342 research outputs found

    Biological Fixation of N2 in Mono and Polyspecific Legume Pasture in the Humid Mediterranean Zone of Chile

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    del Pozo, A (del Pozo, Alejandro). Univ Talca, Fac Ciencias Agr, Talca, ChileDespite annual legume pasture are of great importance for dryland agricultural systems in Mediterranean environments, there are few studies of N-2 biological fixation (NBF) reported in Chile. In this study the NBF of four annual legume species: subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.), yellow serradella (Ornithopus compressus L.), arrow-leaf clover (T. vesiculosum L.), and crimson clover (T. incarnatum L.) (Experiment 1), as well as seven mixtures of these species (Experiment 2) were assessed. The NBF was measured by the N-15 natural abundance technique. The objective was to determine NBF in the legume species and in distinct mixtures used. The study was carried out in an Andisol of the Andean Precordillera located in the humid Mediterranean zone of Chile. Pasture was evaluated for biomass; and total N and natural abundance of N-15 were analyzed in plant material samples. In Experiment 1 (monospecific legume species pasture), N derived from fixation ranged between 43 and 147 kg N ha(-1) and where T. vesiculosum and T. subterraneum presented statistical differences (P <= 0.05) in connection with the other species. In the legume mixtures (Experiment 2), N derived by fixation varied between 97 and 214 kg N ha(-1) where the 50-50 mixtures (T. subterraneum and O. compressus, or T. subterraneum and T. vesiculosum, respectively) had the highest N fixation. Fixed N ranged between 12 and 25 kg N t(-1) DM, showing significant differences among mono and polyspecific legume species

    Variações nos estoques de carbono e emissões de gases de efeito estufa em solos das regiões tropicais e subtropicais do Brasil: uma análise crítica.

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    Nitrogen loss (NH3, N2O) patterns in bench-scale composting.

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    Nitrogen (N) losses during composting reduce the value of the end product as a fertilizer. Nitrogen is lost during composting mainly by ammonia (NH3) volatilization in the thermophilic phase. We used three bench-scale aerobic bioreactors with a controlled temperature difference (CDT) system as an experimental approach to investigate the pattern of N losses during composting. N2O peak emission occurred much earlier (7h) than NH3 volatilization (48-60h) during the thermophilic phase (~55°C) of bench-scale composting. The NH3 volatilization peak rate occurred following the greater biological activity (O2 consumed/CO2 evolved) at 40°C which could coincide with greater ammonification, but immobilization of NH4+/NH3 also occurs at this point affecting NH3 volatilization. Differences in temperature curves and accumulated NH3-N were related to the biological activity in each vessel. Therefore, O2 consumed/CO2 evolved measurements must be part of the evaluation of composting in further studies for comparisons of techniques to reduce NH3 volatilizatio

    Aplicações da análise de isótopos estáveis na agricultura.

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    As variações na abundância natural dos isótopos estáveis dos principais elementos envolvidos nos ciclos biogênicos têm sido objeto de estudo por décadas e a aplicação desta técnica tem se ampliado com o aumento da precisão dos equipamentos para análise da razão isotópica. A análise de isótopos estáveis tem demonstrado ter aplicações de enorme relevância no campo da ciência básica (p. ex.: fisiologia) ou no campo da aplicação com fins mercadológicos (p. ex.: análises forenses, certificação). Especialmente na agricultura, essa abrangência de aplicações, do conhecimento básico ao aplicado, ganha maior relevância já que a produção de alimentos passa por diversas mudanças para atender a requisitos ambientais (sustentabilidade) e mercadológicos (globalização, aumento da produção, agregação de valor e denominação de origem). O estudo do N na agricultura sempre foi de extrema relevância, pela sua importância na nutrição de plantas e sua alta mobilidade nos ecossistemas. Nesse sentido, os estudos com 15N, especialmente em abundância natural, são uma ferramenta de pesquisa que nos traz informações importantes sobre a dinâmica do N nos agroecossistemas e ecossistemas naturais. Portanto, a tendência é que as análises de isótopos estáveis se tornem cada vez mais corriqueiras nos trabalhos científicos e como serviço disponível à sociedade.bitstream/item/171598/1/CNPS-DOC-198-2017.pd

    A Importância de não queimar a palha na cultura de cana-de-açúcar.

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    Produtividade de colmos. Perda de nutrientes com a queima da palha. Cobertura do solo pela. Teor de nutrientes no solo. Cálculo comparativo dos custos na colheita e no uso de herbicidas nos sistemas de corte de cana crua e queimada. Salário de cortador de cana autonomo (fev./91). Normas salariais para corte de cana (acordo sindicato). Produtividade média de cana na Usina Cruangi. Salário mínimo. Custos do corte. Custo de herbicidas. Balanço de custos adicionais.bitstream/CNPAB-2010/27130/1/cot005.pd

    Nitrogen Dynamics from Decomposing Litter of \u3ci\u3ePanicum maximum\u3c/i\u3e with Different Nitrogen and Phosphorus Content in Brazilian Alfissol

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    The objective of this study was to measure the dynamics (immobilization and release) of N and to evaluate the effect of the initial chemical composition of four Panicum maximum cultivars grown in a Alfisol and fertilized with different levels of nitrogen (0, 80 e 160 kg ha-1 de N) and phosphorus (0 e 200 kg ha-1), on the release of the N from the litter using the litterbags technique. There was an increase in the litter initial concentration of N with time of decomposition. The Aruana and Vencedor cultivars released about 70 and 60% of N; respectively, during the decomposition of the litter from 0 (zero) to 336 days; the Tobiatã and Tanzânia cultivars released about 30 and \u3e30% of N from the concentration of the initial litter respectively. Nitrogen fertization increased the N release, up to 20% in the highest N level tested (160 kg ha-1 of N)