9,393 research outputs found

    Lobster Eye X-ray optics for astrophysics: Recent status

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    X-ray optics in Lobster Eye arrangement represent promising complementary device to narrow field X-ray optics in common use. We present briefly recent status of design, developments, and tests of X-ray optics including Lobster Eye modules developed and tested within recent space project

    Automated Reasoning and Presentation Support for Formalizing Mathematics in Mizar

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    This paper presents a combination of several automated reasoning and proof presentation tools with the Mizar system for formalization of mathematics. The combination forms an online service called MizAR, similar to the SystemOnTPTP service for first-order automated reasoning. The main differences to SystemOnTPTP are the use of the Mizar language that is oriented towards human mathematicians (rather than the pure first-order logic used in SystemOnTPTP), and setting the service in the context of the large Mizar Mathematical Library of previous theorems,definitions, and proofs (rather than the isolated problems that are solved in SystemOnTPTP). These differences poses new challenges and new opportunities for automated reasoning and for proof presentation tools. This paper describes the overall structure of MizAR, and presents the automated reasoning systems and proof presentation tools that are combined to make MizAR a useful mathematical service.Comment: To appear in 10th International Conference on. Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation AISC 201

    Geometric phases of scattering states in a ring geometry: adiabatic pumping in mesoscopic devices

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    Geometric phases of scattering states in a ring geometry are studied based on a variant of the adiabatic theorem. Three time scales, i.e., the adiabatic period, the system time and the dwell time, associated with adiabatic scattering in a ring geometry plays a crucial role in determining geometric phases, in contrast to only two time scales, i.e., the adiabatic period and the dwell time, in an open system. We derive a formula connecting the gauge invariant geometric phases acquired by time-reversed scattering states and the circulating (pumping) current. A numerical calculation shows that the effect of the geometric phases is observable in a nanoscale electronic device.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Hyperpolarized xenon nuclear spins detected by optical atomic magnetometry

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    We report the use of an atomic magnetometer based on nonlinear magneto-optical rotation with frequency modulated light (FM NMOR) to detect nuclear magnetization of xenon gas. The magnetization of a spin-exchange-polarized xenon sample (1.71.7 cm3^3 at a pressure of 55 bar, natural isotopic abundance, polarization 1%), prepared remotely to the detection apparatus, is measured with an atomic sensor (which is insensitive to the leading field of 0.45 G applied to the sample; an independent bias field at the sensor is 140μ140 \muG). An average magnetic field of 10\sim 10 nG induced by the xenon sample on the 10-cm diameter atomic sensor is detected with signal-to-noise ratio 10\sim 10, limited by residual noise in the magnetic environment. The possibility of using modern atomic magnetometers as detectors of nuclear magnetic resonance and in magnetic resonance imaging is discussed. Atomic magnetometers appear to be ideally suited for emerging low-field and remote-detection magnetic resonance applications.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Reconstruction of modified gravity with ghost dark energy models

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    In this work, we reconstruct the f(R)f(R) modified gravity for different ghost and generalized ghost dark energy models in FRW flat universe, which describe the accelerated expansion of the universe. The equation of state of reconstructed f(R)f(R) - gravity has been calculated. We show that the corresponding f(R)f(R) gravity of ghost dark energy model can behave like phantom or quintessence. We also show that the equation of state of reconstructed f(R)f(R) gravity for generalized ghost model can transit from quintessence regime to the phantom regime as indicated by recent observations.Comment: 13 pages, some references and one author are added. Accepted for publication by MPL

    A framework for community curation of interspecies interactions literature

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    The quantity and complexity of data being generated and published in biology has increased substantially, but few methods exist for capturing knowledge about phenotypes derived from molecular interactions between diverse groups of species, in such a way that is amenable to data-driven biology and research. To improve access to this knowledge, we have constructed a framework for the curation of the scientific literature studying interspecies interactions, using data curated for the Pathogen–Host Interactions database (PHI-base) as a case study. The framework provides a curation tool, phenotype ontology, and controlled vocabularies to curate pathogen–host interaction data, at the level of the host, pathogen, strain, gene, and genotype. The concept of a multispecies genotype, the ‘metagenotype,’ is introduced to facilitate capturing changes in the disease-causing abilities of pathogens, and host resistance or susceptibility, observed by gene alterations. We report on this framework and describe PHI-Canto, a community curation tool for use by publication authors

    Connectivity and growth: Financial centres in investment banking networks

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    We investigate the effect of urban network connectivity on the growth of financial centres. While existing research recognizes the importance of network connectivity to firms, clusters as well as city-regions, large sample empirical evidence is currently scarce, particularly in the context of financial services. We contribute to this debate by studying underwriting of equity and debt securities, which represent some of the core activities of financial centres. We operationalise our analysis using a proprietary dataset collated from Dealogic Equity Capital Market and Debt Capital Market databases covering over 1.7 million interactions of investment banks with issuers across 540 cities globally during the 1993–2016 period. We estimate our regression equations using the System Generalized Method of Moments estimator, which allows us to obtain consistent coefficient estimates on potentially endogenous regressors, including network connectivity variables. We identify a clear pattern of positive association between network centrality of financial centres and their growth. We distinguish between intra-city and inter-city network connectivity and find that financial centres with a larger number of intercity network ties and assortative intra-city networks grow faster, while intra-city network density does not appear to affect financial centre growth. Our results on inter-city network ties are broadly consistent with established knowledge on cluster networks. In contrast, our findings on financial centres’ intra-city networks contradict previous research, which suggests that dense and disassortative intra-cluster networks aid economic performance of cluster