1,939 research outputs found

    Sharp weighted estimates for approximating dyadic operators

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    We give a new proof of the sharp weighted L2L^2 inequality ||T||_{L^2(w)} \leq c [w]_{A_2} where TT is the Hilbert transform, a Riesz transform, the Beurling-Ahlfors operator or any operator that can be approximated by Haar shift operators. Our proof avoids the Bellman function technique and two weight norm inequalities. We use instead a recent result due to A. Lerner to estimate the oscillation of dyadic operators.Comment: To appear in the Electronic Research Announcements in Mathematical Science

    Multipoint contact without forbearance? How coverage synergies shape equity analysts’ forecasting performance

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    Research Summary: Scholars regularly use multipoint contact (MPC) to explain how encountering rivals in different domains shapes performance. While most explanations rely on mutual forbearance theory, I propose that competitive deterrence does not adequately explain how MPC shapes performance in knowledge intensive work and argue instead that cross‐domain synergies may play a central role. I examine how security analysts’ MPC with publicly traded firms captures synergies in their coverage portfolio, which improves forecasting accuracy and information leadership. The advantages of greater MPC for a focal analyst are counterbalanced by rivals’ observational learning, which reduces the focal analyst’s forecasting differentiation. A natural experiment helps corroborate my argument: rival analysts’ forecasting accuracy dropped for firms in which high MPC analysts perished in the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.Managerial Summary: Competition in the knowledge economy often unfolds across multiple domains including product markets, geographic locations, and customer segments. In these settings, an actor’s level of multipoint contact (MPC) in a domain captures the knowledge and other synergies available to the focal actor, which can improve performance in the domain. In the equity research setting, an analyst’s MPC on a focal firm captures the likelihood that the analyst also covers that firm’s suppliers, customers and important competitors. Using data on analysts’ forecasting performance between 2001 and 2013, I find that greater levels of MPC on a focal firm predicts greater forecasting accuracy and information leadership but also lowers forecasting differentiation by attracting rivals who observe and benefit from the focal analyst’s knowledge.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162688/2/smj3188_am.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/162688/1/smj3188.pd


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    Mathematical modelling of multiphase flow systems has been a major and persistent challenge over the last decades. Vast attempts to obtain predictive models can be found reported in literature, where major advances can be recognized in recent years, paired to enhancements in computer science and engineering. Notwithstanding, universally valid models with a mechanistic development are far from being achieved. The current status of modelling any multiphase flow system relies on the model order reduction of purely theoretical models. Such reductions and simplifications become the source of deviations in the predictions of the experimentally measured parameters and will constrain the applicability of the models. Hence, when modelling any multiphase flow system, there is a primal need of pairing mathematical modeling and experimental studies, in order to validate the models’ predictive quality, quantifying the deviations and providing a standpoint of the applicability and limitations of the models. In this sense, a successful multiphase flow system model should provide highly accurate local predictions, have a reduced number of possible sources of deviations (i.e., reducing the number of coupled sub-models, nor relying on vast simplifications), and have a high flexibility for being adapted or optimized to different conditions. In this work, it is sought to develop highly predictive, simplified and locally validated mathematical models by applying Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques, paired with other modelling and experimental techniques. Six cases of study are developed: i) Trickle Bed Reactors (TBR), ii) Packed Bed Reactors (PBR), iii) Fluidized Bed Reactors (FBR), iv) Spouted Bed Reactors (SBR), v) Heat transfer systems enhanced by nanofluids, vi) Bubble Column Reactors (BCR) --Abstract, p. i

