9 research outputs found

    Measuring climate change vulnerability: a comparison of two indexes

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    Climate change is predicted and currently observed to especially affect the rural poor, and some sort of support for adaptation is relevant. This paper tests two vulnerability assessment indexes in Lete and Kunjo VDCs in Mustang District: the Livelihood Vulnerability Index (LVI) and the Livelihood Effect Index (LEI). The indexes are completed based on primary data from 60 randomly selected respondents and the vulnerabilities at VDC and household levels are assessed. The figures resulting from the vulnerability assessments correspond with contextual information from the area elicited during key informant interviews and the methods are concluded useful in a Nepalese context. Both indexes validly reflect the relative differences between the two VDCs in terms of vulnerability to climate change impacts and factors contributing to it and both could therefore usefully form the basis for a nationally applicable index to identify and prioritise mitigation needs. However, a number of challenges to using indexes and basing them on respondents' perceptions are recognised

    Measuring climate change vulnerability: a comparison of two indexes

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    The influence of environmental factors in the development and treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease

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    Introducere. Boala de reflux gastroesofagian (BRGE) este în prezent una dintre cele mai frecvente probleme de sănătate din lume, afectând până la 20% din populația adultă săptămânal și 50% lunar. Ea generează suferințe substanțial, costuri semnificative pentru pacienți și pentru societate în general. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea factorilor de mediu implicați în dezvoltarea BRGE, metodelor de combatere a acestora și principiilor de tratament a bolii. Material și metode. Studiul a fost realizat folosind bazele de date Google Scholar, PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, cu utilizarea cuvintelor-cheie: „BRGE”, „factori”, „mediu”, „tratament”, „mecanism”, „dezvoltare”, „influență” publicate în perioada 2020-2023. Rezultate. Etiopatogenia BRGE este complexă, implicând și o mulțime de factori de mediu: socioculturali cu o prevalență de 18,5%, rețelele de socializare – 92,3%, agro-alimentari - 58,7%, de transport și de muncă - 16,2%, care contribuie la cauzalitatea și persistență simptomelor. Studiile au demonstrat că diferite combinații de factori de risc au fost asociate cu diferite stadii de dezvoltare ale bolii. Cura de 8 săptămâni cu inhibitorii pompei de protoni (IPP) este tratamentul de elecție pentru remiterea simptomelor și vindecarea bolii. Tratamentul pentru BRGE, altul decât supresia acidă, și anume modificarea stilului de viață și eliminarea factorilor dăunători reprezintă o soluție suplimentară în caz de evoluție severă sau boală refractară. Concluzii. Înțelegerea profundă și critică a influenței factorilor de mediu asupra dezvoltării BRGE joacă un rol important în prevenirea bolii, iar modificarea lor poate fi considerată o prima etapa de tratament a acesteia.Introduction. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is currently one of the most common health problems in the world, affecting up to 20% of the adult population weekly and 50% monthly. It generates substantial suffering, significant costs for patients and society in general. The purpose of the work. Determination of the environmental factors involved in the development of GERD, the methods of combating them and the principles of treatment of the disease. Material and methods. The study was performed in the Google Scholar databases, PubMed, Z-library, NCIB, Medscape, Mendeley, using the Keywords: „GERD”, „factors”, „environment”, „treatment”, „mechanism”, „development”, „influence” published in the period 2020-2023. Results. The etiopathogenesis of GERD is complex, also involving many environmental factors: sociocultural with a prevalence of 18.5%, social networks – 92.3%, agri-food - 58.7%, transport, and work – 16.2%, which contributes to the causation and persistence of symptoms. Studies have shown that different combinations of risk factors have been associated with different stages of disease development. The 8-week course of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) is the treatment of choice for symptom remission and cure of the disease. Treatment for GERD other than acid suppression, namely lifestyle modification and elimination of associated deleterious factors, is an additional solution in case of severe progression or refractory disease. Conclusions. The deep and critical understanding of the influence of environmental factors on the development of GERD plays an important role in the prevention of the disease, and their modification can be considered a first step in its treatment