50 research outputs found

    Membrane mechanics as a probe of ion-channel gating mechanisms

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    The details of conformational changes undergone by transmembrane ion channels in response to stimuli, such as electric fields and membrane tension, remain controversial. We approach this problem by considering how the conformational changes impose deformations in the lipid bilayer. We focus on the role of bilayer deformations in the context of voltage-gated channels because we hypothesize that such deformations are relevant in this case as well as for channels that are explicitly mechanosensitive. As a result of protein conformational changes, we predict that the lipid bilayer suffers deformations with a characteristic free-energy scale of 10kBT. This free energy is comparable to the voltage-dependent part of the total gating energy, and we argue that these deformations could play an important role in the overall free-energy budget of gating. As a result, channel activity will depend upon mechanical membrane parameters such as tension and leaflet thickness. We further argue that the membrane deformation around any channel can be divided into three generic classes of deformation that exhibit different mechanosensitive properties. Finally, we provide the theoretical framework that relates conformational changes during gating to tension and leaflet thickness dependence in the critical gating voltage. This line of investigation suggests experiments that could discern the dominant deformation imposed upon the membrane as a result of channel gating, thus providing clues as to the channel deformation induced by the stimulus

    Cooperative Gating and Spatial Organization of Membrane Proteins through Elastic Interactions

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    Biological membranes are elastic media in which the presence of a transmembrane protein leads to local bilayer deformation. The energetics of deformation allow two membrane proteins in close proximity to influence each other's equilibrium conformation via their local deformations, and spatially organize the proteins based on their geometry. We use the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL) as a case study to examine the implications of bilayer-mediated elastic interactions on protein conformational statistics and clustering. The deformations around MscL cost energy on the order of 10 kT and extend ~3nm from the protein edge, as such elastic forces induce cooperative gating and we propose experiments to measure these effects. Additionally, since elastic interactions are coupled to protein conformation, we find that conformational changes can severely alter the average separation between two proteins. This has important implications for how conformational changes organize membrane proteins into functional groups within membranes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 63 references, submitted to PLoS Computational Biolog

    Emerging roles for lipids in shaping membrane-protein function

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    Studies of membrane proteins have revealed a direct link between the lipid environment and the structure and function of some of these proteins. Although some of these effects involve specific chemical interactions between lipids and protein residues, many can be understood in terms of protein-induced perturbations to the membrane shape. The free-energy cost of such perturbations can be estimated quantitatively, and measurements of channel gating in model systems of membrane proteins with their lipid partners are now confirming predictions of simple models

    The contractile ring coordinates curvature-dependent septum assembly during fission yeast cytokinesis

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    The functions of the actin-myosin–based contractile ring in cytokinesis remain to be elucidated. Recent findings show that in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cleavage furrow ingression is driven by polymerization of cell wall fibers outside the plasma membrane, not by the contractile ring. Here we show that one function of the ring is to spatially coordinate septum cell wall assembly. We develop an improved method for live-cell imaging of the division apparatus by orienting the rod-shaped cells vertically using microfabricated wells. We observe that the septum hole and ring are circular and centered in wild-type cells and that in the absence of a functional ring, the septum continues to ingress but in a disorganized and asymmetric manner. By manipulating the cleavage furrow into different shapes, we show that the ring promotes local septum growth in a curvature-dependent manner, allowing even a misshapen septum to grow into a more regular shape. This curvature-dependent growth suggests a model in which contractile forces of the ring shape the septum cell wall by stimulating the cell wall machinery in a mechanosensitive manner. Mechanical regulation of the cell wall assembly may have general relevance to the morphogenesis of walled cells

    Principles of Bacterial Cell-Size Determination Revealed by Cell-Wall Synthesis Perturbations

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    SummaryAlthough bacterial cell morphology is tightly controlled, the principles of size regulation remain elusive. In Escherichia coli, perturbation of cell-wall synthesis often results in similar morphologies, making it difficult to deconvolve the complex genotype-phenotype relationships underlying morphogenesis. Here we modulated cell width through heterologous expression of sequences encoding the essential enzyme PBP2 and through sublethal treatments with drugs that inhibit PBP2 and the MreB cytoskeleton. We quantified the biochemical and biophysical properties of the cell wall across a wide range of cell sizes. We find that, although cell-wall chemical composition is unaltered, MreB dynamics, cell twisting, and cellular mechanics exhibit systematic large-scale changes consistent with altered chirality and a more isotropic cell wall. This multiscale analysis enabled identification of distinct roles for MreB and PBP2, despite having similar morphological effects when depleted. Altogether, our results highlight the robustness of cell-wall synthesis and physical principles dictating cell-size control

    Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Tentang Maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL) (Studi Deskriptif Analitis Tentang Opini Komunitas Warga Sekitar Pkl – Tamansari, Kepatihan, dan Dalem Kaum – Kota Bandung)

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    Penelitian dengan judul “Opini komunitas warga sekitar tentang maraknya Pedagang Kaki Lima (PKL)” ini, dilakukan oleh pengajar/dosen tetap Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi (FIK). Permasalahan penelitian adalah tentang bagaimana opini komunitas warga sekitar PKL mengenai keamanan, ketertiban, ketenangan, Kenyamanan, keindahan, kebersihan, dan keramah-tamahan (7“K”) akibat maraknya PKL. Sasaran strategis dalam penelitian ini adalah komunitas warga di sekitar lingkungan PKL Jalan Kepatihan, Dalem Kaum, dan Tamansari.Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui, mengkaji, dan menganalisis faktor 7“K” yang dirasakan komunitas warga sekitar, akibat maraknya PKL, sehingga tanggapan yang diekspresikan mereka dapat menjadi masukan bagi Humas Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam upaya mensosialisasikan kebijakan pemerintah tentang PKL khususnya dalam merumuskan konsep community relations berkaitan dengan 7 “K” yang dirasakan oleh komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL tersebut. Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah: pada umumnya opini komunitas warga sekitar terhadap maraknya PKL, dilihat dari faktor 7“K” sangatlah bervariasi di antara opini positif dan negatif, Dalam arti, untuk responden tertentu penilaiannya sangat relatif tergantung dari persepsi masing-masing dan atas dasar pengalaman masing-masing dengan para PKL tersebut. Dengan demikian tidak sepenuhnya berada pada kecenderungan tertentu yang bersifat negatif atau positif. Oleh karena itu dari opini tersebut selanjutnya dapat berkembang untuk diyakini tentang adanya kemungkinan di antara kedua belah pihak saling membina hubungan, dan pemerintah memfasilitasi hubungan tersebut dalam kebijakan-kebijakannya