298 research outputs found

    Quality assurances practices, training needs and international students mobility: analysing the nexuses

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    The role of education’s quality in determining international students’ choice of study destination was discussed by several studies. However, it only seems to have gained a huge prominence recently by constituting a theme in the quality management field involving empirical studies.In spite of such prominence the theme does not seems to provide sufficient empirical evidence forging a nexus between quality assurance practices, training needs and international student’s mobility.This research work therefore attempts to fill this gap by examining how the search for quality education and training needs satisfaction play role in international student’s mobility. Six dimensions of quality assurance in education were identified through extensive literature reviewed, three dimensions of training needs were equally revealed by the literature. Nine hypotheses were thus developed using these dimensions with the view to explain the relationship among the variables involved. The primary data for this study was obtained through a cross-sectional survey of International students in University Utara Malaysia with the aid of questionnaires, where a total of 150 respondents were selected randomly.Partial Least Squares (PLS) method was adopted in analysing the collected data with smartPLS 2.0 to determine the relationship involved.The result supported the relationship between organizational needs, Tangibility of facilities, Nature of service delivery and international student’s mobility, while the other six relationships were not supported

    Fragility of the Nigerian State and the Challenge of Boko Haram Violence

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    The state as a part of the socio-political system is expected to maintain the stability of the system and facilitate the delivery of public goods in the best interest of the populace. When the state fails in its responsibilities to effectively cater for the needs of the people or, when it fails in its socio-economic responsibility to the people, it is automatically calling for alternative to itself.  The abysmal failure of successive administrations in Nigeria to address the challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequitable distribution of wealth among ethnic nationalities, ultimately resulted to anger, agitation and violent crimes against the Nigerian state by some individuals and group. Boko Haram violence has exposed the fragility of the Nigerian state. The deadly Islamic group in Northern Nigeria which has embarked on suicide bombing, guerrilla warfare tactics, kidnapping, and all kinds of atrocities all in the bid to impose extreme Islamic ideas on Nigeria has led to the loss of several lives and properties, displaced many, destroyed hundreds of schools and government buildings and devastated an already ravaged economy in the North East, one of Nigeria’s poorest regions. This paper emphasized the centrality of the state in the Boko Haram violence; it explains that the fragile character of the Nigerian state is responsible for the Boko Haram violence. It also explored the integrity as well as the efficacy of the state response to Boko Haram violence, as well as a critical look at the character and context of the Nigerian state. It adopts the qualitative methodology and deploys data from secondary sources. This paper however concludes that even if the state defeats Boko Haram terrorists, it might not be an end to the resistance against it. The reason is that the structures and Institutions of the Nigerian state are designed in a way that gives room for dissent and anti state struggles, and until that context of fragility is addressed, even if Boko Haram violence is quelled, another is likely to arise

    Influence of Entry Grades in Mathematics and Principles of Accounting on Students Performance in Financial Accounting in Nasarawa State Colleges of Education Akwanga, Nigeria

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    This study examines the influence of entry grades in mathematics and principles of accounting on students’ performance in financial accounting in Nasarawa state Colleges of Education Akwanga.  The study had eight objectives and eight null hypotheses.  Developmental research design was adopted for the study. In the test of null hypotheses, documentary records (students’ performance in financial accounting and O’L grades in accounting and mathematics) of all the 115 NCE II Business Education students in the 2011/2012 academic session were used.  Logistic regression was employed to test null hypotheses one to three, while t-test was used to test null hypotheses four to eight. All the hypotheses were tested at significance level of 0.05.  The results of the test revealed among others that entry grades in mathematics and principles of accounting have significant impact on students’ performance in financial accounting. Hence the researcher recommended that credit grades in mathematics and accounting should be emphasized as one of the entry requirements for students opting for business education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria.  This will assist to enhance students’ performance in financial accounting at tertiary institutions. Keywords: Entry grades, Mathematics, Principles of Accounting, Financial Accounting, Performanc

    Growth Without Development: Role of Corruption in Nigeria’s Economic Malaise

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    Nigeria has for long made headline news as one of the most corrupt countries in the world. The country is well endowed with oil resources and is the largest nation on the African continent in terms of population and gross domestic product (GDP), and yet it lags other comparator countries by most development indicators. The paper aims to explore the nature, causes, magnitude and consequence of corruption, especially now that the new Nigerian government has identified the fight against corruption as its top policy priority. We employed a new statistical technique, based on a factor analytic approach to structural equation modelling, to estimate the magnitude of corruption and its impact on economic development. This study marks a complete departure from previous studies which solely relied on corruption perception indices, which do not necessarily reflect the extent of corruption in Nigeria. The findings based on the new dataset on corruption suggest that corruption, as a percentage of GDP, has risen from a mere 9 percent of GDP in 1960 to nearly 80% by 2013. Furthermore, results from the econometric analysis of the impact of corruption show that corruption does not only retard economic growth and development but it also undermines the efficiency of both domestic investment and foreign direct investment (FDI). The paper concludes by making a few policy recommendations for curbing corruption in Nigeria. Keywords: Nigeria, Corruption, Hidden Economy, Economic Growth & Development, Structural Equation Modellin

