36 research outputs found

    Bakalauro pakopos studentų ketinimo eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu ypatumai: dviejų imčių analizė

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    Career development is a rather popular research area. Previous studies have revealed numerous factors that are relevant for the process of career planning during various stages of life. The constantly changing and challenging world, as well as the demand of new competencies in the labour market, draw attention to the time when an individual leaves school and sets future career goals preparing to enter the world of work. There is still an open question which psychological factors could be crucial for the smooth career goal setting at this time. The present study aims to explore one’s future career intentions after one has already chosen a study major. The study had the following goals: to analyse whether career choice commitment (having future career goals related to one’s major) can be predicted by the level of career choice satisfaction, expected real-ideal and real-prestigious job fit, and personality factors such as neuroticism and conscientiousness, conducting analysis in two samples; to explore the differences of the predictors of career goal commitment between Sample 1 and Sample 2. 185 Vilnius University undergraduates (131 females, 54 males) took part in the study. The primary sample was then subdivided into two parts, excluding the middle range data: Sample 1 consisted of participants whose career choice satisfaction was low (n = 55), and Sample 2 consisted of participants whose career choice satisfaction was high (n = 76). A two-step hierarchical regression model analysis was run in both samples. The results revealed multiple significant predictors of career choice commitment in Sample 1: the level of career choice satisfaction (low level in this sample), expected real-prestigious job fit, and, to a lesser extent, expected real-ideal job fit were significant predictors in the primary regression model. Adding neuroticism and conscientiousness to the regression model significantly changed it by increasing its R2, although only neuroticism was a significant predictor. On the contrary, in Sample 2, the level of career choice satisfaction (high in this sample) was the dominant predictor of career choice commitment, followed only by expected real-prestigious jog fit. Adding personality variables to the model didn’t produce a significant change in this case. The results provide the basis for further theoretical and practical implications in career counselling and set guidelines for the future research. Straipsnyje nagrinėjami ketinimo eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu ypatumai. Pagrindiniai tyrimo uždaviniai – įvertinti, kaip ketinimą eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu prognozuoja pasitenkinimo pasirinkta profesija lygis, įsivaizduojamas realaus ir idealaus bei realaus ir prestižinio darbo atitikimas bei asmenybės ypatumai (neurotizmas ir sąmoningumas), ir palyginti, kuo skiriasi abiejų imčių ketinimo eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu prielaidos. Dviejų imčių – nepatenkintųjų pasirinkta profesija (n = 55) ir patenkintųjų pasirinkta profesija (n = 76) – hierarchinės regresijos analizė parodė, kad šių imčių ketinimo eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu prielaidos yra nevienodos. Prognozuojant ketinimą eiti pasirinktu profesiniu keliu pirmuoju atveju reikšmingi kintamieji yra pasitenkinimo pasirinkta profesija lygis, realaus ir prestižinio darbo atitikimas ir neurotizmo lygis. Antruoju atveju gautas vyraujantis kintamasis – pasitenkinimo pasirinkta profesija lygis. Gauti rezultatai turi tiek teorinių, tiek praktinių pritaikymo galimybių ir nubrėžia tolesnių tyrimų šioje srityje gaires

    Sėkmingas darbas nuotoliniu būdu: kokie darbuotojų įgūdžiai jam svarbūs?