    Biopolítica del niño sano: procreación biológica, social y jurídica

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    La biopolítica refiere al ejercicio del poder sobre el ser humano en tanto ser viviente y constructo subjetivo. El trabajo en pediatría supone la tensión entre la nuda vida del zoé y y el bios, o vida relacional del ciudadano, es una constante. Los programas pediátricos que tipifican los cuidados y atención que se han de desplegar sobre el niño sano representan la versión socialmente más legitimada y técnicamente más desarrollada de un modelo de control sobre la procreación individual y la reproducción colectiva. El saber pediátrico sanciona los cánones de la parentalidad normalizada proponiendo las bases de las dimensiones fisiológicas, psicosociales y ciudadanas de niños y niñas. Bilogía y crianza quedan entreveradas inextricablemente. La pediatría reconoce la encomienda de gestionar el niño entendido como ente previo a un adulto, supervisando su crecimiento y desarrollo cognitivo, fisiológico y emocional de forma que su normalidad psicofisiológica adelante los límites a su normalidad social. Se propone aquí cartografiar los campos escolar, legal y social resultantes de dicho modelo normativo.Palabras clave: Biopolítica, procreación, normalización, crianza , parentalidad.AbstractBiopolitics refers to the exercise of power over the human being as a living being and to the construction of subjectivity. Pediatrics portrays a tension between the bare life of zoe and the relational life of bios as a constant. Pediatrics programs that typify the care and attention given to healthy children represent the most socially legitimized and the most technically developed model of control over individual and collective procreation and reproduction. Pediatric knowledge legitimates the canons of standardized parenting and sets the baseline for our understanding of the physiological, psychosocial and civic dimensions of children. Nature and nurture become mutually embedded. Pediatrics recognizes its task as handling the child, understood as an entity prior to the adult. It supervises the child’s growth and cognitive, physiological and emotional development, such that the child’s psychophysiological normality points out the limits of his or her social normality. I map the scholarly, legal and social fields that result from this normative model.Keywords: Biopolitics, procreation, normalization, nurture, parenting

    Estado del arte sobre Frameworks de infraestructura para Big Data

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    En la actualidad, el análisis Big Data se ha convertido en un gran reto para las organizaciones educativas, gubernamentales y comerciales, esto debido a la gran cantidad de datos procesados, por lo tanto resulta muy difícil llevar a cabo los diferentes procesos de análisis con herramientas de bases de datos y analíticas convencionales. Las tendencias Big Data traen consigo una gran cantidad de herramientas y aplicaciones que han sido desarrolladas específicamente para el apoyo al crecimiento de dicha tecnología para el análisis de datos, algunas de éstas trabajan en conjunto en soluciones de arquitecturas ya implementadas en las que se fundamenta gran parte de este trabajo monográfico, sintetizando la información necesaria para generar una propuesta de una arquitectura Big Data. Este trabajo pretende mostrar los componentes necesarios de infraestructura para brindar soporte al análisis Big Data basados en soluciones implementadas por los proveedores más conocidos, tomando como referencia modelos, diagramas y herramientas de software, enfocadas a los distintos despliegues que se puedan generar con base a unos requerimientos específicos, obteniendo como resultado una solución para una arquitectura Big Data utilizando las características de los escenarios propuestos en este trabajo

    Women at the Loom: Handweaving in Washington County, Tennessee, 1840-1860.

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    This thesis explores the evidence for handweaving in antebellum Washington County, Tennessee. The author examines probate inventories, wills, store ledgers, and census and tax materials to determine the identities of the weavers, the equipment and raw materials available to them, and the kinds of textiles that women wove. The author discusses the reasons many women continued to weave cloth at home although commercially woven textiles were available in local stores. The author concludes that many of Washington County\u27s antebellum weavers wove as a contribution to the country goods the family bartered at the local store. Others may have been responding to an ethnic or family tradition or seeking an outlet for creative expression. For many, a combination of factors influenced them to weave. By adding to our understanding of women\u27s household activities in East Tennessee, this study adds to the history of the wider Appalachian region

