45 research outputs found

    Clinical Characteristics of Hyponatremia

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    Background & aims : We investigated the contributing factors of hyponatremia in patients on nutrition support using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA). Methods : Thirty patients administered enteral or parenteral nutrition support for at least 72 hours were studied. We collected nutritional and electrolyte intake, serum biochemical parameters, and body composition measured by BIA. Patients were classified into two groups according to their serum sodium levels : (1) Normanatremia group, 135–145 mEq / L (n = 18) and (2) Hyponatremia group, less than 135 mEq / L (n = 12), and their characteristics were analyzed. Results : There were no significant differences between the Normonatremia and Hyponatremia groups in terms of energy, protein, and sodium intake. Serum biochemical parameters other than serum sodium and chloride levels were comparable between the two groups. On the other hand, the ratio of extracellular water to total body water (ECW / TBW) obtained by BIA was significantly higher in the Hyponatremia group than in the Normonatremia group. Further, an elevated ECW / TBW significantly and negatively correlated with serum albumin level. Conclusions : Regardless of sodium intake, higher ECW / TBW was associated with hyponatremia in patients on nutrition support. ECW / TBW may be an important clinical parameter relevant to the nutritional care of hyponatremia

    Strategies of Impoliteness in Japanese Spontaneous Talks

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    If, on the one hand, Japanese language, with its richness of marked allomorphs used for honorifics, has been considered one of the most attractive languages to investigate the phenomenon of politeness, on the other hand, a very small number of studies have been devoted to Japanese impoliteness, most of them limited to BBSs’ (Bulletin Board System) chats on Internet. Interestingly, Japanese native speakers declare, in general, that their language has a very limited number of offensive expressions and that ‘impoliteness’ is not a characteristic of their mother tongue. I tried to analyse some samples of spontaneous conversations taken from YouTube and other multimedia repertoires, in order to detect the main strategies used in Japanese real conversations to cause offence or to show a threatening attitude toward the partner’s face. It seems possible to state that, notwithstanding the different ‘cultural’ peculiarities, impoliteness shows, also in Japanese, a set of strategies common to other languages and that impoliteness, in terms of morphology, is not a mirror counterpart of keigo

    自然会話コーパスの分析とその教材化の意義 : NCRBで教える「中途終了型発話」と「共同発話文」を中心に

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    国立国語研究所National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics本稿では、まず、多様な場面における事前にシナリオのない自然会話を集めた『BTSJによる日本語話し言葉コーパス』(宇佐美、2011)について、簡単にその特徴を紹介する。その上で、「中途終了型発話」や「共同発話文」を取り上げ、それらが実際の会話の中でいかに使われ、どのような機能を生んでいるのかを分析する。また、日本語母語話者が無意識のうちにも、中途終了型発話や共同発話文という会話のスタイルを利用して、相手に応じた様々な働きかけをしていることを示し、欧州の日本語学習者のように、外国語として日本語を学んでいる学習者にとっては、既存の教科書だけからでは、これらの現象を学ぶことは、不可能であることを述べる。そして、このような現状の改善のために開発してきた多機能データベース「自然会話リソースバンク(NCRB:Natural Conversation Resource Bank:)」に格納された共同構築型「自然会話を素材とするWEB教材」とその活用方法を紹介する。The present study analyses the functions of incomplete utterances and co-constructed utterances in natural conversations taken from BTSJ Japanese Conversation Corpus (BTSJ-JCC). Although these phenomena are commonly perceived in natural conversations, they are not found in the textbooks; therefore, it is difficult to integrate them into the Japanese language education. However, these two utterance types have various functions and play an important role in smooth and naturalistic communications; (i) many incomplete utterances have hedging functions (negative politeness), (ii) they trigger the addressee to complete the speaker\u27s unfinished utterance (co-constructed utterance), (iii) the addressee indicates understanding by finishing the unfinished utterance. Incomplete utterances trigger addressee\u27s positive politeness in this manner, and thus, they facilitate smooth conversation.Since native speakers of Japanese employ these strategies according to the social factors of the addressees, it is almost impossible for the learners of Japanese in Europe to acquire them sorely from the existing Japanese textbooks. Based on these situation, a multifunctional database Natural Conversation Resource Bank: NCRB, a platform for collaboratively-constructed WEB teaching materials using natural conversations has been developed. As the NCRB has support functions for developing teaching materials for natural communication, the users can develop WEB teaching materials with explanations of these conversation strategies as well as those of grammatical explanations by following the simple illustrations built in the program.Finally, I insist that the platform such as NCRB for utilizing teaching natural conversation resources is essential to improve the Japanese language education in Europe


