101 research outputs found


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    The subject of this paper is the analysis and evaluation of the reasons for construction costs increases in urban regeneration projects. The analysis considers major refurbishments of real estates’, as well as heavy repair and modernization of the road system. For the period mentioned, the costs from works and expenditure schedules were compared with the costs of additional works, which shows the percentage cost increase in relation to initial project budget assumptions of the case study. The analysis revealed that due to difficulties in assessing technical state of inhabited buildings, the investor and potential contractor should pay special attention to the character of issues presented in this paper, taking into account an increased risk of their occurrence

    Digital media in soil education

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    Teaching soil science as a part of geography subject is crucial, because students learn not only about soil properties, but also about conscious and rational use of the soil resources. Nowadays digital media play increasingly important role in education and can be employed both in geography classes and soil science. The article aims at comparing various multimedia tools used as a support in teaching on soil science and evaluation of trends concerning the use of these methods in education. The use of ICT during lessons should be purposeful, therefore a need arises to develop strategies on effective use of multimedia and methodological guidance in specific teaching situations. Social media and virtual reality games have changed the way young people perceive the real world, and this includes education. Thus, it is of value to attempt employing role-playing and elements of gamification in teaching soil science and geography lessons

    Kinetics of cold crystallization in two liquid crystalline fluorinated homologues exhibiting the vitrified smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase

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    Dielectric relaxation processes in the supercooled antiferroelectric smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase and crystallization kinetics of two chiral fluorinated 5HF6 and 6HF6 compounds from the same homologous series are investigated. Fragility parameters are determined from the relaxation time of the α-process, including τHN\tau_{HN} from the Havriliak-Negami formula and τpeak\tau_{peak} denoting the position of the absorption peak. The coupling coefficient ξ\xi between the characteristic time of isothermal cold crystallization and relaxation time of the α-process is obtained. Despite similar values of the fragility index, the even 6HF6 homologue undergoes cold crystallization much faster than the odd 5HF6 homologue, with significantly different ξ\xi coefficients. Influence of the relaxation time of the PHP_{H} process (anti-phase phason) in the smectic CA{C_{A}}^{*} phase on the crystallization kinetics is presumed

    Zmiana jakości życia po zabiegu rekonstrukcji piersi

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    Mimo że liczba kobiet w Polsce zainteresowanych rekonstrukcją piersi po amputacji stale wzrasta, nadal pozostaje niska. Coraz częściej zaleca się leczenie oszczędzające pierś, więc mniej pacjentek poddaje się mastektomii, jednak okaleczający zabieg amputacji nadal w wielu przypadkach jest konieczny. Znaczna część pacjentek w krótszym lub dłuższym odstępie czasu zwróci się z pytaniem o możliwość rekonstrukcji piersi. Wiele z nich od samego początku oczekuje rekonstrukcji utraconej piersi po zakończonym leczeniu onkologicznym. W tej sytuacji rodzi się pytanie, czemu zabieg ten jest rzadko przeprowadzany, skoro dostępne badania pokazują istotną poprawę jakości życia po zabiegu odtworzenia piersi. Badania jakości życia udowadniają, że kobiety z odtworzoną piersią są bardziej aktywne zawodowo i społecznie, zainteresowane otaczającym je światem oraz chętniej nawiązujące kontakty z ludźmi. Efekty te nie są wynikiem jednej metody rekonstrukcyjnej — uzyskana poprawa jakości życia we wszystkich aspektach jest taka sama dla wszystkich metod. W procesie leczenia chorej z rakiem piersi lekarz rodzinny/ pierwszego kontaktu ma do spełnienia bardzo ważną rolę. Powinien informować, przekonywać i kierować pacjentkę do ośrodków chirurgii plastycznej zajmujących się zabiegami rekonstrukcji piersi. W pracy autorzy przedstawiają wpływ odtworzenia piersi na poprawę jakości życia pacjentek. Forum Medycyny Rodzinnej 2011, tom 5, nr 5, 414–41

