70 research outputs found

    Radiology at the Jagiellonian University (1896-2016)

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    Deutsche Grammatik : Regeln, Normen, Sprachgebrauch : Bericht von der 44. Jahrestagung des Instituts für Deutsche Sprache

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    Sie ist schon ein erstaunliches Phänomen, die Sprache, bedenkt man, dass es auch ohne Einfluss einer steuernden Instanz so etwas wie Standarddeutsch gibt und die deutsche Sprache nicht in unzählige Variationen und Varietäten auseinanderdriftet. Die Verwunderung über den Zusammenhalt der Sprache ließ sich auch im Laufe der diesjährigen Jahrestagung des IDS immer wieder vernehmen, die unter dem Motto „Deutsche Grammatik. Regeln, Normen, Sprachgebrauch“ vom 11. bis 13. März 2008 im neugestalteten Rosengarten in Mannheim stattfand. Da man auf einer wissenschaftlichen Tagung beim Wundern nicht stehen bleibt, versuchten die versammelten Linguistinnen und Linguisten, der Natur von sprachlichen Regeln und Normen erklärend auf die Spur zu kommen. Wie entstehen sprachliche Normen? Welche Faktoren entscheiden, dass manche der neuen grammatischen Formen sich durchsetzen und zur Norm werden und andere nicht? Welche Bedeutung hat Sprachnormierung in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Bereichen wie Schule, Wirtschaft oder Recht? Und nicht zuletzt: Wie kann das grammatische Regelsystem erfasst werden

    "Healing medicine" by Louis Le Roy (1766-1842).

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    Przełom XVIII i XIX w. był niezwykle ważny dla medycyny. Gwałtowny rozwój naukowych metod badawczych, zwłaszcza w dziedzinie anatomii i patomorfologii, sprawił, że wyniki badań prowadzonych w tych dyscyplinach w większości dyskwalifikowały dotychczasowo stosowane metody terapii. Stało się to impulsem dla wielu pseudomedyków do tworzenia nowych doktryn i teorii medycznych, które miały być alternatywą dla medycyny akademickiej. Każdy z nich tworzył własną koncepcję, tłumaczącą istotę choroby i proponował niezawodny sposób leczenia za pomocą produkowanych przez siebie leków. Jeden z takich sposobów zaproponował Louis Le Roy (1766–1842). Był on propagatorem uniwersalnego sposobu leczenia opartego na stosowaniu zestawu leków przeczyszczających, sporządzanych według receptury, opracowanej przez pochodzącego z Normandii lekarza wojskowego, Jeana Pelgasa (1732-1804). Leki sprzedawano równocześnie z obszerną książką 'La médicine curative ou la purgation dirigée contre la cause des maladies, reconnue et analysée dans cet ouvrage", opisującą metodę leczenia przy pomocy wspomnianych preparatów. Francuskie wydanie "La médecine curative" z 1825 r. zostało przetłumaczone na język polski i ukazało się w Warszawie w 1829 r. ("Medycyna wyleczająca").The turn of the 18th and 19th centuries appears of great consequence for medicine. Rapid advancement of investigation methods in scientific research, especially those applied in the field of anatomy and pathomorphology, effectively disqualified most of the therapeutic regimens pursued so far. This gave an impulse to many pseudo-medics to come up with new medical doctrines and theories, which were meant to offer an alternative to academic medicine. Each one of them promoted his own concept, striving to explain the essentials of a disease, whilst proposing a reliable way of treatment, aided by specific medications made by themselves. One such method was proposed by Louis Le Roy (1766–1842). He was an ardent advocate of a universal method of treatment based on the application of a set of laxative and vomiting agents, prepared in line with a formula developed by a Normandy-born military doctor, one Jean Pelgas (1732-1804). The book titled ‘La médicine curative ou la purgation dirigée contre la cause des maladies, reconnue et analysée dans cet ouvrage’ [The Laxative and Vomiting Treatment - in short] was freely available on the market, offering extensive information on the actual origins of the disease at issue, its specific types, and the way in which it is should be treated with these preparations. The treatment method proposed by Le Roy was also popular in Poland. The French edition of "La médecine curative" was translated into Polish, and first published in Warsaw, in 1829, under the title “La médecine curative” [The Curative Medicine], with the next one following a year after, i.e. 1830. The same method of treatment was also propagated by Józef Orkisz, who enclosed a separate treaty devoted to it with his own book "Nowy poradnik lekarski dla osób wszelkiego stanu" [A new medical guide for persons of all social strata]. (Warsaw 1835). The formulas for Le Roy’s medications may also be encountered in the pharmacy manuscripts. The raw ingredients referenced in Le Roy’s medications were highly laxative. They comprised: Gummi-resina scammonium - a juice obtained from a wild morning-glory root (Convolvulus Scammonia L.), Radix turpethi - turbite morning-glory root (Convolvulus turphethum L.), senesu leaves (of the Senna Mill. genus.), and Tubera jalapae - a laxative agent (Ipomea purga). Furthermore, the vomiting-laxative medications also comprised an extra emetic (vomiting agent), i.e. antimonyl-potassium tartrate