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    As remote work becomes a custom way of work organization, there is a need to research the factors that determine its effectiveness. Based on remote work research conducted in Europe and Lithuania, the article presents the differences between remote work and office work, based on which several employee skills are distinguished for effective remote work. First, due to longer working hours and the constant availability of electronic communication and information tools, the psychological skills of detaching from work are discussed. Second, due to the blurring of boundaries between work and personal life, the time-spatial job crafting is presented, i.e. the ability to choose a suitable place and time for work, to change the location of work, to change time or task if they do not match with each other, and to adjust work tasks to the current place and time of work, and his role in remote work. Thirdly, due to the increased autonomy to plan and perform one’s activities and the absence of factors that externally structure the work process and methods of performing tasks, the importance of self-leadership skills, which include the ability to act independently, plan one’s activities, set goals and achieve them, is highlighted. Finally, the article also presents the practical possibilities of psychological detachment from work, mastery of distance work and self-leadership development in the organization.Nuotoliniam darbui tampant įprasta darbo organizavimo forma, iškyla jo efektyvumą lemiančių veiksnių tyrimų poreikis. Remiantis Europoje ir Lietuvoje atliktais nuotolinio darbo tyrimais, straipsnyje pristatomi nuotolinio darbo ir darbo biure skirtumai, remiantis kuriais išskirti keli efektyviam darbui nuotoliniu būdu svarbūs darbuotojų įgūdžiai. Pirma, dėl dirbant nuotoliniu būdu ilgėjančių darbo valandų ir nuolatinio pasiekiamumo elektroninės komunikacijos ir informacijos priemonėmis aptariami gebėjimo psichologiškai atsiriboti nuo darbo įgūdžiai. Antra, dėl darbo ir asmeninio gyvenimo ribų susiliejimo, jiems vykstant toje pačioje fizinėje erdvėje, pristatomas meistriškumas dirbti nuotoliniu būdu, t. y. gebėjimas pasirinkti darbui tinkamą vietą ir laiką, pakeisti darbo vietą, laiką arba užduotį, jei jie nedera tarpusavyje, ir priderinti darbo užduotis prie esamos darbo vietos ir laiko, ir jo vaidmuo dirbant nuotoliniu būdu. Trečia, dėl padidėjusios autonomijos planuoti ir atlikti savo veiklą bei darbo procesą ir užduočių atlikimo būdus išoriškai struktūruojančių veiksnių nebuvimo išskiriama savilyderystės įgūdžių, apimančių gebėjimus veikti savarankiškai, planuoti savo veiklą, kelti sau tikslus ir jų siekti, svarba. Straipsnyje taip pat pristatomos psichologinio atsiribojimo nuo darbo, meistriškumo dirbti nuotoliniu būdu ir savilyderystės ugdymo organizacijoje praktinės galimybės

    Biochemical Composition of Japanese Quince (<em>Chaenomeles japonica</em>) and Its Promising Value for Food, Cosmetic, and Pharmaceutical Industries

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    Japanese quince (Chaenomeles japonica) is one of the most underutilized plant species that have high nutrient value and a positive impact on human health. Due to the high content of bio-compounds, such as phenols, vitamin C, triterpenes, fibers, essential amino acids, and microelements, the fruits, leaves, and seeds are excellent raw materials for functional food production. In addition, their biochemical composition and anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antibacterial properties expanded their uses in the pharmaceutical field. Moreover, it was demonstrated that quince waste after industrial processing is still valuable and suitable for remanufacturing and developing innovative high value-added products, which can provide economic and ecological benefits. This chapter presents the biochemical composition and possible application of C. japonica cultivars Rasa, Darius, and Rondo. The optimization of processing and extraction parameters was evaluated to increase the extraction efficiency of biologically active compounds and to reduce the extraction time and cost of electricity and environmentally harmful solvents. Moreover, the detailed nutritional and pharmacological value of Japanese quince can help for more selective plant organs application. Our study revealed that cultivars Rasa, Darius, and Rondo are very valuable with many new options for utilization, including food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries

    Namų ir darbo derinimas karantino metu: organizacijos teikiamų atskyrimo išteklių reikšmė psichologiniam atsiribojimui bei darbo ir namų konfliktui

