174 research outputs found

    La ópera en Alemania ¿una «quijotada»? La figura de Don Quijote en la crítica operística alemana de la ilustración.

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    The process by which opera, the most complex and conspicuous musical genre of the 17th and 18th century, was adapted to the German stage triggered an intense and ardent aesthetic and ideological discussion. Philosophers, theologians, musical and literary critics and musicians contributed to this discussion with a variety of arguments that range from the moral condemnation by protestantism to the aesthetic glorification. The reasons for this critical activity are to be found not only in the musical quality and essence of opera but in the impact the genre had on broad sectors of society. The character of Don Quijote had two different functions in this context: he inspired an important amount of compositions, and he constituted a powerful link to connect the literary and the musical discourse.El proceso de adaptación de la ópera, el género musical más complejo y opulento de los siglos XVII y XVIII, al escenario germánico estuvo flanqueado por una intensa y encarnizada discusión estética e ideológica. Filósofos, teólogos, críticos literarios y musicales y músicos alimentaron la disputa con argumentos de muy diverso cariz que van desde la desautorización moral por parte del protestantismo hasta la glorificación estética y están motivados no sólo por la calidad y esencia musical sino también por el impacto que la ópera tuvo en amplios sectores de la sociedad. La figura de Don Quijote tiene en este contexto una doble función: por una parte inspiró una cantidad importante de composiciones, por otra parte constituyó uno de los vínculos más fructíferos entre el discurso literario y musical

    (K)Eine Einführung in die künstlerische Forschung durch eine Musikwissenschaftlerin

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    Beschreibt die Erfahrung der Forschungskooperation von Musikern und Musikwissenschaftlern im Zusammenhang der Debatte um künstlerischer Forschung

    Thermal Behaviour under Service Loads of a Thermo-Active Precast Pile

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    [EN] A research project was developed in Spain to undertake some studies on the geothermal use of pile foundations (PITERM PROJECT). The experiment consists of a specifically designed, constructed and fully monitored geothermal precast pile driven at Polytechnic University of Valencia. An important distinctive feature of the developed pile was the fact that it was assembled from two identical sections connected with a specific joint, developed by Rodio-Kronsa. This allows the installation of much longer precast piles into the ground. The pile is under two types of loads: mechanical and thermal. The mechanical load was applied by means of a mechanical frame anchored to the ground and three additional anchors used to induce an active compressive force. The thermal load was produced by means of a thermal rig able to inject heat or extract heat from the pile at any desired programable heat injection/extraction rate. One of the features of this precast pile is its geometry, similar to a single U borehole heat exchanger (BHE) which is not common in thermoactive piles, usually equipped with probes attached to the armatures. In our study, we have characterized the thermal behaviour of the precast pile experimentally and simulated its temperature response by means of a TRNSYS model. This article describes part of a test series carried out where the mechanical and thermal behaviour of a pile subjected to thermal and mechanical loads simulating a real pile in a building was studied. Therefore, this publication has only focused on the thermal performance of the pile and its thermal modelling by computer. From this model, the thermal parameters of the soil¿pile system have been extracted and compared with those of a single standard single U BHE. In essence, our assessment points to a quite similar thermal behaviour of the studied precast pile compared to a conventional single U borehole heat exchanger of the same length and equivalent diameter, while the installation costs of such elements would be substantially lower due to its double, structural and thermal, function.We thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its financial support, through the program INNPACTO 2011 (IPT-2011-1214-380000), for the design, installation and instrumentation of the geothermal pile in Valencia. We thank Rodio Kronsa, CEDEX and Energesis for their dedication and participation in the project.Badenes Badenes, B.; Magraner Benedicto, MT.; De Santiago, C.; Pardo, F.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF. (2017). Thermal Behaviour under Service Loads of a Thermo-Active Precast Pile. Energies. 10(9). https://doi.org/10.3390/en10091315S109Olgun, C. G., Ozudogru, T. Y., Abdelaziz, S. L., & Senol, A. (2014). Long-term performance of heat exchanger piles. Acta Geotechnica, 10(5), 553-569. doi:10.1007/s11440-014-0334-zMurphy, K. D., McCartney, J. S., & Henry, K. S. (2014). Evaluation of thermo-mechanical and thermal behavior of full-scale energy foundations. Acta Geotechnica, 10(2), 179-195. doi:10.1007/s11440-013-0298-4Abdelaziz, S. L., & Ozudogru, T. Y. (2016). Selection of the design temperature change for energy piles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 107, 1036-1045. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.07.067Magraner, T., Montero, Á., Quilis, S., & Urchueguía, J. F. (2010). Comparison between design and actual energy performance of a HVAC-ground coupled heat pump system in cooling and heating operation. Energy and Buildings, 42(9), 1394-1401. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2010.03.00

