454 research outputs found

    Внешняя среда как фактор выбора места проживания

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    Many people have certain problems with the choice of the place of living. The main idea of this article is to study the aspects of urban area environment which effect on this decision. The influence of these factors is analyzed on example of two cities: the big one and the small one.Многие люди имеют определенные проблемы при выборе места жительства. Основной идеей данной статьи является изучение аспектов городской окружающей среды, которые влияют на выбор места проживания людей. Влияние этих факторов анализируется на примере двух городов: один большой и один маленький по градостроительной классификации

    Simulating non-Markovian stochastic processes

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    We present a simple and general framework to simulate statistically correct realizations of a system of non-Markovian discrete stochastic processes. We give the exact analytical solution and a practical an efficient algorithm alike the Gillespie algorithm for Markovian processes, with the difference that now the occurrence rates of the events depend on the time elapsed since the event last took place. We use our non-Markovian generalized Gillespie stochastic simulation methodology to investigate the effects of non-exponential inter-event time distributions in the susceptible-infected-susceptible model of epidemic spreading. Strikingly, our results unveil the drastic effects that very subtle differences in the modeling of non-Markovian processes have on the global behavior of complex systems, with important implications for their understanding and prediction. We also assess our generalized Gillespie algorithm on a system of biochemical reactions with time delays. As compared to other existing methods, we find that the generalized Gillespie algorithm is the most general as it can be implemented very easily in cases, like for delays coupled to the evolution of the system, where other algorithms do not work or need adapted versions, less efficient in computational terms.Comment: Improvement of the algorithm, new results, and a major reorganization of the paper thanks to our coauthors L. Lafuerza and R. Tora

    Invariant variational principle for Hamiltonian mechanics

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    It is shown that the action for Hamiltonian equations of motion can be brought into invariant symplectic form. In other words, it can be formulated directly in terms of the symplectic structure ω\omega without any need to choose some 1-form γ\gamma, such that ω=dγ\omega= d \gamma, which is not unique and does not even generally exist in a global sense.Comment: final version; to appear in J.Phys.A; 17 pages, 2 figure

    Electron beam poling of [001]c-poled PMN-39PT single crystal

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern Nanotechnology” UrFU has been used. The research was made possible in part by Government of the Russian Federation (Act 211, Agreement 02.180 A03.21.0006) and RFBR (grant 17-52-80116-BRICS_a)

    Subthreshold and near-threshold kaon and antikaon production in proton-nucleus reactions

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    The differential production cross sections of K^+ and K^- mesons have been measured at the ITEP proton synchrotron in p+Be, p+Cu collisions under lab angle of 10.5^0, respectively, at 1.7 and 2.25, 2.4 GeV beam energies. A detailed comparison of these data with the results of calculations within an appropriate folding model for incoherent primary proton-nucleon, secondary pion-nucleon kaon and antikaon production processes and processes associated with the creation of antikaons via the decay of intermediate phi mesons is given. We show that the strangeness exchange process YN->NNK^- gives a small contribution to the antikaon yield in the kinematics of the performed experiment. We argue that in the case when antikaon production processes are dominated by the channels with KK^- in the final state, the cross sections of the corresponding reactions are weakly influenced by the in-medium kaon and antikaon mean fields.Comment: 24 pages. accepted for publication at J.Phys.

    Synthesis of Nanoscale TiO2 and Study of the Effect of Their Crystal Structure on Single Cell Response

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    To study the effect of nanoscale titanium dioxide (TiO2) on cell responses, we synthesized four modifications of the TiO2 (amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile) capable of keeping their physicochemical characteristics in a cell culture medium. The modifications of nanoscale TiO2 were obtained by hydrolysis of TiCl4 and Ti(i-OC3H7)4 (TIP) upon variation of the synthesis conditions; their textural, morphological, structural, and dispersion characteristics were examined by a set of physicochemical methods: XRD, BET, SAXS, DLS, AFM, SEM, and HR-TEM. The effect of synthesis conditions (nature of precursor, pH, temperature, and addition of a complexing agent) on the structural-dispersion properties of TiO2 nanoparticles was studied. The hydrolysis methods providing the preparation of amorphous, anatase, brookite, and rutile modifications of TiO2 nanoparticles 3–5 nm in size were selected. Examination of different forms of TiO2 nanoparticles interaction with MDCK cells by transmission electron microscopy of ultrathin sections revealed different cell responses after treatment with different crystalline modifications and amorphous form of TiO2. The obtained results allowed us to conclude that direct contact of the nanoparticles with cell plasma membrane is the primary and critical step of their interaction and defines a subsequent response of the cell

    Research and educational network of ground stations for receiving and processing information from educational satellites

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    The research and educational network of ground stations for receiving and processing information from low-orbit educational spacecraft is considered in this paper. Ground stations are equipped with an orbit measurement and determination system with time synchronization. This network realizes receiving and processing telemetry of ultra-small satellites, performing measurements and determining their orbital parameters and teaching students of aerospace specialties. Software and hardware of stationary and mobile ground stations are considered. The ground station was tested in the modes of receiving data and measuring the ultra-small satellite orbit with different frequency of telemetry packets. The initial orbit determination by frequency and time measurements of a LUOJIA-1 01 nanosatellite telemetry signal on several orbits with a limited number of data on one pass was studied. The nanosatellite radio signal nominal frequency and initial orbital parameters were unknown. Close orbit determination using a ground station network for satellite constellation launch in the first week of flight was considered. The simulation results showed that if the mean anomalies of neighbouring satellites differ by 0.1 , the spacecraft can be identified in the constellation by the frequency and time measurements of the same radio signal at three synchronized ground stations. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd

    Electrostriction measurements in gadolinium doped cerium oxide

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    The equipment of the Ural Center for Shared Use “Modern nanotechnology” UrFU was used. The research was made possible with the financial support of Russian Foundation for Basic Research grant (15-52-06006-MNTI_a)

    Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy

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    The paper is a script of a lecture given at the ISAPP-Baikal summer school in 2018. The lecture gives an overview of the Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic rays and Gamma Astronomy (TAIGA) facility including historical introduction, description of existing and future setups, and outreach and open data activities.Comment: Lectures given at the ISAPP-Baikal Summer School 2018: Exploring the Universe through multiple messengers, 12-21 July 2018, Bol'shie Koty, Russi