26 research outputs found

    Work Environment and Employeesa Commitment in Agro-Based Industries in Cross River State, Nigeria

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    This study examines the effect of work environment on employees commitment in agro-based industries in Cross River State Nigeria The study drew participants from two major agro industries in the state One thousand one hundred and ninety four 1194 respondents were purposively selected for the study Information was elucidated from participants using four point Likert scale questionnaire Data obtained was analyzed using Pearson product moment correlation r Findings revealed that work environment such as consistent communication flow manageable workload availability of electricity and work place that is free from known dangers are positively associated with employees commitment and hence performance The study recommended among others that management of agro-based industries in Cross River State should establish and promote good work environments in their organizations so as to boost employees commitment wellbeing and overall performance and productivit

    Age of Sexual Debut and Patterns of Sexual Behaviour in Two Local Government Areas in Southern Nigeria

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    The study examines the age of sexual debut and patterns of sexual behavior in Ugep, Cross River State, and Badeku and Olunloyo in Oyo State. A survey of households and individuals was conducted in the three communities; qualitative data were also collected through in-depth interviews and focus group discussion. The median age of first sex among never-married males and females were 17 years and 18 years respectively; more than one in five adolescents have had sex before age 16. Nevermarried males and females initiated sex earlier than ever-married, older respondents. That 14 percent of married men keep other sexual partners besides their wives is indicative of substantial extramarital relationship; also 12 percent of never-married male respondents with regular sex partners have other sexual partners. Condom use is fairly high, especially in sexual relations involving non-regular partners. The higher likelihood of alcohol use in sexual liaison with non-regular sex partners is suggestive of high prevalence of transactional sex and spontaneous or unplanned sex under the influence of alcohol, with their implications for the spread of HIV and AIDS. The study underscores the need for adolescent sexual and reproductive health education and behaviour change communication among all segments of the population and inculcation of values less favourable for the spreadof sexually transmitted infection.(Afr J Reprod Health 2012; 16[4]: 81-94)

    Evaluation of Pollution Indices of Heavy Metals in Ceiling Fan Dust in Lecture Halls of a Tertiary Institution, Calabar, Nigeria

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    This study evaluated heavy metals in ceiling fan dust in five (5) lecture halls of a tertiary institution in Cross Rivers State, Calabar, Nigeria using appropriate standard techniques. Data obtained reveal that contamination factor for Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni and Pb were all 3 in all sampled sites. Enrichment factor for Zn, Cu, Mn, Cr, Cd, Ni and Pb in all the sites were >1000 which indicates that all the heavy metals were from artificial source. Generally, the findings of the study revealed that the lecture halls are polluted with cadmium (Cd) mainly from artificial source while other heavy metals such as Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Cr, Ni and Pb were within the permissible limits of the indices. It was recommended that ceiling fans should be regularly and thoroughly cleaned to prevent pollution by heavy metals. Also, there should be awareness campaign for users of lecture halls on the health risk associated with ceiling fan dust

    Preliminary Phytochemical Screening and Proximate Analyses of Leaf Extracts of Newbouldia laevis (Boundary Tree)

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    This work is designed to enrich the available scientific data on the phytochemistry and nutrient content of N. laevis leaves. The method of cold maceration was used in the extraction by serial exhaustive extraction method. The phytochemical screening of Newbouldia laevis was using through controlled experiment. Qualitative phytochemical screening and proximate analyses of Newbouldia laevis was studied using extracts of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, acetone and methanol which were obtained extract from powdered plant part. The extracts were subjected to qualitative phytochemical screening using standard procedure and the results shows that all the phytochemicals screened for were revealed in various leaf extracts. Alkaloids and flavonoids are present in all the extracts except ethyl acetate that did not show the presence of alkaloids. Only phlobatannins and tannins were absent in all the extract, steroid is present only in acetone. The proximate analysis revealed the nutritional composition of Newbouldia laevis to be 6.03% of moisture, 7.96% of ash, 9.81% of crude protein, 16.50% of fat, 33.40%. The diversity of phytochemical present suggested that N. laevis could serve as a source of drugs. Keywords: Newbouldia laevis, phytochemistry, Nutrient


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    ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS epidemic has become a worrisome phenomenon and individual carrier of the infection suffers from several mental health consequences. The infection is associate

    Structural Properties of Thermoluminescence Dosimeter Materials, Preparation, Application, and Adaptability: A Systematic Review

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    Thermoluminescence dosimeters (TLDs) are widely used in radiation dosimetry due to their excellent properties, such as high sensitivity, small size, and ability to measure low doses of radiation. This review focuses on the structural properties of TLD materials, as well as their preparation, application, and adaptability. The review covers the various types of TLD materials, crystal structure, and properties, including energy response and fading characteristics. The different methods used to prepare TLD materials, such as solid-state synthesis, sol-gel synthesis, and solution growth methods, are discussed in detail. The review also includes a detailed discussion of the various applications of TLDs, including medical, environmental, and industrial radiation dosimetry. Extensive information on TLD is reviewed, and the TL characteristics that have a noticeable impact on the TL dosimetry potential for human and other purpose utilisation, such as mineral, oil, and gas resource investigation, can be done using natural and artificial TL signals. Information on TL measurement process requirements and the TL characteristics that have a noticeable impact on a compound TL dosimetry potential are also addressed. Finally, the review concludes by highlighting the adaptability of TLD materials to different dosimetry applications and their potential use in the future