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    When the lockdown was introduced to limit the spread of the coronavirus, many employees were forced to work from home, thus facing challenges to detach from work and balance work and home responsibilities. As physical boundaries between work and non-work became non-existent, organisational norms supporting segmentation between the two domains became more important than ever before. This study aimed to examine the effect of organisational segmentation supplies for psychological detachment and work-home conflict among employees with different boundary management preferences. A sample of 172 employees from one private sector organisation responded to a questionnaire measuring segmentation supplies, segmentation preferences, psychological detachment and work-home conflict. Moderated mediation analysis revealed that segmentation supplies had a protective effect on the work-home conflict, which was partly mediated by psychological detachment. Employees’ segmentation preferences did not moderate this effect. Results show segmentation supplies by the organisation to be a valuable resource when working from home that helps to psychologically detach from work and balance work and home responsibilities even for employees who prefer to integrate work and home life.Dėl koronaviruso plitimo įvedus karantiną ir perėjus prie nuotolinio darbo, daugelis darbuotojų susidūrė su papildomais iššūkiais atsiriboti nuo darbo laisvalaikiu ir derinti atsakomybę darbe ir namuose. Išnykus fizinėms riboms tarp darbo ir namų, svarbesnės nei anksčiau tapo organizacinės normos (atskyrimo ištekliai), palaikančios atskyrimą tarp šių gyvenimo sferų. Šio tyrimo tikslas buvo ištirti organizacinių atskyrimo išteklių efektą psichologiniam atsiribojimui nuo darbo bei darbo ir namų konfliktui tarp darbuotojų, turinčių skirtingas darbo ir namų ribų valdymo preferencijas. 172 vienos privataus sektoriaus organizacijos darbuotojai atsakė į klausimyno, kuriame buvo vertinami atskyrimo ištekliai, atskyrimo preferencijos, psichologinis atsiribojimas bei darbo ir namų konfliktas, klausimus. Moderuota mediacinė analizė atskleidė, kad atskyrimo ištekliai turėjo apsauginį efektą darbo ir namų konfliktui, ir šį efektą iš dalies paaiškino psichologinis atsiribojimas. Darbuotojų darbo ir namų atskyrimo preferencijos šiam poveikiui reikšmės neturėjo. Rezultatai atskleidžia organizacijos teikiamų atskyrimo išteklių vertę dirbant iš namų. Darbo ir namų atskyrimui palankios normos organizacijoje yra sietinos su geresniu psichologiniu atsiribojimu nuo darbo bei mažesniu darbo ir namų konfliktu net ir tarp tų darbuotojų, kuriems priimtiniau šias sritis integruoti

    Pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje patikslinto klausimyno psichometriniai rodikliai

