279 research outputs found

    The surgical treatment of the carpal tunnel syndrom

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    Catedra Ortopedie, traumatologie şi chirurgie în campanie, "USMF „N. Testemiţanu”, Conferinţa Naţională în cadrul Asociaţiei Ortopezilor – Traumatologi din Republica Moldova ”Actualităţi în microchirurgia reconstructivă”, Chișinău, Republica MoldovaOur experience are based on the treatment of the 36 patients with carpal tunnel syndrome during 2005-2009 years. The age of patients was between 18 and 65 years, men – 15 women – 21 persons. The right hand traumatized in 22 cases, left – 12 and bilateral at 2 patients. After fractures of the distal radius tunnel carpal syndrome beginning in 21 patients and after contusion of the radio-carpal join in 7 cases. The disorders at 5 patients have idiomatic origins. The III degree was confirmed in 29 cases, IV degree – in 4 and II degree – only 3 patients. Surgical treatment: in 15 cases was performed osteosinthesis of radial bone and excision of the carpal ligament. The excision of carpal ligament and decompression of medianus nerve execute at 21 patients. The good results confirmed at 33 patients, satisfactory in 3 cases.Experienţa noastră 2005-2009 se bazează pe tratamentul a 36 de bolnavi cu sindromul de canal carpian, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 şi 65 de ani. Au fost 15 bărbaţi şi 21 femei. În 22 cazuri a fost leziunea mâinii drepte, 12 – mâna stângă şi în 2 cazuri leziunea bilaterală. Sindromul de canal carpian s-a dezvoltat la 21 de bolnavi după fractura de radius şi în 7 cazuri după o contuzie a articulaţiei pumnului, la 5 – s-a dezvoltat o formă idiopatică. După materialul nostru 3 bolnavi cu sindromul de canal carpian au fost în stadiul –II, 29 de pacienţi au fost cu maladia în stadiul – III şi 4 în stadia a IV. Dintre intervenţiile chirurgicale: la 15 bolnavi paralel cu osteosinteza fragmentelor extremităţii distale a osului radial s-a efectuat excizia ligamentului carpian cu decompresia nervului median, la 21 pacienţi s-a efectuat excizia ligamentului carpian cu decompresia şi neuroliza nervului median. Rezultatele la distanţă s-au înregistrat ca bune la 33 bolnavi, satisfăcătoare la 3 pacienţi

    Superconductivity in two-band systems with variable charge carrier density. The case of MgB2

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    The theory of thermodynamic properties of two-band superconductor with reduced density charge carriers is developed on the base of phonon superconducting mechanism with strong electron-phonon interaction. This theory is adapted to describe the behavior of critical temperature Tc, energy gaps Delta1, Delta2, and the relative jump of electron specific heat (Cs - Cn)/Cn in the point T = Tc along with the variation of charge carrier density in the compound MgB2 when substitutional impurities with different valence are introduced into the system. It is shown, that according to the filling mechanism of energy bands which overlap on Fermi surface, the quantities Tc, Delta1, Delta2 decrease when this compound is doped with electrons and remain constant or weakly change when the system is doped with holes. The theory qualitatively agrees with the experimental data. Also is shown that the consideration of inter- and intraband scattering of electrons on impurity potential improves this agreement.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. to be published in JETP (first number 2007

    What Are You Looking At? Team Fight Prediction Through Player Camera

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    Esport is a large and still growing industry with vast audiences. Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas (MOBAs), a sub-genre of esports, possess a very complex environment, which often leads to experts missing important coverage while broadcasting live competitions. One common game event that holds significant importance for broadcasting is referred to as a team fight engagement. Professional player's own knowledge and understanding of the game may provide a solution to this problem. This paper suggests a model that predicts and detects ongoing team fights in a live scenario. This approach outlines a novel technique of deriving representations of a complex game environment by relying on player knowledge. This is done by analysing the positions of the in-game characters and their associated cameras, utilising this data to train a neural network. The proposed model is able to both assist in the production of live esport coverage as well as provide a live, expert-derived, analysis of the game without the need of relying on outside sources

    A Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Cdc42 GTPase

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    Cdc42, a member of the Rho family of GTPases, has been shown to play a role in cell adhesion, cytoskeletal arrangement, phagocytosis and cell motility and migration, in addition to a host of other diverse biological processes. The function of Rho-family GTPases in disease pathogenesis has been well established and identification of small, cell permeable molecules that selectively and reversibly regulate Rho GTPases is of high scientific and potentially therapeutic interest. There has been limited success in identifying inhibitors that specifically interact with small Rho family GTPases. The identified probe, ML141 (CID-2950007), is demonstrated to be a potent, selective and reversible non-competitive inhibitor of Cdc42 GTPase suitable for in vitro assays, with low micromolar potency and selectivity against other members of the Rho family of GTPases (Rac1, Rab2, Rab7). Given the highly complementary nature of the function of the Rho family GTPases, Cdc42 selective inhibitors such as those reported here should help untangle the roles of the proteins in this family

    Resting-State Functional Connectivity between Fronto-Parietal and Default Mode Networks in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by an excessive focus on upsetting or disturbing thoughts, feelings, and images that are internally-generated. Internally-focused thought processes are subserved by the ‘‘default mode network’ ’ (DMN), which has been found to be hyperactive in OCD during cognitive tasks. In healthy individuals, disengagement from internally-focused thought processes may rely on interactions between DMN and a frontoparietal network (FPN) associated with external attention and task execution. Altered connectivity between FPN and DMN may contribute to the dysfunctional behavior and brain activity found in OCD. Methods: The current study examined interactions between FPN and DMN during rest in 30 patients with OCD (17 unmedicated) and 32 control subjects (17 unmedicated). Timecourses from seven fronto-parietal seeds were correlated across the whole brain and compared between groups. Results: OCD patients exhibited altered connectivity between FPN seeds (primarily anterior insula) and several regions of DMN including posterior cingulate cortex, medial frontal cortex, posterior inferior parietal lobule, and parahippocampus. These differences were driven largely by a reduction of negative correlations among patients compared to controls. Patients also showed greater positive connectivity between FPN and regions outside DMN, including thalamus, lateral frontal cortex, and somatosensory/motor regions