    Experiential Analysis of Awareness and Adoption of E-Extension Among Poultry Farmers in Gombe State, Nigeria

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    The study assessed the e-extension awareness and adoption among poultry farmers in Gombe state, Nigeria. The study had two objectives, two research questions and two null hypotheses. Survey design was adopted for the study. The population of the study was 798 registered poultry farmers under Poultry Farmers Association of Nigeria Gombe state. Proportional sampling technique was used to select 240 poultry farmers for the study. The instrument for data collection was a questionnaire. The instrument was administered by researcher assisted by 3 research assisted using direct contact. The data collected were analyzed using mean scores to answer the research questions. ANOVA was used to test the null hypotheses at the significance level of 0.05. The study revealed that poultry farmers are aware and also adopt poultry farming technologies through e-extension programme in Gombe State. It was concluded that e-extension facilities significantly contributed on awareness, adoption and effectiveness among poultry farmers in Gombe state. It was recommended among others that facilities for e-extension programme should be use effectively in disseminating new techniques, skills and innovations in poultry farming. Keywords: Awareness, Adoption, E-Extension, Poultry, Farmers DOI: 10.7176/JBAH/10-2-01 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Design Construction and Performance Evaluation of Solar Still for Rural Dwellers

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    This paper is aimed at designing, constructing and performance evaluation of a solar still. The solar still is design and constructed with locally source materials for rural dwellers. The still absorber plate is constructed with 2 mm galvanised plate painted black with an area of 2 m2 to absorb solar radiation effectively. The side wall and the base is constructed with concrete. Sawdust and felt is used between the retaining wall and base to resist heat transfer from the system to the surrounding vice-versa. The top cover of the still is constructed with transparent glass pane of 4 mm housed in an aluminium frame. The catch basin that collects the condensate is constructed with PVC pipe channel of 50 mm. The performance of the still was evaluated with; Overall yield (sum of daily yield and over-night yield) at a different water depth of (20, 40, 60 mm), (5127 ml/m2/hr, 4558 ml/m2/hr, and 3852 ml/m2/hr). The efficiency of the system at different water depth (20, 40, 60 mm) 51.27 %, 45.58 %, and 38.52 %. The water analysis before and after distillation was certified safe and portable for human consumption

    The Effect of Foreign Bank Presence on Domestic Banks Performance: An Evidence from a Developing Economy

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    This study examines the effect of foreign bank presence on the behaviour of domestic banks by using the annual data of 37 commercial banks comprising of 7 foreign and 30 domestic banks for the time period of 2007 to 2011, to investigate the effect of foreign bank presence  five banking ratios, net interest margin, return on assets, overhead, cost to income and nonperforming loans using panel regression analysis employing bank specific fixed effect model. As a developing country case, the results suggest that the increase in foreign bank share effects the interest margins and profitability of domestic banks in a decreasing manner. It wouldn't be erroneous to express that foreign banks have a positive effect on the competitive environment of domestic banks increasing overall banking standard in Pakistan, the licensing policies should be further liberalized to let new entrants further improve the domestic financial intermediation system.&nbsp

    Competition and market contestability of banks: evidence from emerging financial market

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    The study is an attempt to investigate the nature of competition and market contestability of 35 Pakistani banks for the period of 2007-2011 by employing Panzar and Rosse (PR-model). The test of competition overall sample (2007-2011) suggest that banks in Pakistan in state of monopolistic competition and market is in equilibrium. The sub sample (2007-2009) result of competition and equilibrium are similar as for sample period (2007-2011) suggesting that revenue produced during this period is state of monopolistic competition. Finally the results of sample period (2010-2011) suggest that banks in Pakistan are instate of perfect competition however, the market in not in long-run equilibrium. The results have interesting policy implications; it is suggested to encourage the foreign banks presence to improve the competitive condition of banking industry so that to ensure the exit and entrance of banks in the industry to increase the competition and produce the variety of product to improve banks performance and customer satisfaction.&nbsp

    Inhibitive Effect of Glutaraldehyde on the Corrosion of Aluminum in Hydrochloric Acid Solution

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    The inhibition effect of glutaraldehyde on the corrosion of aluminum in 1.4 M HCl solution at 308-318 K was investigated by using weight loss method and characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) & Scanning Electron Microscopic Analysis (SEM). The results show that the inhibition efficiency increases with increasing inhibitor concentration and decreases with rising temperature. The activation energy value was 20.48 kJ mol-1 for the uninhibited acid solution which increased to 33.79 kJ mol-1 in the presence of 0.1 M inhibitor concentration. Langmuir adsorption isotherm was found to provide an accurate description of the adsorption behavior of the investigated inhibitor. The thermodynamic parameters such as adsorption equilibrium constant (Kads), free energy of adsorption (ΔGads), heat of adsorption (ΔHads) and entropy of adsorption (ΔSads) have been calculated and discussed in detail
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