49 research outputs found

    Analysis of rewarding system

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    Analysis of rewarding system

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    katedra: KPE; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 73 s., 5 s. obr. přílohTato diplomová práce pojednává o systému odměňování pracovníků. Jedná se o analýzu systému realizovaného v současné době ve společnosti Spojovací a upevňovací materiál s.r.o. a uplatňovaného ve vztahu k největší skupině pracovníků firmy - skladníkům. Cílem diplomové práce je na základě provedeného rozboru stávajícího stavu a za využití teoretických poznatků navrhnout a následně ekonomicky zhodnotit systém odměňování, jenž by vhodným způsobem odstranil slabé stránky systému stávajícího s přihlédnutím ke konkrétním podmínkám a potřebám společnosti.This dissertation deals with rewarding system for employees. It is based on an analysis of current system which is currently applied by the company Spojovací a upevňovací material s.r.o. to the largest group of employees - warehousemen. The aim of the dissertation is to develop and economically evaluate an innovated rewarding system, using both the results of the conducted analysis of current state and the theoretical preconditions. This new system is supposed to avoid the weaknesses of the current system while paying attention to the actual needs of the company

    Transaction analysis in Helping Professions

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    Presented thesis deals with the use of transactional analysis in psychotherapy, counceling and helping professions. Theoretical part is dedicated to philosophy and history of this specialization, history of ČATA organization in Czech Republic, definition of key words and possibility of using transaction analysis. Practical part is formed by specific cases, which are gained throught the interviews held at the Alien Police Inspectorate, Longterm Residence Permit Group in České Budějovice which uses the analyse of Eric Berne´s games mentioned in transactional analysis. Parts of specific cases are features of games, interviews, graphical diagrams, analysis and evalutions. The aim of this work is to stress the importace of using the Eric Berne´s games in helping professions

    Impact of advertising to specific social habits of children

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    The bachelor's thesis deals with the issue of the impact of advertising on specific social habits of children, like consumption habits and eating habits. The main objective is to warn about this issue, summarize existing researches and compare this issue in czech and american milieu. Theoretical part of the thesis is focused on advertising, types of advertising and communication process. Another chapter is dedicated to children, their evolution and their defenselessness to advertising. Practical part is divided to two parts. The first part contains of summary of existing researches in the field of impact of advertising on consumption habits and eating habits. The second part contains of description of czech and american milieu in selected areas and comparison

    Stress management of education prefessionals

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    This Master´s Thesis focuses on mapping the occurrence of stress in the occupation of pedagogues, its significance, influence and circumstances which affect it. Furthermore, this thesis maps the occurrence of the burn-out syndrome phenomenon, its manifestations and influences which affect it. Also, the thesis deals with stress management and its potential use in the pedagogic field. In this matter, it mostly deals with time management, self-reflection and the influence of positive orientation. In this thesis, the used methods were the use of questionnaires among the educationalists and also dialogues with selected headmasters. The results confirm the existence of connection between the values of the burn-out syndrome and the length of pedagogic career, the age of a person, sex and other studied aspects. Nevertheless, it is important to point out, that the hypotheses based on the studied literature were not confirmed

    Czech-Islamic marriages from the viewpoint of gender

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    The thesis is deal with Czech-Islamic marriages from the viewpoint of gender. The first part characterises the basic concepts, marriage traditions in a purely Czech society, the issue of gender in the Czech marriage, marriage traditions in a truly Islamic society, Islamic marriage, gender issues, gender issues in Czech-Islamic marriage, the ethical impact of migration, including the ethical impact of cultural migration, potential misuse of the Institute to ensure family reunification residence permit in the Czech Republic, an example of migration, with specific policy approach in France. The practical part includes a rationale for selecting the research sample, showing the chosen research methodology. Based on the interviews is confirmed by the hypothesis of the thesis that the cultural influence of gender, as a bearer of a different conception of the of man-woman gender in Islamic culture, and Czech, respectively. Czech-Islamic marriages is a significant factor in causing marital disharmony. Mutual two-way cultural knowledge, as well as the presence of tolerance, love and truth, is a prerequisite to guarantee the functional relationship. This fact is verified by the Czech-Islamic couple, in the final case report

    The frontier between old and new: city and Czech culture of early modernism

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    Předkládám k obhajobě diplomovou práci věnovanou tématu utváření veřejného prostoru, městského prostoru a městotvorné funkce architektury na přelomu 19. a 20.století. Celkový náhled, kterým tato témata spojuji, chce být především kulturologický. 4 Svou práci bych rozdělila do čtyř částí. V prvních dvou částech vymezuji tématické pole práce námi sledovanými pojmy, kategoriemi a problémy. Jsou jimi pojem veřejný prostor, místo, prostor a čas, kategorie moderny, existenciální prostor a v neposlední řadě fenomén města, který je pro nás reprezentací kulturní a civilizační. V tomto zaměření nelze odhlédnout od diskursu těchto témat - a ten je i v textech teorie architektury filozofický. Třetí část mé práce je inspirována mou postupovou prací, ve které jsem se zajímala o meziválečné období, o dobu, která mě dodnes nesmírně fascinuje. Je to exkurz do dění užitého umění ve světě, ale především u nás. S užitým uměním byla v těsném semknutí architektura, která zaujímá přední místo ve čtvrtém dílu této práce. Hlavním předmětem je zde (české) město, jeho proměny ve 20.stoletÍ. V posledních kapitolách se snažím o nástin a komparaci sociokulturní situace architektury a architektů na počátku 20. a 21.století

    Effects on financial statements

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    The relationship between facial morphology, body measurements and socio-economic factors

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    Background and aim: The effect of socio-economic factors (living conditions) and parental smoking habits on development of facial morphology and body measurements was studied on a longitudinal Czech sample of 25 girls and 25 boys

    Studying factors influencing facial developmental instability

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    Background Developmental instability is a component of non-genetic variation that results from random variation in developmental processes. It is considered a sensitive indicator of the physiological state of individuals. It is reflected in various ways, but in this study we focussed on its reflection in fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and morphological integration. Aim To assess how, if at all, variations of facial morphology mirror developmental instability across childhood with respect to sex, growth rate and socioeconomic/environmental factors. Subjects and methods A set of 210 three-dimensional facial models (of children aged between 6.3 and 14.3 years) originating from the FIDENTIS 3D Face Database was subjected to landmark-based methods of geometric morphometrics to quantify the degree of facial asymmetry and facial morphological integration. In addition, the association with age, sex, and socioeconomic factors was assessed. Results Our results showed a nonlinear increase of FA with age up to the age of 14 years. The pattern of sex-related variants in facial FA differed in relation to age, as girls exhibited higher values of FA than boys up to the age of 9 years. We found that a signal of modularity based on functional demands and organisation of the face is of particular importance. Here, girls exhibited higher morphological covariation among modules. During more rapid adolescence-related growth, however, covariation among modules at the asymmetrical level decreased in both sexes. Conclusion We can conclude that facial morphology was shown to be strongly integrated, particularly until adolescence. This covariation can facilitate an increase of FA. In addition, the results of this study indicate there is a weak association between socioeconomic stress and facial asymmetries. In contrast, sex and growth rate are reflected in developmental instability