656 research outputs found

    Quality of lake waters and sediments and factors affecting these in the Kuusamo uplands, north-east Finland

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    JÀrvien veden ja sedimenttien laatu ja niihin vaikuttavat tekijÀt Kuusamon ylÀnköalueell

    Influence of drainage area factors on the water quality of small lakes in the Koutajoki river basin with special reference to metals

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    Valuma-aluetekijöiden vaikutus Koutajoen vesistöalueen pienten jÀrvien vedenlaatuun, erityisesti metalleihi

    Sairauksien aiheuttamat työpanosmenetykset

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    A health production approach to the economic analysis of health promotion

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    Grain levels in English path curvature descriptions and accompanying iconic gestures

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    This paper confirms that the English verb system (similar to the Finnish, Dutch and Bulgarian verb systems [22], [17]) represents path curvature at three different grain levels: neutral path curvature, global path curvature and local path curvature. We show that the three-grain-level hypothesis makes it possible to formulate constraints on English sentence structure and makes it possible to define constructions in English that refer to path curvature. We furthermore demonstrate in an experiment that the proposed English lexicalization pattern regarding path curvature in tandem with the spatial information shown to English speakers correctly predicts their packaging of grain levels in iconic gestures. We conclude that the data studied confirm Nikanne and Van der Zee’s *22] three-grain-level hypothesis in relation to English and Kita and ÖzyĂŒrek’s [11] Interface Hypothesis in relation to gesture production

    Does physical capacity explain the height premium?

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    The paper examines the role of physical capacity in the determination of the height premium by using the “Health 2000 in Finland” data that contain both self-reported information on the physical strenuousness of work, and information on muscle mass from medical examinations. Our results show that the height premium does not vary according to the physical strenuousness of work. We also find that muscle mass is not related to wages. Furthermore, we observe that the shortest men do physically very demanding work and the tallest do sedentary work, even after controlling for the effects of age and education.Height; Height premium; Body composition; Wages


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    OpinnÀytetyö tutkii strategisen johtamisen kehittÀmistÀ mikroyrityksessÀ, miksi strategisen johtamisen kehittÀmistÀ tarvitaan ja mitkÀ menetelmÀt soveltuvat strategisen johtamisen kehittÀmiseen. LÀhestymistavaksi valittiin konstruktiivinen tutkimusote. OpinnÀytetyön toimeksiantaja on mikroyritys. Tutkimuksesta tuli esiin yhÀ kasvava strategisen johtamisen merkitys nykypÀivÀn haasteiden kanssa kamppailevan yrityksen toiminnassa. Johtamisen haasteena yrityksessÀ on mm. osaamisen kehittÀminen niin nykyisten kuin tulevaisuudenkin kilpailuetujen luomiseksi talouden ja kysynnÀn elpyessÀ. LisÀksi yrityksen toimintaa pitÀisi pyrkiÀ tehostamaan ja etsimÀÀn strategisen johtamisen kehittÀmisen keinoin tapaa, jolla selvitÀ alueen yritysten keskuudessa yhÀ kovenevassa kilpailussa. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessÀ kÀsitellÀÀn strategiaa ja strategista johtamista ja sen kehittÀmistÀ eri teorioiden muodossa. OpinnÀytetyötÀ tehdessÀ havaittiin, ettÀ strategisen johtamisen kehittÀmisen vaikutus yrityksen toimintaan on suuri.This thesis deals with the development of strategic management in a micro-enterprise, why the development of strategic management is needed and what methods are suita-ble for the development of strategic management. The constructive research method was chosen as the research approach. This thesis is commissioned by a micro-enterprise. The study brought out the growing importance of strategic management in an enterprise dealing with todayŽs challenges. The managerial challenge in an enterprise includes the development of skills for creating both current and future competitive advantages when economy and demand are recovering. In addition, an attempt should be made to increase the efficiency of the operation of the company by means of the development of strategic management to deal with the ever increasing local competitive market. In a theoretical frame of reference, strategy, strategic management and the development of strategic management are dealt with by means of various theories. During this thesis process it was found out that the effects of the development of strate-gic management on an enterprise were great

    Selected Bibliography of Textual Analysis in Cultural Studies

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