17 research outputs found

    Bioacumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas en ecosistemas dulceacu铆colas en Am茅rica Latina: una revisi贸n

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    Background: The increasing evidence of risk to the environment and human health by cyanotoxin exposure during cyanobacterial blooms has been reported worldwide. Despite the knowledge of cyanotoxin presence in Latin America, cyanotoxin bioaccumulation from freshwater environments have not been reviewed for the region. Goals: To review the current knowledge of cyanotoxin accumulation in tissues of freshwater organisms in field studies in Latin America. Methods: An extensive literature search was conducted to construct a database including information on accumulation of cyanotoxins in organisms inhabiting freshwater environments in Latin America (i.e., M茅xico to Argentina). Results: We found twenty-one studies from 2001 to 2020, including twenty-seven mostly eutrophic water bodies, the majority from Brazil. Microcystis was the most reported genus responsible for cyanotoxin production. Fish comprised most of the species accumulating cyanotoxins (20 species). Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) was the most studied species, and 80% of the fish species included have commercial importance, which highlights a potential route of exposure to humans by consumption of contaminated food. Some studies showed the reduction of cyanotoxins in tissues after an experimental depuration time. Also, calculations of the potential human intakes of microcystins by fish consumption exceeded the recommendations of tolerable intakes in most of the cases. Conclusions: In Latin America, the geographic extent of studies is narrow, however the summarized information indicates a risk for environment and human health by cyanotoxins bioaccumulation. There is a need for more efforts to generate scientific research on cyanotoxins bioaccumulation, but also for improvement of local level management policies to reduce eutrophication.Antecedentes: La creciente evidencia de riesgo para el medio ambiente y la salud humana por la exposici贸n a cianotoxinas durante las floraciones de cianobacterias se ha reportado en todo el mundo. A pesar del conocimiento de la presencia de cianotoxinas en Am茅rica Latina, la bioacumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas en ambientes de agua dulce no ha sido revisada para la regi贸n. Objetivos: Revisar el conocimiento actual sobre la acumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas en tejidos de organismos de agua dulce en estudios de campo en Am茅rica Latina. M茅todos: Se realiz贸 una extensa b煤squeda bibliogr谩fica para construir una base de datos que incluyera informaci贸n sobre la acumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas en organismos que habitan ambientes de agua dulce en Am茅rica Latina (de M茅xico a Argentina). Resultados: Encontramos veinti煤n estudios de 2001 a 2020, incluidos veintisiete cuerpos de agua en su mayor铆a eutr贸ficos, la mayor铆a de Brasil. Microcystis fue el g茅nero productor de cianotoxinas m谩s reportado. Los peces comprendieron la mayor铆a de las especies que acumulaban cianotoxinas (20 especies). Oreochromis niloticus fue la especie m谩s estudiada, y el 80% de las especies de peces incluidas tienen importancia comercial, lo que destaca una v铆a potencial de exposici贸n a los humanos. Algunos estudios demostraron la reducci贸n de cianotoxinas en los tejidos despu茅s de un tiempo de depuraci贸n experimental. Adem谩s, los c谩lculos de las ingestas humanas potenciales de microcistinas por consumo de pescado excedieron las recomendaciones de ingestas tolerables en la mayor铆a de los casos. Conclusiones: En Am茅rica Latina, los estudios se han realizado en pocos pa铆ses, sin embargo, estos trabajos indican un riesgo para el medio ambiente y la salud humana por la bioacumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas. Se necesita m谩s investigaci贸n cient铆fica sobre la bioacumulaci贸n de cianotoxinas, pero tambi茅n esfuerzos para mejorar la gesti贸n a nivel local con la finalidad de reducir la eutrofizaci贸n

    Research on classroom practice: A monograph for topic study group 24, ICME 11 - The introductory chapter

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    published_or_final_versionThe 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME 11), Monterrey, Mexico, 6-13 July 2008. In Quaderni di Ricerca in Didattica, 2009, n. S4, p. 1-

