20 research outputs found

    Biodiversiteetin kestävän käytön periaatteet

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    Biologisen monimuotoisuuden suojelu ja sen täyshyödyntäminen voidaan nähdä toistensa vastakohtina. Kestävä käyttö voidaan löytää näiden kahden ääripään välillä – se on kuin veteen piirretty viiva – luonnon järkiperäistä käyttämistä niin, että pitkällä tähtäimellä päästään suurimpaan mahdolliseen hyödynnykseen köyhdyttämättä kuitenkaan itse luonnon rikkautta. Biodiversiteetin kestävän käytön periaatteet luotiin YK:n biodiversiteettisopimuksen puitteissa edistämään kestävää käyttöä. Periaatteet saivat alkunsa havainnosta, että suojeluun keskittyvä ympäristöpolitiikka ei riitä puskuroimaan intensiivisen luonnonvaratalouden tuhoisaa vaikutusta biodiversiteettiin. Tämä raportti on johdanto kestävän käytön periaatteisiin ja sen tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin jotta biodiversiteetin köyhtymisen saataisiin pysäytetyksi vuoteen 2010 mennessä

    Power of lower extremities and age were the main determinants on the agility test for adults in a cohort of men aged 66-91 years

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    Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between agility and personal factors, muscle strength and power, mobility, self-reported balance and physical activity among older men. Methods: Agility was measured by using the Agility Test for Adults (ATA). We studied 100 Finnish male former elite athletes (endurance n = 50; power n = 50) and 50 matched controls aged 66 to 91 years (mean age 75.5 years). The associations between agility and other variables were similar between three groups; thus, multiple linear regression analyses were done by using the pooled data of the participants. Results: On the basis of multiple linear regression analyses, combination of age (p = .02), self-reported Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale (ABC scale), jumping height (p = .001) and self-rated health explained 26% of the variance in execution time of ATA (R-2 = 0.26; p = .000002) among elderly men. Conclusion: Power of lower extremities and age were the main determinants of the results of ATA in a cohort of men aged 66-91 years. From a clinical point of view, power of lower extremities measured by test demanding explosive power plays an important role to maintain or enhance capacity of agility.Peer reviewe

    Possibilities of enhancing co-operation and co-ordination among MEAs in the biodiversity cluster : Environment/Biodiversity

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    Since the 1970s, a variety of multilateral environmental agreements have been created to promote the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. However, these institutions have not been created systematically, but rather on an ad hoc basis as different aspects of biodiversity loss have come to the centre of international concern. Consequently, this has led to the inability of the current institutions to address biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation in a coherent and effective manner. In this report an initial biodiversity cluster is outlined and 12 recommendations are provided for enhancing synergies between the MEAs in the cluster. Most importantly, the report shows that the contracting parties of the MEAs in the biodiversity cluster need to work more closely together to indentify synergistic solutions that meet national needs. The report also highlights that it is not sufficient alone to make existing institutions work more closely together, but points out a missing institutional structure that needs to be addressed. An independent science policy platform is required to provide the MEAs in the biodiversity cluster with timely and scientifically credible advice for achieving more coherent and effective decision-making

    Biodiversiteetti kansainvälisissä sopimuksissa

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    Excutive Summary: Possible elements of a new global agreement to prevent plastic pollution

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    Executive Summary to the new report Possible elements of a new global agreement to prevent plastic pollution. The report aims to develop global sustainability criteria for product design, providing the tools for governments to regulate national markets.

    Global criteria to address problematic, unnecessary and avoidable plastic products

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    This report provides potential criteria to address problematic, unnecessary and avoidable plastic products at the global level, supporting the objectives of the upcoming international plastics instrument as per UNEA Resolution 5/14. The report notes that over 140 countries have enacted bans or restrictions on specific plastic products, highlighting the need for global criteria to manage not just single-use plastics, but also a wider range of plastic products. It presents possible criteria for determining plastic products into three distinct classifications - problematic, unnecessary, and avoidable – each subject to specific control measures. The report's ultimate aim is to phase out these plastic products through removal, substitution and redesign. A strong science-policy interface is needed to ensure informed listing of these plastic products under the instrument.

    Possible elements of a new global agreement to prevent plastic pollution

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    A new report titled Possible elements of a new global agreement to prevent plastic pollution aims to develop global sustainability criteria for product design, providing the tools for governments to regulate national markets. Potential objectives and strategic goals are defined, a first structure for a potential new global agreement is outlined, and national implementation measures are identified to achieve the global goal of zero discharge of plastics into the environment. By addressing the issue at the design phase, all sources and pathways of marine plastic pollution can be addressed. Importantly, the existing weakness in the current framework on upstream and midstream activities of the plastics value chain can be addressed by providing robust national financial mechanisms that improve downstream activities in all countries

    Rethinking global governance of plastics - The role of industry

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    2019 Options for addressing plastic pollution at the global level have been a topic of discussion in many international fora with some countries voicing support for a new global agreement. Traditional approaches have been used to describe such an agreement in the context of preventing marine litter, but do not discuss in detail the financial mechanisms possible for funding national implementation and, in particular, sustainable waste management. We conceptualise a global extended producer responsibility scheme (global EPR scheme) as a core component of an envisaged new global agreement to reduce residual plastic waste. The global EPR scheme is implemented through global design standards and the development of voluntary National Finance Plans. The Polluter Pays Principle is thereby applied to the management of plastic pollution at the global level

    International Environmental Governance : Accomplishments and Way Forward

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    A plethora of environmental problems are ravaging the planet and its inhabitants. How well do existing structures convene governments to address these challenges? What is the role of science and civil society in this context? And, does international cooperation properly support countries with limited capacities? This report seeks to respond to these questions, based on an analysis of actions taken to renew international environmental governance to fulfill commitments made at the UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) in 2012. This report outlines possibilities to strengthen the UN Environment Programme and to enhance synergies among global environmental conventions to ensure that international environmental governance continues evolving and improving to secure human well-being and planetary health