217 research outputs found

    Hypertension in pregnancy

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    Hypertension is the most common medical problem encountered during pregnancy, complicating 2-3% of pregnancies. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are classified into 4 categories: chronic hypertension, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension, and gestational hypertension. A relative paucity of investigative data, as well as the frequent difficulty in making an etiological diagnosis, may lead to problems in its management. This case report analyses current concepts regarding the hypertensive disorders of gestation, focusing on chronic hypertension. Chronic hypertension is defined as blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg before pregnancy or before 20 weeks gestation. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy may cause maternal and fetal morbidity and remain a leading source of maternal mortality. A prompt diagnosis is needed also because hypertension may be an indicator of pre-eclampsia, a condition which can evolve into serious complications. Maintaining blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg is recommended, although treatment should be determined on an individual basis. Many anti-hypertensive agents appear to be safe for use during pregnancy: methildopa has been the most studied of the anti-hypertensive drugs and has the best safety record. Labetalol, idralazine and nifedipine also have been found to be safe; ACE-inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated, because they are associated with intrauterine growth retardation

    The Geriatric Patient: The Ideal One for Chest Ultrasonography? A Review From the Chest Ultrasound in the Elderly Study Group (GRETA) of the Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics (SIGG)

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    OBJECTIVES: To investigate the current evidence on the use of point-of-care chest ultrasonography in older patients and geriatric settings and present the current state of the art of chest ultrasound applications. DESIGN: Special article based on a literature review with narrative analyses and expert clinical knowledge. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: All studies performed in a geriatric setting were included. Observational and intervention studies and meta-analyses including participants aged ≥70 years were also considered, even if not specifically focused on a geriatric setting. MEASURES: Data on participant characteristics, diagnostic accuracy of chest ultrasonography, and outcomes were collected for each considered study. Data were analyzed and discussed with a particular focus on the possible applications and advantages of chest ultrasonography in geriatric medicine, underlining the possible areas of future research. RESULTS: We found only 5 studies on the diagnostic accuracy and prognostic relevance of chest ultrasonography in geriatrics. However, several studies performed in emergency departments, intensive care units, and internal medicine wards included a large number of participants ≥70 years old; they suggest that chest ultrasonography may represent a valid aid to the diagnostics of acute dyspnea, pneumonia, acute heart failure, pneumothorax, and pleural diseases, with an accuracy in some cases superior to standard x-rays, especially when mobility limitation is present. Diaphragm ultrasonography may also represent a valid tool to guide mechanical ventilation weaning in older patients with acute respiratory failure. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Chest ultrasonography may represent a valid bedside diagnostic aid to the management of acute respiratory diseases in older patients. However, specific evidence is lacking for geriatric patients. Future research will need to focus on defining the reference standards and the diagnostic accuracy for older patients with frailty and multimorbidity, cost-efficacy and cost-effectiveness of the technique, its impact for clinical outcomes, and role for follow-up in the post-acute care

    Syncope in the older patient: initial evaluation and Emergency Department management according to 2018 European Society of Cardiology guidelines

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    The prevalence of syncope increases with advancing age and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. The diagnosis within this population can be complex due to atypical presentations, amnesia for events, absence of witnesses and the overlap with other clinical presentations, as falls. The recent reappraisal of the European Society of Cardiology guidelines on syncope, proposes a structured assessment and management, which is enforceable also in the older patient, with special attention to some additional features, pertinent to age-related comorbidity and frailty

    Orthostatic hypotension in older adults: the role of medications.

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    Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is defined as an abnormal blood pressure reduction when standing and is frequently diagnosed in older adults. Pharmacological therapy is one of the main causes of orthostatic blood pressure impairment, leading to iatrogenic OH. Indeed, several medications may induce hypotensive effects and influence the blood pressure response to orthostatism. Hypotensive medications may also overlap with other determinants of OH, thus increasing the burden of symptoms and the risk of complications. Potentially hypotensive medications include both cardiovascular and psychoactive drugs, which are frequently prescribed in older patients. According to the available evidence, the antihypertensive treatment "per se" does not seem to predispose to OH, even if a higher risk is associated with polypharmacy and drug classes such as with diuretics and vasodilators. As concerns psychoactive medications, OH is a well-known adverse effect of tricyclic antidepressants, trazodone and antipsychotics. The knowledge of hemodynamic consequences of drug therapy may be helpful to improve OH treatment. A medication review is advisable in all patients presenting with OH, particularly at advanced age, aiming at optimizing medical treatment with a view to minimize the risk of iatrogenic OH

    High blood pressure and syncope: orthostatic hypotension as a link.

