2,401 research outputs found

    Off-critical Casimir effect in Ising slabs with antisymmetric boundary conditions in <i>d</i>=3

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    The universal scaling function W+−(y) of the Casimir force (y is a temperature-dependent variable) away from the critical point for thermodynamic systems in the Ising universality class confined between two parallel plates with antisymmetric boundary conditions [denoted (ab)=(+−)] has been analyzed using the extended de Gennes–Fisher local-functional method. Results on the universal function W+−(y) are presented in spatial dimension d=3 applying the extended sine parametric model for temperatures T>TR, where T>TR is the critical temperature of the roughening transition. The asymptotic behavior of W+−(y) for large values of the scaling variable y, y→±∞, is analyzed in general dimension d for T≫Tc, where Tc is the bulk critical temperature, and in d≄3 for Tâ‰ȘTR

    Affymetrix probes containing runs of contiguous guanines are not gene-specific

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    High Density Oligonucleotide arrays (HDONAs), such as the Affymetrix HG-U133A GeneChip, use sets of probes chosen to match specified genes, with the expectation that if a particular gene is highly expressed then all the probes in the designated probe set will provide a consistent message signifying the gene&#x27;s presence. However, we demonstrate by data mining thousands of CEL files from NCBI&#x27;s GEO database that 4G-probes (defined as probes containing sequences of four or more consecutive guanine (G) bases) do not react in the intended way. Rather, possibly due to the formation of G-quadruplexes, most 4G-probes are correlated, irrespective of the expression of the thousands of genes for which they were separately intended. It follows that 4G-probes should be ignored when calculating gene expression levels. Furthermore, future microarray designs should make no use of 4G-probes

    Developing an On-Line Interactive Health Psychology Module.

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    On-line teaching material in health psychology was developed which ensured a range of students could access appropriate material for their course and level of study. This material has been developed around the concept of smaller 'content chunks' which can be combined into whole units of learning (topics), and ultimately, a module. On the basis of the underlying philosophy that the medium is part of the message, we considered interactivity to be a key element in engaging the student with the material. Consequently, the key aim of this development was to stimulate and engage students, promoting better involvement with the academic material, and hence better learning. It was hoped that this was achieved through the development of material including linked programmes and supporting material, small Java Scripts and basic email, forms and HTML additions. This material is outlined as are some of the interactive activities introduced, and the preliminary student and tutor experience described

    Motif effects in Affymetrix GeneChips seriously affect probe intensities

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    An Affymetrix GeneChip consists of an array of hundreds of thousands of probes (each a sequence of 25 bases) with the probe values being used to infer the extent to which genes are expressed in the biological material under investigation. In this article, we demonstrate that these probe values are also strongly influenced by their precise base sequence. We use data from >28 000 CEL files relating to 10 different Affymetrix GeneChip platforms and involving nearly 1000 experiments. Our results confirm known effects (those due to the T7-primer and the formation of G-quadruplexes) but reveal other effects. We show that there can be huge variations from one experiment to another, and that there may also be sizeable disparities between batches within an experiment and between CEL files within a batch. © 2012 The Author(s)

    Surface Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions: Metastability and Reentrance

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    A two-dimensional Ising model on an infinite strip is studied with boundary conditions inducing a long contour with its end points rooted to one edge. A surface field acts along the other edge. When an appropriate thermodynamic limit is taken, the model supports three macroscopic phases specified, apart from the value of the spontaneous magnetization, by the shape of the long contour on a macroscopic scale. Phase re-entrance is found as well as metastability. Simple entropic arguments are given which illuminate the origin of this re-entrance and suggest that this phenomenon is common for a wide class of models

    Normalized Affymetrix expression data are biased by G-quadruplex formation

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    Probes with runs of four or more guanines (G-stacks) in their sequences can exhibit a level of hybridization that is unrelated to the expression levels of the mRNA that they are intended to measure. This is most likely caused by the formation of G-quadruplexes, where inter-probe guanines form Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds, which probes with G-stacks are capable of forming. We demonstrate that for a specific microarray data set using the Human HG-U133A Affymetrix GeneChip and RMA normalization there is significant bias in the expression levels, the fold change and the correlations between expression levels. These effects grow more pronounced as the number of G-stack probes in a probe set increases. Approximately 14 of the probe sets are directly affected. The analysis was repeated for a number of other normalization pipelines and two, FARMS and PLIER, minimized the bias to some extent. We estimate that ∌15 of the data sets deposited in the GEO database are susceptible to the effect. The inclusion of G-stack probes in the affected data sets can bias key parameters used in the selection and clustering of genes. The elimination of these probes from any analysis in such affected data sets outweighs the increase of noise in the signal. © 2011 The Author(s)
