. The social factors were more highlighted in the patients treated in the inpatient departments, such as unfavorable living conditions, lack of employment, low level of education, and vicious skills. 3. Hospitalized patients had 2-3 comorbidities, often in a decompensation stage that required permanent and thorough medical monitoring, whereas most patients in outpatient conditions did not present or had only one associated disease. 4. According to the ranking of risk factors it was established that patients who are exposed to socio-economic factors (smoking, unsatisfactory living conditions, unemployment, low level of education) and medico-biological (association of two chronic pathologies), are more likely to develop tuberculosis that requires hospitalization. 5. A multitude of risk factors present in inpatients, compared to outpatients, lead to the development of TB processes with more serious evolution, and efficient sorting of patients according to hospitalization criteria has contributed to achieving a high success rate of treatment

    Tuberculoza şi sărăcia

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    În studiu, elaborat în baza datelor oficiale ale Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii, este demonstrată corelaţia incidenţei tuberculozei, mortalităţii de această boală cu indicii caracteristici sărăciei (rata inflaţiei, produsul naţional brut, puterea calorică a alimentaţiei populaţiei etc.)

    Клинико-рентгенологические, микробиологические аспекты и эффективность лечения у пациентов с туберкулезом легких диагностированных Xpert MTB/RIF

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    IP USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”Xpert MTB/Rif este un test nou molecular pentru diagnosticarea precoce а tuberculozei și aprecierea rezistenței la unul din cele mai importante preparate antituberculoase - rifampicină. Scopul studiului a fost aprecierea aspectelor clinicoradiologice, microbiologice şi efi cacităţii tratamentului la pacienţi cu tuberculoză pulmonară diagnosticaţi prin Xpert MTB/Rif. A fost studiat un lot de 310 pacienţi cu tuberculoză pulmonară tratați la Spitalul clinic municipal de tuberculoză în 2014. Bolnavii au fost distribuiți în 2 eşantioane: eşantion I – 123 bolnavii cu rezultatul pozitiv Xpert MTB/Rif, sensibil la rifampicină şi eşantion II – 187 bolnavi cu Xpert MTB/Rif negativ. Sputa microscopic pozitivă a fost determinată în 72 (58,5%) cazuri în eşantionul I şi numai la 9 (4,8%) bolnavi - în eşantionul II, p<0,001. Cultura a fost pozitivă la 103 (83,7%) pacienţi în eșantionul I şi la 15 (8%) bolnavi în eşantionul II, p<0,001. Succesul tratamentului (vindecat și tratament încheiat) în eşantionul I a fost stabilit în 77,3%, iar în eşantionul II – în 85,6% cazuri. Clinical, radiological, microbiological aspects and treatment effi cacy in pulmonary TB patients diagnosed by Xpert MTB/Rif Xpert MTB/Rif is a new molecular test for early TB diagnosis and assessment of resistance to the one of the most important antituberculosis drug - rifampicin. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical, radiological, microbiological aspects and treatment effi cacy in TB pulmonary patients diagnosed by Xpert MTB/Rif. Were studied a group of 310 pulmonary tuberculosis patients, treated in the IMSP SCMF, in 2014. Patients were distributed in two groups: 1st group - 123 patients with positive result Xpert MTB/ RIF, sensitive to rifampicin and 2nd group - 187 patients with Xpert MTB/ Rif negative. Sputum microscopy was positive in 72 (58.5%) cases in the 1st group and only in 9 (4.8%) patients in the 2nd group, p <0.001. Сulture was positive in 103 (83.7%) cases in the 1st group, and in 15 (8%) cases - in the 2nd group, p <0.001. Treatment success (cured and treatment completed) rate was 77, 3% in the 1st group and 85.6% - in the 2nd group. Клинико-рентгенологические, микробиологические аспекты и эффективность лечения у пациентов с туберкулезом легких диагностированных Xpert MTB/RIF Xpert MTB/RIF – новый молекулярный тест для ранней диагностики туберкулеза и оценки устойчивости к одному из наиболее эффективных противотуберкулезных препаратов – рифампицину. Цель исследования – оценка клинико-рентгенологических, микробиологических аспектов и эффективности лечения у пациентов с туберкулезом легких диагностированных посредством Xpert MTB/RIF. В ходе исследования были изучены данные 310 больных туберкулезом легких, лечившихся в Муниципальной Клинической Фтизиопульмонологической больнице Кишинева, в 2014 г. Пациенты были распределены на две группы: I группа – 123 больных с положительным результатом Xpert MTB/RIF, чувствительным к рифампицину и II группа – 187 больных с отрицательным результатом Xpert MTB/RIF. Микроскопия мокроты была положительной у 72 (58,5%) больных I-й группы и у 9 (4,8%) пациентов II-й группы, р<0,001. Культура была положительной у 103 (83,7%) пациентов из I-й группы, и у 15 (8%) больных II-й группы, р <0,001. Успешное лечение (излечение и законченное лечение) в I-й группе составило 77, 3%, а во II-й группе – 85,6%