    La importancia ecol贸gica de las algas en los r铆os

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    After reviewing several studies, we set out a proposal regarding the structure and function of benthic algae in rivers. We use an approach that considers the ecology of communities, the role of benthic algae in the rivers autochthonous primary productivity and their eco-physiology in the biogeochemical cycles of the water, their energy intake in food webs, the role they play in the hydrological dynamics in lotic environments, and their use as biological indicators. Finally, pharmaceutical and food industry use of the species in these environments is reviewed.A trav茅s de una revisi贸n de diversos estudios, se realiza un planteamiento de la estructura y funci贸n que tienen las algas bent贸nicas en los r铆os, desde un punto de vista de la ecolog铆a de comunidades, la participaci贸n que tienen en la productividad primaria aut贸ctona de los r铆os y su ecofisiolog铆a, en los ciclos biogeoqu铆micos del agua, su aporte energ茅tico en las redes tr贸ficas, la funci贸n que tienen en la din谩mica h铆drica de los ambientes l贸ticos, su uso como indicadores biol贸gicos y se plantean algunos usos que se han realizado con especies de estos ambientes en la industria farmace煤tica y alimenticia

    Limitations for pineapple production and commercialization and international research towards solutions

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    Pineapples are grown in more than 80 countries in tropical and subtropical regions. The global volume reached 25.44 million t in 2014 (FAO, 2014), ranking pineapple among the most important fruits. About 81% of that amount was produced in Asia and Latin America, where the leading countries of Costa Rica, Brazil, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia are located. In spite of their similar large production volumes, there are significant differences among these countries in technological levels of crop and postharvest management and in the fruit markets targeted. Even within large countries like Brazil there are great variations in these aspects due to contrasts in regional environmental conditions and social factors representing strong challenges to be addressed by growers and traders. Costa Rica and Indonesia, among the big producers, are examples of pineapple industries with high technological input and outcome mostly focused on international markets. Australia, a smaller producer, has a similar input level, but fruits are directed to the inland market. On the other side, there are many countries, such as Brazil, where pineapples are mostly produced by small-holders using low inputs and their production is directed to national markets. And there are other countries in an intermediate position, such as Mexico and South Africa, with important volumes placed both into national and international markets. This work will give information on main challenges for pineapple production and commercialization in Australia, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa and some African countries with French background and make an analysis on research contributions to mitigate some of these challenges

    Association between periodontal disease and endothelial dysfunction assessed by flow-mediated dilation in the brachial artery. Pilot study

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    Objetivo evaluar la disfunci贸n endotelial a trav茅s de la vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo (VMF) en la arteria braquial en pacientes fumadores con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada y compararla con pacientes fumadores sin enfermedad periodontal, para determinar si hay diferencias en cuando a disfunci贸n endotelial entre quienes presentan o no periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada. M茅todo se incluyeron 30 pacientes con h谩bito de tabaquismo, 15 con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada y 15 sin periodontitis. Se realiz贸 historia cl铆nica completa, ex谩menes de laboratorio y prueba de vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo de la arteria braquial. Resultados el estudio mostr贸 que hab铆a diferencias significativas en los di谩metros finales, resultantes de vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo (p=0,0328), con menores valores finales para quienes ten铆an enfermedad periodontal. Las diferencias en las respuestas porcentuales y en el n煤mero de personas con disfunci贸n determinada dicot贸micamente, no alcanzaron significaci贸n estad铆stica. Conclusiones se observ贸 que el grupo de pacientes con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada tuvo di谩metros resultantes luego de la prueba que fueron significativamente menores que los del grupo de controles. Aunque al evaluar las diferencias en porcentajes no se alcanz贸 significaci贸n estad铆stica, el estudio mostr贸 una respuesta claramente menor en vasodilataci贸n en el grupo con enfermedad periodontal.Q312-20Objective To evaluate endothelial dysfunction through flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) in the brachial artery in smokers with advanced chronic periodontitis and compare it with smokers without periodontal disease, to determine whether there are differences in endothelial dysfunction among those with or without advanced chronic periodontitis. Method We included 30 patients with smoking habit, 15 with advanced chronic periodontitis and 15 without periodontal disease. We performed a complete medical history, laboratory tests and flowmediated vasodilation test of the brachial artery. Results The study showed that there were significant differences in the final diameters, resulting from flow-mediated dilation (p = 0.0328), with lower final values for those with periodontal disease. The differences in the percentage responses and the number of people with specific dysfunction determined dichotomously did not reach statistical significance. Conclusions We observed that the group of patients with advanced chronic periodontitis had after the test resulting diameters that were significantly lower than those in the control group. Although when evaluating differences in percentages no statistical significance was found, the study showed a clearly lower response in vasodilation in the group with periodontal disease

