12,965 research outputs found

    CBR: A Strategy for Rehabilitation, Equalization of Opportunities, Poverty Reduction and, Social Inclusion of People With Disabilities

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    [From Introduction] Community-based rehabilitation (CBR) promotes collaboration among community leaders, people with disabilities, their families,and other concerned citizens to provide equal opportunities for all people with disabilities in the community. The CBR strategy, initiated two and a half decades ago, continues to promote the rights and participation of people with disabilities and to strengthen the role of their organizations (DPOs) in countries around the world

    Keystones to foster inclusive knowledge societies: access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy, and ethics on a global internet

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    The transnational and multi-dimensional nature of Cyberspace and its growing importance presents new frontiers with unparalleled opportunities and challenges for access to information and knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy and ethics. The Internet Study being undertaken by UNESCO is seeking to provide the necessary clarity to support holistic approaches to addressing this broad range of interrelated issues as well as their short and long-term effects. The study was built on a year-long multistakeholder consultation process, which involved several rounds of consultation with member states and other actors, as well as almost 200 major responses to an online questionnaire. The Study includes the Options for future actions of UNESCO in the Internet related issues, which has served as a basis for the Outcome Document as adopted by the CONNECTing the Dots Conference on 3 and 4 March 2015. The Study also affirmed that the same rights that people have offline must be protected online, and good practices are shared between Member States and other stakeholders, in order to address security and privacy concerns on the Internet and in accordance with international human rights obligations. The Study also supports the Internet Universality principles (R.O.A.M) that promote a human rights-based approach, including freedom of expression, privacy, open Internet, accessible to all and characterized by multistakeholder participation

    Compendium of WHO and other UN guidance on health and environment

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    This compendium provides a systematic compilation of published guidance from WHO and other UN organizations on health and environment. Guidance on policies and actions as well as awareness raising and capacity building interventions is presented for all major areas of health and environment. Guidance referring to priority settings for action such as cities and other urban settlements, housing, workplaces and health care facilities is also listed. For greater practical relevance, each guidance is classified according to principally involved sectors, level of implementation and instruments for implementation. The compilation of guidance for each area of health and environment or priority setting for action is accompanied, as available, by information on main sources, exposure assessment and existing guideline values. Important tools and further resources are presented alongside

    Report on survey of land and water resources: Afghanistan, v.1-v.4, Maps

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    Report on survey of land and water resources: Afghanistan. v. 1. General report.--v. 2. Geology.--v. 3. Hydrology.--v. 4. Soils.--v. 5. Water control.--v. 6. Irrigation development--Hari Rud and Kabul Basins. A survey executed by FAO, under the sponsorship of the United Nations Special Fund, at the request of the Royal Government of Afghanistan

    Small-scale capture fisheries: a global overview with emphasis on developing countries: a preliminary report of the Big Numbers Project

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    The report gives a summary of the results to-date of case studies carried out in a selected number of countries which provides a first analysis of the differences between marine and inland small and large scale fisheries in developing countries. It has been prepared for the conference ôSecuring Sustainable Small-scale Fisheries: Bringing together responsible fisheries and social developmentö in Bangkok, Thailand, on 13-17 October 2008 and is intended for policy and decision makers and others with an interest in sustainable fisheries and poverty alleviation.Artisanal fishing, Small scale fisheries

    Maternity waiting homes in Southern Lao PDR : the unique \u27silk home\u27

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    The concept of maternity waiting homes (MWH) has a long history spanning over 100 years. The research reported here was conducted in the Thateng District of Sekong Province in southern Lao People&rsquo;s Democratic Republic (PDR) to establish whether the MWH concept would be affordable, accessible, and most importantly acceptable, as a strategy to improve maternal outcomes in the remote communities of Thateng with a high proportion of the population from ethnic minority groups. The research suggested that there were major barriers to minority ethnic groups using existing maternal health services (reflected in very low usage of trained birth attendants and hospitals and clinics) in Thateng. Unless MWH are adapted to overcome these potential barriers, such initiatives will suffer the same fate as existing maternal facilities. Consequently, the Lao iteration of the concept, as operationalized in the Silk Homes project in southern Lao PDR is unique in combining maternal and infant health services with opportunities for micro credit and income generating activities and allowing non-harmful traditional practices to co-exist alongside modern medical protocols. These innovative approaches to the MWH concept address the major economic, social and cultural barriers to usage of safe birthing options in remote communities of southern Lao PDR.<br /

    Socioeconomic Aspects of International Agricultural Research

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    Document discussing the requirements for socioeconomic research at IARCs and how they might be fulfilled; identification of constraints to the adoption of the results of this research and how they may be addressed; criteria for priority setting and identification of existing research gaps; the possibility of establishing an international service to complement and coordinate socioeconomic research across institutions. Annex summarizing FAO's existing socioeconomic research activities. Agenda item presented at TAC Fifth Meeting, January - February 1973

    RBC: Une Stratégie de Réadaptation, d’égalisation des chances, de Réduction de la Pauvreté et d’Intégration Sociale des Personnes Handicapées

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    [From Introduction] La réadaptation à base communautaire (RBC) promeut la collaboration entre les dirigeants communautaires, les personnes handicapées, leurs familles et les autres citoyens intéressés afin d’offrir des chances égales à tous les membres de la communauté ayant un handicap. La stratégie de RBC, initiée il y a vingt-cinq ans, continue de promouvoir les droits et la participation des personnes handicapées et à renforcer le rôle de leurs organisations (OPH) dans les pays du monde entier