73 research outputs found

    Remapping English

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    Key words: topography, literary canon, environmental writing, visual media, Digital Humanities  Ecocriticism to date has not changed the basic method of inquiry in literary studies nor has it remapped the canon in terms of genre. Rather than focus on the canonical literary genres, ecocriticism could have emphasized research on popular scientific texts and travel narratives that have generated far more public attention and debate. Likewise, relatively little research is devoted to other visual media such as film and photography which have also received large public attention. Moreover, there are many biological and ecological concepts which remain ill-defined in science and offer the possibility of exploration in terms of what cultural assumptions contribute to their definitions, uses, translations and reception. Thus ecocriticism needs a re-engagement with biological and ecological sciences which would challenge the conventions of literary and cultural studies. Palabras clave: topografía, canon literario, literatura medioambiental, medios audiovisuales, humanidades digitales Hasta ahora la ecocrítica no ha cambiado el método básico de investigación de los estudios literarios, ni ha re-dibujado el canon en cuestión de género literario. En vez de centrarse en los géneros literarios canónicos, la ecocrítica podía haber hecho hincapié en la investigación de textos científicos y narrativas de viaje populares que han generado mucha más atención pública y debate. De la misma forma, se ha dedicado relativamente poca investigación a otros medios visuales como el cine o la fotografía, que también han recibido gran atención del público. Además, hay muchos conceptos biológicos y ecológicos que permanecen mal definidos en ciencias y ofrecen la posibilidad de exploración en cuestión de los supuestos que contribuyen a sus definiciones, usos, traducciones y recepción. Por ello, la ecocrítica necesita re-comprometerse con las ciencias biológicas y ecológicas, lo que desafiaría  las convenciones de los estudios literarios y culturales

    Multispecies justice in the wetlands

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    This essay discusses the rise of "justice" as a central concept around which environmental thought and debates have been organized over the last thirty years, and briefly places the notions of environmental justice and multispecies justice into the more general context of theories of justice since John Rawls. It uses the case of the Ballona Wetlands Ecological Reserve in Los Angeles, whose future is hotly contested between different environmentalist groups, as a case study to illustrate the complex trade-offs that environmental decision-making currently confronts, and to suggest in what ways the invocation of multispecies justice changes the participants in the community of justice and the way in which their claims on humans' moral consideration should be weighed.Este ensayo analiza el ascenso de la “justicia” como concepto central sobre el que se han organizado el pensamiento y los debates medioambientales en los últimos treinta años, y localiza brevemente las nociones de justicia medioambiental y de justicia multiespecie dentro del contexto más general de las teorías de justicia desde John Rawls. Utiliza el caso de la Reserva Ecológica de los Humedales Ballona en Los Ángeles, cuyo futuro está muy disputado por diferentes grupos medioambientalistas, como caso práctico para ilustrar la compleja compensación a la que se enfrenta actualmente la toma de decisiones medioambiental, y sugerir de qué forma la invocación de la justicia multiespecie cambia los participantes en la comunidad de justicia y la forma en que deberían sopesarse sus demandas sobre la consideración moral de los humanos

    Reform des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes

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    Das Bundesarbeitsministerium hat im Dezember 2000 einen Referentenentwurf zur Novellierung des Betriebsverfassungsgesetzes vorgelegt. Welche Eckpunkte enthält der Entwurf? Wie ist die Reform zu beurteilen? --

    Arbeitsmarktflexibilität: Gehen die Reformen in die richtige Richtung?