    Клинические и имунологические предиктивные факторы риска неудачного лечения туберкулеза легких

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    Catedra Pneumoftiziologie, IP USMF Nicolae Testemiţanu, Laboratorul de Imunologie şi Alergologie, IMSP IFP Chiril DraganiucMoldova reports the biggest incidence of tuberculosis and the lowest succes treatment rate among European region countries. The most of patients, 90%, the antituberculosis treatment failure, is correlated with social risk factors (social, economical low status, social-epidemiological cathegorie of the population) and biological factors (young age, male sex, some physiological conditions, associated deseases). Clinical factors (extensive clinical radiological forms, chronic evolution, multiple immune disturbances), therapeutical factors (empiric treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, treatment interruptions, individualised treatment) and administrative factors (interrupted suppling, suboptimal treatment quality) prevales in regions with defficiencies in heath care delivery. Sthereotip, non-adherent to treatment behaviour of patients is associated with all related factors. Risk factors association values more evident than the severity of an one risk factor. Assessment of clinical and immunological risk factors for anti-tuberculosis treatment failure is important before initiation of the anti-tuberculosis treatment, for establishing of risk reduction measures and increasing succes rate.Молдова подтверждает самый высокий уровень заболеваемости туберкулезом (114,3/100.000), самый низкий уровень эффективности результата лечения (52,3%) и самый высокий уровень неудачного лечения туберкулеза легких (2009-6,2%, 2010-19,6%, 2011-3,6%) в Европейском Регионе. У 90% процентов больных неудачное лечение коррелируется с социальными факторами (низкий социально-экономический статус, отягощенные соц-эпидемиологические группы населения) и с биологическими факторами (молодой возврат, мужской пол и некоторые физиологические кондиции репродуктивного возраста, ассоциированные болезни). Клинические факторы риска (тяжелые формы с хроническим течением), терапевтические факторы риска (эмпирическая терапия больных с резистентным туберкулезом, прерывание лечения, индивидуализация стандартного лечения) и административные факторы риска (субоптимальное качество и истекший срок препаратов, некачественные меры сохранения) превалируют в регионах с плохим административным руководством. Ассоциация факторов риска приобретает больше значимости, чем интенсивность одного фактора риска. Оценка клинических и иммунологических факторов риска до начала лечения необходима для управления мерами по улучшению качества лечения. Ключевые слова: туберкулез, иммунная реактивность. факторы риска, неудачное лечение

    The characteristic of deaths at patients of tuberculosis in the Municipal Hospital of Pneumophthisiolgy in Chisinau

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    Catedra Pneumoftiziologie USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu” IMSP Institutul de Ftiziopneumologie „Chiril Draganiuc”The histories of 101 cases from pulmonary tuberculosis in the hospital year 2008 have been studied. The deaths of new cases of tuberculosis consisted 1/3 . The reasons of the process of the death were belated detection , abandon treatment, development of MDR with progressing process and development of severe complications . 66,3% from deaths took place in the first month after putting in hospital. Au fost studiate fişele de observaţie a 101 decedaţi de tuberculoză pulmonară în staţionar. 1/3 din decedaţi erau din cazurile noi. Cauzele decesului au fost depistarea tardivă , abandonarea tratamentului, dezvoltarea MDR cu progresarea procesului şi dezvoltarea complicaţiilor severe. 66,3% de decese au avut loc în prima lună după internare

    Particularities of pulmonary tuberculosis and efficacy of the treatment in elders

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testmiţanu”Deși se atestă o predominare vădită a tuberculozei pulmonare la persoanele tinere cu multipli factori de risc sociali, ponderea persoanelor vîrstnice este în continuă creștere, ca urmare a longevității și comorbidităților specifice acestei vîrste. A fost efectuat un studiu retrospectiv, selectiv şi descriptiv a unui eşantion general format din 92 pacienţi cu tuberculoză pulmonară (eşantionul I - 62 bărbați şi eşantionul II - 26 femei). Rezultatele obținute au constatat predominarea tuberculozei pulmonare infiltrative în ambele eșantioane, urmată de tuberculoza diseminată, precum și afectarea extinsă și bilaterală a parenchimului pulmonar la o treime din pacienți din ambele loturi. Succesul tratamentului a fost înregistrat la majoritatea pacienților din ambele loturi.Despite of high rate of tuberculosis among young people with multiple social risk factors, the rate of affected elders are in continuous increasing due to longevity and associated specific diseases. A retrospective, selective and descriptive study was realized on a sample of 92 pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients (group I – 66 men and group II – 26 women). It was established the predominance of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis in both groups, followed by disseminated tuberculosis, as well as extended and bilateral processes in one third of patients in both groups. The success of treatment was observed in majority of patients in both groups

