61 research outputs found

    Selected Manifestations of Social Deviance in Organizational Culture

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    The objective of this paper is to contribute to the discourse about the issues of trust in management, authority and meaningfulness of human labour, which are inseparably connected with effectiveness, productivity, competitiveness of companies, organizations and the whole society as well. The authors want to provide a conceptual theoretical framework for further studies of social deviance in organizational culture and that is why it has a form of a theoretical study providing a platform for future empirical researches. This study is opened with defining the concept of social deviance as a deviation from the normality and by reminding of difficulties related to determination of normality. The organizational culture is defined as a coherent set of values, norms and patterns of behaviour that determine the manners and forms of behaviour of employees, their relationships inside (but also outside) the social system of the organization. Further the paper is focused on selected social deviances, which undermine the effectiveness of organizational structures to fulfil their objectives and missions. Based on the empirical analyses the attention is paid particularly to nepotism, clientelism and cronyism as tools for reaching latent goals of individuals and groups in the organization. The issue is set in the contemporary society and solved from the view of social psychological mechanisms of human behaviour in the group. The authors also remind the issue of responsibility, conscience and the negative effects of conformity, group thinking, obedience and the authoritarian leadership which is even more obvious when the employees are under the pressure (e.g. economic sanctions). In conclusion are outlined the tools of control of clientelism and similar phenomena and possibilities of applications of Weber’s socio-analytical model of bureaucracy in organizations

    Corporate social responsibility and its influence on quality of life – case study on arcelormittal Ostrava

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    This paper deals with the concept of CSR and shows how this tool is problematic (e.g. because it exceed the legal concept). Is CSR really a responsible policy or just a mere tool of marketing? CSR in practice often fails because the consumer or the investor is not able to distinguish between socially responsible and socially irresponsible companies. This issue is demonstrated on a recent concrete example of the Czech case of ArcelorMittal - Ostrava Radvanice. This practical example is demonstrating how the legal instruments were applied in this specific case; recent recodification shift in terms of CR is outlined. In conclusion the authors discuss the possibilities of improvements of the legal regulation of CSR, they recommend to assess the companies with regard to the factual concordance of declared and actually performed CSR (e.g. lessening of negative impacts on the environment).This paper deals with the concept of CSR and shows how this tool is problematic (e.g. because it exceed the legal concept). Is CSR really a responsible policy or just a mere tool of marketing? CSR in practice often fails because the consumer or the investor is not able to distinguish between socially responsible and socially irresponsible companies. This issue is demonstrated on a recent concrete example of the Czech case of ArcelorMittal - Ostrava Radvanice. This practical example is demonstrating how the legal instruments were applied in this specific case; recent recodification shift in terms of CR is outlined. In conclusion the authors discuss the possibilities of improvements of the legal regulation of CSR, they recommend to assess the companies with regard to the factual concordance of declared and actually performed CSR (e.g. lessening of negative impacts on the environment)

    The assessment of the semicircular canals and cochlea of the human bony labyrinth using imaging techniques

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    The human bony labyrinth is an inner ear structure located inside the pyramid of the temporal bone that encloses the organs of sound perception and balance. As one of the most resistant skeletal elements in human body, the pyramid is frequently uncovered in a good state of preservation. Until recently, research of the human bony labyrinth had been restricted exclusively to irreversibly invasive techniques. Due to this invasiveness, literature on morphological variation has been scarce and many questions regarding population, age or sex-related differences are yet to be answered. The studied sample of pyramids originated from Dětkovice - Za zahradama Site (Czech Republic) dated to 1000’s and 1100’s A.D. All elements were examined using an X-ray Carestream Xtreme device and a cone-beam CT unit. In digital X-ray images, linear distance of the semicircular canals and cochlear diameter were measured in ImageJ program. CT images were first processed to generate 3D digital models, which were subsequently studied using a newly established PC-aided approach employing measuring functionalities available in GOM Inspect program. Altogether 39 variables were proposed in order to describe shape and size variation in the semicircular canals. Acquired measurements were confronted and tested against individual's demographic data determined based on corresponding skeletal elements and burial attributes. The results showed small to none sex-related and body side-specific differences. Still, statistically significant differences were shown between sub-adults and adults. They were particularly evident in size variables of the lumens of the lateral and posterior semicircular canal, where larger values for adults were provided. This indicates a widening of the canals during growth by the resorption in the vicinity of the canals. The acquired results contribute to our comprehension of the development of inner ear structures and demonstrate the potential of the employment of non-invasive approaches when examining human skeletal remains

    Allergen coding genes and miRNA-based DNA fingerprints in revealing differences among Vaccinium corymbosum L. and Vaccinium myrtillus L.

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    DNA-based marker fingerprinting techniques are developed with the aim of their effective use in the identification or comparative studies of plant genomes. In the genus Vaccinium, DNA markers help resolve taxonomic relationships among the species included in it. In this study, the allergen coding genes and micro RNAs were used as DNA markers and applied for the characterization of the fingerprints of Vaccinium corymbosum L. and Vaccinium myrtilus L. Both techniques were found to be effective in distinguishing the analysed Vaccinium accessions and in the generating of polymorphism and in the case of Bet v 1 Based Amplicon Polymorphism and Profilin Based Amplicon Polymorphism, separated fingerprints were obtained for Vaccinium myrtilus L

    Characterization of Individualized Glycemic Excursions during a Standardized Bout of Hypoglycemia-Inducing Exercise and Subsequent Hypoglycemia Treatment—A Pilot Study