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    Die Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt verlangen neue Regulierungen des Arbeitsmarktes. Für Dr. Ursula Engelen-Kefer, stellvertretende Vorsitzende des DGB, gehen die bereits durchgeführten Reformen und die Reformvorhaben der Bundesregierung in die richtige Richtung: "Es ist nicht zu erwarten, dass der Aufbau von Arbeitsplätzen behindert wird, andererseits wird aber auch die Konkurrenzsituation der Unternehmen nicht derart verschlechtert, dass sie genötigt sind, Arbeitsplätze abzubauen." Dietmar Heise, Hauptgeschäftsführer des BDA, dagegen befürchtet, dass das Reformpaket der Bundesregierung zu "einer weiteren Erstarrung des Arbeitsmarktes sowie einer Verfestigung der hohen Sockelarbeitslosigkeit" führen wird. Auch Prof. Dr. Norbert Berthold, Universität Würzburg, plädiert für eine deutliche Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarktes. Prof. Dr. Jürgen Kromphardt, Technische Universität Berlin und Mitglied des Sachverständigenrates, bezweifelt, "dass eine Deregulierung des Arbeitsmarkts positive Folgen für die Beschäftigung hätte. Was für mehr Beschäftigung Not tut, ist eine höhere Nachfrage nach Arbeit aufgrund einer verbesserten Nachfrage nach Gütern und Dienstleistungen ... sowie eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung der Arbeit auf Beschäftigte und Erwerbsarbeitsuchende."Arbeitsmarkt, Deutschland, Arbeitsmarktflexibilisierung

    Dissemination of Evidence by Cochrane Public Health Europe in German-Speaking Countries: An Online Stakeholder Survey

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    Objectives: To investigate the reach and impact of “Infomails”, email summaries of Cochrane reviews in German, regularly disseminated by Cochrane Public Health Europe (CPHE) to stakeholders in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Methods: We analysed email campaign reports from 15 Infomails delivered until November 2020. Furthermore, we invited all previous Infomail recipients to participate in an online survey on the impact and perceptions regarding our Infomails in November 2020. We analysed the results using descriptive statistics. Results: The Infomails’ open rate ranged from 10.9% to 39.3% (median 26.0%), and the median click rate on the embedded links was 28.0% (range 8.6–53.8%), highest for nutrition and prevention topics. Out of 1259 recipients, 267 (21.2%) completed our survey. Infomails were most used in discussions, writing reports or statements, for policy or strategy development or programme or guideline development. Persons who remembered receiving Infomails rated them as useful, comprehensible or informative. Conclusion: Infomails summarising recent Cochrane reviews were considered useful for the daily work of public health stakeholders in German-speaking countries. Regular targeted messaging may increase the perceived usefulness

    Dissemination of Evidence by Cochrane Public Health Europe in German-Speaking Countries: An Online Stakeholder Survey

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    Objectives: To investigate the reach and impact of “Infomails”, email summaries of Cochrane reviews in German, regularly disseminated by Cochrane Public Health Europe (CPHE) to stakeholders in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.Methods: We analysed email campaign reports from 15 Infomails delivered until November 2020. Furthermore, we invited all previous Infomail recipients to participate in an online survey on the impact and perceptions regarding our Infomails in November 2020. We analysed the results using descriptive statistics.Results: The Infomails’ open rate ranged from 10.9% to 39.3% (median 26.0%), and the median click rate on the embedded links was 28.0% (range 8.6–53.8%), highest for nutrition and prevention topics. Out of 1259 recipients, 267 (21.2%) completed our survey. Infomails were most used in discussions, writing reports or statements, for policy or strategy development or programme or guideline development. Persons who remembered receiving Infomails rated them as useful, comprehensible or informative.Conclusion: Infomails summarising recent Cochrane reviews were considered useful for the daily work of public health stakeholders in German-speaking countries. Regular targeted messaging may increase the perceived usefulness

    Taxation of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or other adverse health outcomes:protocol

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    To assess the effects of taxation of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods in the general population on the: consumption of unprocessed sugar or sugar-added foods; prevalence and incidence of overweight and obesity; and prevalence and incidence of diet-related health conditions

    Taxation of the fat content of foods for reducing their consumption and preventing obesity or other adverse health outcomes

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the effects of taxation of fat content in food on consumption of total fat and saturated fat, energy intake, overweight, obesity, and other adverse health outcomes in the general population