376 research outputs found

    Methane hydrate: shifting the coexistence temperature to higher temperatures with an external electric field

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    In the present work, we used molecular dynamic simulations of the equilibrium NPT ensemble to examine the effect of an external electric field on the three-phase coexistence temperature of methane gas, liquid water and methane hydrate. For these simulations, we used the TIP4P/Ice rigid water model and a single-site model for methane. The simulations were implemented at two pressures, 400 and 250bar, over temperatures ranging from 285 to 320K and from 280 to 315K, respectively. The application of an external electric field in the range of 0.1-0.9caused the effect of the thermal vibrations of the water molecules to become attenuated. This resulted in a shift of the three-phase coexistence temperature to higher temperatures. Electric fields below this range did not cause a difference in the coexistence temperature, and electric fields above this range enhanced the thermal effect. The shift had a magnitude of 22.5K on average.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mechanical recycling of plastic wastes. Case of study: high impact polystyrene for manufacturing TV components shelf

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    En este trabajo se presenta una introducción sobre la situación actual del reciclaje de los materiales plásticos a nivel mundial, con un especial interés en la situación en la que se encuentra el estado Europeo. A pesar de que existen numerosas técnicas de reciclado de plásticos, el método de reciclado mecánico ha llamado mucho la atención por parte de las industrias transformadoras del plástico debido a la capacidad de producción que puede llevarse a cabo mediante el uso de técnicas como la extrusión y la inyección de plásticos. La parte final de este trabajo se enfoca en un caso práctico que se llevó a cabo en el Centre Català del Plàstic (CCP) y la empresa SONY para la obtención de materiales plásticos reciclables para manufacturar carcasas de televisiones. El trabajo realizado en el CCP fue el estudio de la viabilidad de la sustitución de materiales vírgenes por materiales reciclados procedentes de residuos industriales. El estudio consistió en analizar la viabilidad de sustituir un poliestireno antichoque (HIPS) virgen por el mismo material de origen pero reciclado. De esta manera, se compararon las propiedades de cuatro materiales HIPS reciclados (HIPS-RA, -RB, -RC y -RD) así como un estudio de su morfología. Se observó que el índice de fluidez del HIPS aumentó con la proporción de material reciclado y con el número de procesos de transformación. La propiedad mecánica más afectada resultó ser la resistencia al impacto, y se observaron dos tipos de morfologías claramente diferentes. El material reciclado que mostró mejores propiedades fue el HIPS-RB, y fue escogido para sustituir al HIPS virgen en la producción de componentes de electrónica de consumo. Finalmente, el estudio realizado permitió analizar los factores que intervienen en el estudio de materiales reciclados, conocer las posibilidades de su aplicación en el caso concreto de componentes de electrónica de consumo y crear las bases para poder establecer una metodología para realizar futuros estudios de introducción de materiales reciclados en otras aplicaciones tecnológicas. Por lo anterior, el trabajo presenta una completa introducción en el área del reciclaje mecánico y las tendencias del mercado así como la viabilidad del reaprovechamiento de materiales de residuo para el desarrollo de componentes no estructurales y de elevada producción industrial.Postprint (published version

    Estimation of stresses in arterial tissue: from residual stresses to material parameters

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    In the past decades a considerable amount of literature has been published addressing the study of the mechanical behavior of arterial walls. In these works, researchers have developed constitutive models and characterized the typical ranges for the values of material parameters of vascular tissues. Moreover, the existence of residual stresses in configurations free of loads was revealed, and its impact in the general stress state of the tissue was quantified. Currently, ex-vivo experiments such as inflation-extension tests and biaxial stress tests are extensively used for the estimation of the constitutive parameters in arterial wall probes. Also, destructive experiments involving radial cutting of specimens and the separation of arterial layers are used to identify layer-specific residual deformations (and stresses). For the latter scenario, material parameters are assumed to be known. In this context, a technique for the simultaneous characterization of residual deformations and material parameters in the arterial wall is proposed. This approach is based on data tipically obtained from inflation-extension tests, assuming that the material configuration and the radial displacement of the vessel is known for different load conditions given by fixed axial stretch and internal pressure values. The characterization problem is tackled through the minimization of a cost functional that measures the mechanical disequilibrium of the known material configuration and the discrepancy between the predicted and observed displacement of the outer vessel boundary. To illustrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology a manufactured-solution example is presented.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 9.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Estimation of stresses in arterial tissue: from residual stresses to material parameters