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    The glycemic response to ingested glucose for the treatment of hypoglycemia following exercise in type 1 diabetes patients has never been studied. Therefore, we aimed to characterize glucose dynamics during a standardized bout of hypoglycemia-inducing exercise and the subsequent hypoglycemia treatment with the oral ingestion of glucose. Ten male patients with type 1 diabetes performed a standardized bout of cycling exercise using an electrically braked ergometer at a target heart rate (THR) of 50% of the individual heart rate reserve, determined using the Karvonen equation. Exercise was terminated when hypoglycemia was reached, followed by immediate hypoglycemia treatment with the oral ingestion of 20 g of glucose. Arterialized blood glucose (ABG) levels were monitored at 5 min intervals during exercise and for 60 min during recovery. During exercise, ABG decreased at a mean rate of 0.11 ± 0.03 mmol/L·min−1 (minimum: 0.07, maximum: 0.17 mmol/L·min−1). During recovery, ABG increased at a mean rate of 0.13 ± 0.05 mmol/L·min−1 (minimum: 0.06, maximum: 0.19 mmol/L·min−1). Moreover, 20 g of glucose maintained recovery from hypoglycemia throughout the 60 min postexercise observation window

    Palliative care - awareness and attitude of nurses

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na paliativní péči. Cílem bylo zjistit informovanost a postoje u všeobecných sester. Teoretická část se zabývá paliativní péčí, eutanazií v rozporu s paliativní péčí nebo konceptem kvality ţivota. Praktická část popisuje průzkum metodou dotazníkového šetření u sester ze čtyř vybraných oddělení, s různou délkou praxe. Výsledky jsou zpracovány do tabulek nebo grafů a popsány slovně.The bachelor thesis is focused on the palliative care. The aim of the study is to determine the knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care in general nurses. The theoretical part is concerned with palliative care, euthanasia in comparison with palliative care or with the concept of the quality of life. Practical part describes investigation using questionnaire inquiry in nurses from four different departments and with the various length of practice. The results are given in the tables and graphs and they are also described verbally.The bachelor thesis is focused on the palliative care. The aim of the study is to determine the knowledge and attitudes towards palliative care in general nurses. The theoretical part is concerned with palliative care, euthanasia in comparison with palliative care or with the concept of the quality of life. Practical part describes investigation using questionnaire inquiry in nurses from four different departments and with the various length of practice. The results are given in the tables and graphs and they are also described verbally.Katedra ošetřovatelstvíHodnocení vedoucího: výborně mínus Hodnocení oponenta: výborně Doplňující otázky k obhajobě: 1. Co Vás motivovalo k výběru tohoto tématu? 2. Jak by se daly výsledky Vašeho výzkumu využít v praxi? 3. Jak si vysvětlujete vliv vzdělání a náboženské víry na souhlas s legalizací eutanazie? Obhajoba bakalářské práce s prezentací výborná.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    Nature trail project proposition called " Around the Vrbenská pool"

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    The natural monument Vrbenská tůň is located in České Vrbné on the northwest edge of České Budějovice. It is the remainder of the winding original stream Dehtářský potok in the wide flat alluvium of the Vltava river. This thesis provides essential information behind development of a project about public nature trails and information boards in the wildlife. A first section describes natural characteristics of an area, foundation of projects, history of public footpaths in the Czech Republic, their types and signage. The main part is devoted to a proposal of a specific type of design of a nature trail, terrain mapping and consequent selection of the best route, creating designs and texts of individual noticeboards including visual documentation and signage. The appendix covers anticipated budgets of the project, photographic documentation, maps, spatial designs that graphically demonstrates the given location

    Percepce regionalismů v obecných slovnících jazyka francouzského

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    The bachelor thesis deals with the grasp of regionalisms in general dictionaries of the French language and their perception in France. The theoretical part endeavours to define the term regionalism within the scope of lexicography and linguistics generally. Based on the gained and investigated data, we will try to define our own typology of regionalism, which is applied to the empirical part of the thesis. The empirical part focuses mainly on the description of regionalisms through lexicographical research in France and it aims to classify regionalisms according to their occurrence and grasp within the selected dictionaries. The research also deals with the representation of the regionalisms in specific regions in France. Next, the thesis consists of socio-linguistic research which takes the form of a questionnaire, which is designed for native speakers, i.e., respondents from France.Bakalářská práce se zabývá uchopením regionalismů v obecných slovnících jazyka francouzského a jejich percepcí ve Francii. Teoretická část usiluje o vymezení termínu regionalismus v rámci lexikografie a lingvistiky obecně. Na základě získaných a nastudovan dat se pokusíme o vlastní typologii regionalismů, která je aplikována na empirickou část práce, jež se zaměřuje především na popis vybraných regionalismů pomocí lexikografické rešerše na území Francie s cílem jejich uspořádání dle výskytu a uchopení ve Výzkum se zároveň věnuje i jejich početnímu zastoupení v jednotlivých oblastech Francie. Dále obsahuje sociolingvistický výzkum formou dotazníku, jehož se zúčastní rodilí mluvčí, tj.Institute of Romance StudiesÚstav románských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

    Vedení lidí

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    The main topic of the thesis is leadership. The terms leadership and management are defined in the theoretical part. This part is also focused on the personality of the manager, the managers´ roles and characteristics and then the part defines different leadership styles. The following chapters describe communication and feedback, motivation, stimulation and manipulation. Then I focus on the process of the selection and development of employees. The practical part is based on the method of questioning, analysis and comparison. The aim is to compare leadership styles of two kindergarten principals including the subsequent proposal of changes or measures leading to the improvement of the current situation. The research is based on the statements of the principals themselves and on the statements of teachers actually working in the schools, the subject of the survey was also the issue of employee motivation that is closely related to the leadership style of their superior