    Antibodies Gone Rogue: Autoimmunity Pairs With Antibiotic Allergy

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    Background: Autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy (AAG) is a rare and complex disorder marked by severe dysautonomia, profoundly affecting a patient\u27s quality of life. Treatment typically involves immunoglobulin (IVIG) infusions, which play a critical role in managing symptoms and improving patient outcomes. Managing AAG alongside acute infections such as cystitis, especially in patients with complicated drug allergies and sensitivities, presents unique clinical challenges. This case is noteworthy due to the patient’s rare combination of autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy, chronic orthostatic hypotension, and a history of severe allergic reactions to antibiotics, complicating both infection management and treatment planning. The use of immunoglobulins in the context of acute cystitis with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL) bacteria, combined with severe drug allergies, offers valuable insights for similar future cases. Case Presentation: A 51-year-old female with a history of autoimmune dysautonomia presented with recurrent syncope, chronic orthostatic hypotension, congestive heart failure (CHF), hypothyroidism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), and ESBL bacterial infections. She was diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI) four days prior at an urgent care center, where she began ceftriaxone infusions. Although her symptoms of dysuria and fever initially improved, her urine culture subsequently tested positive for ESBL producing E. coli, necessitating referral for advanced care. The patient has allergies to sulfa drugs and a history of anaphylaxis to imipenem. Given these sensitivities, an infectious disease consultation recommended transitioning from meropenem to a combination of ceftazidime and avibactam to treat her ESBL infection. A rash developed during meropenem administration, leading to its discontinuation. Benadryl was administered before ceftazidime/avibactam to prevent allergic reactions. The patient continued oral fosfomycin and received intravenous ceftazidime/avibactam (2.5 g in 100 ml) thrice daily for 14 days. Follow-up urine culture and analysis showed resolution of the cystitis, with negative results for protein, blood, nitrites, and leukocyte esterase. In addition to treating the infection, the patient received immunoglobulin infusions over three days to manage her autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy. Prior to these infusions, she was given an intravenous normal saline bolus and magnesium. Her condition of AAG, characterized by recurrent syncope, was closely monitored throughout her treatment. Conclusions: This case illustrates the complexities of managing autoimmune autonomic ganglionopathy in conjunction with acute cystitis in a patient with significant drug allergies. The successful use of ceftazidime with avibactam after an adverse reaction to meropenem, combined with ongoing immunoglobulin therapy, emphasizes the importance of meticulous drug selection and patient monitoring. The resolution of ESBL-related cystitis and effective management of AAG symptoms underscore the need for personalized treatment plans and multidisciplinary care. This case offers important insights into managing patients with rare autoimmune conditions and severe drug allergies, potentially guiding future therapeutic strategies and improving clinical outcomes for similar patients

    "El diálogo intercultural de Raimon Panikkar desde el pensamiento complejo de Edgar Morin"

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    A pesar de los más diversos intentos por conseguir la paz mundial, desde tiempos inmemoriales, las situaciones de beligerancia, de dominación, de segregación o de sometimiento, no cesan de reproducirse. Mientras los gobiernos del orbe contienden y las organizaciones mundiales debaten entre sí, el desenfreno de unos cuantos por dominar a los demás coloca a todos dentro de una angostura fatídica, donde la humanidad es precipitada hacia un punto determinante, el de su propio retroceso, su propia decadencia. De esta manera, los pronunciamientos por la paz quedan obsoletos; también los ideales y los empeños por alcanzarla quedan de lado y no terminan de enlazar y articular a una especie que, por sus acciones belicosas, parece no querer comprender el auténtico sentido y alcance de lo que la dicción civilización implica, de todo lo que ésta comprende y colige. Una especie que ignora el compromiso interdependiente que deviene de la propia civilidad; que ignora que, subjetiva y moralmente, los individuos crecen y se desarrollan por contacto, un contacto que ha de ser cordial, cortés, moderado, prudente, y que lo mismo aplica a las culturas y naciones. Donde, en una etapa originaria, las poblaciones viven como entidades estrictamente separadas y anegan inflexibles su propia identidad, sus prácticas originales, y las defienden de influencias externas, pero con el progreso de la historia las defensas ceden para dar paso a una interfertilización recíproca de sus culturas y sus conocimientos. Al encontrarse frente a otras disidencias, diversifican la propia y la liberan de sus trabas, ya que conceden y adaptan las influencias del exterior, lo que a menudo se efectúa mediante un complejo proceso de dar para recibir simultáneamente