18 research outputs found

    Mass Azithromycin Distribution and Community Microbiome: A Cluster-Randomized Trial.

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    BackgroundMass distributions of oral azithromycin have long been used to eliminate trachoma, and they are now being proposed to reduce childhood mortality. The observed benefit appears to be augmented with each additional treatment, suggesting a possible community-level effect. Here, we assess whether 2 biannual mass treatments of preschool children affect the community's gut microbiome at 6 months after the last distribution.MethodsIn this cluster-randomized controlled trial, children aged 1-60 months in the Dossa region of Niger were randomized at the village level to receive a single dose of azithromycin or placebo every 6 months. Fecal samples were collected 6 months after the second treatment for metagenomic deep sequencing. The prespecified primary outcome was the Euclidean PERMANOVA of the gut microbiome, or effectively the distance between the genus-level centroid at the community level, with the secondary outcome being the Simpson's α diversity.ResultsIn the azithromycin arm, the gut microbial structures were significantly different than in the placebo arm (Euclidean PERMANOVA, P < .001). Further, the diversity of the gut microbiome in the azithromycin arm was significantly lower than in the placebo arm (inverse Simpson's index, P = .005).ConclusionsTwo mass azithromycin administrations, 6 months apart, in preschool children led to long-term alterations of the gut microbiome structure and community diversity. Here, long-term microbial alterations in the community did not imply disease but were associated with an improvement in childhood mortality.Clinical trials registrationNCT02048007

    The Global Reach of HIV/AIDS: Science, Politics, Economics, and Research

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    Stateless in the United States: Current Reality and a Future Prediction

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    Statelessness exists in the United States--a fact that should be of concern to advocates of strict immigration control as well as those who favor a more welcoming policy. The predominant reasons for statelessness include the presence of individuals who are unable to prove their nationality and the failure of their countries of origin to recognize them as citizens. Migrants with unclear nationality, already a problem for the United States, obstruct efforts to control immigration by the deportation of unauthorized aliens. These existing problems of national identity will increase exponentially if birthright citizenship in the United States is amended to exclude the children of undocumented aliens. Contrary to common assumptions, proposed changes to U.S. citizenship law would exacerbate statelessness into the next generation when no fallback nationality is available