    Twenty-year follow-up of kangaroo mother care versus traditional care

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a multifaceted intervention for preterm and low birth weight infants and their parents. Short- and mid-term benefits of KMC on survival, neurodevelopment, breastfeeding, and the quality of mother-infant bonding were documented in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in Colombia from 1993 to 1996. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the persistence of these results in young adulthood. METHODS: From 2012 to 2014, a total of 494 (69%) of the 716 participants of the original RCT known to be alive were identified; 441 (62% of the participants in the original RCT) were re-enrolled, and results for the 264 participants weighing less than 1800 g at birth were analyzed. The KMC and control groups were compared for health status and neurologic, cognitive, and social functioning with the use of neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and behavioral tests. RESULTS: The effects of KMC at 1 year on IQ and home environment were still present 20 years later in the most fragile individuals, and KMC parents were more protective and nurturing, reflected by reduced school absenteeism and reduced hyperactivity, aggressiveness, externalization, and socio-deviant conduct of young adults. Neuroimaging showed larger volume of the left caudate nucleus in the KMC group. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that KMC had significant, long-lasting social and behavioral protective effects 20 years after the intervention. Coverage with this efficient and scientifically based health care intervention should be extended to the 18 million infants born each year who are candidates for the method. Copyright 漏 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

    Twenty-year follow-up of kangaroo mother care versus traditional care

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is a multifaceted intervention for preterm and low birth weight infants and their parents. Short- and mid-term benefits of KMC on survival, neurodevelopment, breastfeeding, and the quality of mother-infant bonding were documented in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) conducted in Colombia from 1993 to 1996. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the persistence of these results in young adulthood. METHODS: From 2012 to 2014, a total of 494 (69%) of the 716 participants of the original RCT known to be alive were identified; 441 (62% of the participants in the original RCT) were re-enrolled, and results for the 264 participants weighing less than 1800 g at birth were analyzed. The KMC and control groups were compared for health status and neurologic, cognitive, and social functioning with the use of neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and behavioral tests. RESULTS: The effects of KMC at 1 year on IQ and home environment were still present 20 years later in the most fragile individuals, and KMC parents were more protective and nurturing, reflected by reduced school absenteeism and reduced hyperactivity, aggressiveness, externalization, and socio-deviant conduct of young adults. Neuroimaging showed larger volume of the left caudate nucleus in the KMC group. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that KMC had significant, long-lasting social and behavioral protective effects 20 years after the intervention. Coverage with this efficient and scientifically based health care intervention should be extended to the 18 million infants born each year who are candidates for the method. Copyright 漏 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

    Asociaci贸n entre enfermedad periodontal y disfunci贸n endotelial valorada por vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo en la arteria braquial. Estudio piloto

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    evaluar la disfunci贸n endotelial a trav茅s de la vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo (VMF) en la arteria braquial en pacientes fumadores con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada y compararla con pacientes fumadores sin enfermedad periodontal, para determinar si hay diferencias en cuando a disfunci贸n endotelial entre quienes presentan o no periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada. M茅todo: se incluyeron 30 pacientes con h谩bito de tabaquismo, 15 con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada y 15 sin periodontitis. Se realiz贸 historia cl铆nica completa, ex谩menes de laboratorio y prueba de vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo de la arteria braquial. Resultados: el estudio mostr贸 que hab铆a diferencias significativas en los di谩metros finales, resultantes de vasodilataci贸n mediada por flujo (p=0,0328), con menores valores finales para quienes ten铆an enfermedad periodontal. Las diferencias en las respuestas porcentuales y en el n煤mero de personas con disfunci贸n determinada dicot贸micamente, no alcanzaron significaci贸n estad铆stica. Conclusiones: se observ贸 que el grupo de pacientes con periodontitis cr贸nica avanzada tuvo di谩metros resultantes luego de la prueba que fueron significativamente menores que los del grupo de controles. Aunque al evaluar las diferencias en porcentajes no se alcanz贸 significaci贸n estad铆stica, el estudio mostr贸 una respuesta claramente menor en vasodilataci贸n en el grupo con enfermedad periodontal. Palabras clave: factores de riesgo, factores de riesgo cardiovascular, endotelio, fumar, enfermedad cardiovascular, vasodilataci贸n, investigaci贸n