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    会議名: 第9回 国立国語研究所国際シンポジウム 第1部会, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 2001年10月22日 10:00-17:00, 主催: 国立国語研究

    談話のポライトネス : ポライトネスの談話理論構想

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    会議名: 第7回 国立国語研究所国際シンポジウム 第4専門部会, 開催地: 国立国語研究所, 会期: 1999年12月4日 10:00-17:00, 主催: 国立国語研究


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    会議名: 国立国語研究所 日本語教育研究・情報センターシンポジウム「コミュニケーションのための日本語教育研究」, 開催地: 星陵会館ホール, 会期: 2012年11月17日13:00-17:30, 主催: 国立国語研究所 日本語教育研究・情報センタ

    なぜポライトなつもりがインポライトになるのか : ディスコース・ポライトネス理論の観点から日本語教育に示唆できること

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    国立国語研究所National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics本稿では、ポライトネスを敬語のような言語形式だけの問題としてではなく、あいづちやスピーチレベルのシフトなどの現象など、談話レベルの現象も含めて実際の「ポライトネス効果」を捉える必要があるとして、その基本原則を体系化した「ディスコース・ポライトネス理論」(宇佐美2001;2003;2008;2009,2011)の基本的概念を簡単に導入する。DP理論では、話し手と聞き手の「ある言語行動の適切性についての捉え方や期待値」(「基本状態(デフォルト)」)が許容ずれ幅を超えて異なることが、実際の「インポライトネス効果」をもたらすと説明する。ここでは、主に、フランス語圏における学習者が様々な状況で遭遇する異文化間ミス・コミュニケーション場面の事例を取り上げ、それらがこの理論でいかに解釈できるかを提示し、この理論の解釈の可能性と妥当性を検証する。また、このような分析や解釈が、ミス・コミュニケーションの事前防止にいかに適用できるか、また、それらの考察をいかに日本語教育に生かしていくことができるかについても考察する。In this presentation, I introduced the seven key concepts of "Discourse Politeness Theory", which explains that the actual impoliteness effects are caused by the discrepancy of estimations of the degree of "Face Threat" between speaker and hearer. Then, I analyzed several miscommunication cases in France and Belgium from the viewpoint of this theory. Finally, I discussed what is necessary in Japanese language education in Europe, in order to prevent misunderstanding and miscommunication related to politeness.The seven key concepts in discourse politeness theory are: (1) Discourse politeness, (2) Discourse default, (3) Marked vs unmarked politeness, (4) Marked vs unmarked behavior, (5) Discrepancy in estimations between speaker and hearer, (6) Politeness effect, and (7) Relative vs absolute politeness. According to this theory, "politeness effect" represents "perceived politeness from the viewpoint of hearer" and it is caused by the "discrepancy in estimations" between speaker and hearer of: 1) Discourse default, 2) The degree of Face Threat of a certain language behavior, and 3) Speaker\u27s politeness strategies. There are three kinds of "politeness effects". 1. Plus effect, 2. Neutral effect, and 3. Minus effect.In the presentation, I theoretically analyzed several miscommunication cases in France and Belgium from the viewpoint of this theory