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    Organizational citizenship behaviour is defined as “individual behaviour that is discretionary and not directly or explicitly recognized by the formal reward system and in the aggregate promotes the efficient and effective functioning of the organization” (Organ, Podsakoff, &amp; MacKenzie, 2006). Nowadays it is one of the most widely studied phenomena in the field of organizational science (Podsakoff, Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Maynes, &amp; Spoelma, 2014). Employee citizenship behaviour generates additional value for the organization by creating a positive social environment, improving the use of resources, coordinating activities within and between working groups, enhancingthe organization’s ability to attract and retain the best employees, maintaining organizational stability and adaptabilityto environmental changes. Meanwhile, citizenship behaviour is not widely studied in Lithuania and one ofthe reasons may be a lack of reliable and valid instruments that would correspond to the country’s cultural context.The first version of the Lithuanian twenty-nine items Organizational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) questionnaireincluded dimensions of altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and was developed in 2013 (Bagdžiūnienė,Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Later, in 2014–2016, two studies were carried out with the aim torevise and confirm the structure of the OCB questionnaire and to re-evaluate its psychometric properties.In the first study, a total of 1985 employees from one Lithuanian public sector organization were surveyed online. Ninety-two percent of the respondents were female, the average age of respondents was 45.13 (SD = 10.3) years, with an average of 12.34 (SD = 7.74) years of working experience in the organization. Thirteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) confirmed the five factor structure of the questionnaire; however, nine items with the lowest loadings were removed. The shortened version of the OCB questionnaire consists of five dimensions with four items in each scale. Cronbach’s alphas confirmed the reliability of each scale, the discriminant validity was confirmed by positive correlations between OCB dimensions and inrole behaviour, affective organizational commitment, job satisfaction and negative correlations with the intention to quit. In the second study, 647 employees from different organizations were surveyed online. Seventy-four percent of them were female, the average age of respondents was 30.64 (SD = 10.08) years, with an average of 4.45 (SD = 6.19) years of working experience in the organization. Sixteen percent of the respondents were first-level managers. Thirty-two percent of the respondents were from public and sixty-eight percent from private sector organizations. The five-factor structure was additionally approved by applying CFA in this sample, the invariance of the structure regarding gender, age, and status was also confirmed. Conclusion: The revised OCB questionnaire is a reliable and valid twenty-items multidimensional instrument and is congruent with the classical concept of OCB. It includes five dimensions of employee citizenship behaviour, namely altruism, courtesy, civic virtue, conscientiousness, and initiative. Limitations and practical applications are discussed.Pilietiškas elgesys organizacijoje – savanoriškas, neprivalomas darbuotojų elgesys, kuriuo stiprinami socialiniai ryšiai ir kuriamos palankios veiklai organizacinės aplinkos socialinio konteksto sąlygos. Atsižvelgiant į šio elgesio tyrimų plėtrą užsienio šalyse, kultūrinių skirtumų reikšmę pilietiško elgesio vertinimui ir remiantis Organ (1988) teorine koncepcija, 2013 metais buvo parengtas lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje vertinimo klausimynas. Jį sudarė pilietinio įsitraukimo, pagarbos, pagalbos, iniciatyvos ir sąžiningumo dimensijos, patikrinta metodo struktūra, atlikta preliminari psichometrinių rodiklių analizė (Bagdžiūnienė, Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė ir Urbanavičiūtė, 2013). Šiame straipsnyje pristatomi du nauji tyrimai, kurių tikslas – patikrinti darbuotojų pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje lietuviško klausimyno struktūrą ir įvertinti patikslinto metodo psichometrinius rodiklius. Pirmajame tyrime dalyvavo 1 985, antrajame – 647 darbuotojai. Rezultatai: patvirtinamoji faktorių analizė patvirtino penkių dimensijų metodo struktūrą, galutinę klausimyno versiją sudaro dvidešimt teiginių, patvirtinti skalių suderintumo, išorinio validumo ir kiti psichometriniai rodikliai. Lietuviškasis pilietiško elgesio organizacijoje klausimynas pasižymi geromis psichometrinėmis savybėmis, gali būti taikomas, vykdant tyrimus organizacijose


