48 research outputs found

    Новационный анализ традиционных категорий базиса и надстройки в философском образовании

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    The article explains the problem of interaction between traditions and novations in socio-philosophic knowledge and education. The problem consists of their close interaction and connection with socio-political changes occurred in the society. The author pays attention to the periods of social resitudes failure which lead to changes in ideology and excluding of socio-political and socio-philosophic concepts. Sublation of the old often turns to be the simple and not the dialectic. This happened to the Soviet social philosophy and philosophic education in the beginning of nineties of XX. At that time publications were aimed at total sublation of socio-philosophic knowledge developed by many scientists in the Soviet period of scientfic development. The authors suppose that cognition development and the world a s a whole are subject to dialectics. It is necessary to transfer to the new knowledge by means of sublation of sublation, excluding the old dogmas but keeping knowledge creative “genetic core” made by predecessors. The author formulates the problem in gnoseological, methodological, axiological and educational aspects; it is an interaction between traditions and novations in philosophic knowledge on society when reaching integration and development in XXI century. It is a reflection of the interaction and novations in professional philosophic education. The paper reveals novational aspects of dialectic analysis of formation concept, basis and superstructure categories which reveal relations of primacy and replication, primary and secondary on the basis of synthetical dualism and philosophic consideration of the problem. It considers society basis as an essential moral and valuable parameter of social system, as a socio-cultural genotype or axiological fundamental of society. Thus, material and spiritual antithetical of basis and superstructure categories disappear as both of them appear to be dual ones. Then axiological fundamental component turns to be material and spiritual social genotype of society, the “core” of social society; and superstructure becomes material and ideal social phenotype and society “periphery”.Реферат. В статье обосновывается проблема взаимодействия традиций и новаций в социально-философском знании и образовании. Ее специфика в данных областях заключается в том, что они непосредственно связаны с кардинальными социально-политическими изменениями, происходящими в обществе. В периоды коренной ломки общественных устоев, как правило, меняется идеология, отбрасываются господствовавшие социально-политические и социально-философские концепции. Отрицание старого часто оказывается простым (уничтожающим), а не диалектическим. Так было и с советской социальной философией, с философским образованием в начале 90-х годов ХХ века, когда ряд публикаций был направлен на полное отрицание потенциала социально-философского знания, наработанного большим количеством ученых в течение советского периода отечественной науки. Авторы считают, что развитие познания, как и мир в целом, подчиняется законам диалектики. Необходим переход к новым знаниям путем отрицания отрицания, с отбрасыванием устаревших догм, но с сохранением творческого «генетического ядра» знаний, созданных предшественниками. В гносеологическом, методологическом, аксиологическом и образовательном аспектах проблема может быть сформулирована следующим образом. Это раскрытие взаимосвязи традиций и новаций в научно-философских знаниях об обществе на пути их дальнейшей интеграции и развития в новых условиях XXI века, а также отражение указанной взаимосвязи и новационных знаний в профессиональном философском образовании. Раскрываются новационные аспекты диалектического анализа формационной концепции, категорий базиса и надстройки, отражающих отношения первичности - вторичности, исходного и производного, на базе синтетического дуализма, системно-философского рассмотрения социальной реальности (объективно-субъективной по сути). Это позволяет рассматривать базис общества как сущностную материально-духовную ценностную характеристику социосистемы, как социокультурный генотип, или аксиологический базис общества. При этом исчезает материально-духовная антитеза базисно-надстроечных отношений, поскольку те и другие оказываются дуальными. Тогда аксиологический базис предстает как материально-идеальный социогенотип общества, «ядро» социосистемы, а надстройка - как материально-идеальный социофенотип, «периферия» общества