    Effect of thermal loads on pre-cast concrete thermopile in Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] The paper describes the thermo-mechanical behaviour of an experimental pre-cast driven pile, properly instrumented and prepared to operate as a heat exchanger foundation element under the simultaneous action of mechanical and thermal loads. Firstly, in situ static vertical load tests were carried out to analyse the pile mechanical behaviour. Afterwards, two thermal tests were performed under constant mechanical load. The first thermal test was carried out to characterise the pile¿ground system. By means of the second thermal test, the conditions of the pile in a geothermal installation of an office building operating in cooling mode were simulated. The influence of the thermal loads on the structural and geotechnical performance of the pile was subsequently analysed. Heating the pile leads to increases in axial and end-bearing loads, changes in shear stresses distribution and reduction of factors of safety for compressive ground resistance and for structural resistance of the pile.The authors thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for its financial support, through the programme INNPACTO 2011, for the design, installation and instrumentation of the geothermal pile in Valencia.Pardo, F.; De Santiago, C.; De Groot-Viana, M.; Urchueguía Schölzel, JF.; Arcos, JL.; Badenes Badenes, B. (2018). Effect of thermal loads on pre-cast concrete thermopile in Valencia, Spain. Environmental Geotechnics. https://doi.org/10.1680/jenge.17.00103

    Musicology, Diplomacy, and International Networks at the Turn of the 20th Century. Discourses, Practices, Events

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    The birth of musicology as a theoretical discipline coincided with the professionalization of international academic bodies, most famously in natural and social sciences, but also in the humanities. While presenting an important example of transnational exchange, such trend in academic research was directly affected by intergovernmental relations. The intersections between the beginnings of musicology as a theoretical discipline and diplomatic relations will be the object of this round table. The birth of musicology was closely related also to the formation of modern nation states in an age of increased global exchanges, with important implications for the internationalization of the musical repertoire and the music industry. World fairs and exhibitions, and international political-commercial initiatives shaped these experiences. Musicologists felt compelled to compare and put order into a previously unknown multitude of musical practices. Without overlooking the power dynamics underlying processes of canon-building, traditionally expressed with the North-South dichotomy, this round table will contemplate an extended approach to comparativism. We will introduce an East-West dialectic, conceived both as a geographical framing – including Europe, Musicology, Diplomacy, and International Networks at the Turn of the 20th Century Discourses, Practices, Events Prof. Axel Körner, Chair Prof. Bonnie C. Wade, Respondent Dr. Ferran Escrivá-Llorca Dr. María Cáceres-Piñuel Dr. Vincenzina C. Ottomano Dr. Christiane Sibille Prof. Dr. Cristina Urchueguía, Team Leader MA Alberto Napoli, Coordinator 3 Asia, America – and a “longitudinal” exchange among different but equally empowered agents, who evaded fixed hierarchies and learned or profited from one another, continuously questioning the concept of a dominating “center.” Reflecting the complexity of the subject, our panel will include varied topics and disciplinary perspectives. Considering that the transnational flow of music theory and practice serving power relations has been studied in scholarship from Europe outward, in the first presentation Wade will address the adoption of Western theory and practice as a technology for modern nation-building by the Japanese government in late 19th century. Ottomano will explore the impact of the early dissemination of Russian music in Paris, focusing on the very close relationship between music, culture and political interests in the diplomatic exchanges between France and Russia after the Alliance franco-russe (1894). Focusing on international organizations dealing with musical questions in the early 20th century, Sibille will analyze their publications and conferences showing the experts’ efforts to gain political relevance, especially by the standardization of their methodological tools. Escrivà-Llorca will then retrace the turn-of-the-century establishment of music divisions in several important European and American institutional libraries, analyzing the diplomatic and philanthropic actions of specific patrons and curators which constituted their pre-Baroque holdings. Urchueguía will present a case of direct interaction between politics and musicology, discussing the influence of the Spanish regent María Cristina in the preparation of Spanish contributions to the 1892 International Music and Theater Exhibition in Vienna. Cáceres-Piñuel will then assess the role of Guido Adler in the organization of the same event, and its influence on subsequent discourses about music, particularly those referring to ‘national idioms.’ Finally, analyzing musical events at international exhibitions in fin-de-siècle Italy, Napoli will illustrate that consequent musicological writings reflected negotiations between nationalist narratives and local cosmopolitan aspirations. Körner will lead the following discussion, as a transnational historian particularly interested in the exchange of knowledge and the role of culture in international relations

    Goldkehlchen für Gott: Sängerknaben bis zur Renaissance

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    Sängerknaben sind seit dem Beginn christlicher Liturgie unverzichtbar. Der Einsatz von Kindern im liturgischen Gesang bedingte zudem die Notwendigkeit musikalischer Ausbildungsformen, die dieser Gruppe gerechte waren. Für Mittelalter und Renaissance kann konstatiert werden, dass die meisten Komponisten und Musiker im Bereich der Kirche ihr Ausbildung als Sängerknaben begannen