15 research outputs found

    Analysis of the institutional frame regarding the bear management in Romanian conditions

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    In contrast to the situation at European level, the policies of nature conservation in Romania often occupy, on national scale, only the last places in the agenda of the Romanian legislative and executive bodies. In this context, local and regional initiatives may play an important role in the conservation of nature. The Transilvania University from Brasov, along with partners from Italy, Bulgaria and Greece are implementing a LIFE+ project that work for improvement the conditions for large carnivore conservation and transfer of best practices

    The involvement of public institutions in real estate fraud in the municipality of Brasov. A case study

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    The legal equality of citizens is one of the core principles in any state. As such it can only be achieved when all members of society are placed at an equal distance from the state. Real estate is one of the fields which is supposed to be controlled and regulated by public institutions. The current case study portrays the manner in which these very institutions are involved in generating real estate fraud, dancing to the tunes of some people, helping them gain properties, by stripping other citizens of their rights and eroding one of the state’s core principles: equality

    Regional and experiential differences in surgeon preference for the treatment of cervical facet injuries: a case study survey with the AO Spine Cervical Classification Validation Group

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    Purpose: The management of cervical facet dislocation injuries remains controversial. The main purpose of this investigation was to identify whether a surgeon’s geographic location or years in practice influences their preferred management of traumatic cervical facet dislocation injuries. Methods: A survey was sent to 272 AO Spine members across all geographic regions and with a variety of practice experience. The survey included clinical case scenarios of cervical facet dislocation injuries and asked responders to select preferences among various diagnostic and management options. Results: A total of 189 complete responses were received. Over 50% of responding surgeons in each region elected to initiate management of cervical facet dislocation injuries with an MRI, with 6 case exceptions. Overall, there was considerable agreement between American and European responders regarding management of these injuries, with only 3 cases exhibiting a significant difference. Additionally, results also exhibited considerable management agreement between those with ≤ 10 and > 10 years of practice experience, with only 2 case exceptions noted. Conclusion: More than half of responders, regardless of geographical location or practice experience, identified MRI as a screening imaging modality when managing cervical facet dislocation injuries, regardless of the status of the spinal cord and prior to any additional intervention. Additionally, a majority of surgeons would elect an anterior approach for the surgical management of these injuries. The study found overall agreement in management preferences of cervical facet dislocation injuries around the globe

    Middleware Based Model of Heterogeneous Systems for SCADA Distributed Applications

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    Infrastructure underlying the distributed information systems is heterogeneous and very complex. Middleware allows the development of distributed information systems, without knowing the functioning details of an infrastructure, by its abstracting. An essential issue on designing such systems is represented by choosing the middleware technologies. An architectural model of a SCADA system based on middleware is proposed in this paper. This system is formed of servers that centralize data and clients, which receive information from a server, thus allowing the chart displaying of such information. All these components own a specific functionality and can exchange information, by means of a middleware bus. A middleware bus signifies a software bus, where more middleware technologies can coexist

    Meteorological data collected at the Tarlung reservoir, located in the centre of Romania

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    This data was obtained from the project CLISWELN funded by ERA4CS. ERA4CS is an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate, and CLISWELN is funded by BMBF (DE),UEFISCDI (RO), BMBWF and FFG (AT), and MINECO (ES), with co-funding from the European Union (Grant690462) The meteorological daily data registered outside and inside of the forest and consist of precipitations, air temperature, air humidity, photon flux, solar radiation, wind speed and direction and soil moisture. This data has been used in SWAT hydrological model

    Взаємодія інформації та робототехнічної системи

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    The aim of this paper is to present the results obtained during the project 131-CEEX/2006, INTEROB: Interacting by Gestures with Information and Robotics Systems for the time frame 2006-2008. The project focused on natural interaction using gesture recognition technology applied in various applications such as: virtual environments, augmented reality, collaborative working and interaction with robotics systems.Мета цього документа полягає в представленні результатів, отриманих в ході реалізації проекту 131-CEEX/2006, INTEROB: Взаємодія за допомогою жестів з інформаційно-робототехнічних системах на інтервалі 2006-2008 років. Проект був спрямований на природної взаємодії з використанням технології розпізнавання жестів, що застосовуються в різних додатках, таких як: віртуальні середовища, доповненої реальності, спільної роботи і взаємодії з робототехнічних систем

    Coupled Enzymatic Hydrolysis and Ethanol Fermentation : Ionic Liquid Pretreatment for Enhanced Yields

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    Background Pretreatment is a vital step upon biochemical conversion of lignocellulose materials into biofuels. An acid catalyzed thermochemical treatment is the most commonly employed method for this purpose. Alternatively, ionic liquids (ILs), a class of neoteric solvents, provide unique opportunities as solvents for the pretreatment of a wide range of lignocellulose materials. In the present study, four ionic liquid solvents (ILs), two switchable ILs (SILs) DBU–MEA–SO 2 and DBU–MEA–CO 2 , as well as two ‘classical’ ILs [Amim][HCO 2 ] and [AMMorp][OAc], were applied in the pretreatment of five different lignocellulosic materials: Spruce (Picea abies) wood, Pine (Pinus sylvestris) stem wood, Birch (Betula pendula) wood, Reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinacea), and Pine bark. Pure cellulosic substrate, Avicel, was also included in the study. The investigations were carried out in comparison to acid pretreatments. The efficiency of different pretreatments was then evaluated in terms of sugar release and ethanol fermentation. Results Excellent glucan-to-glucose conversion levels (between 75 and 97 %, depending on the biomass and pretreatment process applied) were obtained after the enzymatic hydrolysis of IL-treated substrates. This corresponded between 13 and 77 % for the combined acid treatment and enzymatic hydrolysis. With the exception of 77 % for pine bark, the glucan conversions for the non-treated lignocelluloses were much lower. Upon enzymatic hydrolysis of IL-treated lignocelluloses, a maximum of 92 % hemicelluloses were also released. As expected, the ethanol production upon fermentation of hydrolysates reflected their sugar concentrations, respectively. Conclusions Utilization of various ILs as pretreatment solvents for different lignocelluloses was explored. SIL DBU–MEA–SO 2 was found to be superior solvent for the pretreatment of lignocelluloses, especially in case of softwood substrates (i.e., spruce and pine). In case of birch and RCG, the hydrolysis efficiency of the SIL DBU–MEA–CO 2 was similar or even better than that of DBU–MEA–SO 2 . Further, the IL [AMMorp][OAc] was found as comparably efficient as DBU–MEA–CO 2. Pine bark was highly amorphous and none of the pretreatments applied resulted in clear benefits to improve the product yields.Originally included in thesis in manuscript form.</p