88 research outputs found

    Mistrust in CSR

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    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) requires an organisation to be responsible for “the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that contributes to sustainable development” (ISO Central Secretariat, 2011, p. 26). Companies are voluntarily starting to implement CSR due to understanding the social need or wanting to improve their corporate image. The Internet facilitates the availability and accessibility of information for consumers, hence it is perceived as the most transparent communication channel of modern times. Due to this transparency, consumers are exposed to an unsolicited amount of information and have access to information regarding CSR scandals. As a consequence, consumers turn to social media, which gives them the opportunity to voice and exchange opinions. However, this transparency can have an impact on trust issues for the consumer, which then can affect trustworthiness within CSR-related campaigns, especially towards companies in the food industry, where scandals are particularly high. The aim of this research is to explore these trust issues within CSR communication in social media. The implications of this study are aimed to help marketing managers, who want to take an honest approach to CSR. Through this approach, marketing manages are able to find a way to gain consumer trust. To gain an understanding of this problem, an inductive approach was chosen comprising of a qualitative analysis based on 14 semi-structured interviews with German consumers. The main findings imply that consumers do not trust CSR projects when there is no relation between the company and its CSR project and there is a lack of proof that the project exists. When communicating CSR in social media, companies need to educate the consumer about CSR, pursue honest communication, and react to criticism

    Quantitative trait loci associated to agronomic traits and yield components in a Sorghum bicolor L. Moench RIL population cultivated under pre-flowering drought and well-watered conditions

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    The present study aims to identify QTL influencing agronomic traits and yield components under well-watered and pre-flowering drought stress conditions. One hundred F5 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) and the parental lines of a cross between a drought-tolerant and a susceptible line in a field experiment were carried out at Nong Lam University of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Drought stress was induced by withholding irrigation water from the plants at four weeks after sowing to flowering. Leaf area of the third leaf, stem diameter, plant height, days to heading, anthesis and maturity, panicle length, number of seeds per plant, hundred kernel weight and grain yield were measured. Plants were genotyped with 117 Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) and eight expressed sequence tag (EST)-derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Composite interval mapping was carried out on the traits and significant QTL were claimed at a logarithm of the odds (LOD) score >2.5. A total of 50 QTL were detected on nine chromosomes or 13 linkage groups, respectively. Six promising QTL regions with seven QTL for yield and agronomic traits especially related to pre-flowering drought tolerance were identified on chromosomes SBI-01, SBI-03, SBI-04, SBI-05 and SBI-07.Ministry for Education and Training, Vietna

    O caráter provisório ou de longa permanência do acolhimento institucional de idosos na SEOVE

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    TCC (Graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Socioeconômico. Serviço Social.O presente Trabalho de Conclusão do Curso busca debater sobre os serviços assistenciais à pessoa idosa e tem como base a participação do graduando durante o período de Estágio Curricular Obrigatório I e II (2014) ocorrido na Sociedade Espírita Obreiros da Vida Eterna (SEOVE), uma Instituição de Longa Permanência de Idosas (ILPI). Esse debate se fundamenta tanto no levantamento dos dados, no acompanhamento reflexivo das atividades do Serviço Social da Instituição com as idosas no cotidiano institucional e a relação com suas famílias; quanto na revisão bibliográfica e de documentos da instituição: planejamentos anuais, registros de atividades e outros, proporcionando um aprofundamento e ampliação dos conhecimentos sobre a temática. O primeiro capítulo do trabalho aborda as mudanças ocorridas no processo de envelhecimento, análise de dados e da legislação específica da política da pessoa idosa em relação aos Direitos Humanos e às Políticas Públicas analisando os fatores que incidem sobre o acolhimento com caráter provisório ou de longa permanência. O segundo capítulo inicia com o debate conceitual acerca do idoso e das instituições de acolhimento, trazendo uma análise dos dados existentes sobre a realidade brasileira e catarinense das ILPIs, destacando as atribuições do profissional do Serviço Social neste campo, contextualizando-as a partir das demandas e da realidade da SEOVE. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo, a partir da apresentação dos dados da SEOVE, discute as possibilidades e limites do acolhimento institucional provisório e as estratégias para fortalecimento dos vínculos familiares, comunitários e sociais, no sentido da proteção integral e a reafirmação de direitos

