32 research outputs found

    Producing Scheduling that Causes Concurrent Programs to Fail

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    A noise maker is a tool that seeds a concurrent program with conditional synchronization primitives (such as yield()) for the purpose of increasing the likelihood that a bug manifest itself. This work explores the theory and practice of choosing where in the program to induce such thread switches at runtime. We introduce a novel fault model that classifies locations as .good., .neutral., or .bad,. based on the effect of a thread switch at the location. Using the model we explore the terms in which efficient search for real-life concurrent bugs can be carried out. We accordingly justify the use of probabilistic algorithms for this search and gain a deeper insight of the work done so far on noise-making. We validate our approach by experimenting with a set of programs taken from publicly available multi-threaded benchmark. Our empirical evidence demonstrates that real-life behavior is similar to what our model predicts

    Benchmark and Framework for Encouraging Research on Multi-Threaded Testing Tools

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    A problem that has been getting prominence in testing is that of looking for intermittent bugs. Multi-threaded code is becoming very common, mostly on the server side. As there is no silver bullet solution, research focuses on a variety of partial solutions. In this paper (invited by PADTAD 2003) we outline a proposed project to facilitate research. The project goals are as follows. The first goal is to create a benchmark that can be used to evaluate different solutions. The benchmark, apart from containing programs with documented bugs, will include other artifacts, such as traces, that are useful for evaluating some of the technologies. The second goal is to create a set of tools with open API s that can be used to check ideas without building a large system. For example an instrumentor will be available, that could be used to test temporal noise making heuristics. The third goal is to create a focus for the research in this area around which a community of people who try to solve similar problems with different techniques, could congregate

    Off-The-Shelf Vs. Custom Made Coverage Models, Which Is The One for You?

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    We compare the benefits and costs of using off-the-shelf coverage tools vs. application specific coverage tools. We start with an overview of coverage, its benefits and its risks. We elaborate on relatively unfamiliar functional coverage as a way to create custom made coverage models. We explain what functional coverage models are, how to create them and their great benefits with an example from our experience. We provide guidelines on how to decide if coverage should be used at all and whether code based or functional coverage (or both) should be used. 1 Introduction Testing is one of the biggest problems of the software industry. The cost of testing is usually between 4080 % of the development process (70% for Microsoft) as compared with less than 20% for the coding itself [4]. The practice of letting the users find the bugs and fixing them in the next release is becoming dangerous and costly for three main reasons: reputation and brand-name are harmed, replacing the software..

    Measuring and Improving Latency to Avoid Test Suite Wear Out

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    This paper introduces the concept of test suite latency. The more latent a test suite, the more it is possible to repeatedly select subsets that achieve a test goal (such as coverage) without re-applying test cases. Where a test case is re-applied it cannot reveal new information. The more a test suite is forced to re-apply already applied test cases in order to achieve the test goal, the more it has become ‘worn out’. Test suite latency is the flipside of wear out; the more latent a test suite, the less prone it is to wear out. The paper introduces a theory of test suite latency. It presents results from the empirical study of latency, highlighting the need for latency enhancement. The paper also introduces a strategy and algorithms for improving latency and an empirical study of their effectiveness. The results show that local search is effective at improving the latency of a test suite. 1

    Probabilistic Regression Suites for Functional Verification

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    Random test generators are often used to create regression suites on-the-fly. Regression suites are commonly generated by choosing several specifications and generating a number of tests from each one, without reasoning which specification should be used and how many tests should be generated from each specification. This paper describes a technique for building high quality random regression suites. The proposed technique uses information about the probability of each test specification covering each coverage task. This probability is used, in turn, to determine which test specifications should be included in the regression suite and how many tests should be generated from each specification. Experimental results show that this practical technique can be used to improve the quality, and reduce the cost, of regression suites. Moreover, it enables better informed decisions regarding the size and distribution of the regression suites, and the risk involved