309 research outputs found

    Inferring the neutron star equation of state from binary inspiral waveforms

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    The properties of neutron star matter above nuclear density are not precisely known. Gravitational waves emitted from binary neutron stars during their late stages of inspiral and merger contain imprints of the neutron-star equation of state. Measuring departures from the point-particle limit of the late inspiral waveform allows one to measure properties of the equation of state via gravitational wave observations. This and a companion talk by J. S. Read reports a comparison of numerical waveforms from simulations of inspiraling neutron-star binaries, computed for equations of state with varying stiffness. We calculate the signal strength of the difference between waveforms for various commissioned and proposed interferometric gravitational wave detectors and show that observations at frequencies around 1 kHz will be able to measure a compactness parameter and constrain the possible neutron-star equations of state.Comment: Talk given at the 12th Marcel Grossman Meeting, Paris, France, 12-18 Jul 200

    Gravitational Wavetrains in the Quasi-Equilibrium Approximation: A Model Problem in Scalar Gravitation

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    A quasi-equilibrium (QE) computational scheme was recently developed in general relativity to calculate the complete gravitational wavetrain emitted during the inspiral phase of compact binaries. The QE method exploits the fact that the the gravitational radiation inspiral timescale is much longer than the orbital period everywhere outside the ISCO. Here we demonstrate the validity and advantages of the QE scheme by solving a model problem in relativistic scalar gravitation theory. By adopting scalar gravitation, we are able to numerically track without approximation the damping of a simple, quasi-periodic radiating system (an oscillating spherical matter shell) to final equilibrium, and then use the exact numerical results to calibrate the QE approximation method. In particular, we calculate the emitted gravitational wavetrain three different ways: by integrating the exact coupled dynamical field and matter equations, by using the scalar-wave monopole approximation formula (corresponding to the quadrupole formula in general relativity), and by adopting the QE scheme. We find that the monopole formula works well for weak field cases, but fails when the fields become even moderately strong. By contrast, the QE scheme remains quite reliable for moderately strong fields, and begins to breakdown only for ultra-strong fields. The QE scheme thus provides a promising technique to construct the complete wavetrain from binary inspiral outside the ISCO, where the gravitational fields are strong, but where the computational resources required to follow the system for more than a few orbits by direct numerical integration of the exact equations are prohibitive.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Numerical models of irrotational binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    We report on general relativistic calculations of quasiequilibrium configurations of binary neutron stars in circular orbits with zero vorticity. These configurations are expected to represent realistic situations as opposed to corotating configurations. The Einstein equations are solved under the assumption of a conformally flat spatial 3-metric (Wilson-Mathews approximation). The velocity field inside the stars is computed by solving an elliptical equation for the velocity scalar potential. Results are presented for sequences of constant baryon number (evolutionary sequences). Although the central density decreases much less with the binary separation than in the corotating case, it still decreases. Thus, no tendency is found for the stars to individually collapse to black hole prior to merger.Comment: Minor corrections, improved figure, 5 pages, REVTeX, Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Regular networks of Luttinger liquids

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    We consider arrays of Luttinger liquids, where each node is described by a unitary scattering matrix. In the limit of small electron-electron interaction, we study the evolution of these scattering matrices as the high-energy single particle states are gradually integrated out. Interestingly, we obtain the same renormalization group equations as those derived by Lal, Rao, and Sen, for a system composed of a single node coupled to several semi-infinite 1D wires. The main difference between the single node geometry and a regular lattice is that in the latter case, the single particle spectrum is organized into periodic energy bands, so that the renormalization procedure has to stop when the last totally occupied band has been eliminated. We therefore predict a strongly renormalized Luttinger liquid behavior for generic filling factors, which should exhibit power-law suppression of the conductivity at low temperatures E_{F}/(k_{F}a) > 1. Some fully insulating ground-states are expected only for a discrete set of integer filling factors for the electronic system. A detailed discussion of the scattering matrix flow and its implication for the low energy band structure is given on the example of a square lattice.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figure

