5 research outputs found

    Framingham score modification with weight loss due to bariatric surgery

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el comportamiento de diferentes factores de riesgo y del score de Framingham con la disminuci贸n de peso obtenida a trav茅s de cirug铆a bari谩trica al ano藴 postoperatorio, en una cl铆nica de obesidad durante los anos 藴 2008 y 2011. Se evaluaron las modificaciones en los factores de riesgo y riesgo global con el score de Framingham al ano藴 postoperatorio, de una cohorte retrospectiva de 209 pacientes de la cl铆nica de obesidad en un hospital universitario; los cambios se expresan como porcentajes de disminuci贸n respecto al valor prequir煤rgico, en las variables nominales. Resultados: El peso y el 铆ndice de masa corporal tuvieron una reducci贸n del 48% y 38%, respectivamente; el score de Framingham se redujo de 12,4 a 7,6 (35%), es decir, pas贸 de riesgo intermedio a bajo (menor al 10%). As铆 mismo, se observ贸 disminuci贸n en los valores de hemoglobina glicosilada (14,7%), colesterol total (11,59%), colesterol-LDL (7%) y triglic茅ridos (31,4%), elevaci贸n del colesterol-HDL (15,3%), suspensi贸n del uso de insulina (18%), disminuci贸n del 20% del valor de la glucosa y la HbA1c, a menos de 5,7 en un 23% de pacientes con glicemia alterada en ayunas, y finalmente, reducci贸n de la presi贸n arterial sist贸lica (9,2%) y diast贸lica. Conclusiones: La cirug铆a bari谩trica es una herramienta v谩lida en pacientes en quienes han fallado otros m茅todos cl铆nicos para disminuir de peso e 铆ndice de masa corporal. Con 茅sta, adem谩s, se logra una disminuci贸n en el score de Framingham y se mejora el control de comorbilidades.Q4Articulo Original6-10Abstract Objective: To assess the behaviour of different risk factors and Framingham score with weight loss, obtained with bariatric surgery one year after surgery, in an obesity clinic during 2008 and 2011.Modifications of risk factors and global risk of the Framingham score one year after surgery, of a retrospective cohort of 209 patients of the obesity clinic at a University hospital. Changes are expressed as percentages of the decrease with regard to the pre-surgical values, in nominal values. Results: A 48% weight loss and 38% body mass index loss was observed, with a reduction of the Framingham score from 12.4 to 7.6 (35%), moving from an intermediate risk to a low risk (below 10%). A decrease of 14.7% in values of glycohemoglobin, 11.59% in total cholesterol, 7% of LDL cholesterol levels and 31.4% of triglycerides was observed, as well as a 15.3% raise in HDL cholesterol levels. 18% of patients with altered fasting glycaemia stopped taking insulin, glucose levels were reduced by 20% and A1c hemoglobin values were below 5.7 in 23% of the cases. Systolic pressure was reduced by 9.2%, same as the diastolic blood pressure. Conclusions: Surgery is a valid tool for patients were other clinical methods have failed, in order to lose weight and lower the body mass index, as well as reducing the Framingham score and improving the control of comorbidities

    Aneurysmatic coronary artery disease : Presentation of a case and review the literature

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    La enfermedad aneurism谩tica coronaria o ectasias y dilataciones de segmentos coronarios, son hallazgos t铆picamente incidentales en los estudios angiogr谩ficos. Aunque no est谩 claramente establecida la etiolog铆a, muchas series describen como factor m谩s com煤n la aterosclerosis coronaria, pero tambi茅n un desorden cong茅nito, secundario a infl amaci贸n o enfermedad del tejido conectivo. Es bien estudiada su asociaci贸n con enfermedad de Kawasaki. Se revisa el caso de un paciente con s铆ndrome coronario agudo (SCA) y dilataciones aneurism谩ticas en arterias coronarias, su enfoque diagn贸stico y terap茅utico.38-41Coronary artery aneurysms or ectasias are dilatations of arterial segments, which are typically incidentally identifi ed at angiography. Although the etiology isn 虂t clearly established, several large clinical series described that the most common etiologic factor for coronary aneurysms is atherosclerotic coronary artery disease, but they can also be congenital or secondary to infl ammatory or connective tissue disorders. A well-known association with Kawasaki disease is also studied. We review the case of a patient with acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and aneurysms dilations in coronary arteries, its diagnosis and therapeutic approach

    S铆ndrome de lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n mioc谩rdica

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    Reperfusion is the definitive treatment to salvage ischemic myocardium from infarction.聽A primary determinant of infarct size is the duration of ischemia. Early reestablishment聽of blood flow to ischaemic myocardium limits infarct size and reduces mortality. In a聽paradoxical manner, the return of blood flow to ischemic myocardium may result in聽additional injury in the area at risk. This condition is known as reperfusion injury, and the聽damage is more likely when reperfusion therapy is delayed. Even when the majority of聽the clinical trials designed to evaluate agents for preventing reperfusion injury have been聽disappointing, therapies to limit reperfusion injury remain an active area of investigation.La reperfusi贸n es el tratamiento definitivo para salvar miocardio isqu茅mico del infarto.聽Un determinante principal del tama帽o del infarto es la duraci贸n de la isquemia. El聽restablecimiento temprano de flujo sangu铆neo al miocardio isqu茅mico reduce los l铆mites聽del tama帽o del infarto y la mortalidad. De manera parad贸jica, el retorno del flujo聽sangu铆neo al miocardio isqu茅mico puede resultar en lesiones adicionales en el 谩rea de聽riesgo. Esta condici贸n se conoce como lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n, y el da帽o es m谩s probable聽que suceda cuando la terapia de reperfusi贸n se retrasa. Incluso cuando la mayor铆a de los聽ensayos cl铆nicos dise帽ados para evaluar agentes para prevenir la lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n聽han sido decepcionantes, terapias para limitar la lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n siguen siendo聽un 谩rea de investigaci贸n activa

    S铆ndrome de lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n mioc谩rdica

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    Reperfusion is the definitive treatment to salvage ischemic myocardium from infarction.聽A primary determinant of infarct size is the duration of ischemia. Early reestablishment聽of blood flow to ischaemic myocardium limits infarct size and reduces mortality. In a聽paradoxical manner, the return of blood flow to ischemic myocardium may result in聽additional injury in the area at risk. This condition is known as reperfusion injury, and the聽damage is more likely when reperfusion therapy is delayed. Even when the majority of聽the clinical trials designed to evaluate agents for preventing reperfusion injury have been聽disappointing, therapies to limit reperfusion injury remain an active area of investigation.La reperfusi贸n es el tratamiento definitivo para salvar miocardio isqu茅mico del infarto.聽Un determinante principal del tama帽o del infarto es la duraci贸n de la isquemia. El聽restablecimiento temprano de flujo sangu铆neo al miocardio isqu茅mico reduce los l铆mites聽del tama帽o del infarto y la mortalidad. De manera parad贸jica, el retorno del flujo聽sangu铆neo al miocardio isqu茅mico puede resultar en lesiones adicionales en el 谩rea de聽riesgo. Esta condici贸n se conoce como lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n, y el da帽o es m谩s probable聽que suceda cuando la terapia de reperfusi贸n se retrasa. Incluso cuando la mayor铆a de los聽ensayos cl铆nicos dise帽ados para evaluar agentes para prevenir la lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n聽han sido decepcionantes, terapias para limitar la lesi贸n por reperfusi贸n siguen siendo聽un 谩rea de investigaci贸n activa