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    This study focuses on two career development variables: vocational identity and career adaptability. Vocational identity reflects the way an individual defines oneself in a particular occupational area or a career path. Similarly to other forms of identity, it is thought to develop over time. Late adolescence is of an extreme importance in terms of vocational identity formation, as this is the time when high school students start seriously considering their future careers and prepare for the transition from school to higher education or work.Building on the works of J. Kroger and J. Marcia (2011), E. Crocetti et al. (2008), and W. Meeus et al. (1999), at least three identity dimensions can be distinguished: in-depth exploration, commitment, and reconsideration of commitment. They can be analyzed separately or as a combined pattern which reflects the dynamic nature of this construct.Although the above-mentioned identity dimensions are often explored in relation to various socio-demographic variables (for instance, gender or age), it is nonetheless important to look for their psychological or psychosocial correlates.Drawing on the Career Construction Theory, this study focuses, therefore, on the construct of career adaptability (Savickas &amp; Porfeli, 2012) encompassing such adapt-abilities as concern, control, curiosity, and confidence in constructing one’s future career. These are defined as psychosocial resources to cope with occupational transitions and developmental tasks, and are hypotehsized to play a role in the development of adolescents’ vocational identity.The current study had a twofold aim: a) to analyze the inter-relation between high-school students’ vocational identity and socio-demographic variables (gender, age, grade, GPA), and b) to explore the link between vocational identity and career adaptability.In total, 518 high school students took part in the study, of them 40.3% were male and 59.7% were female. Their age ranged from 14 to 19 years (mean, 16.46 years). The respondents filled out a composite questionnaire which included a demographic question list, the Utrecht Management of Identity Commitments Scale (U-MICS; Crocetti et al., 2008), and the Career Adapt-abilities Scale (CAAS; Savickas &amp; Porfeli, 2012).ional identity. However, age was negatively correlated with the commitment dimension, whereas GPA was positively related with it (even after controlling for career adapt-ability). Compared among different grades, 10th grade students the showed strongest vocational identity in terms of commitment.In addition, vocational identity seems to be related to career adapt-ability. Two of the three identity dimensions (in-depth exploration and commitment) positively correlated with all career adapt-abilities, proving the relevance of this psychosocial construct for a better understanding adolescent vocational identity.Socialinių mokslų (psichologija) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarasVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ški darbo, ekonominės, socialinės aplinkos pokyčiai kelia drastiškus iššūkius individų profesinei / karjeros raidai, jų profesiniam tapatumui ir adaptyvumui. Profesinis tapatumas, apibrėždamas individo savasties sampratą pasirinktoje profesijoje, pereina sudėtingą formavimosi kelią paauglystėje, reiškiasi profesinių alternatyvų tyrimu, įsipareigojimą pasirinktai alternatyvai ir įsipareigojimų bei profesinių alternatyvų persvarstymą (Porfeli et al., 2012). Profesinis tapatumas ir karjeros adaptyvumas, kaip teigia M. Savickas (2011, 2012), yra dvi metakompetencijos, kurios leidžia individui adekvačiai reaguoti į aplinkos pokyčius. Šio tyrimo tikslas ir yra ištirti vyresniųjų klasių mokinių profesinio tapatumo raišką ir sąsajas su karjeros adaptyvumu. Tyrime dalyvavo 518 mokinių iš įvairių Lietuvos bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų: 209 vaikinai (40,3 proc.) ir 309 merginos (59,7 proc.). Profesiniam tapatumui ir karjeros adaptyvumui tirti buvo naudojamos Karjeros adaptyvumo skalė (CAAS) ir Utrechto tapatumo skalė (U-MICS). Gauti tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad dvi profesinio tapatumo dimensijos – gilus tyrimas ir įsipareigojimas – teigiamai koreliuoja su visais karjeros adaptyvumo aspektais: gilus tyrimas stipriausiai susijęs su smalsumu, o įsipareigojimas susijęs su domėjimusi. Tyrimas atskleidė, kad nėra lyčių skirtumo profesinio tapatumo raiškoje. Mokinių amžius neigiamai susijęs su įsipareigojimu, tačiau akademinių pasiekimų ir įsipareigojimo koreliacija teigiama