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    In the past decades a considerable amount of literature has been published addressing the study of the mechanical behavior of arterial walls. In these works, researchers have developed constitutive models and characterized the typical ranges for the values of material parameters of vascular tissues. Moreover, the existence of residual stresses in configurations free of loads was revealed, and its impact in the general stress state of the tissue was quantified. Currently, ex-vivo experiments such as inflation-extension tests and biaxial stress tests are extensively used for the estimation of the constitutive parameters in arterial wall probes. Also, destructive experiments involving radial cutting of specimens and the separation of arterial layers are used to identify layer-specific residual deformations (and stresses). For the latter scenario, material parameters are assumed to be known. In this context, a technique for the simultaneous characterization of residual deformations and material parameters in the arterial wall is proposed. This approach is based on data tipically obtained from inflation-extension tests, assuming that the material configuration and the radial displacement of the vessel is known for different load conditions given by fixed axial stretch and internal pressure values. The characterization problem is tackled through the minimization of a cost functional that measures the mechanical disequilibrium of the known material configuration and the discrepancy between the predicted and observed displacement of the outer vessel boundary. To illustrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology a manufactured-solution example is presented.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 9.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Estimation of stresses in arterial tissue: from residual stresses to material parameters

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    In the past decades a considerable amount of literature has been published addressing the study of the mechanical behavior of arterial walls. In these works, researchers have developed constitutive models and characterized the typical ranges for the values of material parameters of vascular tissues. Moreover, the existence of residual stresses in configurations free of loads was revealed, and its impact in the general stress state of the tissue was quantified. Currently, ex-vivo experiments such as inflation-extension tests and biaxial stress tests are extensively used for the estimation of the constitutive parameters in arterial wall probes. Also, destructive experiments involving radial cutting of specimens and the separation of arterial layers are used to identify layer-specific residual deformations (and stresses). For the latter scenario, material parameters are assumed to be known. In this context, a technique for the simultaneous characterization of residual deformations and material parameters in the arterial wall is proposed. This approach is based on data tipically obtained from inflation-extension tests, assuming that the material configuration and the radial displacement of the vessel is known for different load conditions given by fixed axial stretch and internal pressure values. The characterization problem is tackled through the minimization of a cost functional that measures the mechanical disequilibrium of the known material configuration and the discrepancy between the predicted and observed displacement of the outer vessel boundary. To illustrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology a manufactured-solution example is presented.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV, no. 9.Facultad de Ingenierí

    The archaeofauna of Northwestern Argentina’s Late Period. An approach from the Molinos I assemblages (Salta province, Argentina)

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    El propósito de este trabajo es el de aportar datos e interpretaciones de la composición faunística de dos recintos contiguos del sitio Molinos I, ubicado temporalmente en los primeros siglos del Período de Desarrollos Regionales o Tardío del noroeste argentino. Para ello se efectuó un análisis tafonómicamente orientado que tuvo en cuenta las modificaciones producidas en el conjunto faunístico tanto por agentes o procesos naturales como aquéllas efectuadas por acción de los antiguos pobladores del sitio. Asimismo, se analizó la presencia de distintos taxones, entre los que prevalecen los artiodáctilos y dentro de esta categoría los camélidos sudamericanos. Por ello se trata en detalle los resultados obtenidos del estudio de los restos de camélidos con el fin de ofrecer algunas interpretaciones sobre la obtención, uso y manejo de estos animales a partir de materiales de los Recintos 1 y 2 del sitio. En suma, se focalizó el estudio de la arqueofauna teniendo en cuenta las especies presentes, su proporción, las clases de edad representadas, la fragmentación del conjunto y la acción de distintos procesos como alteraciones térmicas, entre otros. A través del análisis del conjunto se pudo identificar la presencia de actividades orientadas a la caza, las cuales predominan sobre el conjunto de los animales domésticos.The aim of this work is to contribute with data and interpretations of the faunal composition of a household from Molinos I, temporarily located in the Regional Developments Period or Late Period of the Argentine northwest. A taphonomic oriented analysis is used in terms of observe modifications produced by natural agents or processes like those conducted by action of the old settlers of this pre-Hispanic site. Also the presence of different taxa was analyzed. Among them the most frequent are artiodactyls and within this category the South American camelids prevail. An interpretation on camelid remains acquisition, use and handling among the old inhabitants of Structures 1 and 2 of the site is given. In sum, the study of Molinos I archaeofauna was focused considering the identified species, their frequency, the represented age classes, the fragmentation of the collection and the action of different processes like thermal alterations, among others. Through the analysis of the assemblage the presence of hunting oriented activities was identified, which predominate over the domestic animal assemblages

    Prevalence of infection with high-risk human papillomavirus in women in Colombia

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    AbstractThe prevalence of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in 2109 females inhabiting five cities of Colombia was determined. Of the 49.2% with an HPV infection, 59.8% were infected with more than one viral type. Species 7 (of the the genus Alphapapillomavirus) was associated with multiple infections. Analysis of the socio-demographic data revealed a statistically significant protective effect associated with the status of civil union (civil recognition of cohabitation without marriage), and indigenous ethnicity proved to be a risk factor for HPV infection. This is the first study comparing HPV infection among women from geographical regions of Colombia with different socio-cultural structures