    Mikroporöse organische Polymere auf Basis tetraedrischer Monomere der Gruppe IV

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    In this thesis, porous organic polymers were synthesized on the basis of tetrahedral monomers of the group IV. Their optical properties and porosities were investigated and specifically tuned by the choice of monomers, reaction conditions or by postmodification. First, a tetrahedral, silicon-centered monomer with terminal bromides was employed for the Yamamoto homocoupling (Scheme 1, left). The alkyne functionalities at the central atom allow for the cleavage of the silicon-carbon-bond, after which the organic fragments of the insoluble network were identified. The results were compared to a formally structural identical material that was synthesized via an alternative synthesis route. Furthermore, tetrakis(4-ethynylphenyl)stannane was employed in a screening under Sonogashira- Hagihara conditions (Scheme 1, right). Fluorescence and porosity of the formally identical networks were dependent on the chosen reaction conditions. The materials were cleaved at the tin-carbon bonds with chloroacetic acid to analyze the organic linkers and examine the completeness of the polymerization. In addition, networks were screened for the influence of the central atom in the tetrahedral monomer. The elements of group IV (M = C, Si, Ge, Sn) were used as central units. Irrespectively of the applied conditions, the carbon-centered materials revealed the highest BET surface areas whereas the tin-centered ones yielded the lowest. Nevertheless, the absolute dimension of the surface area is related to the chosen synthesis protocol. Moreover, postmodification of porous polymers derived from AA’-polymerization of varying amounts of silicon- and tin-centered monomers was realized. They were selectively cleaved at the tin-carbon bonds to release fractions of the linkers and to tune porosity and emission color. Finally, sulfur containing polymers were synthesized from tetrakis(4-ethynylphenyl)silane for implementation as cathode material in lithium sulfur batteries. The networks showed moderate activities with capacities up to 750 mAh/g

    A fala fragmentada de um corpo em fragmentos : relato e reflexão pedagógico-psicanalítica a partir da experiência na Oficina do Pão

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    É uma avaliação do projeto social “Oficina do Pão”, desenvolvido com adolescentes empobrecidos no âmbito da Paróquia São Marcos da Comunidade Evangélica de Porto Alegre. Em seu artigo a autora parte das experiências vividas, dando a palavra às pessoas envolvidas. Para sistematizar essa ação social, entendida como exercício de reconquista da cidadania e de busca por uma psicologia e pastoral condizentes com a condição de abandono, são utilizados os instrumentos teóricos da “tradição psicanalítica” e do pensamento teológico de Lutero


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    Is mental phenomena reducible to body phenomena? Reductive Analytical Method (RAM) have algebraic roots. “To reduce” translates, in a Cartesian sense, to the action of isolating independent variables. If RAM were dismissed, multiple variable problems would either: require more time and resources; be prohibitively difficult or unsolvable. Arguably, this bears truth to the majority of hard science’s problems. Recent cognitive and neuro imagery studies included mental phenomena to RAM’s scope, defying the tradition. Information Theory (IT) provides quantitative methods for the information contained: in the whole; in the sum of its parts; and in their relation. Justifying why it seems useful in evaluating RAM. According to IT: no set’s information can be greater than the information in the sum of its parts; RAM only provides a partial account of neuronal dynamics. The negative and affirmative answers to the mind-body reduction question are, respectively: quantifying the whole as “greater than the sum of its parts”; extrapolating RAM’s scope. Both answers seem to imply some mathematical claims, but, if our IT interpretations are correct, lack the mathematical ground. Novel and Traditional research methods have tried untangling the mind. Methods accounting for mind’s tangled nature may contribute to debate as well

    Unraveling the genetic complexity underlying sorghum response to water availability

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    Understanding the adaptation mechanisms of sorghum to drought and the underlying genetic architecture may help to improve its production in a wide range of environments. By crossing a high yielding parent (HYP) and a drought tolerant parent (DTP), we obtained 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs), which were genotyped with 120 DArT and SSR markers covering 14 linkage groups (LGs). A subset of 100 RILs was evaluated three times in control and drought treatments to genetically dissect their response to water availability. Plants with early heading date (HD) in the drought treatment maintained yield (YLD) level by reducing seed number SN and increasing hundred seed weight (HSW). In contrast, early HD in the control treatment increased SN, HSW and YLD. In total, 133 significant QTL associated with the measured traits were detected in ten hotspot regions. Antagonistic, pleiotropic effects of a QTL cluster mapped on LG-6 may explain the observed trade-offs between SN and HSW: Alleles from DTP reduced SN and the alleles from HYP increased HSW under drought stress, but not in the control treatment. Our results illustrate the importance of considering genetic and environmental factors in QTL mapping to better understand plant responses to drought and to improve breeding programs