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    Vocational choice, including career planning and decision-making, depends on numerous factors. It has been proven that while abilities, interests, and values are important in this process, it is also essential to examine how a person sees his or her past experience, present situation, and future goals or expectations. It is thought that the so-called time perspective might play a significant role in career planning, because it relates to strategies that are employed when making decisions.While many young people have quite a clear vision of their future and are able to adequately “connect” the past, the present, and the future, the opposite also exists, often leading to negative consequences. For example, holding to the “living now and here” principle relates to a less thoughtful planning which, in turn, might lead to poor career decisions. Studies on time perspective and career planning are not very frequent; however, an in-depth exploration of these variables might provide a valuable insight into the process of career choice.This study was aimed to explore student career planning in different time perspective clusters. In total, 379 respondents participated in the study (203 high school students and 176 university undergraduates). Two career planning variables reflecting the perceived career planning abilities were measured in the study: 1) career adaptabilities were measured in the high school students’ subsample and 2) career decision self-efficacy was measured in the undergraduates subsample. All respondents were asked to fill out a self-report questionnaire comprised of career adaptabilities / career decision self-efficacy and time perspective scales.The results have revealed five time perspective clusters that encompass five different time perspectives and reflect a pattern in a person’s relation to time (such as “positive-experience-oriented”, “extremely future-oriented”, “neutral”, etc.). Referring to the cluster composition, statistically significant gender differences were found in the high school students’ subsample only. In the students’ subsample, gender distribution did not differ significantly across clusters. Moreover, statistically significant differences were found regarding career adaptabilities in the high school students’ subsample, those in the “positive-experience-oriented” and “extremely future-oriented” clusters demonstrating significantly higher career adaptability scores. Considerably less differences in career decision self-efficacy were found across the clusters in the undergraduate subsample. According to the results, only self-appraisal and goal selection self-efficacy seem to be higher among the respondents that fall into the “extremely future-oriented” and “neutral” clusters.Socialinių mokslų (psichologija) daktarasVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT- 01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarėLietuvos edukologijos universiteto Psichologijos didaktikos katedraStudentų g. 39, LT-08106 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Bendrosios psichologijos katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT- 01513 VilniusEl. paštas: [email protected]ų mokslų (psichologija) daktarėKlaipėdos universiteto Psichologijos katedraS. Nėries g. 5, LT-92227 KlaipėdaEl. paštas: [email protected] planavimas ir sprendimų priėmimas renkantis profesiją priklauso ne tik nuo gabumų, interesų, vertybių, bet ir nuo to, kaip asmuo atsižvelgia į savo praeities patyrimą, ateities tikslus ir lūkesčius. Šio tyrimo tikslas – ištirti mokinių ir studentų karjeros planavimo gebėjimų ypatumus (karjeros adaptyvumą ir karjeros sprendimų savaveiksmingumą) skirtinguose laiko perspektyvos klasteriuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 203 vyresniųjų klasių mokiniai ir 176 bakalauro pakopos studentai. Remiantis gautais tyrimų rezultatais, buvo išskirti penki laiko perspektyvomis grįsti klasteriai. Nustatyti statistiškai reikšmingi mokinių karjeros adaptyvumo ir studentų karjeros sprendimų savaveiksmingumo skirtumai tarp į skirtingus klasterius patekusių asmenų leidžia naujai pažvelgti į jaunų žmonių karjeros planavimo ypatumus ir parodo, kad laiko perspektyva dažnai nepelnytai pamirštama karjeros tyrimuose

    Meistriškumo dirbti strategijų vaidmuo išsekimo ir darbo išteklių sąsajoms: pedagogų imties tyrimas