    A relativistic formalism for computation of irrotational binary stars in quasi equilibrium states

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    We present relativistic hydrostatic equations for obtaining irrotational binary neutron stars in quasi equilibrium states in 3+1 formalism. Equations derived here are different from those previously given by Bonazzola, Gourgoulhon, and Marck, and have a simpler and more tractable form for computation in numerical relativity. We also present hydrostatic equations for computation of equilibrium irrotational binary stars in first post-Newtonian order.Comment: 5 pages, corrected eqs.(2.10), (2.11) and (3.1

    Models of helically symmetric binary systems

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    Results from helically symmetric scalar field models and first results from a convergent helically symmetric binary neutron star code are reported here; these are models stationary in the rotating frame of a source with constant angular velocity omega. In the scalar field models and the neutron star code, helical symmetry leads to a system of mixed elliptic-hyperbolic character. The scalar field models involve nonlinear terms that mimic nonlinear terms of the Einstein equation. Convergence is strikingly different for different signs of each nonlinear term; it is typically insensitive to the iterative method used; and it improves with an outer boundary in the near zone. In the neutron star code, one has no control on the sign of the source, and convergence has been achieved only for an outer boundary less than approximately 1 wavelength from the source or for a code that imposes helical symmetry only inside a near zone of that size. The inaccuracy of helically symmetric solutions with appropriate boundary conditions should be comparable to the inaccuracy of a waveless formalism that neglects gravitational waves; and the (near zone) solutions we obtain for waveless and helically symmetric BNS codes with the same boundary conditions nearly coincide.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Expanded version of article to be published in Class. Quantum Grav. special issue on Numerical Relativit

    Various features of quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    Quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars are numerically calculated in the framework of the Isenberg-Wilson-Mathews (IWM) approximation of general relativity. The results are presented for both rotation states of synchronized spins and irrotational motion, the latter being considered as the realistic one for binary neutron stars just prior to the merger. We assume a polytropic equation of state and compute several evolutionary sequences of binary systems composed of different-mass stars as well as identical-mass stars with adiabatic indices gamma=2.5, 2.25, 2, and 1.8. From our results, we propose as a conjecture that if the turning point of binding energy (and total angular momentum) locating the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is found in Newtonian gravity for some value of the adiabatic index gamma_0, that of the ADM mass (and total angular momentum) should exist in the IWM approximation of general relativity for the same value of the adiabatic index.Comment: Text improved, some figures changed or deleted, new table, 38 pages, 31 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Numerical approach for high precision 3-D relativistic star models

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    A multi-domain spectral method for computing very high precision 3-D stellar models is presented. The boundary of each domain is chosen in order to coincide with a physical discontinuity (e.g. the star's surface). In addition, a regularization procedure is introduced to deal with the infinite derivatives on the boundary that may appear in the density field when stiff equations of state are used. Consequently all the physical fields are smooth functions on each domain and the spectral method is absolutely free of any Gibbs phenomenon, which yields to a very high precision. The power of this method is demonstrated by direct comparison with analytical solutions such as MacLaurin spheroids and Roche ellipsoids. The relative numerical error reveals to be of the order of 10−1010^{-10}. This approach has been developed for the study of relativistic inspiralling binaries. It may be applied to a wider class of astrophysical problems such as the study of relativistic rotating stars too.Comment: Minor changes, Phys. Rev. D in pres

    Transport in two dimensional periodic magnetic fields

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    Ballistic transport properties in a two dimensional electron gas are studied numerically, where magnetic fields are perpendicular to the plane of two dimensional electron systemsand periodically modulated both in xx and yy directions. We show that there are three types of trajectories of classical electron motions in this system; chaotic, pinned and runaway trajectories. It is found that the runaway trajectories can explain the peaks of magnetoresistance as a function of external magnetic fields, which is believed to be related to the commensurability effect between the classical cyclotron diameter and the period of magnetic modulation. The similarity with and difference from the results in the antidot lattice are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 7 figures, to appear in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn., vol. 67 (1998) Novembe
