65 research outputs found

    A moment to give, no moment to take : a mixed-methods study on volunteer tourism

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    The number of research projects (theses and non-theses) on volunteer tourism (VT) has increased significantly over the last twelve years. However, few studies have measured an individual’s intention and stage of readiness to be involved in VT. The main purpose of this thesis is to develop a model to predict intention and stage of readiness to be involved in volunteer tourism by applying variables, including attitudes towards the concept of volunteer tourism (VT), subjective norms, altruistic lifestyle values, the sensation-seeking personality, social class, taking/receiving motivation, giving motivation, past experience in tourism, past experience in volunteering, past experience in VT, perceived and factual constraints. This study was conducted using a sequential mixed methods approach. A qualitative approach was utilised in the first stage. Qualitative data were gathered via focus groups (15 participants), in-depth interviews (15 participants), and email interviews (three participants) which were conducted in Perth, Western Australia. The participants selected were those who had experience as a volunteer tourist and/or as an international volunteer. The data were analysed using NVivo (Welsh, 2002a) version 10. The second stage consisted of a quantitative study and collected data via an online survey. This survey attracted 542 participants with a range of experience in VT. The participants mainly resided in Australia. Data were analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) (Allen & Bennett, 2010; Blunch, 2008; Coakes, Steed, & Ong, 2010; Pallant, 2010) for the exploratory factor analysis and AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling (Blunch, 2008; Byrne, 2001; Hair Jr., Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006; Holmes-Smith, 2010). As a result of reviewing the literature on VT (Broad & Jenkins, 2008; Hobbs, 2007; K. D. Lyons & Wearing, 2012; E. Raymond, 2008; Tourism Research and Marketing, 2008; Wearing, 2001) and the findings of both the qualitative and quantitative studies, volunteer tourism was conceptualised as the intersection of volunteer and tourism concepts and a combination of volunteer and tourism activities in a travel destination (nationally or internationally). This requires motivated participants to volunteer for a day or more and pay their own costs, for instance, for transport, accommodation, meals, and in some instances financially contribute to the project (these could include humanitarian, education, health, construction, religion, and conservation projects) itself, through a sender or host organisation. In the qualitative study, it was found that people engaged in VT for a variety of reasons and had varied VT experiences. A key factor with participants was the importance of word of mouth influences in inspiring and encouraging their involvement in VT. This was found to be a powerful motivator. Broadly the experiences ranged from religious, to embracing the environment, to adventure seeking, to being free and genuinely altruistic motivations. Constraints to be involved in VT came from participants with more limited VT experience and included time, money, distance and language difficulties. These findings were applied in developing the research instrument by adding, confirming, and modifying the information taken from the literature review in tourism, volunteerism, and VT. In the quantitative study, modifications were made to the initial conceptual framework proposed, for example, by dividing the motivation variable into ‘taking/receiving motivation’ and ‘giving motivation’ to ensure that drivers of each type of motivation were explored. Using a structural equation model, the relationship between these two different types of motivation and their impact on intention was examined. To measure individuals’ intentions and stage of readiness to be involved in VT, six models were developed, each individually testing a research question. A key driver for predicting intention to engage in VT was the ‘giving motivation’; this included the need to give back to the community and a concern for the environment. In addition, a group of other key drivers included attitudes, subjective norms, ‘taking/receiving motivation’ and a sensation-seeking personality. These findings both added to and consolidated exiting literature on the intention to engage in VT. Findings indicated a strengthening of intention as time increased (from 1 to 3 to 5 years) along with different drivers impacting the decision at different time intervals. This information is critical to marketers and social marketers of VT so as to effectively communicate with potential volunteer tourists with time appropriate messages. Further, this study of individuals’ intention and stage of readiness to be involved in VT is significant to tourism, volunteerism, and VT knowledge, obviously seen from the qualitative study. Individuals might be easy to be just a tourist, travel to a city or country for any purpose. However, to add volunteering activity, such as working in a community or orphanage, in the destination might attract only certain people. Most participants needed a proper and long preparation before they were really involved in VT. For non-volunteer tourists, some disagreed to the concept of VT and some others even though they agreed to the concept, they considered later in their lives if they wanted to be involved in VT. The findings indicate that VT is still an alternative, niche, and special tourism product as VT requires a high involvement from each participant


