34 research outputs found

    Kajian Molekuler Kuskus (Famili Phalangeridae) di Penangkaran Desa Lumoli, Seram, Maluku Berdasarkan Urutan Gen ATP8

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    The cuscus is an Australian animal (marsupial) which belongs to the Phalangeridae family and its distribution is limited in eastern Indonesia, Australia and Papua New Guinea. Through IUCN data, cuscus is categorized as endangered species, in CITES it is classified as Appendix II. The population of cuscus is decreasing due to the threat of deforestation, many are hunted for consumption, and are traded illegally. To overcome the above problems, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the study of cuscus genotypes in the hope that they can assist in future wildlife conservation efforts. The purpose of this study was to molecularly examine the types of living cuscus in captivity in Lumoli Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku. This research begins with the stages of DNA isolation through cuscus tissue. DNA isolation products were amplified in the ATP 8 gene region by the PCR method, sequenced. Data was analyzed using MEGA program version 5.1. The PCR reaction produces 681 bp of product. The results of the analysis obtained 85 different nucleotide sites. The nucleotide sequence of the ATP 8 gene was analyzed using kimura 2 parameters. The construction of the filogram using the neighbor joining method with a bootstrap value 1000 times based on the ATP 8 gene sequence shows the kinship between the four types of cuscus, which produces two branches of Phalanger and Spilocuscus, namely brown cuscus related to white cuscus and related cuscus with spotted cuskus

    Identifikasi Tumbuhan Sumber Pakan dan Tingkat Palatabilitas Kuskus (Famili Phalangeridae) di Desa Lumoli, Seram, Maluku

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    Cuscus is an Australian animal (marsupial) whose distribution is limited in Indonesia and its population is declining due to threats hunted for consumption, and traded illegally. To overcome the above problems it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive study of the type of feed in the hope of helping the conservation of these animals, especially in captivity. The purpose of this research is to study the types of plants as cuscus that live in captivity of Lumoli Village, West Seram District. This research begins with the observation of the type of kursus that lives in captivity of Lumoli Village. Study of feed type, depiction, and analysis. The results showed 44 species of plants in the village of Lumoli West Seram District, Maluku can be used as cuscus feed in captivity. Very good plant part as Source of Feed is young leaf of 28 species of plant (63,63%), 25 species (56,81%) are fruits, 4 species (9,09%) are flowers, 3 species (6,81 %) is a young shoot. The level of palatability of the cuscus indicates that the brown cuscus and white cuscus correspond to 43 plant species (97.72%) and can not be done 1 plant species (2.27%) (water apple), while the spotted cuscus and the gray magic cuscus 43 (97.72 %) plant types and unlike 1 plant species (2.27%) (Tomi-tomi). The proximate test results showed the highest ash content was available in the gray cuscus (18.95%) and the lowest in brown couscous (11.41%), the highest crude protein content in the gray cuscus (28.01%) and the lowest in white cuscus (23, 64%), crude fat content in cuscus totol (4.92%) and lowest in gray cuscus (2.93%), crude fiber content in gray cuscus (27.99%) and lowest in brown cuscus (21, 68% ). Can be concluded there are 44 types of forest plants that can be consumed either in the form of young leaves, fruit, flowers and young shoots. Further research is needed on additional types of feed for the cuscus in captivity

    Kajian Fenotip Kuskus (Famili Phalangeridae) Di Penangkaran Desa Lumoli, Kecamatan Piru, Maluku

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    Kuskus merupakan satwa Australia (marsupial) yang termasuk dalam famili Phalangeridae danpersebarannya terbatas di Indonesia bagian Timur, Australia dan Papua New Guinea. Melalui data IUCN, kuskus dikategorikan endangered spesies, dalam CITES digolongkan Appendiks II. Populasi kuskus semakin menurun akibat ancaman deforestrasi, banyak diburu untuk dikonsumsi, dan diperjualbelikan secara ilegal. Untuk mengatasi persoalan diatas maka perlu dilakukan kajian komprehensif tentang fenotip kuskus dengan harapan dapat membantu USAha konservasi satwa ini di masa mendatang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui jenis serta sifat fenotip berdasarkan warna rambut kuskus yang hidup di penangkaran Desa Lumoli Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat, Maluku. Penelitian ini diawali dengan tahap identifikasi dan karakterisasi setiap spesies secara fenotip melalui tampilan warna rambut. Karakter fenotip disajikan melalui gambar dan tabel, kemudian dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian karakterisasi fenotip menunjukkan terdapat empat spesies kuskus yang hidup di penangkaran desa Lumoli yakni, kuskus coklat (P.orientalis), kuskus putih (P.urinus), kuskus kelabu (P.vestitus), dan kuskus totol (S.maculatus)


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    Sempe-balanga is a traditional craft that has existed long ago in Ouw and has become a culture in this country.   The pottery craftsmen made many changes so that this pottery became   more and more known.  the lack of interest in women in the country to develop pottery crafts is one of the limiting factors.  The purpose of this training is to increase the interest and participation of women to pursue these skills to make these products a source of family income.  The training method used is collection through interviews, while the craft development strategy is literature study, observation, and interview. The results of the training showed that many women in this country were interested in learning the culture of sempe-belanga, porna and kenda/plat, and tajela.  In addition, there are variations of pottery craft products such as flower pots, wall hangings, angglong, and so on, also given during the trainin

    Identification and characterization of a DNA photolyase-containing baculovirus from Chrysodeixis chalcites

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    A hitherto unknown single nucleocapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (SNPV) with a unique property was isolated from larvae of the looper Chrysodeixis chalcites (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Plusiinae). Polyhedrin, lef-8, and pif-2 gene sequences were obtained by PCR with degenerate primers and used for phylogenetic analysis. ChchNPV belonged to class II NPVs and its polyhedrin sequence was most similar to that of class II NPVs of other members of the subfamily Plusiinae. Further genetic characterization involved the random cloning of HindIII fragments into a plasmid vector and analysis by end-in sequencing. A gene so far unique to baculoviruses was identified, which encodes a putative DNA repair enzyme: cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer (CPD) DNA photolyase (dpl). The transcriptional activity of this gene was demonstrated in both ChchNPV-infected C. chalcites larvae and infected Trichoplusia W High Five cells by RT-PCR and 5' and 3' RACE analysis. The possible role of this gene in the biology of the virus is discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved