362 research outputs found


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    The aim of the present paper is to provide empirical support for the hypothesis that Brazilians, especially those situated at the top of the social scale, in a great deal, do not recognize the form of the Brazilian income distribution and its high degree of inequality.

    Classifying structural alterations of the cytoskeleton by spectrum enhancement and descriptor fusion.

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    A classifier capable of ranking structural alterations of the cytoskeleton is developed. Images of cytoskeletal microtubules obtained from the epifluorescence microscopy of primary culture rat hepatocytes are analyzed. Morphological descriptors are extracted by contour and mass fractal analysis, direct methods, and spectrum enhancement. All methods are designed and tuned to make the extracted morphological descriptors insensitive to absolute fluorescence intensities. Spectrum enhancement is a nonlinear filter that involves spatial differentiation of the gray-scale image followed by conversion of power spectral density to the logarithmic scale and averaging over arcs in the reciprocal domain. Enhanced spectra exhibit local maxima that correspond to the structured microtubule bundles of a normal cytoskeleton. Descriptor fusion for classification is achieved by means of multivariate analysis. The classifier is trained by image sets representing normal ("negative control") microtubules and those altered by exposure to a fungicide at the highest dose of the experiment design. Some sensitivity and validation tests, including discriminant functions analysis, are applied to the classifier. The latter is applied to recognize images of microtubules not used in the training stage and comes from treatments at lower concentrations and shorter times. As a result, structural alterations are ranked and structural recovery after treatment is quantified. The method has potential use in quantitative, morphology-based tests on the cytoskeleton treated either by anticancer drugs or by cytotoxic agents

    Jornada de trabalho, salários e absorção de mão-de-obra na indústria de transformação brasileira: 1981-1990

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    "Este trabalho é de inteira responsabilidade de seu autor. As opiniões nele emitidas não exprimem, necessariamente, o ponto de vista do BNDES."Bibliografia: p. 321. Introdução -- 2. Características gerais -- 2.1. Número de pessoas ocupadas -- 2.2. Número total de horas trabalhadas -- 2.3. Jornada de trabalho -- 2.4. Rendimentos -- 2.5. Síntese -- 3. Nível de escolaridade -- 3.1. Ocupação -- 3.2. Jornada de trabalho -- 3.3. Rendimentos -- 3.4. Síntese -- 4. Posição na ocupação -- 4.1. Ocupação -- 4.2. Jornada de trabalho -- 4.3. Rendimentos -- 4.4. Síntese -- 5. Conclusão – Apêndice -- A.1. Desagregação por subsetores da indústria -- A.2. Problemas de compatibilização dos dados da PNAD com os da Pesquisa Industria

    Socially withdrawn young people: how do child and adolescent psychotherapists understand and experience working with them in a London mental health context? An interpretative phenomenological analysis.

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    This research project aimed at learning more about adolescents and young adults who withdraw into their rooms away from society, in the eyes of the child and adolescent psychotherapists who work with them. The study explored this concept, first identified in Japan as ‘hikikomori’ (shutting in), in a UK context, where it is rapidly growing, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, and it is increasingly coming to the attention of mental health services. The aim of the project was to investigate child and adolescent psychotherapists’ understanding and lived experiences of working with withdrawn young people in order to begin to contribute to a knowledgebase around this topic that can hopefully, with further research, have implications for future clinical services in Great Britain. The study incorporates firstly a review of the literature and secondly an empirical project that took place in two London-based mental health settings in the form of four semi-structured interviews with Child and Adolescent Psychotherapists who had clinical experience of working with withdrawn young people. The interviews were analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis and five main themes emerged: ‘the who and the what’, ‘contributing factors’, ‘a retreat from life’, ‘an entrenched problem’, and ‘the road to recovery’. These themes and their subthemes were explored in relation to empirical studies in the literature and psychoanalytic theories on ‘psychic retreats’ and on adolescence. The implications of the findings were considered and recommendations made

    Composição da dívida e efeitos patrimoniais de câmbio nas empresas brasileiras

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Departamento de Economia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia, 2016.Neste trabalho é analisada a interação entre o ambiente macroeconômico e as decisões individuais das firmas desde a livre flutuação do câmbio em 19991999. Num primeiro momento, estima-se a influência do ambiente macroeconômico na estrutura da dívida das firmas. É possível ver que o fator de maior importância para que firmas possam obter endividamento de longo prazo e endividamento em moeda estrangeira é o tamanho das mesmas. Isto é, empresas maiores têm mais acesso ao mercado de crédito de longo prazo e ao mercado de crédito estrangeiro. Em seguida, estima-se os efeitos patrimoniais das variações cambiais, com base no investimento realizado pelas empresas. Os efeitos não são significantes, mas tornam-se negativos e altamente significantes ao se inserir um controle para exportação e importação a nível setorial. Ao controlar para imperfeições nos mercados de capitais, usando a medida Q de Tobin, os resultados voltam a ser insignificantes, apontando que outros fatores podem ser mais importantes nas decisões das firmas nacionais.In this work we focus on the interaction between the macroeconomic environment and firms individual decisions since Brazil started a free-float regime in 1999. In a first moment, we estimate the influence of the macroeconomic environment inf firms debt structure. It is possible to observe that the major factor influencing that firms obtain long terms financing or financing in foreign currency is the size of the firms. In other words, larger firms have more access to long term and external credit than smaller ones. The following step was to estimate exchange rate balance sheet effects observing firms investment. The results are inconclusive in a first estimation, but became negative and highly significant when controlled for exportation and importation. However, those same results turned to be inconclusive again when controlled for capital market imperfections using the Tobin’s Q, witch indicates that there are other factors playing a more important role in firms decisions

    Escritura geosimbólica en Vereda del norte (1937), de José U. Escobar, novela queer de la frontera norte mexicana

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    The novel by the multifaceted Mexican writer José U. Escobar (1889-1958) remained unpublished for more than half a century. Vereda del norte, composed around 1937 in Ciudad Juárez and published in 2005, is a key work of both northern Mexico’s border literature and the homoerotic literary tradition of Latin America. This paper analyzes the novel from four aspects: the affective ties of the main couple, the homoerotic geosymbols, the political stance of historical fiction, and the tradition of queer writing in the border area of Ciudad Juárez-El Paso.La novela Vereda del norte, del polifacético escritor mexicano José U. Escobar (1889-1958), se mantuvo inédita por más de medio siglo. Compuesta hacia 1937 en Ciudad Juárez y publicada en 2005, es una pieza clave de las letras norfronterizas mexicanas, particularmente, y de la literatura homoerótica latinoamericana, en general. El presente artículo analiza el texto mencionado a partir de cuatro ejes de estudio: los lazos afectivos de la pareja protagónica, los geosímbolos homoeróticos, el posicionamiento político desde la ficción histórica y la tradición de la escritura queer en la zona fronteriza de Ciudad Juárez-El Paso

    Anthropological utopia of the new kingdom of San Francisco: Fray Marcos de Niza and the american dream

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    La topografía y cartografía del septentrión novohispano sedujeron a exploradores, navegantes y evangelizadores dispuestos a hallar su bagaje y propensiones en un terreno desconocido, en el actual norte de México. Fray Marcos de Niza sobresale de entre sus coetáneos, ya que su expedición recoge mitos y leyendas de ciudades maravillosas sobre las que la administración virreinal requería certificaciones y juramentos. La experiencia del franciscano en ambos polos continentales y, sobre todo, su formación religiosa de raigambre medieval sustentan un viaje que vislumbró, paradójicamente, las ultimidades de la historia en el Nuevo Mundo. Su “Relación”, muchas veces leída como un falso testimonio, guarda entre líneas un correlato místico cifrado en el Apocalipsis. Fray Marcos entrevió un Nuevo Reino de San Francisco poblado por tribus que parecían coincidir con las profecías de san Juan. Esta voluntad reduccionista devino en una utopía propicia para la diplomacia entre naciones y la conversión al catolicismo. El sueño americano del misionero debe enmarcarse bajo la ilusión de una metrópoli que vaticinaba la parusía de Cristo en la antesala de un nuevo milenio.The Northern Novohispanic topography and cartography seduced explorers, sailors and missionaries willing to find their background and inclinations over an unknown land that nowadays is the north of Mexico. Fray Marcos de Niza stands out among his contemporaries due to his expedition, which gathers myths and legends from marvelous cities that the Viceregal administration required certifications and oaths. The Franciscan vast experience in both continental poles and especially his medieval religious roots, sustained a journey that paradoxically took a glimpse of the last period of the History of the New World. His Relation, though many times taken as a false testimony, preserves scattered between lines a mystical correlate encoded in the Apocalypse. Fray Marcos distinguished a New Kingdom of San Francisco inhabited by tribes that seemed to concur with Saint John’s prophecies. This reductionist willingness resulted in a utopia that was suitable for the diplomacy between nations and the conversion to Catholicism. The missionary’s American dream must be demarcated under the illusion of a metropolis that predicted the Parousia of Christ just before the arrival of a new millennium

    The acute effects of daily nicotine intake on heart rate--a toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic modelling study.

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    Abstract Joint physiologically-based toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic (PBTK/TD) modelling was applied to simulate concentration–time profiles of nicotine, a well-known stimulant, in the human body following single and repeated dosing. Both kinetic and dynamic models were first calibrated by using in vivo literature data for the Caucasian population. The models were then used to estimate the blood and liver concentrations of nicotine in terms of the Area Under Curve (AUC) and the peak concentration (Cmax) for selected exposure scenarios based on inhalation (cigarette smoking), oral intake (nicotine lozenges) and dermal absorption (nicotine patches). The model simulations indicated that whereas frequent cigarette smoking gives rise to high AUC and Cmax in blood, the use of nicotine-rich dermal patches leads to high AUC and Cmax in the liver. Venous blood concentrations were used to estimate one of the most common acute effects, mean heart rate, both at rest and during exercise. These estimations showed that cigarette smoking causes a high peak heart rate, whereas dermal absorption causes a high mean heart rate over 48 h. This study illustrates the potential of using PBTK/TD modelling in the safety assessment of nicotine-containing products