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    This study aims to analyze social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment to brand loyalty in Grab Indonesia. The research design used is quantitative research with a causal approach that examines the effect of exogenous variables (social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment) on endogenous variables (brand loyalty). The population in this study were consumers of social media followers (Instagram) grab with an infinite number, therefore sampling was carried out using purposive sampling with the consideration of respondents as followers of Instagram grab with a minimum period of following is 6 months and has given "likes" to the grab Instagram posts. The sample used in this study were consumers of online transportation companies (grab) as many as 300 respondents. This research analysis tool uses a structural equation model (SEM). The results showed that the exogenous variables (social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment) positively and significantly affect endogenous variables (brand loyalty). The variable that has the highest value in influencing brand loyalty is social media marketing. Meanwhile, the variable that directly influences brand loyalty with the lowest regression coefficient is electronic word of mouth

    Low-cost green car purchase intention : measuring the role of brand image on perceived price and quality

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    Purpose: The study tests a rhombus model. A rhombus model refers to a rhombus-shaped research model consisting of three predictor variables including brand image, perceived price, and perceived quality that is used to predict purchase intention. This study aims to predict a person’s purchase intention relating to Low-Cost Green Cars (LCGC). In Indonesia market, this type of passenger vehicle is targeted towards lower income consumers and those who are concerned with the environment. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data was collected using a questionnaire in a shopping centre in Jakarta close to a year-round car exhibition. In total, 200 participants completed the questionnaire. Data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Findings: The study found that in the case of Toyota Agya, brand image has a significant impact on perceived price and perceived quality. Also, perceived price has a significant impact on purchase intention. There are slightly different results in the case of Daihatsu Ayla. Practical Implications: Results can be used by managerial administration adjusting its strategy to attract more costumers. Originality/Value: It is an original research with prospective buyers for a known product, the brand name of the cars were known to participants in the research.peer-reviewe

    Travel Motivation, Destination Image, and Stage of Intention to Visit Anak Krakatau Mount: a Study of Volcano Tourism in Indonesia

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    This study aims to measure the impact of travel motivation and destination image on stage of intention to visit a volcano site, particularly Anak Krakatau. "Anak" means "child". This mount is a volcano created by the deadly eruption of the Krakatau volcano which killed 36,417 people in 1883 and had a wide-ranging impact on some of the world's ecosystems. This mountain is located on a small island between two large islands of Sumatra and Java, Indonesia. Anak Krakatau is more popular among domestic tourists. Data were collected using an online questionnaire platform and the study used a convenience sample of 250 participants. Data were analysed using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, as well as structural equation model. Stage intention consisted of visit intention in the period of one, three, and five years and each of them were treated as individual variable unless for visit intention in a year due to insignificance. As a result, travel motivation had a significant impact on destination image and destination image significantly affects stage of intention

    Giving over taking/receiving in volunteer tourism the impact of motivation, attitude, and subjective norm on stage of readiness and its implication on social marketing

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    The main objective of this study is to investigate the impact of motivation, attitude, and subjective norm on stage of readiness to be involved in volunteer tourism and its implication on social marketing. Volunteer tourism is a tourism product that combines volunteerism and tourism activities in a destination and commonly offered by an international volunteer organisation. In this study the author examine the influence of motivation, subjective norm, and attitude towards volunteer tourism concept on stage of readiness to be involved in volunteer tourism. Motivation is treated as two different variables - taking/receiving and giving motivations. Taking/receiving represents self-interest whereas giving represents altruism. Separating motivation into taking/receiving and giving has rarely done by prior researchers, particularly in a quantitative approach. To gather data, an online survey was conducted attracting 268 male and 274 female participants across nations. In total there were eight hypotheses to be tested. There is a limited sources applying stage of readiness in the study of volunteer tourism. In the tourism literature, stage of readiness relates to a readiness of a person to participate in a tourism product and commonly links to low and high involvement types of activities. Based on the confirmatory factor analysis, all eight hypotheses are accepted. The findings carry out innovations: firstly, the participants might be involved in volunteer tourism were more influenced by giving motivation rather than taking/receiving motivation. The implication of these findings can be a reason why social marketing is more suitable to promote a volunteer tourism project instead of using a commercial marketing approach. Secondly, variables, such as attitude, subjective norm, taking/receiving motivation, and giving motivation can predict stage of readiness. Recommendations for practitioners and future research are discussed