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    Exhaustion at work is defined as a state of intensive physical, emotional and cognitive strain (Demerouti et al., 2001). Being related to physical and psycho­logical health impairment (Hakkanen &amp; Schaufeli, 2012), lower performance (Bakker &amp; Heuven, 2006; Taris, 2006) and turnover (Schaufeli, Bakker, &amp; Van Rhenen, 2009), its antecedents have widely attracted researchers’ attention. One of the most prominent theoretical frameworks for analyzing exhaustion is the Job Demands-Resources Model, which is developed by Bakker and Demerouti (2007; 2014). The model states that it’s the disbalance betweeb job demands and job resources that lead to higher levels of exhaustion. Not surprisingly, most of the interventions are aimed at increasng job resources (Leiter &amp; Maslach, 2014). Moreover, lately, the proactive role of the employee (i. e., job crafting) in shaping his/her working envi­ronment has been recognized (Tims &amp; Bakker, 2010; Wrzesniewski &amp; Dutton, 2001). However, the empiri­cal data on the interaction between job resources and job crafting is still lacking. Therefore, the study was conducted with the aim to determine the role of job crafting in the relationship betweeb job resources and exhaustion.A total of 341 teachers from various state schools in Lithuania were surveyed. Ninety two percent of the respondents were female, eight percent were male. The average age of respondents was 46.36 (SD = 10.64) years, with the average of 23.59 (SD = 11.16) years of working experience. Most of the respondents (85%) had higher education.The analysis revealed job crafting to moderate the relationship between job resources and exhaustion. More precisely, job resources were negatively related to exhaustion when employees engaged in particular job crafting strategies. The results of the study showed that autonomy, the opportunity to develop and social support were related to lower exhaustion only when the teachers had increased structural job resources, that is, when they tried to use their capacities to the fullest in developing professionally and learning new things at work. Moreoever, autonomy and social sup­port negatively predicted exhaustion when employees aimed at increasing challenging demands. In other words, flexibility in the planning and execution of one’s job and being able to ask colleagues for help and support was related to lower levels of exhaustion only when teachers regularly took on extra tasks, tried to make their work more challenging and proactively offered themselves for interesting projects. In general, the results of the study highlight the importance of the proactive behavior of employees in using job resources to diminish exhaustion.&nbsp;Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kurio tikslas – nustatyti darbo išteklių ir meistriškumo dirbti strategijų sąveiką prognozuojant išsekimą darbe. Tyrime dalyvavo 341 pedagogas iš įvairių Lietuvos mokyklų. Tyrimas parodė, kad meistriškumo dirbti strategijų taikymas moderuoja darbo išteklių ir išsekimo darbe sąsajas. Autonomijos, galimybės tobulėti ir kolegų paramos ištekliai yra susiję su mažesniu išsekimu tik tada, kai pedagogai siekia didinti struktūrinius išteklius, t. y. ugdyti ir panaudoti darbe savo gebėjimus. Be to, nustatyta, kad autonomija ir kolegų parama taip pat susijusi su mažesniu išsekimu, kai darbuotojai siekia iššūkių savo darbe, t. y. apie atsiradusias naujoves sužino ir jas išbando, imasi papildomų užduočių ir naujų projektų, patys pasisiūlo prisidėti prie naujų veiklų

    Lietuviškoji psichologinės gerovės skalė: struktūros paieškos studentų imtyje

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    This article presents an analysis of the Lithuanian Psychological Well-Being Scale (LPGS) structure in a student sample and addresses both theoretical and empirical issues related to its development. Psycholo­gical well-being is considered to be a broad construct reflecting a subjective evaluation of our lives in certain domains or on the whole. However, theoretical expla­nations of this phenomenon are somewhat vague and often lack consensus on definitions and classification of well-being domains, subsequently resulting in rat­her diverse approaches to their empirical evaluation. The rationale for the development of the LPGS is based on the following principles: first, the mul­tidimensionality of the construct (it is assumed that psychological well-being encompasses at least several different domains); second, the necessity to take into account characteristic features of the target population in order to produce a valid Lithuanian instrument; and finally, the empirical investigation approach, i.e. the application of empirical findings for the theoretical explanation of psychological well-being. In total, 461 university students took part in the study (68.8 % female, 31% male, 0.2% non-identified; M&nbsp;=&nbsp;22.6 years). After conducting exploratory factor analysis and parallel analysis, 91 item was retained and the following subscales were distinguished: Global satisfaction with life and oneself as a person, Negative emotionality, Purposefulness in life, Satis­faction with interpersonal relationships, Satisfaction with family relationships, Satisfaction with the living standards, Satisfaction with physical health, Percei­ved control, Satisfaction with life in Lithuania. In this study, the LPGS has proven to have adequate psychometric properties. The above-mentioned nine subscales account for 53.7 percent of total variance. The internal consistency test has revealed average to very high subscale reliability, Cronbach alphas ranging from 0.67 (Satisfaction with life in Lithuania) to 0.95 (Global satisfaction with life and oneself as a person).These results provide valuable insight into the dimensionality of psychological well-being in the Lithuanian university student sample. However, more empirical evidence is necessary in order to identify a clear factor structure, and to cross-validate the initial findings in a wider population.Straipsnyje pristatoma Lietuviškosios psichologinės gerovės skalės (LPGS), sudarytos iš 91 teiginio, atspindinčio pasitenkinimą įvairiomis gyvenimo sritimis, analizė pasitelkus studentų imtį. Surinkus empirinius duomenis (N = 461) ir atlikus faktorių analizę, išskirtos devynios psichologinės gerovės subskalės: Pasitenkinimo gyvenimu ir savimi, Neigiamo emocingumo, Tikslingumo, Pasitenkinimo tarpasmeniniais santykiais, Pasitenkinimo šeima ir artimaisiais, Pasitenkinimo pragyvenimo lygiu, Pasitenkinimo fizine sveikata, Kontrolės, Pasitenkinimo gyvenimu Lietuvoje. Šios subskalės paaiškina 53,7 proc. dispersijos, o vidinis jų suderinamumas yra pakankamas – nuo 0,67 (Pasitenkinimas gyvenimu Lietuvoje) iki 0,95 (Pasitenkinimas gyvenimu ir savimi)