    The predictive factors for positive molecular-genetic assay in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis from chisinau city

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    Background: One of the most important tuberculosis control action is the early detection, especially of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Cultural methods remain the golden standard for pulmonary tuberculosis diagnosis. The microscopic identification of acid-fast-bacilli in sputum is still a worldwide used method for TB detection. The low sensibility of conventional microscopic methods endangers the actual epidemiological situation. Starting with 2012, the genetic-molecular technology – Xpert MTB/RIF Assay - was implemented in the Republic of Moldova. The assessment of initial experience of Xpert MTB/RIF Assay is compulsory for improving the early case detection. The aim of the study is the assessment of extrinsic factors predictable in positive Xpert MTB/RIF patients. Material and methods: A retrospective, selective, descriptive and case-control study was performed. There were enrolled 361 new pulmonary tuberculosis patients, diagnosed and hospitalized in the Muncipal Clinical Hospital of Phthysiopneumology of Chisinau in the period of 01.01.2014 - 01.01.2015. The patients were disributed into 2 groups: I - 174 patients with positive Xpert MTB/RIF Assay result; II - 187 patients with negative Xpert MTB/RIF Assay result. Investigations were performed according to the National Clinical Protocol – 123 Tuberculosis in adults. results: The male gender was predominating above the female gender in both groups: 67,8% vs 32,2% in the 1st group and 55,6% vs 44,4% in the 2nd group. According to the economical status, disadvantaged patients were predominating in the 1st group (71,3%), as compared with the 2nd group (50.8%), with the degree of concludence, p<0,001. The hystory of household TB contact was predominating in the 1st group – 17,2% vs 9,1% in the 2nd group, (p<0.05). Conclusions: The implementation of Xpert MTB/RIF Assay improves the early TB detection and the prompt initiation of an adequate treatment regimen, according to the susceptibility testing results

    Mortalitatea prin tuberculoză în mun. Chișinău

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    Background. The WHO strategy "The End TB" precedes a 95% decrease in mortality in 2035 compared to 2015. Objective of the study. Comparative study of tuberculosis mortality in Chisinau municipality in two time periods: 2001 - 2003 and 2016 - 2018. Material and Methods. 861 cases of tuberculosis deaths were studied: period I - 621 (72.1%), period II - 240 (27.9%) cases. Results. The new cases due to the progression of tuberculosis died in the first period - 301 (64.9%), in the second period - 80 (53.3%). The retreatment cases 163 (35.1%) died in the first period, in the second period - 70 (46.7%). The postmortem diagnosis was established in 99 (32.9%) in period I and in 16 (20.0%) patients in period II. The male / female correlation in the first period was 4.4: 1, and in the second period - 3.3: 1. Obviously, the rate of TB / HIV deaths increases from 3.8% in period I to 19.7% in period II. The number of patients who died in somatic hospitals increased from 5.8% in period I to 10.4% in period II. Conclusion.The number of patients who died in period II decreased in three times, due to the decrease in new TB cases deaths and those with a postmortem diagnosis show an increase in the number of deaths of patients with retreatment and associated diseases. Introducere. Strategia OMS „The End TB” precede o scădere a mortalității în 2035 față de 2015 cu 95%. Scopul lucrării. Studierea comparativă a mortalității prin tuberculoză în mun. Chișinău, în două perioade de timp: 2001 – 2003 și 2016 – 2018. Material și Metode. Au fost studiate 861 de cazuri de decese prin tuberculoză: perioada I – 621 (72, 1%), perioada II - 240 (27,9%) cazuri. Rezultate. Din cazurile noi prin progresarea tuberculozei au decedat în I perioadă – 301 (64, 9%), în II perioada – 80 (53, 3%). Din cazurile de retratament, au decedat în I perioadă 163 (35, 1%), în perioada II – 70 (46, 7%). Diagnosticul a fost stabilit postmortem la 99 (32, 9%), în perioada I și la 16 (20,0%) bolnavi în perioada II. Corelația bărbați/femei în perioada a I-a, a fost de 4, 4:1, iar în perioada a II – 3, 3:1. Evident crește numărul cazurilor de deces prin TB/HIV de la 3,8% în I perioadă la 19,7% în perioada II. Numărul bolnavilor decedați în staționarile somatice a crescut de la 5, 8% în perioada I la 10,4% în perioada II. Concluzii. Numărul bolnavilor decedați în perioada II a scăzut de trei ori, din contul micșorării deceselor cazurilor noi de tubrculoză și la cei cu diagnosticul stabilit postmortem se atestă o creștere a numărului de decese a bolnavilor cu retratamente și a celor cu boli asociate