15 research outputs found

    Physical profile comparison between 3x3 and 5x5 basketball training

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    El objetivo del estudio fue comparar las demandas físicas a partir de variables de distancia, velocidad y aceleración en baloncesto entre dos juegos reducidos, 3x3 y 5x5, mediante tecnología GPS. Diez mujeres (15 ±1,0 años) participaron en el estudio, durante dos sesiones de entrenamiento. Se aplicaron las reglas de las competiciones 3 contra 3 en una sola canasta y a media cancha. Las jugadoras participaron en dos juegos (5x5 y 3x3) durante 5 minutos cada uno. Las jugadoras fueron organizadas en función de su puesto específico. Las variables utilizadas para analizar los datos registrados se agruparon en: indicadores físicos globales (distancia total o DT, velocidad media o DT/min, Player Load o PL y Velocidad máxima o Vmax), distancia recorrida en diferentes rangos de velocidad y distancia recorrida en diferentes rangos de aceleración. El análisis de datos mostró valores más altos en el 3x3, existiendo diferencias significativas en las variables DT, DT/min y PL, distancia recorrida en el rango de >1,0 m/s-1 y en la mayoría de los rangos de aceleración. La interpretación de los resultados sugiere que el espacio afectó en la demanda física de las jugadorasThe aim of the study was to compare the physical requirements taking into account the variables of distance, velocity and acceleration in basketball between two small-sided games, 3x3 and 5x5, using GPS technology. Ten women (15 ±1.0 years) participated in the study, during two training sessions. The rules of 3v3 competitions were applied in a single basket half-court. The players participated in two games (5x5 and 3x3) during 5 minutes each. The players were organized according to their specific position. The variables used to analyze the recorded data were grouped into: global physical indicators (total distance or DT, average speed or DTmin, Player Load or PL and maximum speed or Vmax), traversed distance in different ranges of speed and traversed distance in different ranges of acceleration. The data-analysis showed higher values in the 3x3, being significant differences in the variables DT, DT/min and PL, traversed distance in the range of 1.0 m/s-1 and in most of the ranges of acceleration. The interpretation of the results suggests that space affected the physical demand of the player

    The Stokes-Einstein Relation at Moderate Schmidt Number

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    The Stokes-Einstein relation for the self-diffusion coefficient of a spherical particle suspended in an incompressible fluid is an asymptotic result in the limit of large Schmidt number, that is, when momentum diffuses much faster than the particle. When the Schmidt number is moderate, which happens in most particle methods for hydrodynamics, deviations from the Stokes-Einstein prediction are expected. We study these corrections computationally using a recently-developed minimally-resolved method for coupling particles to an incompressible fluctuating fluid in both two and three dimensions. We find that for moderate Schmidt numbers the diffusion coefficient is reduced relative to the Stokes-Einstein prediction by an amount inversely proportional to the Schmidt number in both two and three dimensions. We find, however, that the Einstein formula is obeyed at all Schmidt numbers, consistent with linear response theory. The numerical data is in good agreement with an approximate self-consistent theory, which can be used to estimate finite-Schmidt number corrections in a variety of methods. Our results indicate that the corrections to the Stokes-Einstein formula come primarily from the fact that the particle itself diffuses together with the momentum. Our study separates effects coming from corrections to no-slip hydrodynamics from those of finite separation of time scales, allowing for a better understanding of widely observed deviations from the Stokes-Einstein prediction in particle methods such as molecular dynamics.Comment: Submitte

    Frictions, cracks and micro-resistances: physical activity and sport as strategies to dignify imprisoned women

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    Discipline and control are key concepts within industrial and capitalist societies. In this context, prisons are a warning tool about the consequences of non-conformity [Foucault, M., 1995. Discipline and Punish: The birth of Prison. NY: Vintage Books]. As a result, punitive power is used as a corrective technique to transform prisoners into docile and useful citizen. However, power in prison is no static and inmates can create various strategies of resistance. The aim of this research is to understand how physical activity and sport are used by incarcerated women to confront social control and negotiate power relations. Underpinned within a critical feminist epistemology, we interviewed 16 women about their prison sports experience. According to the interviewees, physical activity and sport helped them to cope with the sentence while it was a useful tool confronting and negotiating the patriarchal punitive power. The women pointed out that the prison did not fully subdue them. Also, they highlighted their abilities to minimally destabilize the prison order. This enabled them to regain some autonomy and identity, while opposing to the total institution. Engaging in physical practices enabled incarcerated women to create small spaces of freedom and frictions within a limiting a prohibitive prison environmen

    Uso del espacio en pelota vasca en edad escolar: aplicación del análisis secuencial

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    El presente estudio aborda la búsqueda de patrones de conductaasociados al uso del espacio llevadas a cabo por jugadores benjamines (8-10años) y alevines (10-12 años) de pelota a mano que participan en deporteescolar. La muestra estuvo compuesta por doce partidos (60 jugadores), seisde benjamines (30 jugadores) y seis de alevines (30 jugadores). El registro sellevó a cabo mediante un instrumento de observación diseñado ad hoc paraanalizar el uso estratégico del espacio realizado, que incluía los siguientescriterios: zona de golpeo y dirección del saque, resto y golpeos de intercambio.A partir del análisis secuencial de retardos se estimaron patrones deconducta para ambas edades, encontrando una mayor cantidad, variedad ylongitud de comportamientos de los jugadores alevines respecto a los benjamines.Los golpeos de los alevines se iniciaron y finalizaron en todas laszonas de la cancha y combinaron direcciones de la pelota tanto en el ejelateral (izquierda y derecha) como longitudinal (media y corta distancia).Su aplicación en el ámbito de la iniciación permitirá a los técnicos implementarestrategias de intervención adecuadas con el objetivo de optimizarlas respuestas motrices dadas por los jugadores

    Detección y aplicación de T-Patterns en la escalada de élite

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    El presente trabajo constituye un ejemplo de la potencia informativade los T-patterns -estructuras regulares y temporales de conductasobtenidas mediante el software Theme, versión 6.0- y de su aplicación, porprimera vez, al conocimiento estratégico-táctico de un deporte que ha sidoresidualmente estudiado como es la escalada deportiva. En el seno de lametodología observacional se ha construido ad hoc el instrumento de observaciónSport Climbing Observation Tool (SCOT) que ha permitido detectarT-patterns que reflejan el comportamiento desarrollado en la ascensión dela vía –presa, mano de agarre, inicio y final de contacto, chapaje, uso demagnesio y descansos– por los mejores escaladores –modalidad Lead– queparticiparon en el Campeonato del Mundo de 2011, celebrado en Arco (Italia).Mediante la información contenida en los T-patterns detectados se hacaracterizado la ascensión en tramos (inicial, medio y final), describiéndoseoperativamente la manera en la que los mejores escaladores del mundo cumplimentanla ascensión de la vía

    Negotiating alternative femininities? Gender identity construction in female Basque pelota players

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    © 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The aim of this paper is to explore how female players of Basque pelota (pelotaris) construct their gender identity in a traditionally masculine sport. The theory of performativity is used to understand how females negotiate, resist or challenge the dominant gender discourse. Data were collected through 10 in-depth interviews with players. Through inductive analysis we found that the sociocultural context surrounding Basque pelota reinforces the binary system of gender embodiment, which includes hegemonic masculinities and idealised femininities. However, our findings also suggest that whilst some players adhere to this dominant discourse, others actively resist and transgress it through the embodiment of alternative identities. In doing this, these players create new and inclusive identities, therefore escaping a simplistic binary and embracing a multiplicity of gender identities. As a result, they can become active agents in the promotion of equity in sport