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to substantiate the features of organizational and methodical directions of the programs’ complex for creative development and social adaptation of modern adolescents in difficult situations. Methodology: The study is based on the analysis of somatic and psychological changes taking place in the process of becoming a teenager, which are reflected in the biological, mental and cognitive processes. The identified components determined the grounds for the development of the structure and mechanisms of childhood social risk management. Results: It is shown that the understanding of somatic and psychological changes occurring in the process of a teenager formation, which is reflected in the biological, mental, cognitive processes, is the basis for the development of the structure and mechanisms for childhood social risks’ management in the course of an integrative program of any profile. Organizational aspects of preparation and carrying out of actions within such programs are defined. Provisions defining immanent social teaching and educational effects, including prevention of the deviant behavior, increase of educational results’ level, growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increase of teenagers’ motivation to active and initiative inclusion in development of the program content are allocated. The scientific-methodical and pedagogical experience of the organization of exit integrative programs, the use of pedagogical strategies of which allows achieving positive dynamics of teenagers’ creative development trajectory and social adaptation is briefly described. Applications of this study: Suggested by the author's program increases the growth of teenagers’ cognitive interest to self-development and self-education, increases the teenagers’ motivation and may be used by psychologists and teachers in educational system of all levels.   Novelty/Originality of this study: It is proved that the understanding of somatic, cognitive, social changes in the process of a teenager’s formation and compliance with certain organizational rules of activities that take into account the specifics of this age period, increase the motivation of adolescents, their involvement in the development of the program’s content, stimulate the growth of cognitive interest of adolescents to self-development and self-education

    Photoluminescence quenching of dye molecules near a resonant silicon nanoparticle

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    Luminescent molecules attached to resonant colloidal particles are an important tool to study light-matter interaction. A traditional approach to enhance the photoluminescence intensity of the luminescent molecules in such conjugates is to incorporate spacer-coated plasmonic nanoantennas, where the spacer prevents intense non-radiative decay of the luminescent molecules. Here, we explore the capabilities of an alternative platform for photoluminescence enhancement, which is based on low-loss Mie-resonant colloidal silicon particles. We demonstrate that resonant silicon particles of spherical shape are more efficient for photoluminescence enhancement than their plasmonic counterparts in spacer-free configuration. Our theoretical calculations show that significant enhancement originates from larger quantum yields supported by silicon particles and their resonant features. Our results prove the potential of high-index dielectric particles for spacer-free enhancement of photoluminescence, which potentially could be a future platform for bioimaging and nanolasers

    Multifold Emission Enhancement in Nanoimprinted Hybrid Perovskite Metasurfaces

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    Recent developments in the physics of high-index resonant dielectric nanostructures suggest alternative mechanisms for subwavelength light control driven by Mie resonances with a strong magnetic response that can be employed for the design of novel optical metasurfaces. Here we demonstrate metasurfaces based on nanoimprinted perovskite films optimized by alloying the organic cation part of perovskites. We reveal that such metasurfaces can exhibit a significant enhancement of both linear and nonlinear photoluminescence (up to 70 times) combined with advanced stability. Our results suggest a cost-effective approach based on nanoimprint lithography and combined with simple chemical reactions for creating a new generation of functional metasurfaces that may pave the way toward highly efficient planar optoelectronic metadevicesThe work was partially supported by the Australian Research Council. Partial financial support from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Grant No. 14.Y26.31.0010 for optical measurements) and in the framework of Increase Competitiveness Program of NUST “MISiS” (No. K2-2015-014 for sample preparation) is acknowledged. We also appreciate the partial support from the Welch Foundation grant AT 16-17 and CONACYT for academic opportunities and support (visiting research of A.C.P.)

    Nanoscale Generation of White Light for Ultrabroadband Nanospectroscopy

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    Achieving efficient localization of white light at the nanoscale is a major challenge due to the diffraction limit, and nanoscale emitters generating light with a broadband spectrum require complicated engineering. Here we suggest a simple, yet highly efficient, nanoscale white-light source based on a hybrid Si/Au nanoparticle with ultrabroadband (1.3-3.4 eV) spectral characteristics. We incorporate this novel source into a scanning-probe microscope and observe broadband spectrum of photoluminescence that allows fast mapping of local optical response of advanced nanophotonic structures with submicron resolution, thus realizing ultrabroadband near-field nanospectroscopy.The work was partially supported by the Russian Science Foundation (Grant 17-19-01532 for nanoparticles fabrication), the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation (Project 14.Y26.31.0010 for optical measurements), the Australian Research Council, and A*STAR SERC Pharos program, Grant 152 73 00025 (Singapore)

