6 research outputs found

    Urban sustainable mobility and planning policies. A Spanish mid-sized city case

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    Multiple previous studies at international level have examined the effects of land use policies regarding to sustainability, and particularly devoted to the induced private car mobility excess. However, it is remarkable the different urban planning tradition depending on the country or region. Thus, the Mediterranean urbanism has been generally featured by high or moderately high population and dwellings density, which has promoted the presence of pedestrians on streets. In this paper we analyse the case of Burgos city, as an example of mid-sized city in Spain. Although it isn\u27t suffering sprawl symptoms, its local administration is trying to improve current modal share by increasing sustainable means of transport. The performed analysis includes population, dwellings density and absolute compactness, to check their influence in car trip generation. In coherence with previous studies, our results have shown a qualitative correlation between low densities and higher use of private car for the studied case. The effects of some urban planning policies are discussed as possible reasons of observed behaviour, serving as basis for future recommendations

    Simulación y análisis de tráfico dentro del estudio informativo de la Autovía Orbital B-40 en Barcelona

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    Trabajo presentado en: R-Evolucionando el transporte, XIV Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte (CIT 2021), realizado en modalidad online los días 6, 7 y 8 de julio de 2021, organizado por la Universidad de BurgosA la hora de planificar nuevas vías, es importante utilizar todas las herramientas que estén a nuestro alcance para optimizar su diseño, de modo que no caigamos en infra o sobredimensionamientos, que pueden provocar un funcionamiento peor al esperado o un coste mucho mayor al necesario, respectivamente. Por ello, las herramientas de macrosimulación de tráfico pueden ser un interesante apoyo para este fin. En el presente artículo, se va a exponer un caso práctico en el que el empleo de dichas herramientas informáticas ha permitido realizar un dimensionamiento más idóneo en cuanto al número de carriles de una nueva vía. En concreto, se trata del Estudio Informativo de la Autovía Orbital B-40, en el que se han utilizado técnicas de macrosimulación de tráfico para estimar las captaciones de demanda de las diferentes alternativas consideradas, y para finalmente calcular el Nivel de Servicio previsto en cada una de ellas en los diferentes horizontes temporales establecidos. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido afinar el diseño de dicha Autovía, y la metodología empleada puede ser un ejemplo válido para otros casos de estudio similares.Este artículo está basado en el Proyecto de Investigación denominado “Simulación y Análisis de Tráfico dentro del Estudio Informativo de la Autovía Orbital B-40”, contratado por la empresa GPYO INNOVA, S.L. la elaboración del citado Estudio de Tráfico, y realizado por Universidad de Burgos

    Assessment of the Development of Forest-Based Bioeconomy in European Regions

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.In recent years, the potential of the forest-based bioeconomy to provide competitiveness, differentiation, and sustainability to the European economy has often been claimed. Interestingly, regions, as territorial units with their own political and socioeconomic strategies, have been highlighted as the most suitable targets for the development of the European forest-based bioeconomy. Here, using the case method, we evaluated the development of the forest-based bioeconomy in three European regions (i.e., North Karelia in Finland, North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany, the Basque Country in Spain), by appraising the status of 10 previously identified key drivers through primary (interviews with experts) and secondary (literature review) sources of information. In our analysis, North Karelia and the Basque Country obtained the highest and lowest score, respectively, with regard to forest-based bioeconomy development. In any case, for the successful development of the forest-based bioeconomy in a European region, it is essential to accept the unnegotiable, critically, of the long-term sustainability of forest bioresources and production processes, as well as the need to foster the required changes in consumption patterns.Peer reviewe