    The Impact of Consumer Animosity on Purchase Unwillingness in a Boycott of Sari Roti

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    This research was conducted in response to a boycott towards a national bread brand. It was stimulated by a company disclosure in stating they had no relation to any political events in 2016. This research aimed to examine the impact of consumer animosity on product judgment, purchase willingness, purchase unwillingness, and boycott participation. In total, 266 participants took part in this research using convenience sampling. Data were collected using an online survey. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis and Structural Equation Model (SEM). This research finds that there is a significant impact of animosity on product judgment, purchase willingness, purchase unwillingness, and boycott participation. Moreover, there is also a significant impact of product judgment on purchase willingness and boycott participation on purchase unwillingness

    Predicting Factors that Influence Consumer Purchase Intention for Online Shopping When Seller Live Streaming on Social Media

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    The purpose of this study was to example the effect of shopping orientation, sales promotion and trust on purchase intention to shop online when seller was live streaming on social media. The data collection method used a survey method in the form of a questionnaire via google form. Respondents in this study were consumers of social media users (17-40 years old) who lived in DKI Jakarta, liked to shop online through social media and found 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used AMOS version 26 and SPSS version 26 to process and analyse data from the research result. The result of the study can show that the variables of shopping orientation, online trust have a positive and significant effect on purchase intention. The variable of shopping orientation, sales promotion has a positive and significant effect on online trust. The sales promotion variable does not have any effect on the purchase intention variable

    Halal Sex Tourism in Indonesia:Understanding the Motivation of Young Female Host to Marry with Middle Eastern Male Tourists

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    The objective of this mixed-methods study is to understand motivation of young female host to marry with Middle Eastern male tourists. The tourists, mostly from Middle Eastern countries picked female – prostitutes or ordinary women – host to be their wives for a certain period of time. This contract marriage has increased wealthy for those who are involved and therefore it is supported by community. The study took place in Southern Bogor, West Java Province, Indonesia where many cases of contract marriage found. By using projective data collection techniques the authors were allowed to gather data from the third parties. In the qualitative study, 90 female students were involved in face to face interviews. The results were adapted into a quantitative instrument. In the quantitative study, 199 female students participated in a self-administered survey. As a result, the motivation of young female host to marry with Middle Eastern male tourists includes hedonic, marriage barrier, and altruistic motivations. Keywords: contract marriage, halal sex tourism, motivation, structural equation model, Indonesi

    The image of India as a Travel Destination and the attitude of viewers towards Indian TV Dramas

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    For a few decades now, various television stations in Indonesia have been broadcasting foreign drama series including those from a range of Asian countries, such Korea, India, Turkey, Thailand and the Philippines . This study aims to explore attitude towards Asian drama in those countries and the destination image of the country where the drama emanates from as perceived by the audiences. This study applied a mixed-methodology approach in order to explore particularly attitudes towards foreign television drama productions. There is a paucity of study exploring the attitudes of audiences towards Indian television dramas and a limited study focussing on the image of India as a preferred travel destination. Data was collected using an online instrument and participants were selected as a convenience sample. The attitude towards foreign television dramas was measured using items that were adapted from the qualitative study results, whereas for measuring destination image, an existing scale was employed. This study found that the attitudes of audiences towards Indian drama and their image of India had no dimension (one factor). The study also reported that attitude towards Indian dramas had a significant impact on the image of India as a travel destination and vice-versa. Recommendations for future study and tourism marketing are discussed

    Predicting Customers' Intention to Revisit a Vintage-Concept Restaurant

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    Restaurants with a vintage concept become an option for urban people who want to enjoy dining out. To present this vintage atmosphere, restaurant management and owners decorated their stores with antiques and anything vintage, such as signboards, utensils, furniture, posters, and even the menu. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of perceived value, restaurant atmosphere on satisfaction and revisit intention. This study attracted 200 respondents visiting a vintage-concept restaurant. The data were collected in Jakarta and analysed with exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. As a result, three hypotheses were accepted and two hypotheses were rejected: customer satisfaction was influenced by perceived value and restaurant atmosphere and revisit intention was significantly influenced by customer satisfaction
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