    The psychological antecedents of career goal setting among university students

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    Career planning is a highly researched area. The most popular topics include the analysis of career planning, career choice, goal setting processes etc. Still there is an open question which psychological factors could be crucial for the smooth entry into the labour market. Our research aims to explore the peculiarities of career planning which takes place between two important events: after entering the system of higher education, but before entering the labour market. The research focuses on the analysis of the interrelation between the intention to continue a chosen career path and three independent variables: satisfaction with career choice, academic self-efficacy, and profession related beliefs. Theoretically, our research is based on the principles of Social Cognitive Career Theory. The questionnaire was administered in a sample of 178 undergraduate university students. The statistical analysis has shown a statistically significant relation between the intentions to continue chosen career path, satisfaction with career choice and career related beliefs. Hierarchical regression analysis confirms the significance of the satisfaction with career choice and career related beliefs to the intention to continue a chosen career path. On the contrary, no significant relation between academic self-efficacy and career intentions was found. The results provide basis for further theoretical and practical implications in career counselling field, and set guidelines of possible future research. Keywords: career decision making, self-efficacy, career goal setting, social cognitive career theory.Karjeros planavimo ypatumai bei profesijos pasirinkimas – mokslinėje literatūroje dažnai nagrinėjamos temos. Nepaisant tyrimų gausos ir įvairovės klausimas, kokie psichologiniai veiksniai svarbūs individui įeinant į darbo rinką, lieka itin aktualus. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjami individo karjeros planavimo ypatumai baigus vidurinę mokyklą, tačiau dar neįsitraukus į darbo rinką. Pagrindinis tyrimo tikslas – išnagrinėti individo profesinių tikslų, susijusių su pasirinkta specialybe, kėlimo prielaidas minėtuoju laikotarpiu. Straipsnyje analizuojama, kaip profesinių tikslų kėlimas yra susijęs su pasitenkinimu pasirinkta profesija, akademiniu saviveiksmingumu ir individo profesijos nuostatomis, bei kaip minėti kintamieji leidžia prognozuoti individo profesinių tikslų kėlimo ypatumus. Keldami tyrimo teorines prielaidas bei interpretuodami gautus rezultatus, remiamės socialine kognityvine karjeros teorija (angl. Social Cognitive Career Theory). Tyrimo tipas: anketinė apklausa. Imtis: 178 respondentai (bakalauro pakopos studentai). Duomenys buvo analizuojami taikant hierarchinės regresijos metodą. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog pasitenkinimas profesija bei profesijos nuostatos statistiškai reikšmingai siejasi su profesinių tikslų kėlimu. Geriausiai tolesnių profesinių tikslų kėlimą leidžia prognozuoti pasitenkinimas pasirinkta profesija: kuo jis didesnis, tuo labiau individo tolesni profesiniai tikslai susiję su studijuojama specialybe. Antrasis pagal svarbumą veiksnys – teigiamos individo profesijos nuostatos. Tačiau, priešingai vienai iš tyrimo hipotezių, tarp akademinio saviveiksmingumo ir profesinių tikslų kėlimo statistiškai reikšmingas ryšys nebuvo nustatytas. Gauti rezultatai turi tiek teorinės, tiek praktinės reikšmės bei nubrėžia gaires tolesniems šios srities tyrimams