    Retinoblastoma seeds: Impact on American Joint Committee on Cancer clinical staging

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    Aim To investigate whether the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) clinical category cT2b needs to be subclassified by the type and distribution of retinoblastoma (RB) seeding. Methods Multicentre, international registry-based data were collected from RB centres enrolled between January 2001 and December 2013. 1054 RB eyes with vitreous or subretinal seeds from 18 ophthalmic oncology centres, in 13 countries within six continents were analysed. Local treatment failure was defined as the use of secondary enucleation or external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) and was estimated with the Kaplan-Meier method. Results Clinical category cT2b included 1054 eyes. Median age at presentation was 16.0 months. Of these, 428 (40.6%) eyes were salvaged, and 430 (40.8%) were treated with primary and 196 (18.6%) with secondary enucleation. Of the 592 eyes that had complete data for globe salvage analysis, the distribution of seeds was focal in 143 (24.2%) and diffuse in 449 (75.8%). The 5-year Kaplan-Meier cumulative globe-salvage (without EBRT) was 78% and 49% for eyes with focal and diffuse RB seeding, respectively. Cox proportional hazards regression analysis confirmed a higher local treatment failure risk with diffuse seeds as compared with focal seeds (hazard rate: 2.8; p<0.001). There was insufficient evidence to prove or disprove an association between vitreous seed type and local treatment failure risk(p=0.06). Conclusion This international, multicentre, registry-based analysis of RB eyes affirmed that eyes with diffuse intraocular distribution of RB seeds at diagnosis had a higher risk of local treatment failure when compared with focal seeds. Subclassification of AJCC RB category cT2b into focal vs diffuse seeds will improve prognostication for eye salvage.Fil: Tomar, Ankit Singh. New York Eye Cancer Center; Estados UnidosFil: Finger, Paul T.. New York Eye Cancer Center; Estados UnidosFil: Gallie, Brenda. University Of Toronto. Hospital For Sick Children; CanadáFil: Kivelä, Tero. University of Helsinki; Finlandia. Helsinki University Hospital; FinlandiaFil: Mallipatna, Ashwin. University Of Toronto. Hospital For Sick Children; Canadá. Narayana Nethralaya; IndiaFil: Zhang, Chengyue. Beijing Children's Hospital; ChinaFil: Zhao, Junyang. Beijing Children's Hospital; ChinaFil: Wilson, Matthew. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Brennan, Rachel. St Jude Children's Research Hospital; Estados UnidosFil: Burges, Michala. University of Tennessee; Estados UnidosFil: Kim, Jonathan. Keck Medical School of the University of Southern California; Estados UnidosFil: Berry, Jesse L.. Children's Hospital Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Jubran, Rima. Childrens Hospital Society of Los Angeles; Estados UnidosFil: Khetan, Vikas. Vitreo Retinal Services; IndiaFil: Ganeshan, Suganeswari. Vitreo Retinal Services; IndiaFil: Yarovoy, Andrey. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Yarovaya, Vera. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Kotova, Elena. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Volodin, Denis. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution; RusiaFil: Yousef, Yacoub. King Hussein Cancer Center; JordaniaFil: Nummi, Kalle. University of Helsinki; Finlandia. Helsinki University Hospital; FinlandiaFil: Ushakova, Tatiana L.. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Rusia. Russian Academy of Postgraduate Medical Education; RusiaFil: Yugay, Olga V.. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; RusiaFil: Polyakov, Vladimir G. N.N. Blokhin Russian Cancer Research Center; Rusia. Russian Academy of Sciences; RusiaFil: Ramirez Ortiz, Marco Antonio. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez; MéxicoFil: Esparza Aguiar, Elizabeth. Hospital Infantil de Mexico Federico Gomez; MéxicoFil: Chantada, Guillermo Luis. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Schaiquevich, Paula Susana. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Fandiño, Adriana Cristina. Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Hospital de Pediatría "Juan P. Garrahan"; ArgentinaFil: Yam, Jason C.. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Faculty of Medicine; Hong Kon