    Environmental Threats and Geographical Education: Students’ Sustainability Awareness—Evaluation

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    Teaching geography creates an opportunity for the transfer of knowledge about environmental problems and ways of solving them. Teachers from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Turkey, and the United Kingdom indicated strengths and weaknesses of physical geography as well as the selected geographical concepts of: Maps/Cartography, Astronomy/The Earth in the Universe, Atmosphere, Hydrosphere, Endogenic processes, Exogenic processes, and Soils and biosphere. There was a variety in how confident students were around these topic areas. The main types of difficulties identified by the study were: too little time for implementation, difficult terminology, and lack of tools for the proper transfer of knowledge. Moreover, the attractiveness of individual issues for students also varies. The research clearly shows that students lack an awareness of problems related to the environment. There are considerable differences between the level of students’ knowledge about climate change or air and water pollution (relatively high awareness of global warming) and issues related to soil and vegetation cover (low awareness of soil depletion, soil pollution, changing the boundaries of the occurrence of plant zones, etc.). To make people aware of the importance of environment, we should take care of education in relation to global challenge and sustainable development

    Investigation of chiral smectic phases and conformationally disordered crystal phases of the liquid crystalline 3F5FPhH6 compound partially fluorinated at the terminal chain and rigid core

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    Complementary methods are applied to investigate the phase transitions and crystallization kinetics of the liquid crystalline compound denoted as 3F5FPhH6. Two crystal phases are confirmed, and one of them is the conformationally disordered (CONDIS) phase. Complexity of the melt crystallization process is revealed by the analysis with Friedman’s isoconversional method. The melt crystallization of 3F5FPhH6 shows different mechanisms depending on temperature, which is explained by the relation between the thermodynamic driving force and the thermal energy of translational degrees of freedom. The studied compound crystallizes even during fast cooling (30 K/min), unlike similar compounds with different fluorosubstitutions of the benzene ring, which form the smectic glass for moderate cooling rates. The tendency to vitrification of the smectic phase decreases apparently with the decreasing stability width of the SmCASmC_{A}* phase and the increasing relaxation time of the collective relaxation process in this phase, at least for homologues differing from 3F5FPhH6 only by the type of fluorosubstitution

    Asciminib stands out as the superior tyrosine kinase inhibitor to combine with anti-CD20 monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of CD20+ Philadelphia-positive B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia in preclinical models

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    Philadelphia chromosome-positive B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (Ph+ BCPALL) is a high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia subtype characterized by the presence of BCR::ABL1 fusion gene. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) combined with chemotherapy are established as the first-line treatment. Additionally, rituximab (RTX), an anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody (mAb) is administered in adult BCP-ALL patients with ≥20% of CD20+ blasts. In this study, we observed a marked prevalence of CD20 expression in patients diagnosed with Ph+ BCP-ALL, indicating a potential widespread clinical application of RTX in combination with TKIs. Consequently, we examined the influence of TKIs on the antitumor effectiveness of anti-CD20 mAbs by evaluating CD20 surface levels and conducting in vitro functional assays. All tested TKIs were found to uniformly downregulate CD20 on leukemic cells, diminishing the efficacy of RTX-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity. Interestingly, these TKIs displayed varied effects on NK cell-mediated antibody-dependent cytotoxicity and macrophage phagocytic function. While asciminib demonstrated no inhibition of effector cell functions, dasatinib notably suppressed the anti-CD20-mAb-mediated NK cell cytotoxicity and macrophage phagocytosis of BCP-ALL cells. Dasatinib and ponatinib also decreased NK cell degranulation in vitro. Importantly, oral administration of dasatinib, but not asciminib, compromised NK cell activity within patients' blood, determined by ex vivo degranulation assay. Our results indicate that asciminib might be preferred over other TKIs for combination therapy with anti-CD20 mAbs