    The origins of radiology in Poland according to documents and exhibits in the collections of the Jagiellonian University

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    In January 1896, a few days after the announcement of the discovery of X-rays, experiments with X-ray photography began in Cracow, giving the beginnings of Polish radiology. To this day, radiographs of various objects, like high-quality medical x-ray photographs, X- ray apparatuses, and lamps have survived from this period. A description of early X-ray photographs and scientific publications by professors of the Jagiellonian University are kept as a valuable source of information on the level of conducted experiments. The Polish pioneers of this field were Karol Olszewski (first Polish X-ray photographs) and the doctors of medicine Alfred Obaliński, Mieczysław Nartowski, Walery Jaworski, and Karol Mayer. The authors describe the publications and objects stored in the units of the Jagiellonian University documenting the beginnings of Polish radiology

    Evaluation of alterations in tumor tissue of gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) in computed tomography following treatment with imatinib

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    Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the alterations in the neoplastic tissue of GIST following Imatinib treatment. Material/Methods: CT studies of 14 patients with inoperable primary tumors and 56 patients with metastatic and recurrent disease after chemotherapy were analyzed retrospectively. The following alterations in features of primary and secondary tumors were analyzed: dimension, degree and type of contrast enhancement, outlines of lesions, presence of intratumoral bleeding, presence of calcifications. Results: In the analyzed group of primary, metastatic and recurrent tumors after treatment with Imatinib in most cases a decrease in size and contrast enhancement were observed; the outlines of lesions became well circumscribed. Following the treatment, the number of tumors enhancing inhomogeneously decreased. In primary tumors the percentage of calcifications increased, whereas in metastatic tumors calcifications were observed only after treatment. There was no bleeding found within primary tumors after treatment. In metastatic disease, increased percentage of tumors with transient intratumoral bleeding was observed. There were also some unconventional CT images following treatment, such as: cystic transformation of lesions, enlargement of lesions, appearing of new lesions suggesting progression of the disease, stationary dimensions of lesions during local progression of the disease, simultaneous decrease and increase in size of metastatic lesions or appearance of new ones. Conclusions: Right from the start of Imatinib therapy in inoperable and disseminated GIST patients, specific CT images, not seen during conventional cytotoxic chemotherapy, were observed

    Sex differences in brain metabolite concentrations in healthy children : proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study (^{1}HMRS)

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    Purpose: The aim of this 1HMRS study was to define sex-related differences in metabolic spectrum between healthy children. Forty-nine girls and boys aged 6-15 years were examined. Material and methods: Volume of interest was located in seven brain regions: frontal lobes, basal ganglia, hippocampi, and cerebellum. Results: Statistical analysis of the results showed significantly higher (p < 0.05) myo-inositol concentrations relative to the total concentrations in the boys than the girls, as well as higher absolute N-acetyl aspartate concentrations in the left frontal lobes in girls. No other significant differences were shown, except for trends in differences. Conclusions: In clinical practice the diagnostic process first of all focuses on assessing concentrations of metabolites to relative cerebellum concentration. Thus, the findings of the present study allow the conclusion that when analysing the results of 1HMRS studies in children it is not necessary to take into account the child's gender

    Początki Polskiej Radiologii – w 125-lecie (1896-2021)

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    5 stycznia 1896 r. świat dowiedział się o niezwykłym odkryciu, które w znaczący sposób zmieniło medycynę. W wiedeńskim dzienniku „Die Presse” poinformowano, że profesor fizyki Uniwersytetu w Würzburgu (Niemcy), Wilhelm Roentgen, odkrył nowy rodzaj promieniowania, dzięki któremu stało się możliwe bezinwazyjne obrazowanie ciała ludzkiego. Stało się to 8 listopada 1895 r., a nowy rodzaj niewidzialnych promieni, przenikających ciało ludzkie, odkrywca nazwał promieniami X