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    The prevalence of hypertension increases with the age. Diagnostic criteria are the same as for the young, but in older adults isolated systolic hypertension is more frequent, due to loss of vascular compliance. Blood pressure should be measured on both sides in the seated position, moreover in the supine and upright position to detect orthostatic hypotension. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is useful to detect white coat hypertension and masked hypertension, to tailor the treatment and search for diurnal and nocturnal blood pressure pattern abnormalities. Given that frailty can affect the relationship between blood pressure and mortality, the clinician should properly evaluate and monitor physical performance and cognitive status, throughout specific tools, as the Fried Frailty Phenotype, aiming at a systolic blood pressure target between 130 and 150 mmHg. Before starting hypotensive drugs, a careful risk and benefits' evaluation should be performed given the high risk of hypertension and hypotension consequences and the frequent coexistence of orthostatic hypotension, which predisposes to syncope and falls. RiassuntoLa prevalenza dell'ipertensione arteriosa aumenta con l'età. I criteri diagnostici sono gli stessi previsti nel giovane, nell'anziano tuttavia si osserva più frequentemente ipertensione sistolica isolata, dovuta a perdita dell'elasticità vascolare. Ai fini diagnostici, la misurazione della pressione arteriosa bilateralmente in posizione seduta, deve essere integrata con la ricerca di ipotensione ortostatica. Il monitoraggio della pressione arteriosa nelle 24h è indicato per la conferma diagnostica, per la ricerca di "white coat hypertension" e "masked hypertension", per monitorare la risposta terapeutica e ricercare alterazioni del ritmo circadiano. I benefici della terapia antiipertensiva sono noti, tuttavia un trattamento troppo aggressivo si è dimostrato dannoso, rendendo la gestione dell'ipertensione arteriosa nell'anziano ancora più complessa. Data l'influenza della fragilità sulla relazione tra pressione arteriosa e mortalità, il clinico dovrebbe avvalersi di adeguati strumenti per la definizione di performance fisica e cognitiva ed il monitoraggio nel tempo, mirando ad un target di pressione arteriosa sistolica compreso tra 130 e 150 mmHg. Rischi e benefici della terapia antiipertensiva dovrebbero essere attentamente valutati prima di intraprendere un trattamento, data la possibilità di eventi correlati sia all'ipertensione che all'ipotensione e la frequente coesistenza di ipotensione ortostatica, che incrementa il rischio di eventi sincopali e cadute. Nell'anziano iperteso con storia di sincope e cadute il trattamento dovrebbe quindi essere intrapreso una volta confermata la diagnosi, mirando ad un target pressorio più contenuto e con una scelta ponderata dei principi attivi.</p

    Additional diagnostic value of implantable loop recorder in patients with initial diagnosis of real or apparent transient loss of consciousness of uncertain origin

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    Aims Non-syncopal transient loss of consciousness (T-LOC) encompasses disorders that sometimes resemble syncope, and the differential diagnosis with true syncope may be challenging. The implantable loop recorder (ILR) is potentially useful, but has never been systematically assessed. The aim of the study is to evaluate the diagnostic value of ILR in distinguishing syncope from non-syncopal forms of T-LOC. Methods and results We implanted an ILR in 58 patients (mean age 71 ± 17 years, 25 males) who had had 4.6 ± 2.3 episodes of real or apparent T-LOC, in order to distinguishing epilepsy from syncope (#28), unexplained fall from syncope (#29), or functional pseudo-syncope from syncope (#1). During 20 ± 13 months of follow-up, 33 patients (57%) had a spontaneous event documented by ILR. A diagnosis of syncope was established by ILR documentation of an arrhythmia in 15 (26%) patients: an asystole of 6 s (IQR 4–10 s) duration was documented at the time of the spontaneous event in seven patients with initial suspicion of epilepsy and in five patients with unexplained fall; atrial tachyarrhythmia was documented at the time of the spontaneous event in 1 and 1 patient, respectively, and ventricular tachycardia in 1 patient with unexplained fall. Conversely, in another 18 patients, ILR monitoring documented no significant rhythm abnormalities at the time of T-LOC recurrence, thus excluding an arrhythmic syncope. Finally, ILR was unable to document any syncopal episode in 25 (43%) patients. Among the 15 patients with an established diagnosis of arrhythmic syncope, syncope recurred during follow-up in 2 of 11 patients who were on pacemaker therapy and in 3 of 4 patients who were on other therapies. Conclusion Implantable loop recorder monitoring provides additional diagnostic value in 'difficult' patients with an initial diagnosis of non-syncopal real or apparent T-LOC

    Membrane-Based Water Evaporator for a Space Suit

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    A membrane-based water evaporator has been developed that is intended to serve as a heat-rejection device for a space suit. This evaporator would replace the current sublimator that is sensitive to contamination of its feedwater. The design of the membrane-based evaporator takes advantage of recent advances in hydrophobic micropore membranes to provide robust heat rejection with much less sensitivity to contamination. The low contamination sensitivity allows use of the heat transport loop as feedwater, eliminating the need for the separate feedwater system used for the sublimator. A cross section of the evaporator is shown in the accompanying figure. The space-suit cooling loop water flows into a distribution plenum, through a narrow annulus lined on both sides with a hydrophobic membrane, into an exit plenum, and returns to the space suit. Two perforated metal tubes encase the membranes and provide structural strength. Evaporation at the membrane inner surface dissipates the waste heat from the space suit. The water vapor passes through the membrane, into a steam duct and is vented to the vacuum environment through a back-pressure valve. The back-pressure setting can be adjusted to regulate the heat-rejection rate and the water outlet temperature

    Hypertension in pregnancy

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    Hypertension is the most common medical problem encountered during pregnancy, complicating 2-3% of pregnancies. Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy are classified into 4 categories: chronic hypertension, pre-eclampsia/eclampsia, pre-eclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension, and gestational hypertension. A relative paucity of investigative data, as well as the frequent difficulty in making an etiological diagnosis, may lead to problems in its management. This case report analyses current concepts regarding the hypertensive disorders of gestation, focusing on chronic hypertension. Chronic hypertension is defined as blood pressure exceeding 140/90 mmHg before pregnancy or before 20 weeks gestation. Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy may cause maternal and fetal morbidity and remain a leading source of maternal mortality. A prompt diagnosis is needed also because hypertension may be an indicator of pre-eclampsia, a condition which can evolve into serious complications. Maintaining blood pressure below 140/90 mmHg is recommended, although treatment should be determined on an individual basis. Many anti-hypertensive agents appear to be safe for use during pregnancy: methildopa has been the most studied of the anti-hypertensive drugs and has the best safety record. Labetalol, idralazine and nifedipine also have been found to be safe; ACE-inhibitors are absolutely contraindicated, because they are associated with intrauterine growth retardation
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