    Sobre a crítica hermenêutica gadameriana à objetividade da ciência moderna

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    Para a ciência moderna o observador era completamente neutro e objetivo. O observador não interagia com a matéria a ser observada e este se limitava a colher os resultados dos experimentos. Na contemporaneidade essa posição é problematizada. Na proposta gadameriana o observador não pode ser separado da matéria estudada, de modo que o conceito de objetividade e o observador como neutro são questionados. No contexto desta polêmica, o artigo pretende contribuir para o debate sobre aquilo que a física entende por observador na modernidade e como esse conceito muda na contemporaneidade. Com isso pretende-se trazer elementos que nos ajudem a entender uma simples pergunta, capaz, no entanto, de motivar o referido diálogo: existem pontos de encontro entre uma interpretação contemporânea da física e a hermenêutica de Gadamer? HistóricoSubmissão (1a versão): 10/04/2017Revisões requeridas: 24/06/2017Submissão (2a versão): 30/06/2017Aceito para publicação: 13/07/201

    Mendel and the onset of modern genetics: too good to be true?

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    Im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert wurden sowohl in Europa als auch in den USA Kreuzungsexperimente an Mais und Zierpflanzen, aber auch an der Erbse durchgeführt. Mendel kannte zumindest einen Teil der Literatur, als er seine „Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden“ 1866 veröffentlichte. Im Gegensatz zu seinen Vorgängern fielen Mendel die konstanten Zahlenverhältnisse auf, die in den Nachkommen seiner Kreuzungsexperimente zu beobachten waren. Nachdem die Arbeiten Mendels über mehrere Jahrzehnte weitgehend unbeachtet blieben, wurden seine Theorien zur Vererbungslehre 1900 von de Vries, Correns und Tschermak wiederentdeckt und experimentell bestätigt. Kurz darauf kamen erste Zweifel auf, da die Ergebnisse Mendels fast durchweg sehr nahe an seinen Erwartungswerten lagen. Ronald A. Fisher publizierte 1936 einen Artikel, der schlussfolgerte, dass ein Großteil von Mendels Ergebnissen zugunsten der theoretischen Spaltungsverhältnisse gefälscht worden sein müsste. Damit war die Mendel-Fisher-Kontro­verse geboren. Zum Jubiläum der Veröffentlichung der Grundlagen der Vererbungslehre von Gregor Mendel brachten Stern & Sherwood 1966 ein Buch heraus, welches sowohl Mendels Texte auch die der Wiederentdeckung seiner Lehren sowie den kritischen Text von Fisher enthielten. Damit nahm die Mendel-Fisher-Kontroverse an Fahrt auf und sorgte für zahlreiche weitere Publikationen. Ob Mendel einfach Glück hatte, ob er wissentlich Pflanzen aussortierte, die nicht seinen Erwartungen entsprachen oder ob er einen Assistenten hatte, der zu gut wusste, was Mendel erwartete – wie Fisher vermutete – werden wir nicht mit letzter Sicherheit herausfinden können. Gesichert ist, dass die Mendelschen Vererbungsregeln bis heute ihre Gültigkeit haben und in Zukunft behalten werden.In the 18th and 19th century crossing experiments using maize, ornamentals and peas were carried out in Europe and in the USA. Mendel knew at least a part of the literature when he published his famous paper "Experiments on Plant Hybridisation" with the original German title "Versuche über Pflanzenhybriden" in 1866. In contrast to his predecessors, Mendel recognised the constant segregation ratios appearing in the progenies of the crossings. After being unnoticed for decades, his fundamental theory of heredity was rediscovered and experimentally verified by de Vries, Correns and Tschermak in 1900. Shortly after the English translation of Mendel's work became available in 1901, Raphael Weldon, one of the founders of biometry, published his doubts on Mendel's data since all observed segregation ratios were extremely close to the expected ones. Ronald A. Fisher concluded in a paper from 1936 that a large part of Mendel's results must have been falsified to agree closely with the postulated segregation ratios. The Mendel-Fisher controversy was born. In 1966, 100 years after Mendel's original paper was released, Stern & Sherwoodpublished a book comprising translations of Mendel's laws of inheritance, the rediscovery by de Vries and Correns and Fisher's paper. Subsequently, this led to the publication of numerous articles from different scientific disciplines on the Mendel-Fisher controversy. It may never be revealed, if it was simple luck, if Mendel sorted out plants, which did not represent the theory, or if he had an assistant "who knew too well what was expected", as Fisher speculated in 1936. Nonetheless, Mendel's work doubtlessly culminated in one of the most important breakthrough discoveries of the 19th century and is the starting point of modern genetics and plant breeding