    Maternal and child health interventions in Nigeria: a systematic review of published studies from 1990 to 2014

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    BACKGROUND: Poor maternal and child health indicators have been reported in Nigeria since the 1990s. Many interventions have been instituted to reverse the trend and ensure that Nigeria is on track to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. This systematic review aims at describing and indirectly measuring the effect of the Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health (MNCH) interventions implemented in Nigeria from 1990 to 2014. METHODS: PubMed and ISI Web of Knowledge were searched from 1990 to April 2014 whereas POPLINE® was searched until 16 February 2015 to identify reports of interventions targeting Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health in Nigeria. Narrative and graphical synthesis was done by integrating the results of extracted studies with trends of maternal mortality ratio (MMR) and under five mortality (U5MR) derived from a joint point regression analysis using Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey data (1990-2013). This was supplemented by document analysis of policies, guidelines and strategies of the Federal Ministry of Health developed for Nigeria during the same period. RESULTS: We identified 66 eligible studies from 2,662 studies. Three interventions were deployed nationwide and the remainder at the regional level. Multiple study designs were employed in the enrolled studies: pre- and post-intervention or quasi-experimental (n = 40; 61%); clinical trials (n = 6;9%); cohort study or longitudinal evaluation (n = 3;5%); process/output/outcome evaluation (n = 17;26%). The national MMR shows a consistent reduction (Annual Percentage Change (APC) = -3.10%, 95% CI: -5.20 to -1.00 %) with marked decrease in the slope observed in the period with a cluster of published studies (2004-2014). Fifteen intervention studies specifically targeting under-five children were published during the 24 years of observation. A statistically insignificant downward trend in the U5MR was observed (APC = -1.25%, 95% CI: -4.70 to 2.40%) coinciding with publication of most of the studies and development of MNCH policies. CONCLUSIONS: The development of MNCH policies, implementation and publication of interventions corresponds with the downward trend of maternal and child mortality in Nigeria. This systematic review has also shown that more MNCH intervention research and publications of findings is required to generate local and relevant evidence

    Comparative Analysis of SAR and Temperature Rise within Head Tissues Exposed to Radiofrequency Radiation From GSM Transceiver Base Station in South-South Nigeria.

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    In this study, measurement of radiofrequency exposure due to cellular transceiver base station antennas was carried out. Both far and near field measurements of electric field and magnetic field level were made around selected transceiver base station antennas in selected South-South States Nigeria, with the aid of frequency-dependent equipment (CORNET, Electrosmog meter ED78S EMF RF/LF Dual mode model). The results obtained were analysed using thermal related indices such as specific absorption rate (SAR) with peak value in cerebrospinal fluid-CSF (0.095358W/kg), temperature rise with peak also in CSF (0.008381 oC). These results were compared with threshold values of 2 W/kg and 0.08 W/kg for SAR (over the head and whole body respectively), and 1oC for temperature rise as set by International Commission of Non Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). The results indicate that none of the network operators in the study area have SAR above the recommended threshold value with the worst case observed in Calabar.&nbsp

    Some Social Variables In Domestic Violence In A Nigerian Population

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    Background:Domestic violence is any intentional abuse of a family member mostly women by a partner which causes pain or injury. It is a growing phenomenon and is affected by several social variables. In pregnancy, domestic violence causes adverse pregnancy outcomes and other reproductive health consequences to women and children.Unfortunately, the problem is underreported. Aims:The study is undertaken to assess social variables that may influence domestic violence in our locality. Methods:The subjects analysed here consisted of 215 women attending antenatal clinic who were found to be experiencing domestic violence. The modified Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) developed by McFarlane was used. Results:The results show that the uneducated were relatively less abused and the unemployed least abused. Education and social statues directly affect the tendency/chances to abuse or to be abused. Keywords: Domestic Violence, Spouses, Age, Education, OccupationHighland Medical Research Journal Vol. 5 (2) 2007 pp. 60-6

    A Geochemical Survey of Groundwater in Khana and Gokana Local Government Areas of Rivers State, Nigeria

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    Fifteen groundwater samples from functional boreholes in Khana and Gokana areas of Rivers State were collected and analysed for various physico-chemical parameters using standard field and laboratory techniques. This was done to assess the suitability of the water for domestic and other purposes on the basis of the parameters studied. Results show the following mean values for the physical parameters: temperature, 24.8°C; Electrical Conductivity (EC), 15.9 ms/cm. For the chemical parameters, the following average concentration levels were obtained: pH 6.99; total iron, 0.04mg/l; magnesium 0.85mg/l; sodium, 0.89mg/l; and potassium 0.05mg/l. Others include bicarbonate, 8.19mg/l; chloride 32.52mg/l; sulphate, 0.92mg/l; nitrate, 0.82mg/l; and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), 7.73mg/l. These results show that the groundwater in these areas is slightly acidic to slightly basic, soft and low in dissolved constituents. Chloride contents in the water show salt-water encroachment into the aquifers in both areas. However, when compared with the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards for drinking water, the results show that the water is suitable for drinking and other domestic purposes in view of the parameters determined. It is also suitable for agricultural purposes. The major sources of ions in the water include mineral assemblages in the rocks, geochemical processes operating within the groundwater system, as well as atmospheric precipitation. Moreover, these geochemical processes, and exploitation of water from different depths are suggested as reasons for the variations in the geochemical parameters with borehole locations. @JASE